Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday Special: Act 4, Scene 1 Part 1 Adapted from the Tempest by Shakespeare.

Act 4, Scene 1 Part 1 Adapted from the Tempest by Shakespeare.

The characters:

Prospero, the father of the girl who is blind. He had the young man imprisoned but allowed his daughter to visit him.
Miranda, the blind girl love by the young man she had know. He was the third man that she knew since blind.
Freddy, the young man who was imprisoned then found his love for the blind girl.
Ariel, the man servant who brought Freddy here.
Kabib, another man servant mentioned in passing as one who tried to rape Miranda before.


The faint but sharp noise of the shots from the Western Block woke up the couple who had lain on the bedding by the wood shed. It was not a fine bedding but one of some cloth; theirs to be exact while they lain in the nude.

"Fear not, Freddy. Its probably the sound of the wind. It does crack like that at times." Miranda who had lain on her side while her lover of sort held her from the back. They may had been silly then, but the kisses laden by the other was too enticing to be released. She had never felt such feelings when his lips caressed hers and then to her neck. She may not be able to see, but she knew what the kisses look like. He had paused at below her neck and then he went up to her shoulder.

"Freddy, please continue on as you were." Miranda had pushed his head towards her bosom; lowered than before. His lips caressed her coarse clothing but the sensation was to permeate through the fabric to her flesh. She shuddered in her body and moved back her head to pushed her bosom forth. He needed no persuasion than that, to nuzzle his face into her bosom.

Miranda remembered when she was younger, she had buried her face into her mother's bosom and felt the warmth but that time was different when she was with Freddy. She arched her back further up but his caress was just as shallow then. She did not know why and how, but she moved to ease the shoulders strap of her dress to let it fall off the arms. She pulled back his face to raised it up to her face.

"Kissed me, Freddy." The young man was a virgin at the works, nodded his head. His lips once caressed hers but she had pushed him down again to her bosom. He was treated to the sight of her bared breasts which he had never seen. He had seen breasts, but they were always clothed or hidden. His ventured into the full play of sex was rather limited by his personal principle of modesty. That was his excuse to many enticing ladies, but the truth was he feared being blackmailed again for another act of sex.

"Kissed me there." Freddy was pushed to the upper flesh of her breast, which he had no notion of what to do. He did as kisses was to be laid, and as his lips felt the softer flesh there, he went into a state of nuzzling and minor bites. His bites took on its own journey as he trailed down to the center. There he felt the hardness tip but his eyes closed, he only knew that it was in need of a deeper kiss. His lips engulfed it and suckled on it like the young infant would do. It was a natural act of any person in need of its nutrients.

Miranda moaned out her feeling when his lips caressed her tips; she knew not what was it to described the feeling but to hold him ever closer to her. She had once tried to kissed her mother there once, but she had told her it was not hers anymore to feed anymore.

"Your days at my breasts are to be held close from your face. Its now back to your father who would suckle on it."

"Why, mother?" Miranda had asked.

"Its the few parts of myself, that were reserved only for him, as my love. I share it not with anyone and more so when that one should weaned off it a long time ago." Her mother explained. "There were to be another one soon, but he does not know."

"Who's that, Mother?" Miranda asked.

"Perhaps your sister or brother, but we shall wait for the day when God deliver the baby." It was the night before her mother's death that Miranda was to know that she was to have another baby brother or sister.

The hard nibble on her breast shook her off her thoughts. She pulled him up again to her face. She sees not as we knew, but she needed to see him at the face to asked him.

"Would you father ...our child?" Miranda asked of him. Freddy meanwhile then was caught between the feeling of hormonal urges and parental responsibility.

"I guess so." Freddy replied and tried to push his way back to her breasts but she held him back up.

"No, Freddy. I must know." Miranda told him.

"Yes, I would...." Freddy paused. "But we hardly know each other."

Freddy struggled with his words. It was then Miranda pushed him away. She pulled at her dress to covered herself.

"I meant I love you. I would marry you but could we not enjoyed ourselves before the patters of feet invade our time." Freddy spoke out but he did not know why he had formed those words. In truth, he was afraid that he may lose her like his mother was dead when he was only twelve. He felt he hardly knew her long enough. Nor did his father who was always outside. Abigail Nates., his mother died the same year as Miranda' mother but on different situation.

"I am sorry, Miranda." Freddy pulled her over to hold her. "I do love you."

