Tuesday, December 31, 2013

5.1 Crusaders II - Strategy Outlined

Strategy Outlined

1.          Pentagon, Washington

The cleaning staff pushed his cart of cleaning utensils into the corridor when the escalator door opens. He looked up at the guard sitting at the table placed at the start of the corridor. The cleaner pushed the cart towards the guard who had now looked up for his reading of the novel.

"Is that good?" The cleaner spoke out. "Fantasy or adventure?"

"Fantasy; vampires versus human." Corporal Damien Bain replied as he lowered his novel. He checked the time on his watch and update the log on the entries.

"I hardly see you come here. Where is Brian?" Corporal used to chat with the Irish man from Boston.

"Well, Brian' dead. So are you." The Cleaner thrust out his hand and held the neck of the Corporal. He cracked the neck easily and then lowered the officer to the table top. Standing before the Corporal was no more a man but a werewolf. "Vampire versus human's are unreal; the wolves are are not fantasy."

The Cleaner who had a name before; Beauford Love, dropped it when he lost his human edge. He became from a crime hit-man to werewolf by an incident he refused to disclose. The werewolf went straight to the door marked Server Room. He did not even try the lock but just broke the door down. He did not care about the alarm, but went straight in. He went straight to the console and plugged in the mini portable disk unit. The program took over the server and copied the needed program. He pressed the sent icon and watched the transfer went through. Then it download the program that would erase the trace. 

The werewolf walked up to the window and placed the explosives there. He hid behind the table and pressed the trigger. The explosion tore off the window and part of the wall. Then werewolf stood there at the open hole. Below him are newly arrived soldiers getting their acts together to apprehend an intruder. The werewolf did not hesitate as he leap off the building at the fourth level and landed on his feet. The warning came as expected.

"Do not move or we would shoot."

The werewolf growled and ran towards the soldiers. They fired their weapons but the bullets just penetrate his flesh without stopping him. The werewolf jumped clear of the soldiers and ran on to the perimeter.

"Someone shoot the bastard." One soldier did with the 50 caliber machine gun, but it just propel him forward with the velocity of the shots. The werewolf leapt for the wall but it did not make it. There was one shot which hit its heart and the healing power could not stopped the bleeding. It dropped down and became a man.

"I be damned. Get me the General. We got Super soldiers to shoot at now." That was the Captain's call.

A preview into the Queen from Snow White

It took me a week ( after a lapse of blank ideas to write ) and the sorcery at works, made write the tale of the Queen. We all knew her as the Queen who poisoned Snow White, the one who valued her beauty over any thing, speaks to a mirror, and above all, was an evil Queen.

Wow~ Stereotype of those bad witches in the fairy tales.

I took the task to explain her true self.

Why she was Queen?

Her sacrifices to be a woman then.

Her long journey to be befriend the Princess and then made her the nemesis of her life.

I hope you enjoyed.

For spoiler, I left some gaps in the tale so I could spin other tales.

Read on. And be sympathetic please for the Queen. ( Hint! Hint! )

The Dark Queen of White; Part 1 of 1.1

Jimmy Loong
December 2013

The beginning


The sentry on the high tower spotted the return of their royal entourage, and alerted the guards on the castle walls. The same alert was then sent to the guards manning the drawbridge, which would in turn begin to lower the drawbridge over the moat. While all this was going on, the head servants would instruct their staff to prepare the food and drinks in the Main Hall, and the maid servants would get the rooms ready for the King's return. The personal maids of the Queen would have alerted the Queen herself in the chamber or at the garden, on the return of the King.

On that particular day, that was not forthcoming, as the Queen was unwell, and had to remain in bed. By her side, was the twin crib, with the young babies of the King and Queen, born a week ago. Their birth was not easy and had added to the Queen's recovery. She lay in bed, while the healers attending to her pack their boxes, to withdraw to the corridor to await the King.

On that day, the King had ridden ahead with his horse ridden guards, while the caravans were half a day away. The King's company was the ten knights and fifty guards on horsebacks, while the caravan loaded with their supplies trailed them with a company of two hundred foot soldiers. It was wise then for the King to travel with such a big company for the land was unsafe with the presence of bandits and above all, enemies of the King.

The King column trooped into the Courtyard of his magnificent castle with the six high towers overlooking the wide river on its right side, and the vast farmlands on the left. Further to the extent of the farmlands was the township which bear his name, and under his protectorate; the township of Egan.

King Egan dismounted from his white stallion and threw the rein to the stable master. He removed his head piece; the helm while walking into the main doors of his Main Hall. Before it was his good friend, Lin Denham; the Castellan of the Castle during his journey to the neighboring lands. Beside the Castellan was the wizard under his employ; Corellian, the wiry looking man dressed in the blue cloak and sporting a long staff that he claimed was from an enchanted tree trunk.

