Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Oz; a remake of the tales 2.17

17.        A castle with too many Witches.

 The witches saw the fight below and then they retreated into the chambers. They had their battle plans setup too. Mother Witch was coming for me, while Kayellete takes on Droid and Glinda onto Scarecrow. They send the castle rats to corner the Puss.

 "Remember this girls." Mother Witch told her daughters. "To win, we need to fight them on their weakness."

Droid was first to meet its match; Kayellete. The witch was dressed in a white suit; close fit to her body. We left Droid there and move on to seek our own.

"I am impressed that they left you here to fight me, Droid; or shall I addressed you as Prince Micheal Mancock, late of the Kingdom of Miz." Droid slit for the eyes gleamed in response to the long introduction done by the Witch.

"I am impressed, Kay. You still remember me after such a long time." The droid moved his joints as though he awkward standing there greeting the lady he once came to proposed a hand in marriage. "How long has it been, Kay? You took my heart and left me in this metal suit."

"Long enough, Micheal." Kay reached into the box that she had placed in front of her at her side. She drew out the crystal image of a heart that still throb in its crystalline form.

"I still hold it dear to me. When I felt the need to feel my loving side. I doubt you would mine." Kay blinked her eyes at the droid.

Prince Mancock of Miz came courting for the Princess of Oz, not knowing there was none but four Witches ruled the land now. He was elated to meet the first one when he arrived here; the one they named as the White Witch. He was attracted to her at first sight, and was to sacrifice himself as her slave of love. He spent his short stay there bearing her gifts and working to her whims. But that was never enough until she came up with the vile request. He was asked to transfer his soul into a metal suit they found in the forest. It must had traveled from another dimension to this one.

Micheal without hesitation agreed to it. He bowed to his love and stepped forward to be magically transformed. It was a painful assimilation as man of flesh was never designed to be a droid of wires and components. There was a part which cannot fit no matter how they tried; so he offered his heart to the White Witch to keep in her care. Then without a heart, he was to merged into the metal suit. His first words were; 'how may I serve you?"

The droid served his mistress for many years but never in the heart. He was soon to become cold and listless to the feels of a man of flesh. Soon his mistress grew tired of him and discard him like the metal scrap he was to become. He was sent off to wander the land without a heart and not knowing love, he soon became lost. Not until he found Scarecrow. Just before he step in here, Scarecrow spoke to him; "Love with or without a heart does not matter if the mind is not going to work at it. In you, your mind are directing you to me. And for that, I would share my heart with you. Together we would beat as one."

"Kay, if I was the previous Micheal, I would begged you give me back my heart, but I am now the new Micheal. I can still live without my life as long as my mind work out my feelings." Droid cocked the double barrel rifle and point it at the White Witch. "I would not need my heart but I would take yours. Not for love but for the people you hurt in this land. That's one thing I learned in my travels; you are heartless. I want to show them you have one but its empty of love."

"Enough of talks. We shall end the matter once for all." The White Witch pulled at her hair and dragged it down over her face; she soon pulled the skin off her face to her toes and off her gown. Beneath it all, she was a metal droid in white gold. She then raised her arms and showed her talons which lengthen her fingers by a feet length.

"Not another she-wolf? Ain't that enough of you talons' around?" Droid did not wait for the attack, but fired off the twin barrel rifle but the other had jumped clear of the shots.

"Is that the best you can do?" She taunt at Droid who reloaded his rifle. "Let me get this done for you."

The female droid reached out with his talons which grew to triple length that hit at Droid. The talons drew its mark by cutting onto the droid skin surface to exposed the wires beneath. Droid fell back and dropped the rifle while grabbing his broken skin.

"Micheal, do you think its time for you to re-consider your loyalties?" Droid looked at the female who took his heart.

"Not until you melt me down." Droid pulled himself back from her but the female droid drew back her talon and exposed her wrist. At the bottom of her wrist was a small nozzle which she was to released the liquid that would melt down the droid. Just as activated the nozzle, Droid rushed forth and grabbed the female wrist and point it backwards towards the female droid head.

The liquid burned into her head and exposed the wires. The female droid reached back but the liquid had eaten into the processor at the head. It caused her to mal-function and soon she stopped moving. The Droid was hit by the liquid when he rushed over with areas of his chest and left shoulder affected, but his processor was protected in the head.

"Kay, I am sorry." But the female droid was not able to reply. Its dead as it circuitry frizzled out.

"Glinda, you are mine." Scarecrow confront the witch standing there. Glinda was in new dress of the shade of red with white too, but in her hands, she carried the wand. There are two Crows on her shoulders waiting for her command. The witch frowned on seeing Scarecrow's similar shades and naturally better enhanced features.

"Scarecrow, I hate to tell you, but you looked beautiful in the suit. I wondered how you would feel if I was to showcase you on the wall in my castle." Glinda then swing her wand and point it at Scarecrow. "But I prefer you crisp and burnt."

The wand produced a fire streak towards Scarecrow who blocked it with her umbrella force field from her staff. She drawn it out from the bag on her side.

"Glinda, you were once my friend. We used to play on the plains; you, me and some of the Nomes then. You used to laugh when they dig into the ground. We used to play by the river; you raised up the water level to make those fountains...." Scarecrow was taunting the Witch to remember her childhood.

"Stop it, Cen Krow. You were never my friend. You were there to see my time occupied with play time then. So stop reminding me of the good old days." Glinda hissed back in disgust. "What if I tell you that you stole my first boy friend?"

"Glinda, I did not. Nichtic never liked you. You always make him act like your servant. He dislike it. He told me so." Scarecrow shouted back. "Don't ever used my name. You are not my friend anymore."

"Nichtic is a Munchkins. All Munchkins are my servants. All of Oz are my servants." Glinda shouted out. "You are my servant too."

"Not anymore." Scarecrow took up her staff and adjust the force field. Now the force field does not block the fire aimed at it but shoots it back to where it came from. The first streak hit out at Glinda and she fell on her back.

"You can't do that. I am the Witch. You are supposed to listen to me. You are to lose to me." Glinda cried out when she saw her wand was broken in the fall. She now can see Scarecrow approaching her.

"Not today, Glinda. Not ever again." Scarecrow took the wand off Glinda' hand, and threw it away. Then she clasped her fingers together and punched the witch in the face. "That's for Nichtic. He was my first boyfriend."

"Hello, Dorothy," The Mother Witch spoke up when I reached the top landing. 

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