Monday, September 30, 2013

Double Lovers

You receive a phone call from your husband, confessing to some despicable act. you are horribly surprised, especially since you receive the call at his funeral.

But this was not Marlene expected from the Twilight Tales of Jimmy Loong.


"Marlene, there is a call for you." It was her cousin, Stacy who was holding the receiver with one hand while the other held the plate of pastries. She walked over and picked up the receiver. Her eyes scanned the roomful of people, all known to her or his, but they are there to trampled over her carpet and finished her food. Not forgetting her collection of wine.

"Hello?" Marlene spoke into the receiver. There was no answer.

"Hello?" Marlene asked again. Then the reply came.

"Hi Marlene, its me." Marlene shuddered at the voice. It sounded familiar. A voice that was supposed to be dead. Dead and buried three hours ago. This was his wake.

"Hi Marlene, can you hear me? The reception here is bad."

She hung up. It was a crank. It had to be. The phone rang. She picked it up.

"Hi Marlene, can you hear me?" She held the receiver close to her face. She had the pale look.

"Can you hear me? I haven't got much time." The voice spoke to her. "Are you still there?"

Marlene did not reply.

"Okay, you been yourself. Always a bitch and would be one even I am dead." The voice laughed.

"Look, arsehole. I am not entertaining you to your sick joke." Marlene told the caller. "And I am hanging up."

"Wait! You remember when we first made love. We did it on the kitchen floor at your mum's place." The caller said it all in one breath. Marlene paused in her words that she was going to say. She had the nearby people looking at her from the last outburst. They were then doing an early exit and gave her the room to 'screamed profanities'. Nobody knew of her liaison with him but only they both knew. They were interrupted before he could complete his. She had came twice; he was a stud. Her mother came in when she was still on her knees. She told her mother, they dropped the sour cream.

"Who are you? The real one?" Marlene asked.

"I am your husband, the rightful one. The one you buried was my double." The caller told her. "Its a long tale, but to make it short since I ....I meant he was dead, we cheated on you. We took turns to be with you."

The caller paused to wait for her reaction. Then he continued.

"I was insecure and needed someone to be with you. You were so confident, so assured and demanding. It was fine during the first two years and then I had an accident." The caller paused. "An accident with some illness. It made me weak. You know bad in the performance."

"Look, you bastard. I heard enough of it. I would hang up now." Marlene told him.

"Wait, let me finished it. He offered to sit in. I meant he took over my role the last year. You may had known. I never told you the ear nibbling."

Marlene wanted to cry then. She was fucked by another that looked like her husband. Oh, God, how sick can it be. She was moaning to a stranger that looked like him. God, she was with his child. No wonder he had different ideas of having sex; more adventurous and thrill seeking. She loved.....the sex, but then she was not sure.

"Hey, its okay. He was my twin. So its okay for both of us. We used to swap dates. Its normal for us....."

Marlene threw the receiver down and pulled out the cable from the wall. She was very upset and wanted to kill someone.

"Anyone seen my daughter in law?" Her father in law walked in. He was perfect for her vengeance.

Ashes to ashes.

Father for the son.

She smiled when she reached for the kitchen knife.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

D&C 2.7: Lunacy and Asylum

Lunacy and Asylum

I dread the call, but was a 187 ( Homicide ). That means myself have to attend, while the others are involved in their own cases. It was a bad morning; got and dressed, found my shirts were missing. I screeched out one word, and that was enough to bring the madness from Jenny.

"How would I know you ran out of ironed shirts? I am not your frigging mother." Jenny gave me the cannons barrage of those 'near to two inch wide' mouth volley. I swore if it was better days, I would had gagged her, but I was not into the mood. Shit, I was not into any of her's for sometime. She left me there holding onto the shirt while she stormed into the bathroom. I got the shirt ironed and was out with last night's slice of pizza in my mouth.

While driving, I keyed in the address into this box they called the GPS tracker. It was to show me the directions, but when I done with the address, I knew the place without its help. Grandma used to stayed there, and so did Uncle Henry. One was loony and then other was homicidal; self induced. Both of them were incarcerated there by the doctors. I used to go there with my mother to see them; I had no choice then. It was you followed or be cursed to hell by her. The City Asylum was my nightmare. It was not grandma, or Uncle Henry; he was suffering from depression, but the inmates there. They stared at you, make faces at you, and sometimes reached out to you. Take a view of mine; I was only ten then. It was made worse when your cousins tell you that one day you would end like them.