"Where's my Queen?" King Egan roared out, while he threw his head piece towards the servant standing there behind the Castellan. The King himself was still in his battle armor; with the mail hood over his head, while his body was encased by the cuirass and to his lower torso was the faulds to protect his hips and waist. On his limbs, are the greaves which cover his exposed arms and legs. He pulled off his gauntlet and hollered for the servants to assist in removing his armor pieces. He had left his battle sword; the three feet long double blade with the single hilt with his squire.

"Hurry, you fool. I must see to my babies." King Egan was growing impatient with the servants who were struggling to remove his armor. Once they had removed his cuirass, he had kicked out at the servants who were attempting to pull at the legs greaves.

"Fools! Even the wenches on the battlefields are better than the lot of you." King Egan strode off with his lower body still encase by the armor. He mounted the stairs to the upper landing towards his personal chambers. He passed the three healers who bowed before their King as he walked past. He stepped in to the chamber and the personal maids of the Queen all cower to the sides to avoid the King.

"How is she?" King Egan asked of the healers who trailed behind him up his entry.

"The Queen is weak. She had lost a lot of blood, and we still cannot stop the bleeding." The senior healer named Tgin spoke up on behalf of the healers. The healer was a middle aged lady with seasons of handling the Queen's health and was experienced with the birth of the young 'uns.

"What ails her, healer?" King Egan asked. “Was there a curse on her being by some of my enemies?"

King Egan had many mortal enemies, and he feared that the ones he had wronged may had allied with the unnatural beings to wreck havoc on him and his Queen. He thus had the services of the wizard, who claimed to able to suppress such dark arts. He did not wait for the reply from Tgin and called on Corellian to reply.

"Aye, my King. Queen Evie had truly being attacked by the dark beings...." Corellian spoke up while stamping his staff. King Egan in his wrath slapped the wizard across the face for the reply.

"And what had you done to protect her? I paid you heavy in gold coins." King Egan retorted back and then gave the order. "Away with his head and had it staked on the walls for all to see."

The guards of the castle who were at the doorway, stepped in to hold the wizard.

"Kill me, King Egan, and your land would be cursed more. Only I could stop these dark ones." Corellian voiced out in a threatening mode.

Monday, December 30, 2013

The Tempest Act 4, Scene 1 Part 2

Act 4, Scene 1 Part 2

Alan pulled away at the lock but it would not opened. He used the stock of the sub-machinegun although emptied of its clip served well as a mallet. He knocked it hard on the lock and found it harder to opened. The others were more flimsy and could be pried but this one was tougher. He peek and saw only darkness. They had wandered for hours, if time mattered in this dim lit place, and found nothing. Not even a shred of soul if there was such a term to be used.

"Alan, I think we moved back. It had been three hours now." Gonzales replaced the watch on the chain back into his vest. Stanley and Anthony looked like hobos that had taken one too many train rides without any shower or change of clothes. So was Gonzales with his overcoat and attache case.

"No Freddy and no leaving until we find Freddy.." Alan repeated himself. He had been doing it for the last hour, and was sweating profusely.

"Uncle Nates, you are out..." Stanley voiced out to his uncle. He had been walking through these corridors for hours, looking for the missing Freddy. It was always Freddy this and that. Ever since the Colin's case, Uncle Nates have been harping on this precious son.

"Don't tell me what to do." Uncle Nates jumped on the nephew. "If you do not want to come, stay here or go anywhere."

Anthony calmed down his Uncle. He placed his hand on the older man's shoulder.

"We would find Freddy." Anthony assured his Uncle. Stanley moved towards the door. He stood there and started kicking at it. He was cursing at it as if his kicks would open it.

"Open sesame. Open sesame....." Stanley then started screaming at it. "Open, you bastard."

Stanley started kicking at it. He was losing to his emotions. He was losing his sanity. It was Gonzales who found the key hung on the wall near the doorway.

"Hey, try this. It might work." Gonzales went over and picked it up. He tried the lock and it opened. Alan was the first to go in, followed by the others. They started looking at the rooms. It was all dark and wet, with a single bedding and a high wall. Other than that, there was nothing except some rooms had writings on the walls. It was all random writing with no real purposes. There were profanities or wisdom words, but they were all written in blood or any materials they can find.

Suddenly they heard it.

"Who's there?" Gonzales shouted, and ran to the gate. It was locked and the key was missing. They are locked in.

