Friday, September 27, 2013

Oz; a remake of the tale 2.19 & 2.20 ( The end is here. )

19.        Cat fights.

I stepped out of the Main Building and find myself facing my team all unarmed and forced to sit down on the ground. Standing at the back of them were the Kalidah; all twenty of them.

"Hello. Dorothy. Do you remember me? I am Kalin." I remembered that striped creature who fell into the river. It was supposed to had drown in there.

"Well, Dorothy. I did not drowned as expected. We are rather good swimmers although I did lose a claw or two off my paws, but they replaced it with a titanium one now. All sharpened and ready to slit some throats."

Kalin struts his paws towards Hinkley and placed his new claw there at the throat.

"Throaty here I come." Its claw juts out and prepared to do the cut on Hinkley's throat.

"Stop it, Kalidah. Fight me like a ...tiger and stop being a pussy cat."

I turned to look behind me and saw Puss standing there in his boots. He also holding his cutlass in a fighting stance. He meowed back to me and twitched his whiskers. He removed his sombrero hat and bowed before me. He then meowed back.

"Dorothy, this is my fight. We cats need to settle a personal issue." Puss looked at the Kalidah. "Pussy, pussy cat. Are you afraid of poor me?"

"Puss, I am Kalin of Kalidah. I feared no one, and not one like you too. Your reputation precedes your .....size. I heard them all; pussy cat, tomcat, alley to the main arena fighter, sea faring pirate, mercenary and above all, a pussy cat lover." Kalin stepped out. "Their throats can wait for later. I got a pussy cat to skinned alive."

"Kalin, you talked too much." Puss placed the sombrero on his head and adjust his eye patch. "I have not forgiven you for the cut on my eye."

Kalin did not wait the signal and lunged at Puss. The first strike drew a streak of blood across the cat' left forearm.

"En garde, I presume." Kalin licked at his bloodied claw. "More like delicious to me. First cut is the deepest, but the second cut is more painful, eh?"

Kalin started laughing out loud but Puss was beyond laughter. The cat sneaked in an attack on the rear limbs of the tiger causing it to spring back in pain. Puss had took two cuts on the rear limb knees joints which now the tiger is finding difficulty to stand.

"Kalin, I guess there would be no standing ovation for you." Puss lowered the cutlass to the ground so the blood would dribble off it.

"Puss....I would get you for that." Kalin motioned to his other tigers to attacked the cat. Two of the Kalidah came pouncing towards Puss. Puss ran towards them with every intent of meeting them face on. At the last moment, all three felines leap up to mid air in a deadly flight of claws and cutlass but Puss had it all planned. He shove his sombrero into the left Kalidah and thrust his cutlass into the right Kalidah. Then he somersault to jumped over their heads and land on his feet. The right Kalidah fell down dead with the cutlass jutting out of the back of its neck. The left Kalidah fell down too trying to remove the sombrero stuffed into its throat. Its futile attempt to removed the hat soon expired and it laid there dead.

"So Puss, no more cutlass means you are one dead cat soon." Kalin raised itself up on the injured joints. "I still have my claws."

"I am called Puss in the Boots for a reason." The Puss jumped up and tapped his boots at the rear of it. At the tip of the boots front, a set of sharp daggers appeared. "I had a French master who taught me savate. Now I shall demonstrate to you the moves."

Puss jumped up and deliver a round house kick making contact the toe end of the boots where the dagger juts out. The kick landed on the Kalidah' left forearm.

"Thats the fouette or a whipping kick." After dropping down in front of the Kalidah, Puss performed the next kick, the chasse frontal; a action front kick with the toe to the underbelly of the Kalidah. Then Puss followed on with the left leg on a reverse kick on the right shoulder with the inset of the boots. The final kick was the sweep kick to the rear of the shin of the left rear limb with the inner edge of the right heel. Kalin fell onto his back and could only catch glimpse of the hand chop that severed the air tubes in the neck.

"Mon Dieu! Its over." Puss stood up and bowed to the stunned audience. "Anyone keen, can signed for my next bout. Or see me tomorrow for your first lessons."

The remaining Kalidah all took to flight on seeing Kain defeated by Puss.

9.        The End is here.

I stood there as the Hammer Heads collapsed the last piece of the castle. This final piece of destruction was viewed by all of those who are in Land of Oz; there were the Nomes, the Munchkins, the Flutterbudgets, the Rampsies, the Winged Monkey, the Ants, the Kalidah, the Winkies and even the Guardian of the Gate was there to offered ice cream at one silver piece each. When the last piece was taken down, I was asked to make a speech as the new Queen of Oz.