I saw the two patrol cars there but we were parked near to the main gate which was the outer perimeter of the place. I got up and looked at the immense structure that needed only a walk of a hundred paces to reach the double wooden door. What was missing was the sign that said; come in at your own risk.

"Victim was shot in the head elsewhere and dropped here." The comment brought me out of the stupor I was in. I looked over to the dead victim that was laid as if it was thrown over the eight foot high wall. Dan was attending to the victim and had made the comment.

"There was lack of blood here, and there were some outside the wall." Dan continued on. He then looked at me. He told his assistant to do the rest and approached me.

"I know its not easy for you, but just go in and checked. He could be still there." Dan knew of my past and also of Uncle Henry. I shook my head and walked back to the car. It was then I heard my name being called.

"Detective Barnes!" I turned around. The caller was an elderly man walking with a cane. He was dressed in a white frock over his suit. He was bald but that does not hide his age grouping.

"I am Director Green. Edward Green. I am in charge of this place." Director Green looked to the victim. "Would you like to come in and discuss this case? It would be more .. confidential."

Damned it! That was one offer I wished I could turned down, but it beats begging for an official warrant. I reluctant walked with him to approached the immense structure. Later in the Director's office, we confer on the homicide.

"Ms.Dennison was ..." I was stunned.

"You knew the victim?" I spattered out the words.

"Yes, I do." Director Green was taken aback. "If you are implying do we have a relationship; it was strictly professional."

"I am sorry, Director Green. I was not advised that the victim was identified and yes, I am sure there was nothing personal between you and Ms..."

"Dennison. Patricia Dennison." Director Green assisted me there. "She joined us last year. She took over from a retired staff on the filing of the records. Nice person....."

I spent over an hour listening to the Director droned on Ms Denison, and then I left. I was on my way out when I spied the man sitting alone by the window. He was looking out and aimlessly.

"That's Henry. He is our long standing citizen." The duty nurse whispered to me. The man was older by twelve years as he was the youngest in the family but he looked so much better than myself. He looked well cared and above all, younger than his age. I did not approached him but left the place. That later afternoon, I was called to meet Dan.

"Here is the brief." Dan handed me the report and then held it back. He started reading from it. "The subject died from bleeding of the internal organs due to multiple stab wounds. The weapon is believed to be a long sharp blade from the cut marks, with a smooth edges."

"Like a scalpel?" I asked.

"No, this one was longer. A number of kitchen knives fit the description." Dan droned on with his findings; no rape, no torture, straight kill with five cuts. He then stopped and looked at me.

"Do you want to drink at Di Angelo?" It was the first time he offered after a very long time. Then he offered an alternative.

"I got a steak kidney pie in my office, with a bottle of scotch." Dan winked. I knew his preference; there was the multiple murders victims during the week. He could had saved some of the kidneys for the pie. In the next hour, we sat and spoke like old times. I did not go back that day; spend the hours checking on the victim and also on the asylum. With my position, I got a more detailed access to many records on the place, and it was a concern. I also slept there that night and was at the Asylum by morning.

I met Director Green when he walked in.

'You never told me that Ms Dennison had a mother for a patient here before?" I looked at the Director. He nodded and then corrected himself.

"Yes, we missed that one out. She did not disclosed. We only knew that last week." Director Green replied. Then his expression frowned. "We do not kill on that omission."

We both laughed but I had to asked the next question.

"Who knew about her mother?"

"There is myself, the doctor in charge; Doc Gavin and of course the head Nurse; Gloria." The last I met yesterday when she introduced me to the long standing resident. I asked to meet Doctor Gavin. We met later in the garden as he was monitoring the patients in their morning routine. He was young; just joined two years ago and was impatient with the workout. He was here to do his research on some theory he was working on.

"Nurse Farthing, get them in the row." The nurse glared at him. It was obviously her name was not Farthing. He excused himself to speak to me on Ms Dennison.

"Yes, I knew Pat. Nice girl. She confided with me that her mother was here."

"Was here? Please explain, Doctor Gavin." I asked the doctor.

"Pat's mother died last week. We had just buried her two days ago. I was with Pat at the funeral." That was not in the records I read. And more was not there was the relationship of Doctor Gavin and Patrica Dennison. I asked him the usual questions and his replies were recorded. He had no alibi unless Patricia could speak from the grave. He claimed he was with Patricia until midnight and then left for his own place where he stayed alone. He denied any sexual relationship but maintain a platonic one.