"No, this was not the plan. I was not supposed to be here." Gonzales shook at the gates. "Open up. "Let me out."

It was Anthony who pull the Attorney off the gate. He pushed the man towards the wall.

"Tell us what happened here." Anthony confront the attorney. "Speak Gonzales, or I would smash your face on the wall."

Gonzales told them.

"It was all a scam to lure Alan here. That was Paul's plan." Gonzales looked to Alan. "You killed his wife. He seek his vengeance on you." 

"Paul? It can't be. I did not kill Bernice." Alan replied. "It was Brady. He killed her."

"But you did shoot her." Gonzales shouted at the man. "You also shot at Paul."

"No! I did not. I did not shoot Bernice. I did not shoot Paul." Alan shouted back. He paced the corridors and then kicked at the walls. "I did shoot Bernice after she died"

"So you did shoot Bernice." Gonzales stated the fact.

"Yes, but why would I shoot Bernice? I was too upset so I shot her. She planned it all. She wanted Paul to quit. But everything went wrong. Brady went for her. I wanted to stop him but he had done it. He was shot by Paul. I saw it."

"Why did you not tell me then?" Gonzales asked.

"How would I know? You were with me then. Remember that?" Alan shouted back. "You joined me soon after Paul left."

"I had to. Your so called family killed my reputation as an Attorney. No one wanted to hire me." Gonzales replied to the older man. "And Paul wanted a set of eyes on you.'

"You were working for Paul." Alan shouted and approached the attorney. "You bastard."

Anthony held the older man back while Gonzales explained.

"I set him up here and then for ten years, he won't see me. Not until recently when Christopher..."

"Christopher? You bastard. I ought to shoot you here." Alan reached for his gun and again Anthony grabbed the gun away.

"Paul asked for Christopher to come here. They been meeting the last three months. They did a lot of talking without me." Gonzales sighed and later went down on his knees. He looked up to the older man. "I am sorry. He paid me good money."

"Money? Gonzales, I paid you too. I paid you thousands for your works. When did I short pay you at anytime? When?" Alan was furious then. "Gonzo, I trusted you. You let me down."

Gonzales began crying by himself. He felt like a broken man. He was all shattered inside. He betrayed this closest friends. He destroyed himself and his own reputation. He was a squealer. The worst act in the mobster scene.

"We got food and drinks." Anthony shouted out. "Whoever had us locked here had left those here."

There was a pushcart with food and drinks. Stanley rushed towards the pushcarts but Anthony stopped him.

"We can't survived without food and drinks. We need those things." Anthony held the man from destroying their food. Stanley calmed down and later point to Gonzales.

"He gets nothing. He gets nothing." Stanley kept on muttering. "He gets nothing."

Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Tempest Prologue 15

Prologue 15

"I am throwing it in." The old man threw away the betting slips. The horses were either drugged or he was having a bad spell. He turned to walk out, but he was stopped by the boys at the doorway.

"Please come with us, Mr Granger." The old man had no choice. He left the Digby Shop at the 5th Street. He was taken to see Paul Miller.

"Mr Granger, you owed Digby ten grand, and you can't pay." Paul told him. He knew Mr Granger very well. He was their daughter's admirer and had dated her a few times. She thought he was a businessman but she never knew the truth. He was told to back off by the old man when he heard Paul was a mobster.

"So fucked it. I would sell my shop. And the stupid business." Mr Granger looked at Paul. "I knew Digby old man, and could stretch the payment terms."

"Not any more. I bought the tabs." Paul looked at the man. "You owed me now."

It took only half an hour to convinced Mr Granger of his predicament. He agreed to the new terms. Three months later, Paul Miller walked down the aisle with Bernice Granger, where the old man gave her away with a heavy heart.

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Tempest - The Original Tale

This may be late but its better to tell this part of the tale that I wrote.  The Tempest was one of the better tales of Shakespeare, and had five parts to it. When I first read ( the summary version one.... ) I was attracted to it. Many years later (perhaps decades given my age. ) I had decided to pen it but to make it more interesting and personal, I gave out this version. Unlike the original, I changed the location, the time era, and also introduce the characters with more indepth ( hence all the extended Prologues' ).

For those of you who did not read the original, the synopsis is attached here.


The Tempest Summary is divided by the five acts of the play and makes an ideal introduction before reading the original text.

Act I.

A huge storm batters a ship carrying Alonso, (the King of Naples), Sebastian, (Alonso's brother), Ferdinand (Alonso's son), Antonio, Gonzalo and others. They are likely to die by shipwreck...

