Thursday, September 26, 2013

Oz; a remake of the tale 2.18

18.        Final Bout.

The third landing of the building housed the witches secrets, in which this case was not much to be seen except for the single statue in the chamber. Its the figure of an old man dressed like a King.

"Is that..." I felt silly to ask but my answer was forth coming.

"That's King Pastoria. We encased him in bronze there; alive and perhaps not breathing." Mother Witch gloat on her capture. "He was a whinny when we were encased him. He was a bad example for a King."

Mother Witch looked at me. Then she smiled.

"You looked like your mother. If she was not dead, I would had reckon she is back now." Mother Witch walked to stand beside the statue. "He would had been proud but he also disliked him. You see, your father was a meek when seen by the King. Pastoria never liked his daughter to your father. He wanted her to marry her to an equivalent of her but she selected the magician."

"Enough on my father and mother! I am here to battle you for my mother's revenge." I shouted at her.

"Revenge?Is that all about?" Mother Witch looked at me."What happened to the mission to topple my daughters to resurrect the old Kingdom? Is that forgotten now?"

I looked at her and slowly shake my head. She is confusing me. I am getting confused. I lashed out in the only way I know; I screamed out loud. My sonic vocal boom did come up as expected but I was facing the statue. It broke the statue into fragments and pushing the Mother Witch to the back.

"Wow! Girl, you got a mouthful there." Mother Witch stood up and brushed the dirts off. She picked up a piece of the fragment and smiled. "There goes grandfather. Perhaps we can sell parts of him."

Mother Witch laughed out loud. Then she stared back at me.

"Murderer! You killed your grandfather." She seem to enjoyed it but I am getting irritated.

"Mother Witch or ....Witch's Mother, I don't care. You are still the person to be removed. I intent to do that." I glared at her. The Mother Witch just twitch her nose and drew out the red hilt with a shiny red blade. Its was mother's. Then the streak of red waves appeared with a spiral twirling direction towards me.

I jumped clear of the wave and tried to use my voice on her but she's fast. She evaded my booms and I am getting hoarse. Then she made a mistake; she tripped on a loose plank and fell on her face. It was when she lost her hold on the dagger. It flew to my feet and I picked it up.

"Dorothy, do it." I heard the voice in my head and I know its telling me to do it right. I held the dagger and watch it glowed. I looked to see Mother Witch standing up and realizing her missing dagger.

"Oh, I am in the poo poo house." The streak of red wave went for her but it was aimed at her right shoulder. Mother Witch groaned in pain on the hit.

"I did not aimed at your heart as I felt you would had none. I am telling you this one time; get out of Oz or you would be buried here." I lowered my arm and turned to walk away. Mother Witch is not giving up. She pulled out her wand and point it at the ceiling. She blew a hole in the roof that open it to the red skies.

"Dorothy, do you know why the castle have four towers. They are position to amplify the lightning that would strike it, but I also improvised it to collate the four lightning power and have it direct to my wand." The red skies starts to flicker and then the lightning came. Four of them struck the towers and the conductor relayed the power towards the wand. Then Mother Witch direct her wand at the flooring near Dorothy; it blew a hole big enough for a new staircase.

"That was for show. The next one would be on you. So write your own obituary."

I hate myself then; I actually smile at her. My mother's murderer and I smiled at her. I stood there and brace myself for her next attack; flexing my muscles and shrug my shoulders. This would be a split second decision on the cue. 

Mother Witch took her new move with the wand pointing at me. Just as she strike, I took the run along the flooring with the witch burning up the planks behind me. She was so absorb into killing me; she did not see the damages she was undertaking. The damaged flooring creaked under her lightning strikes and was soon collapsing under loose flooring. Mother Witch fell down one level and her wand fell out of her hand. It pointed downwards and was aiming at her when the lightning arrived.

"Aargh!" That was the last we heard of Mother Witch.

I then went over to picked up the pieces of the bronzed statue, and tried to piece it together but it did not fit or some parts are missing. Probably got vaporized in the battle. I would never get my grandfather back. Just as then, an image appeared before me; its my mother in her red dress.

"Dorothy..." She called out to me. "Its me, your mother."

I looked up and saw her floating there on mid air. My tears welled up in my eyes on seeing my mother again. This was no magic but a true love gift.

"I am fine, my child. I am also happy to see you here today. When you killed the Mother Witch, you released my soul from the prison she created for me. I am now free to join your grandfather and mother." The image of my mother points to the skies. On it, I can see the image of the old King and his Queen.

"Mother Witch lied to you. There was no one in the statue but the metal. She had that built sometime back to appease the people of their old King, but they did not believe her. So she hid the statue here." The image looked around at the damaged level. "There was no secrets here. She was never a Witch but one who stole others ideas. She only knew one magic which was to direct the lightning but that now is over. She is dead and I am free to go."

"But before I leave, I wanted to see you." The image of my mother looked at me. "You grown up beautifully, my child."

Then the image of my mother left for the skies to rejoin her parents. I am left alone again. I heard my name being called.

 "Dorothy Gale, you are needed here in the yard." I recognise not the voice. I rushed down to see to my friends.

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