"Any reason why some one would want to kill Patricia?" I asked him. He shook his head. Then he replied.

"She have a boyfriend. They broke up last month." I got the name to cross reference with. I left Doctor Gavin to his patients while I searched up a Danny Boyd. I found the person I was looking for in his apartment with another girl.

"Screw her. We broke up and I am free to choose who I bring home." Mr.Boyd was upset at my early call on him, although it was near to noon. He was a deejay at the local club and had staggered in at before dawn. I dragged him to the Precinct and made him undergo the urine test. He was tested positive for it.

"I can't remember that night or any other night. Those times I was jazzed up with ladies and booze. So f*****d it." For that last statement, I made him limped to the detention cell. I ran on more of Ms Patricia Dennison and her personal life. Prior to her appointment at the Asylum, she was working in a lawyer firm, and from what I heard; she was efficient.

So how did Patricia ended up with scumbag like Danny, and does not fall for the doctor.

"Opposite attracts, Jimmy." I loved Frank when he had one too many coffees and doughnuts. He gets all high up there with the Gods. "I was once in love with a madam, but we squared off once she knew it was not going to work out."

I saw then Di Angelo faced had lighted up. Soon the two were whispering personal details while I left them there. I met Dan and asked for more updates. The coroner shook his head. I went back to the Asylum that evening. I met up with Uncle Henry. The administrative staff were only the nurses. I spoke and he listened. I told him of my mother and the other sniveling cousins. Then I spoke of Patricia.

"I seen her. She's a nice lady. She cared to asked." Uncle Henry replied. "We spoke a couple of times when she asked me on some names. I told everything."

I asked him to repeat those names and what he said. We spoke for over an hour. I left back for the Precinct and did up my investigation papers. The next morning, I filed in for a warrant to requisition on the Asylum records. I got it and shoved the warrant to the Director.

There were no records of those names I had from Uncle Henry; not even on Patricia's mother. It was all cleaned up. I confronted the Director. He denied it all.

"I don't looked into those old files." That was my wall again. I went back to look for more clues. I soon found it.

"Director Green, how come you had withdrawn so much money from your savings, retirement fund?" I threw the statements to the Director. "All in the last week."

Director Green finally confessed.

"There were dubious testing done some years back. It was carried over from my own project. When the grant dried out, I used my position to conduct the tests here. No one concerns over a loony person. We had deaths in our morgue that no one wants to claimed. In the end, we gave them proper burial."

"It was Doc Gavin who found out when Ms Dennison showed him her mother's file. He asked for more evidence I think and she gave it to him. I found out and confronted Doc Gavin. He threatened me exposure; my career of thirty five years gone. I paid him off. I even got his grant approved by the Board. It just came in."

I saw the letter of approval for two hundred thousand for two years.

"Four days ago, he came to me after the funeral. He told me that Patricia wanted to go to the Police. I told him to stopped her. He said yes. That's all I know."

I got Doc Gavin into custody and he denied it all. He claimed that Director Green was crazy and had once threatened Patricia for her non-disclosure of her link to the patient. I found the money in the doctor's account. I also found the murder weapon among his collection of far eastern swords. It was the short blade of the samurai 'daisho'. The long blade was called the katana, while the shorter was called the wakizashi. The blade was cleaned but the hilt had traces of the blood. It matched to Patricia Dennison DNA.

At the funeral of Patricia Dennison, Danny Boyd dropped over to place the flower on the grave. I invited Uncle Henry to a new home; the ones that was ran for the older folks. He declined.

"I have lived here for over most of my life. I would die here and be with my friends." Uncle Henry looked at me. "We ain't all loony. We are just different and in here, we found our own asylum."

I went home after having stayed outside for seven nights. When I checked my closet, all my shirts were ironed. I guessed my life need to be ironed out too.

Jenny left me a note; 'Gone for the week. Conference and holiday. Buy your own dinner. P.S. Shirt pressed in the closet.'.

I guessed the extra steak and kidney pies from Dan would be my meals this weekend. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday Special: Act 4, Scene 1 Part 1 Adapted from the Tempest by Shakespeare.

Act 4, Scene 1 Part 1 Adapted from the Tempest by Shakespeare.

The characters:

Prospero, the father of the girl who is blind. He had the young man imprisoned but allowed his daughter to visit him.
Miranda, the blind girl love by the young man she had know. He was the third man that she knew since blind.
Freddy, the young man who was imprisoned then found his love for the blind girl.
Ariel, the man servant who brought Freddy here.
Kabib, another man servant mentioned in passing as one who tried to rape Miranda before.