On the island near the storm, Prospero and his daughter Miranda are introduced. We learn that Prospero has created the storm battling Alonso and company's ship. Miranda asks Prospero to stop the storm. We also learn that Prospero was once the Duke of Milan but was banished to this island with Miranda by Antonio, his brother who took over Prospero's dukedom of Milan.

We are introduced to Ariel, Prospero's magic fairy who tells us that the men onboard the ship have all made it ashore unharmed as planned. Caliban, a misformed beast is also introduced. Ariel leads Ferdinand to Miranda and the two immediately fall in love. Prospero decides to be rude to Ferdinand, fearful of too rapid a courtship.

Act II.

The rest of the shipwreck survivors wake up on the island. They are surprised that their clothes smell and feel as fresh as if they had just been bought at a market...
Ariel song puts them all to sleep again except for Sebastian and Antonio. Antonio who replaced his brother Prospero as Duke of Milan manipulates Sebastian, King Alonso's brother into doing the same thing by replacing King Alonso. The two are about to kill Alonso in his sleep but Ariel awakens everyone and the two men quickly make an excuse for drawing their swords out.

Trinculo, a jester on the ship, discovers Caliban and quickly realizes that such a beast would earn a fortune for him as a novelty in England. Stephano, Trinculo's friend eventually finds Trinculo under Caliban's huge frame. Stephano gives Caliban alcohol, causing Caliban to think Stephano is more powerful than Prospero whom Caliban hates. The three men set off together later deciding to kill Prospero...

Act III.

Prospero who is now invisible to Ferdinand and Miranda, witnesses Ferdinand and Miranda expressing their deep love for one another in words that rival Romeo and Juliet in their tenderness. Ferdinand, realizing he is witnessing a truly rare meeting of hearts, approves of Ferdinand for his daughter. The scene ends with Ferdinand taking Miranda for his wife. Prospero is pleased but must now leave to attend to matters before supper...

Bottle in hand, Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban continue on their merry way together. Stephano starts getting delusions of grandeur, which Caliban blindly follows. Trinculo thinks Caliban is being foolish to follow Stephano so blindly. Caliban succeeds in convincing Stephano into killing Prospero and taking over the island and suggests several gruesome ways of killing Prospero. Ariel lures the group away with his entrancing sounds...

Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, Adrian and Francisco and others witness a banquet on the island but it is an illusion. Ariel returns and verbally punishes Alonso (King of Naples), Antonio and Sebastian for their roles in exiling Prospero, Ariel master...

Act IV.

Prospero tells Ferdinand that he no longer will punish him, but instead will freely give his daughter's hand in marriage to him. Prospero conjures up a beautiful, mythical, illusory party to celebrate, complete with goddesses and nymphs.

Prospero instructs Ariel to lead the shipwrecked men on the island before him. Remembering Stephano, Caliban and Trinculo, Prospero has Ariel distract them with clothes, Caliban failing to keep his friends focused on killing Prospero. Prospero promises Ariel that he will soon be free...

Act V.

Prospero brings everyone except Stephano, Caliban and Trinculo before him in a circle. Spellbound, he verbally reprimands several of the men who exiled him. Prospero tells Ariel that he will soon be free and that he will miss him. Prospero also intends to destroy his ability to use magic.

Making his presence known, Prospero forgives King Alonso, and tells Sebastian and Antonio he will keep secret their plan to kill Alonso, forgiving both.

The famously sweet scene of Ferdinand playing chess with Miranda occurs. King Alonso is overjoyed to see his son Ferdinand and soon learns of Ferdinand's imminent marriage to Miranda.

Prospero forgives Stephano and Trinculo. Caliban is embarrassed that he followed a fool (Trinculo). Caliban is given his freedom. Prospero announces that in the morning they will all set sail for Naples. Ariel is at last set free.


Prospero asks the audience to free him to travel back to Naples reclaiming his life as Duke of Milan.

The Tempest Act 4, Scene 1 Part 1.2

"I guess so." Freddy replied and tried to push his way back to her breasts but she held him back up.

"No, Freddy. I must know." Miranda told him.

"Yes, I would...." Freddy paused. "But we hardly know each other."

Freddy struggled with his words. It was then Miranda pushed him away. She pulled at her dress to covered herself.

"I meant I love you. I would marry you but could we not enjoyed ourselves before the patters of feet invade our time." Freddy spoke out but he did not know why he had formed those words. In truth, he was afraid that he may lose her like his mother was dead when he was only twelve. He felt he hardly knew her long enough. Nor did his father who was always outside. Abigail Nates died the same year as Miranda' mother but on different situation.

"I am sorry, Miranda." Freddy pulled her over to hold her. "I do love you."

