Sunday, September 1, 2013

Oz, a remake of the tale 2.5

5. Droid Unplugged.

We were told that Droid had sections of his removed and discarded to different parts of the land. It was Puss who found the droid head or rather won it over a gamble bet. It was one of those spots which you do not want to want in but crawl in unnoticed. It was a dirty and stinking alley where the lower echelons of society ply their trade. Puss was there to find some works as a mercenary or a thief. It saw the card game and any game was difficult to refused by it.

Puss sat down and played the game; a con over the cons that were going over there. Soon the markers went up and Puss was holding the biggest purse. The table was down to two active ones; Puss and one other who was the Playmaker.

"I got no more silver. I raised you a better bet." The Playmaker gestured to his assistants. They brought in a box; inside it was Droid' head. "This for the next call."

"A scrap? Please do not insult me. We play with silvers or not at all." Puss meowed out in an irate manner but the Playmaker explained its worth. Its the head of the droid which battle the White Witch.

Puss dealt the cards and won. It walked out with a big purse and the head of the Droid.

"Wizard, now can I trade the head for some thing more useful. I had enough of that rambling tin can." Puss complete the statement with a purring meow. The Wizard just nodded and offered the cat a box of sardines bought from the other dimension. Puss took it as a good trade off.

"Droid, who took your other sections?" I held the head up to my eye level. Droid slit for the eyes lighted up, and then its began to relate the last events that happened.

After I left, the army retreated back to their previous life but they were not to know that the White Witch had set plans to removed them as well as their influence. Scarecrow went back to the Munchkins and little she was to know it was a trap They imprisoned her into a prison built for her; one without windows and without mates. 

The White Witch took Toto as a pet but the fur ball is now a griffin with a nasty tempers.

As for Droid, he was dis-membered if there was a term for the droid. The droid was taken off the street one day by a set of unknown and then delivered to a place where the screws and bolt were applied. Droid recalled seeing the White Witch standing there as the parts were removed.

"Dorothy, I felt every nuts and cuts. They pulled at my cables, cut at what they could not find, and then removed the main processor. I would had been shutdown if I had not a mini backup at the back of the head. It does not do all the functions but it retained my core programs." Droid lights went dimmed and then it flicker. "Dorothy, we needed you then, but you left in such hurry. You did not even checked if we are okay. You just up and left us. You left us."

"Why can't you just stayed? For a while would had been better. Do you know I searched for Scarecrow? Me, a head trying to find my" Droid light flicker up.

"I finally realized I actually have feelings. I could love. And I love her." Droid looked to me. "DID YOU KNOW THAT? She could be dead by now."

"Droid, its not the end. We will get you back and then Scarecrow." I tried to console it. I turned to the forest edge and screamed out my frustration. I blew a new forest track of fallen trees and uprooted bushes. My power worked just now; its fragging pain as its so unpredictable.

"Dorothy, I also lost my battle axe. I know who took it and want to get it back."Droid sure had a bad timing on personal request.

"Droid, we are going to get all of you back but I need to know what really happened here?" I may had learned from Puss but there was more I needed to know. Droid' head can tell me more as he's been around. The more Droid tells me about the New World made me cry.

Its an abomination what she been doing.

"Droid, I am so sorry. I never knew. I wished I had known."

Darned it.

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