The faint but sharp noise of the shots from the Western Block woke up the couple who had lain on the bedding by the wood shed. It was not a fine bedding but one of some cloth; theirs to be exact while they lain in the nude.

"Fear not, Freddy. Its probably the sound of the wind. It does crack like that at times." Miranda who had lain on her side while her lover of sort held her from the back. They may had been silly then, but the kisses laden by the other was too enticing to be released. She had never felt such feelings when his lips caressed hers and then to her neck. She may not be able to see, but she knew what the kisses look like. He had paused at below her neck and then he went up to her shoulder.

"Freddy, please continue on as you were." Miranda had pushed his head towards her bosom; lowered than before. His lips caressed her coarse clothing but the sensation was to permeate through the fabric to her flesh. She shuddered in her body and moved back her head to pushed her bosom forth. He needed no persuasion than that, to nuzzle his face into her bosom.

Miranda remembered when she was younger, she had buried her face into her mother's bosom and felt the warmth but that time was different when she was with Freddy. She arched her back further up but his caress was just as shallow then. She did not know why and how, but she moved to ease the shoulders strap of her dress to let it fall off the arms. She pulled back his face to raised it up to her face.

"Kissed me, Freddy." The young man was a virgin at the works, nodded his head. His lips once caressed hers but she had pushed him down again to her bosom. He was treated to the sight of her bared breasts which he had never seen. He had seen breasts, but they were always clothed or hidden. His ventured into the full play of sex was rather limited by his personal principle of modesty. That was his excuse to many enticing ladies, but the truth was he feared being blackmailed again for another act of sex.

"Kissed me there." Freddy was pushed to the upper flesh of her breast, which he had no notion of what to do. He did as kisses was to be laid, and as his lips felt the softer flesh there, he went into a state of nuzzling and minor bites. His bites took on its own journey as he trailed down to the center. There he felt the hardness tip but his eyes closed, he only knew that it was in need of a deeper kiss. His lips engulfed it and suckled on it like the young infant would do. It was a natural act of any person in need of its nutrients.

Miranda moaned out her feeling when his lips caressed her tips; she knew not what was it to described the feeling but to hold him ever closer to her. She had once tried to kissed her mother there once, but she had told her it was not hers anymore to feed anymore.

"Your days at my breasts are to be held close from your face. Its now back to your father who would suckle on it."

"Why, mother?" Miranda had asked.

"Its the few parts of myself, that were reserved only for him, as my love. I share it not with anyone and more so when that one should weaned off it a long time ago." Her mother explained. "There were to be another one soon, but he does not know."

"Who's that, Mother?" Miranda asked.

"Perhaps your sister or brother, but we shall wait for the day when God deliver the baby." It was the night before her mother's death that Miranda was to know that she was to have another baby brother or sister.

The hard nibble on her breast shook her off her thoughts. She pulled him up again to her face. She sees not as we knew, but she needed to see him at the face to asked him.

"Would you father ...our child?" Miranda asked of him. Freddy meanwhile then was caught between the feeling of hormonal urges and parental responsibility.

"I guess so." Freddy replied and tried to push his way back to her breasts but she held him back up.

"No, Freddy. I must know." Miranda told him.

"Yes, I would...." Freddy paused. "But we hardly know each other."

Freddy struggled with his words. It was then Miranda pushed him away. She pulled at her dress to covered herself.

"I meant I love you. I would marry you but could we not enjoyed ourselves before the patters of feet invade our time." Freddy spoke out but he did not know why he had formed those words. In truth, he was afraid that he may lose her like his mother was dead when he was only twelve. He felt he hardly knew her long enough. Nor did his father who was always outside. Abigail Nates., his mother died the same year as Miranda' mother but on different situation.

"I am sorry, Miranda." Freddy pulled her over to hold her. "I do love you."

Miranda felt his pain and his sincerity. She pulled away and then looked at him. She lowered her straps again and pulled him to her breasts. It was how they moved on until both were naked on the flooring, with hormones surging but no sex was to take place.

It was also how Paul found the couple when he walked in on them. He had come from the hidden corridors.

"How dare you this to me?" Paul in his anger had pulled the young man off the his daughter's side. "I who had saved you , fed you and now ......"

"Dear Sir, I did nothing to her. We just lain there as the body was weary." Freddy pleaded with the older man. "I had not touched her improperly if that was you meant."