Miranda felt his pain and his sincerity. She pulled away and then looked at him. She lowered her straps again and pulled him to her breasts. It was how they moved on until both were naked on the flooring, with hormones surging but no sex was to take place.

It was also how Paul found the couple when he walked in on them. He had come from the hidden corridors when Ariel told him that he would continue doing the show alone to frighten the guests more.

"I had laced the food with some hallucinations drugs, they saw worms on the food, as we have tested before on the inmates. They saw the descending devil; another act of mine with puppetry and lights." Ariel told him then. He left Ariel to see his daughter. 

"How dare you this to me?" Paul in his anger had pulled the young man off the his daughter's side. "I who had saved you , fed you and now ......"

"Dear Sir, I did nothing to her. We just lain there as the body was weary." Freddy pleaded with the older man. "I had not touched her improperly if that was you meant."

"And to what I was envisage; a man of your youth with the surges of the body? A mere sunbath in the shed when it rained outside." Paul point to the man, while his daughter who had woken grabbed the clothes there to dress.

Paul saw her inconvenience and turned away from them.

"Dress up quick and then I would speak." Paul stood there looking at the walls. It was then Ariel came to him. He had just arrived from the hall where his magical presentation had confused the guests.

"They gone looking for him. Three are dead though." Ariel reported to him.

"Collateral damages." Paul replied. "Trail them and set them off the dead tracks. Better still lead them to the dungeons. Have them locked there for a while. I want them confused and perhaps mad. What better place to do it than in this place."

Paul then turned to the young couple. They were dressed but they held each other hands to faced him. He called forth his daughter to him.

"Miranda, for ten years I had brought you up. I had told you many a times, you are not ready to lose yourself onto any man. Be it Kabib or ...." Paul was interrupted by her.

"Father, I never lain with that brute. He forced me. ..." Miranda defended her innocence.

"Yes, I know. I had Kabib confessed, and he did not asked you. He was like any growing man; they go crazy at times." Paul looked to Freddy who looked away sheepishly. "You ought to know..."

"Father, we did nothing. We merely kissed and touch..." Miranda tried to explain.

"Enough please. I need not hear of the details....." Paul looked away. He wished Bernice was here. She would known what to do. At that time, all he wanted to do was shaft the piece of wood up the man' butt but he restrained himself. He would be fair; after all he did like the young man. He fitted into his new plan.

"Come here, impostor." Paul motioned to Freddy. He wanted to ask his daughter to go away but reckon he would do the talking together.

"Young man, I find your action deplorable." Paul started off with the words. Freddy immediately reacted back.

"I took responsibility for my action, Sir. I did not took advantage of her. I really loved your daughter. May I have her hand in marriage?" Freddy spoke all of that in one long sentence.

"No....not yet." Paul replied before he took on his breath of air. "I knew not who you are, but a straggler into my home."

"I am, Sir. Ferdinand Thomas Nates...." Freddy replied but was cut off by Paul.

"An impostor which I had declared upon you." Paul replied. "I met Ferdinand Nates. He was not called Freddy."

"Pardon me, Sir. Freddy was my nickname given by my mother, Abigail Smith before she married my father Anthony Nates. I was named after my grandfathers'' Ferdinand and Thomas. I...." Freddy told his whole life tale while Paul listened. He knew most of it as he was the Godfather of the child at birth. Paul looked to his daughter and noticed her smile. She was becoming to know more of her husband to be.

"So what does your father do, young man?" Paul asked.

"He is a trader of sorts. Works most time in the exports and imports of goods." Freddy replied. Paul smiled. So another one that does not know his father's real trade. But Paul was wrong.

"Actually, I knew that my father does more than that." Freddy admitted to Paul. "He works with the mobster and also do some smuggling. He told me he was going straight. Handing over to my cousin Anthony and then retire."

"Sir, I won't disappoint Miranda. We would get a new life and away from all of that." Freddy continued on.

"Let me think on it." Paul replied. He was to go back to his guests when Miranda called him.

"Father, I love Freddy. There may not be another." Miranda spoke out. "I am blind and even in my state, I know I am not that beautiful like many others. But if Freddy truly loves me as he had said, then I am the most beautiful one to him. That matters a lot to me."

"Sir, Miranda is the most beautiful one for me. Please consent our love." Freddy asked of the older man.

Paul nodded. But then he turned around to faced the two lovers of sort.

"You must promised me one thing, young man." Paul looked at the man. He then asked Freddy to stepped forth for him to whispered to his ears.

"Preserved her till we can find a proper person to marry the two of you. Shatter not her virginity or I would had you impaled with the lance with the blunt end first." Paul looked sternly to the young man who nodded.