Miranda felt his pain and his sincerity. She pulled away and then looked at him. She lowered her straps again and pulled him to her breasts. It was how they moved on until both were naked on the flooring, with hormones surging but no sex was to take place.

It was also how Paul found the couple when he walked in on them. He had come from the hidden corridors.

"How dare you this to me?" Paul in his anger had pulled the young man off the his daughter's side. "I who had saved you , fed you and now ......"

"Dear Sir, I did nothing to her. We just lain there as the body was weary." Freddy pleaded with the older man. "I had not touched her improperly if that was you meant."

"And to what I was envisage; a man of your youth with the surges of the body? A mere sunbath in the shed when it rained outside." Paul point to the man, while his daughter who had woken grabbed the clothes there to dress.

Paul saw her inconvenience and turned away from them.

"Dress up quick and then I would speak." Paul stood there looking at the walls.

Paul then turned to the young couple. They were dressed but they held each other hands to faced him. He called forth his daughter to him.

"Miranda, for ten years I had brought you up. I had told you many a times, you are not ready to lose yourself onto any man. Be it Kabib or ...." Paul was interrupted by her.

"Father, I never lain with that brute. He forced me. ..." Miranda defended her innocence.

"Yes, I know. I had Kabib confessed, and he did not asked you. He was like any growing man; they go crazy at times." Paul looked to Freddy who looked away sheepishly. "You ought to know..."

"Father, we did nothing. We merely kissed and touch..." Miranda tried to explain.

"Enough please. I need not hear of the details....." Paul looked away. He wished Bernice was here. She would known what to do. At that time, all he wanted to do was shaft the piece of wood up the man' butt but he restrained himself. He would be fair; after all he did like the young man. He fitted into his new plan.

"Come here." Paul motioned to Freddy. He wanted to ask his daughter to go away but reckon he would do the talking together.

"Young man, I find your action deplorable." Paul started off with the words. Freddy immediately reacted back.

"I took responsibility for my action, Sir. I did not took advantage of her. I really loved your daughter. May I have her hand in marriage?" Freddy spoke all of that in one long sentence.

"No....not yet." Paul replied before he took on his breath of air. "I knew not who you are, but a straggler into my home."

"I am, Sir. Ferdinand Thomas Nates...." Freddy replied but was cut off by Paul.

"An impostor which I had declared upon you." Paul replied. "I met Ferdinand Nates. He was not called Freddy."

"Pardon me, Sir. Freddy was my nickname given by my mother, Abigail Smith before she married my father Anthony Nates. I was named after my grandfathers'' Ferdinand and Thomas. I...." Freddy told his whole life tale while Paul listened. He knew most of it as he was the Godfather of the child at birth. Paul looked to his daughter and noticed her smile. She was becoming to know more of her husband to be.

"So what does your father do, young man?" Paul asked.

"He is a trader of sorts. Works most time in the exports and imports of goods." Freddy replied. Paul smiled. So another one that does not know his father's real trade. But Paul was wrong.

"Actually, I knew that my father does more than that." Freddy admitted to Paul. "He works with the mobster and also do some smuggling. He told me he was going straight. Handing over to my cousin Anthony and then retire."

"Sir, I won't disappoint Miranda. We would get a new life and away from all of that." Freddy continued on.

"Let me think on it." Paul replied. He was to go back to his guests when Miranda called him.

"Father, I love Freddy. There may not be another." Miranda spoke out. "I am blind and even in my state, I know I am not that beautiful like many others. But if Freddy truly loves me as he had said, then I am the most beautiful one to him. That matters a lot to me."

"Sir, Miranda is the most beautiful one for me. Please consent our love." Freddy asked of the older man.

Paul nodded. But then he turned around to faced the two lovers of sort.

"You must promised me one thing, young man." Paul looked at the man. He then asked Freddy to stepped forth for him to whispered to his ears.

"Preserved her till we can find a proper person to marry the two of you. Shatter not her virginity or I would had you impaled with the lance with the blunt end first." Paul looked sternly to the young man who nodded.

"I shall obey." Freddy did looked rather silly with his legs closed up tight as if he was in need of the bathroom.

"If I may, Sir." Freddy asked and the older man allowed him to leave. Miranda walked up to her father.

"What did you do to him?" She asked of him.

"Nothing that he does not deserved." Paul replied and went off to look for his servant Ariel.

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