"And to what I was envisage; a man of your youth with the surges of the body? A mere sunbath in the shed when it rained outside." Paul point to the man, while his daughter who had woken grabbed the clothes there to dress.

Paul saw her inconvenience and turned away from them.

"Dress up quick and then I would speak." Paul stood there looking at the walls.

Paul then turned to the young couple. They were dressed but they held each other hands to faced him. He called forth his daughter to him.

"Miranda, for ten years I had brought you up. I had told you many a times, you are not ready to lose yourself onto any man. Be it Kabib or ...." Paul was interrupted by her.

"Father, I never lain with that brute. He forced me. ..." Miranda defended her innocence.

"Yes, I know. I had Kabib confessed, and he did not asked you. He was like any growing man; they go crazy at times." Paul looked to Freddy who looked away sheepishly. "You ought to know..."

"Father, we did nothing. We merely kissed and touch..." Miranda tried to explain.

"Enough please. I need not hear of the details....." Paul looked away. He wished Bernice was here. She would known what to do. At that time, all he wanted to do was shaft the piece of wood up the man' butt but he restrained himself. He would be fair; after all he did like the young man. He fitted into his new plan.

"Come here." Paul motioned to Freddy. He wanted to ask his daughter to go away but reckon he would do the talking together.

"Young man, I find your action deplorable." Paul started off with the words. Freddy immediately reacted back.

"I took responsibility for my action, Sir. I did not took advantage of her. I really loved your daughter. May I have her hand in marriage?" Freddy spoke all of that in one long sentence.

"No....not yet." Paul replied before he took on his breath of air. "I knew not who you are, but a straggler into my home."

"I am, Sir. Ferdinand Thomas Nates...." Freddy replied but was cut off by Paul.

"An impostor which I had declared upon you." Paul replied. "I met Ferdinand Nates. He was not called Freddy."

"Pardon me, Sir. Freddy was my nickname given by my mother, Abigail Smith before she married my father Anthony Nates. I was named after my grandfathers'' Ferdinand and Thomas. I...." Freddy told his whole life tale while Paul listened. He knew most of it as he was the Godfather of the child at birth. Paul looked to his daughter and noticed her smile. She was becoming to know more of her husband to be.

"So what does your father do, young man?" Paul asked.

"He is a trader of sorts. Works most time in the exports and imports of goods." Freddy replied. Paul smiled. So another one that does not know his father's real trade. But Paul was wrong.

"Actually, I knew that my father does more than that." Freddy admitted to Paul. "He works with the mobster and also do some smuggling. He told me he was going straight. Handing over to my cousin Anthony and then retire."

"Sir, I won't disappoint Miranda. We would get a new life and away from all of that." Freddy continued on.

"Let me think on it." Paul replied. He was to go back to his guests when Miranda called him.

"Father, I love Freddy. There may not be another." Miranda spoke out. "I am blind and even in my state, I know I am not that beautiful like many others. But if Freddy truly loves me as he had said, then I am the most beautiful one to him. That matters a lot to me."

"Sir, Miranda is the most beautiful one for me. Please consent our love." Freddy asked of the older man.

Paul nodded. But then he turned around to faced the two lovers of sort.

"You must promised me one thing, young man." Paul looked at the man. He then asked Freddy to stepped forth for him to whispered to his ears.

"Preserved her till we can find a proper person to marry the two of you. Shatter not her virginity or I would had you impaled with the lance with the blunt end first." Paul looked sternly to the young man who nodded.

"I shall obey." Freddy did looked rather silly with his legs closed up tight as if he was in need of the bathroom.

"If I may, Sir." Freddy asked and the older man allowed him to leave. Miranda walked up to her father.

"What did you do to him?" She asked of him.

"Nothing that he does not deserved." Paul replied and went off to look for his servant Ariel.

Samurai Lost in the Time Rift 2.5


The group held their breath as they watched three more eggs have hatched with the young ones feeding on the hanging corpses. The believers think they are seeing the jikininki ( human-eating ghosts ) but these came from eggs. There was also the twin headed serpent there as it moved around the eggs as if looking for something that was not there. Bento looked to the farmer who was with him then, but Fudo ignored the glare from the samurai. Suddenly the serpent shrieked out as if calling for the young ones and the three young ones moved towards it. They are so different; the serpent was an elongated creature while these young ones are like man with the limbs.