"I shall obey." Freddy did looked rather silly with his legs closed up tight as if he was in need of the bathroom.

"If I may, Sir." Freddy asked and the older man allowed him to leave. Miranda walked up to her father.

"What did you do to him?" She asked of him.

"Nothing that he does not deserved." Paul replied and went off to look for his servant Ariel.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

4.5 Stakes Declared - Crusaders II

5.                    The river banks of the Rhine River.

On the house boat floating on the river, a lavish dinner was served for two person. The host; a man of taste and substance held onto the glass of red wine. He ad it added with extra ingredients to make it very reddish, but a delight to the taste bud. If there was a Bloody Mary in the cocktail menu, then this ranked as Blood of Mary in the wine list.

The awaited guest arrived, and dressed in a dark shade of red low cut gown, escorted by two burly looking demons in the guise of man. She stepped into the boat house and smiled.

"You looked radiant, Lilith." The host greet her as he pours her a glass of the wine he was sampling. She took his offer and had her first sip of it.

"Royal blood? I am impressed." Lilith gracefully sweep herself across the narrow confines of the houseboat. "Surely, you taste in ........wine would had make you more delicate in the selection of the dining surrounding."

"Lilith, if you are complaining about my simple houseboat, let me assure you it has sentimental values." Lucifer the host offer a chair for his guest at the dining table. "Its..."

"Pray do tell. It must be your first romantic tryst and you lost the cherry tag on your name." Lilith interjected. "I lost mine on the wild plains in Georgia. Or was it Ukraine. I can't recall actually. Who does when they are fragging like bitches?"

"I was going to said it belong to my purchase when I decided to use investments to reflect my lifestyle." Lucifer laughed. "I was an investment banker then in the 1920's. Who else can engineer the collapse of a market so wide?"

"Gloating won't get you into my panty, darling." Lilith replied. "I ain't having any one anyway."

They both laughed.

"Lilith, the Crusaders are back in the services." Lucifer sounded stern when he mentioned the word.

"The Crusaders have been around for some time. They win some and we lose more, but never the major partners are affected. Why are you overly concerned? The ones that mattered were the ones who defeated Baal then. But they are long gone. Missing in limbo."

"No, Lilith. They are back. All four of them; their descendants are renewing their oath to fight evil." Lucifer raised his cup. "Gerald Black, Micheal of Moor, Baron Helmut and the Squire. May you guide your disciples well."

"It can't be. They were missing for years. Surely your intel are wrong." Lilith stood up. "You were there too. They are too..........relentless in their pursuit. But why now?"

"I planned it. I got the other Princes to revolt on me. I want them to push the world to the brink of doom. Then I would be its savior. I would be the King of the World. You may reign at my side." Lucifer took another sip.

"The Crusaders would stop you. Like how they did on Baal." Lilith cautioned him.

"True, but they would defeat the other Princes leaving me only the surviving last Prince of Darkness. And soon to be King of Darkness." Lucifer laughed out loud. "Would you rule with me, my Queen?"

Lilith smiled at him.

The Tempest Act 4, Scene 1 Part 1.1

Act 4, Scene 1 Part 1

The faint but sharp noise of the shots from the Western Block woke up the couple who had lain on the bedding by the wood shed. It was not a fine bedding but one of some cloth; theirs to be exact while they lain in the nude.

"Fear not, Freddy. Its probably the sound of the wind. It does crack like that at times." Miranda who had lain on her side while her lover of sort held her from the back. They may had been silly then, but the kisses laden by the other was too enticing to be released. She had never felt such feelings when his lips caressed hers and then to her neck. She may not be able to see, but she knew what the kisses look like. He had paused at below her neck and then he went up to her shoulder.

"Freddy, please continue on as you were." Miranda had pushed his head towards her bosom; lowered than before. His lips caressed her coarse clothing but the sensation was to permeate through the fabric to her flesh. She shuddered in her body and moved back her head to pushed her bosom forth. He needed no persuasion than that, to nuzzle his face into her bosom.

Miranda remembered when she was younger, she had buried her face into her mother's bosom and felt the warmth but that time was different when she was with Freddy. She arched her back further up but his caress was just as shallow then. She did not know why and how, but she moved to ease the shoulders strap of her dress to let it fall off the arms. She pulled back his face to raised it up to her face.

"Kissed me, Freddy." The young man was a virgin at the works, nodded his head. His lips once caressed hers but she had pushed him down again to her bosom. He was treated to the sight of her bared breasts which he had never seen. He had seen breasts, but they were always clothed or hidden. His ventured into the full play of sex was rather limited by his personal principle of modesty. That was his excuse to many enticing ladies, but the truth was he feared being blackmailed again for another act of sex.

