Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sunday sermon

"I say, old chap. Do you think we could settle for a quid?" I looked at the ghostly looking figure standing there. "Hey, I am talking to you. Do we settle?"

"Hard negotiator, huh? I seen worse." I shuffled my feet. "Lots of bout on my feet."

"What is this? A covenant? I never signed one like this. You sure its my signature." I frowned. "My creator signed that? Before I was born. DNA certified. My Dad signed for me? He was illiterate."

"Oh, you meant HIM." I sighed. "Life never was fair. Lead the way for me to Hell."


For our tenure for the round of living here, we had all signed a covenant to leave when its time. Its just that some of us lived badly to leave for the subway instead of taking to the skies.

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