There was one young one who limped along as its left lower limb was twisted during its incubation. It was the last to approached the serpent and without hesitation, the left head of the serpent came down and snapped into the young creature before moving it towards the orifice at the bottom of its neck with the body. The tiny legs there in hurried forms pushed the young dead creature into it and let it be devoured by the serpent. The other two young creatures shrieked out in pain, and ran back towards the hatched eggs but the serpent leaned its heads down and rubbed at their sides. It was like how a mother would had comforted a sad child.

In comforting the young ones, the serpent did not see the approaching group of men with their weapons. It was a coordinated strike now as the farmer threw the sake on the necks while the samurai thrust with their yari or shoot with the arrows at the heads. The slaves meanwhile have set the spilled sake on fire before they themselves joined in the fight with the farmers. The serpent coiled back and was to retreat when it heard the breaking of the eggs by the samurai. It slither back into the nesting and fought out with the men.

"Gunso, the neck." Taisa shouted as he ducked from the lunging head of the serpent left head. He saw Edo had slashed the serpent right head with the naginata, while the farmers thrust the neck with their pitchforks.

"Hai!" Gunso jumped up and thrust the yari before pushing it downwards to open the wound. Then he twisted the yari and cut it sideways towards the middle of the neck adjoining the body.

"Drink you own blood, dark one." Gunso cursed at the serpent as he pulled out the yari on seeing the serpent had dropped its head on the side. Meanwhile Taisa Mori had turned his attack on the other neck; slashing at it with the katana. He was assisted by the other Hohei as they also removed the life from this head.

"Hai! We are getting good at killing these foul creature." Gunso shouted out as the farmers and slaves broke the other eggs and killed the unborn young ones. The two young ones was already killed by Edo and Iza. They soon cut down the corpses and lined them on the flooring.

"They looked like us, but its also hard to tell with all the decays." One of the Hohei remarked, but Taisa Mori told them to used the balance of the sake on them and burned them so that their remaining body would not be desecrated. He then looked up the vines and saw it went up high onto the ceiling. The vines seemed to be spaced out evenly in a number of small circles.

"A vine or a root; tells us of trees or growth above. It could had broken through the surface to reached here." Edo looked up. He then looked to a farmer whom he called to come forth.

"Kitui, climb up like a monkey which you are well known for. " Edo point to the ceiling. Tell me where it comes from."

Kitui stripped to his fundoshi, then jumped onto the vine. He made him way up like a monkey on the tree. The slaves had one other to joined him on another vine as the other also climbed up. Taisa then looked to Bento and asked him.

"The light you said you saw; show me." Bento looked at the Taisa and bowed.

"I did not see any but Fudo-san said he saw." Bento point to the farmer, who stepped up towards the Taisa. He bowed and replied.

"There was..." But his statement was stopped by the shout above.

"There is an entrance!" It was Kitui. Then the slave also shouted back on his discovery. More of the others now clamber to climb up but Taisa stopped them.

"Hold it, you fools!" Taisa Mori shouted out. "We would organized ourselves with each one having a turn."

The men all stopped and looked at the Taisa.

"Who among you are good climbers like them?" Three farmers and two slaves came forth. Then climbed and lowered down more vines if you can find it. The others would tied the supplies to the vines to be lifted before we climb. Those who can't climb would be pulled up."

Taisa Mori knew that some of the Hohei are not used to climbing on this type of 'ropes'. They had practiced before but none was as good as these farmer and slaves. The men sorted out themselves and the climbing began.

"I would stay back with you Taisa." Gunso remarked to his Taisa but the later told him get up there and managed the men.

"I do not know where that entrance leads to; another cavern or outside land. You are to let me know. Send out a patrol immediately when you have the numbers."

Gunso Mita bowed and walked to the vines. He pulled at it and tested the tensile strength. He then used his hands to climbed up but soon find himself being pulled up.

"Gunso, we would assist you." The words never sounded sweeter to him than that of his wife cooing him to come to bed.

Friday, September 27, 2013

D&C 2.6; Human meat by the loads

Human meats by the loads

I stood by the car on the street. I had radioed the Precinct that I would be very late; the steers are not moving. They called them that in Texas. I seen share of cowboy shows when young. I walked up to the uniformed and got the update. The truck was loaded with them steers when it broke down. While the driver was fixing the truck, some dumb fool unlocked the pen behind. Now we have twenty steers scared by the noise had gone on a rampage.