"Kissed me there." Freddy was pushed to the upper flesh of her breast, which he had no notion of what to do. He did as kisses was to be laid, and as his lips felt the softer flesh there, he went into a state of nuzzling and minor bites. His bites took on its own journey as he trailed down to the center. There he felt the hardness tip but his eyes closed, he only knew that it was in need of a deeper kiss. His lips engulfed it and suckled on it like the young infant would do. It was a natural act of any person in need of its nutrients.

Miranda moaned out her feeling when his lips caressed her tips; she knew not what was it to described the feeling but to hold him ever closer to her. She had once tried to kissed her mother there once, but she had told her it was not hers anymore to feed anymore.

"Your days at my breasts are to be held close from your face. Its now back to your father who would suckle on it."

"Why, mother?" Miranda had asked.

"Its the few parts of myself, that were reserved only for him, as my love. I share it not with anyone and more so when that one should weaned off it a long time ago." Her mother explained. "There were to be another one soon, but he does not know."

"Who's that, Mother?" Miranda asked.

"Perhaps your sister or brother, but we shall wait for the day when God deliver the baby." It was the night before her mother's death that Miranda was to know that she was to have another baby brother or sister.

The hard nibble on her breast shook her off her thoughts. She pulled him up again to her face. She sees not as we knew, but she needed to see him at the face to asked him.

"Would you father ...our child?" Miranda asked of him. Freddy meanwhile then was caught between the feeling of hormonal urges and parental responsibility. 

4.4 Crusaders Book II - Stakes Declared

1.                    A defunct airplane port, Alberta Canada

The six hangers were not fully renovated albeit some light planes are parked there. The long haired man carrying a long duffel bag on his back was driven by a pastor who once met him. The pastor was approached by the waylaid man two mornings ago at his church. The waylaid man stood there and dropped the duffel bags.

"I want to go to Rome."

"My dream was to send you to Rome." That drove both men to this defunct airport. They stopped the car at the Hanger No.3 and got off. They were met by a bearded man with casual wear and collected his fees. He also promised to attend the next service on Sunday. They took off in a private jet with the check in flight for stops along the route.

The battle was at Montreal airport. It was a need to get a walk and he took one into a dark corner of the hanger. They were there; three of them stood there with their fangs extended over their lips.

"Clawler, you can run but you can't hide." The demon in the middle walked up and continue. "You killed two of my good men; father and son a few centuries ago. I am here to even the score."

"They are the cousins; long in the line of blood." The two standing behind came forth. They pulled out the long handed mallet and held it in the hands. "They also came prepared."

The two cousins went separate ways to flank Clawler. Meanwhile Clawler removed his jacket and then his shirt with the shoes; and growled out like a predator. His features starts to change from the physical form of man to that of a wolf like but less pronounced on the nose. His shoulders grew out and wide while his lower limbs grew more sinewy with a bigger muscles. On his upper limbs, claws starts to appear and they lengthen at over half a meter long. All over his body furs starts to appear and soon he was covered it like a furry animal.

"A splendid show of ...ferocity, perhaps but child play to mine." The leader of the trio spoke up. He removed his jacket to show the twin holster with the monster handgun. "Nine silver bullets each. I also got one more special; a tomahawk coated with silver lining. Made it to kill creature like you."

The leader grabbed the tomahawk from the back of his waist and threw it out. It barely missed Clawler who sidestepped the swing. The tomahawk was retrieved by the long chain it was attached to. The demon got back his tomahawk and attached it to his waist belt.

The cousins did not hesitate as they came charging swinging their mallet. Clawler retreated and ran to the rear while being chased by them. He saw the lower flap of the smaller aircraft parked nearby. He slided underneath it and then stopped; he jumped up the wing and waited his turn. The cousins came close and smashed their mallets on the wing. That was when Clawler slashed out with his claws at the cousin with a forward jump. He got the right one with a slashed across the face and his other claw embedded into the left shoulder. Clawler swung his lower body forward using the demon he was slashing as leverage. The forward swing was to have his right feet claws kicked into the other demon in the face. With both demons falling down, Clawler followed on by pulling his upper claws out and thrust them into the demon's face. Then he rolled over and leap up onto the other demon. He landed with his legs on the chest; the claws burying into the ribs, while his upper claws went for the kill on the neck. Clawler growl looking up from his crouched position with the claws dripping blood.

"Darned! I knew their lineage were flawed in battle tactics, but they populate fast." The surviving leader of the trio laughed. "Now if you would stay still, I can laid you to rest with these silver bullets."