"People of Oz, I give you back your land, and freedom." They all cheered me loudly. "But I would not be your Queen."

The people congregating there at the forest went silent; it has reverted back to its original shades of green and brown, the leaves green and even the birds are back at there.

"Why, My Queen?" Puss stepped forward to asked. "You are our only surviving royal family."

I leaned down to pat the cat and the addressed the people.

"I would not be your Queen, but its Guardian. In my place, there would be a new Queen. She is Cen Krow." I pulled Scarecrow up to be seen by everyone. Someone in the crowd shouted out.

"She's a Munchkin." The crowd went into a gloomy look.

"Does it matter? You are all different and yet you lived here. She can be a Munchkin, but she can also be your Queen." I addressed the people. "All of you can be Kings and Queens. You can be married to one.I could marry one of you and then he can be King."

Wrong words to use as I was almost swarmed by eligible bachelors from Nomes to Flutterbudgets. I held them back and explained myself.

"Cen Krow is part of royalty now. The Prince of Miz have proposed to her. She would be accepted into his royal family but Prince Miz would not be King of Miz. His brother has already taken the throne. So in return, I am offering to Cen Krow the throne of Oz, as Queen. She will ruled the land with her husband, Prince Micheal Mancock." That was the cue for Micheal to appear in front. Hinkley had lifted the curse of the metal suit and now Micheal is back in his physical self. He was dressed in the red coat over his blue vest and tight leggings tucked into a knee high boots laced with the leather laces.

"Oh, mine. I wished I was young again. I'll marry him." A lady in the crowd shouted out and several others fainted on their seats.

"Do you accept my choice?" The crowd was silent and then it slowly roared to agreement. The Land of Oz have their new Queen now.

As for me, it back to being Dorothy Gale. I walked to my friends who were all standing there. First, I hugged my father who was reinstalled in as the Great Wizard of Oz. Puss was appointed as Chief of Guards to Emerald City while the Guardian kept his old job.

I looked at the Uncle Henry and Aunty Em. They are staying on here to ensure that all is well and would be well.

The boys however are going back as Uncle Henry given them the farm to take care of. I looked at Hicks who stood there looking rather sheepishly at what needed to be said or asked. But he did asked me then.

"Are you coming back with us? We do need a housekeeper and cook." It was Zeke who kicked at Hicks' knees and caused him to fall on his it.

"Dorothy, what Hicks meant to said was that he needed you there as he is one hopeless cook. More to it, he needs a wife soon and there are no better ladies in that area where the farm is." Zeke looked to Hunk and smiled. "Did I say it right?"

Hunk gives him the thumbs up. But Hicks rushed up onto his feet and tried to explained himself.

"Dorothy, I mean to say......I love you. Please come back with us." I did not know what happened next but I did know that I was kissing him on the lips. And he to me then.

"Hunk, that means she coming back with us. You don't have to worry about the laundry no more."

I pulled away from Hicks and looked at the three boys.

"I ain't washing nobody's laundry. You wear them, you washed them or be done; I don't care if you are buck naked then." They all laughed.

Good byes are sad but there are something more than sad. I am concerned as during the last fight, Glinda got away with the help of Napoleon. We never did find them and they could be a menace in this land. Uncle Henry assured me that he would hunt them down and sent them off to Limbo. I gave my family a lady hug before I left for home with my darling in tow. I told them if they ever need me, just holler my name. When I was about to leave, I was sure I saw a pack of griffins over head in the red skies. I said my good by to Toto.

Soon after the sent off, Hinkley walked back to his private chamber. He closed the door and latched it.

"You can come out now. They are gone."

Two figures stepped out from the hidden compartment in the wall.

"Father, why do you not mourn mother's death? Or even Kay'?" Glinda asked her father as she stood there with new lover Napoleon.

"Glinda, I loved your mother but the things she did are unforgivable. More to it, I can't cry in front of them. It would betray my feelings and ....loyalty." Hinkley looked at his last surviving daughter. "Go and live another life without all of this feelings. Be happy there and don;t ....come back."

Hinkley dismissed his daughter and led her to the secret walkway to outside the city. He then retired back to his chamber and drink down his sorrows.

Glinda and Napoleon rode to the borders of the Land of Oz. They turned back one last time to see the land.

"We will be back, Land Of Oz. Mark my words." They rode over the border to the Land of Miz. "Come on, Napoleon. We got an appointment with King of Miz. He needs to know that his brother is alive; the one which rightfully should be King.

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