"Why was there a truck passing here on my streets?" Frank gets agitated when someone dropped shit on it. I ignored him while I walked past the traffic pileup. I have a 10-71 Shooting, to investigate across the river. I made it past the mess and grabbed the nearest patrol car I could find. I took over the wheel and drove to the other crime scene. I arrived late, but they had more than a shootout.

"Detective, we came here on a 10-71 and found this." The uniformed opened up the back of the truck. It was parked on level five in the multi-level carpark. The truck contained ten bodies; shot and left for dead. They looked like migrants from across the southern border; long drive to be buried here. 

"No witnesses, only the reports of the shooting heard as far as one block. We are running then plate checks but we reckon it would turned out blank." The uniformed gave me the update. I looked at the uniformed.

"If you want my job, get in line." I told the uniform. There are some of these smart ones which tries to be too smart. I drove back to the Precinct when the Forensics took over. I did not want to meet Dan when he sees those ten bodies. He would go bazooka and it won't be for days he would grumbled on his workload. I avoided the morgue for that reason while I searched the web, for leads. I narrowed my search to who would drive those poor souls so far to execute them. Or had them executed.

There was a new operation in the city; forced labor in the shops. Shops that processed designer drugs. It used to be garment shops but then they moved upmarket. I got a few names; Adrian Drew and Gareth Drew, cousins or some claimed blood brothers with the same father. They have a long list on the activities that was considered as felonies but there were no convictions due to lack of evidence. I would like to have them picked up, but there are rules. The Commissioner backed me up for a stakeout on them. He had to when the Mayor came calling with harsher words. It was the fifth day when I went down to see Dan.

"They were shot with 9x19mm Parabellum, and based on the trajectory, I would said they were shot with an automatic." Dan told me on his findings while I stood by his desk. He did not offered me seat and neither did I asked.

"From the trajectory and bullet counts, I would not exclude the Uzi. I found 30 bullets on them. That's one while clip." Dan demonstrated the shooting with the sub-machine gun. He then collated his thoughts and continued on his report.

"There was a discarded Uzi in the scene. Ballistics are checking the prints but I am sure its the Uzi. I found something interesting." Dan adjusted his reading spectacles. "There was a note in one of the deads. It read as
'La Guardia. In Spanish, it meant ...."

"The Guard." I knew that word. I also knew that the name also applied to a organization that deal in smuggling. They are the front for Adrian Drew. I decided to check on the stake out on Adrian.

The results were 'nothing to report'. But there was something interesting that happened that day. I got a call for a 415 ( Disturbance ) downtown. I don't know they called for us as that was handed by the uniforms but the call later became a 187 ( Homicide ). I reached the place which was a scrap yard for metals.

I met Frank there. It was him that called. The uniformed had trapped the shooter in the scrap yard office.

"It was a fight among the Drew' boys and these outsiders, they ran towards here, and we arrived." Frank updated me. "We broke the fight but they got loose with more outsiders coming in to rescue their friends. In the ruckus, there was a shot."

Frank pointed to the dead body that was hauled to the side of the patrol car.

"He's dead. Head shot from the rear." Frank pointed to the rear side of his head. "We all split to each other boundaries. The Drew boys bolted and so did some of the outsiders but there are two of them in them. They armed; shot at us three times so far."

I saw Frank looking at the arrival of the SWAT team. The specialist came prepared; bullet vest and high powered rifles. They took their positions and then we all waited. Its the standard procedure to negotiate, then the shooting would start. Or in this case resumed. We did that all the way; the SWAT had no choice, they had to charged in. They came out with two bodies; double tap on the chest.

"Frank, we can dropped the 415 and proceed to 187." I told Frank while making the call for Dan.

"It was a 187, Jimmy. You are getting old." Darned, for Frank to tell me that was a loud ring in my ears. I took off and checked on the Drew' stakeout. I got better news; Adrian was seen rushing out of his house. They are tailing him but lost him in the streets. I widen the search and then Dan called me up.

"Jimmy, I screwed it. The gun was not a Uzi. It was a Beretta M9; military issue. They shoot 9x19mm Parabellum. I should had not concluded until Ballistics came back. There were four guns." Dan moaned out his misconception."I also found two Beretta M9 at the last shooting. Ballistics are checking those guns."

I slammed the phone down. I really want to kill those bastards; anyone would do. I was angry when someone does a multi homicides on my turf. I went off to Di Angelo. I drunk three coffees, and half a dog.

"Jimmy, you getting worked on for nothing. Have you seen a doctor lately? He could do some blood test for you."