 The demon fired the handgun in a wide arc hoping to Clawler but he had leap up high to avoid the bullets. He used his height to propel over onto the handgun demon. He crashed into the demon and caused both of them to fall backwards. The demon had lost hold of his handguns but he reached now for the tomahawk. He swung the tomahawk at Clawler who caught the handle and pulled it towards himself.

"Clawler, we have a standoff now." The demon held on taut to the chain attached to the tomahawk which was on Clawler' hand now. Clawler pulled hard on the tomahawk causing the chain to pulled the demon forth. Clawler did not wait for the chain to pulled his prey but he twisted his body forth toward the demon; and lashed out in a side kick into approaching demon. The kick made contact and send the demon to fall backwards. Clawler now has the tomahawk; threw it at the fallen demon catching it on the chest. The demon fell back on the flooring and never got up.

Clawler transformed back to his human guise and walked back to the plane.

2.                    The river banks of the Rhine River.

On the house boat floating on the river, a lavish dinner was served for two person. The host; a man of taste and substance held onto the glass of red wine. He ad it added with extra ingredients to make it very reddish, but a delight to the taste bud. If there was a Bloody Mary in the cocktail menu, then this ranked as Blood of Mary in the wine list.

The awaited guest arrived, and dressed in a dark shade of red low cut gown, escorted by two burly looking demons in the guise of man. She stepped into the boat house and smiled.

"You looked radiant, Lilith." The host greet her as he pours her a glass of the wine he was sampling. She took his offer and had her first sip of it.

"Royal blood? I am impressed." Lilith gracefully sweep herself across the narrow confines of the houseboat. "Surely, you taste in ........wine would had make you more delicate in the selection of the dining surrounding."

"Lilith, if you are complaining about my simple houseboat, let me assure you it has sentimental values." Lucifer the host offer a chair for his guest at the dining table. "Its..."

"Pray do tell. It must be your first romantic tryst and you lost the cherry tag on your name." Lilith interjected. "I lost mine on the wild plains in Georgia. Or was it Ukraine. I can't recall actually. Who does when they are fragging like bitches?"

"I was going to said it belong to my purchase when I decided to use investments to reflect my lifestyle." Lucifer laughed. "I was an investment banker then in the 1920's. Who else can engineer the collapse of a market so wide?"

"Gloating won't get you into my panty, darling." Lilith replied. "I ain't having any one anyway."

They both laughed.

"Lilith, the Crusaders are back in the services." Lucifer sounded stern when he mentioned the word.

"The Crusaders have been around for some time. They win some and we lose more, but never the major partners are affected. Why are you overly concerned? The ones that mattered were the ones who defeated Baal then. But they are long gone. Missing in limbo."

"No, Lilith. They are back. All four of them; their descendants are renewing their oath to fight evil." Lucifer raised his cup. "Gerald Black, Micheal of Moor, Baron Helmut and the Squire. May you guide your disciples well."

"It can't be. They were missing for years. Surely your intel are wrong." Lilith stood up. "You were there too. They are too..........relentless in their pursuit. But why now?"

"I planned it. I got the other Princes to revolt on me. I want them to push the world to the brink of doom. Then I would be its savior. I would be the King of the World. You may reign at my side." Lucifer took another sip.

"The Crusaders would stop you. Like how they did on Baal." Lilith cautioned him.

"True, but they would defeat the other Princes leaving me only the surviving last Prince of Darkness. And soon to be King of Darkness." Lucifer laughed out loud. "Would you rule with me, my Queen?"

Lilith smiled at him.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Xmas

Merry Xmas to all. We will soon bid adieu to 2013 and a new year would soon be on us. As for me, I am still sorting out my recovered Laptop, and reinstalling the programs ( my docs were safe, as were the tales I wrote. ).

The last month or so, I was having mind block with the tales. I could not concentrate and there were no new ideas spinning out, until early this week. I started on a new tale, inspired by a photo of Snow White. I decided to pen on the character, the Queen.

The Queen? Did I remembered her as the old hag that went around with a basket of red apples? Nay, It was the Charlize Theron version. And then, the keyboard went tapping and I am now at 27,000 words.

Wow! That was my exact thoughts.

I am back, guys. And ladies.

I would soon showed you a side of the Queen you never knew.

Soon, you would be looking to cheer her on. Nay, she's not on the stage doing the pole dancer....( ouch, that hurts.... What was it? Don't ask unless you want to know how a ten foot pole felt like when its used like a pile driver. )

Soon, I would be publishing it here...... Hang in there, Snow White. You ain't the most beautiful lady in the realm. The mirrors lied actually. It was the .....

Read on.... and you would know.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...