That last statement threw me up over the roof. If I had been friends with Di Angelo long, I would had socked him then. I walked off and the portable rang. I got my wanted news; Adrian Drew was seen with his boys. They had him staked out, and we got a warrant for possible homicide involvement. I owed one to the Commissioner; he twisted some judge for the warrant.

"Police!" The SWAT member smashed the door with the ram, and then his mates all rushed in with their rifles leveled for short bursts. Once I got the all clear, I walked in with my bravado drawn on my face. I found Adrian and three more of his boys cuffed to the back. The uniforms took them down, including some guns but no Beretta M9. I was to released my anger on them in my special room when Dan called me up.

"The earlier results matched to the guns we collected from the scrap yard."

I was back in the starting block.

I was back in the Precinct to run a series of checks; from army deserters to who was in the military in my city. I was searching wild and mad, with all kinds of presumptions. I was getting mad with the task. Frank walked in on me and placed the coffee with the scones.

"Di Angelo said you needed detoxification; Too much rotten meat." I was to lash out when I recalled the words. I punched in the names of our dead subjects from the scrap yard. And also the one who got shot in the head. Their names came out and one common factor; they all had a military stint together in Iraq. More to it, they did a short stay in Argentina as gaucho' or cowboys.

There were five of them.

The only surviving ones were Timmy Gardens and Micheal Cain. These two were not locals but had leased a warehouse at the industrial area. I went over there and found the place locked. If I was younger, I would had scaled the walls but at that time, I decided a cutter would suffice. I cut the lock and then went into the yard. I had to clobbered the two dogs who had bad manners. They won't be chewing bones for a while. I did not go inside the premises but looked in past the windows.

I had my reason for entry.

I called in and the Narcotics came with siren blazing. We found a drug factory but no workers. The state was alerted to find them; for murder, narcotics and human trafficking. It was not long when one turned up; Timmy was shot dead in street shootout with the uniforms when he resisted arrest. Then there was only Micheal Cain.

The call came in and I was blaring on the streets with the siren. Micheal Cain was in Adrian Drew' house. He had shot three guards and holding the owner hostage. We had the house surrounded; the SWAT was getting edgy with the calls, but I told them to backed off while I walked to the house. I went in by the front door, stepping over the dead guard, before convening on Micheal Cain in the library with Adrian Drew hogtied with razor blade wires to the armchair.

Micheal was wounded; I saw the bleeding from his chest and right thigh, but the Beretta M9 was threatening. He also had a razor blade wire on his neck; and it was constricting the air flow.

"Micheal, we could negotiate." I made slow insteps towards the military personnel. "We could also place the Adrian if you helped me."

"No, Detective." Micheal waved the gun at me. "We take care of our own. Just like when we were a squad."

I was running of time. I cornered him on the things I needed to know.

"Tell me about Argentina."

Micheal told me everything. They went over to Argentina, did some sightseeing to clear their head. They ended up in La Guardia. They were approached by the local drug cartel; they claimed they would finance the operation from drugs to guns and also the workers. All the boys needed was a place to work., preferably near the seaport or airport. It was a simple arrangement.

The problem was when Adrian Drew found out. He wanted in or they don't do. The boys were smarter. They negotiated with Gareth Drew. They severed the Argentinian line, and worked with Gareth on a new line. The issue was how to removed the workers which was on the way up. It was like in Iraq, no one cared if they are not known. They planned it like a bad deal that went down. The Uzi was to throw the scent off. It did not worked. Adrian went for them at the scrap yard; their new operation base with Gareth. Adrian still wanted to work with them, so it was a no gun talk but the brawl took place, and the Police came. It was then one of them pulled a gun and fired. Micheal and Timmy escaped during the fight. That was when they went crazy on the whole deal.

Until then.

"Detective, we do the works together." Micheal shot Adrian in the face while I shot him on the chest. He went down with the last shot. The SWAT stormed in but they held their fire.

Soon we picked up Gareth but he was let off for lack of evidence. I hit the coffee again. It was my preference to liquor. I tried to call Rose, but gave up before the phone rang. I went back to Jenny. She was sleeping when I reached the bed. I wanted to reached for her but held back. We have our marriage, but we had our love.

The next day, I got the news.

Gareth Drew was shot dead; on his body was the hot brand 'Gauchos'.

Justice was served. Late but it was a matter of time.


It only take a few minutes to understand it but it may take years for us to work out the issue.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...