Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Pangaea Pg 1-7

Page 1-7

Part 1
first step ....

The Truth
Pangaea is hypothesized as a supercontinent that existed 250 million years ago. It is thought that all major continents at that time were assembled into one supercontinent named here. The supercontinent then fragmented and became the pieces of continents we know now. The theory of plate tectonics was the to explain how the movement of these plates split the supercontinent to those we know today.
Pangaea is believed to have been a C-shaped landmass that spread across the equator and from the North to the South. The body of water enclosed within the resulting crescent on the East side has been named the Tethys Sea. Pangaea's large mass of land, resulted in the inland regions to be very dry, due to its distance from the sea. The vast ocean that once surrounded the supercontinent of Pangaea has been named Panthalassa.
And this new world we going to was named after that supercontinent on a planet that resemble ours but based in remote galaxy.
The new Pangaea is about the same size but its oblong in shape and unlike the one on Earth, this one has a sea inside the supercontinen which flows out in three main rivers to the open sea. So unlike the named original Pangaea, this supercontinent has the same environment in almost all all its land mass, which is humid and wet tropical jungle or swamps area.
Due to its similarity to Earth and its abundant clean air, the expedition was mounted to go there and determined if its suitable for man’s colonisation to replace Earth as their home planet.
The year was 2311.

The new beginning
The reptile that perched on the twig lashed out its tongue and caught the unwary beetle that flew by it. The tongue of the reptile curl in its length along with the bettle stuck on the tongue ends which is struggling in frantic movements to escape the sticky substance that is on its wings and shell. The tongue curled itself onto the bettle and was soon swallowed in whole by the reptile. The meal it has taken will last it for some time. The reptile keen sight from its two portruding antenna eyes scour the area for its prey, but it did not picked up the image of a open jaw with two large fangs taht swooped it off the twig. The reptile felt the fangs piercing its upper and lower back, which the secretions from it, imobolise the reptile. The reptile body was devoid of life within seconds as its long tail which was swinging in frenzy dropped to a standstill.
The size of the reptile is about the equivalent in a large house rat, but its foe is a long slimy amphibous scaled slittery reptile which feasts on other smaller reptiles or their own kind. Its length is almost two yards  but its no competition to the beaked winged two footed feather creature. Its right foot with its three claws held the slittering creature from moving away while its beak was pecking the skin of the creature at the back of its head, and pierced the brain in there, causing the other creature to die in cries of pain. The beak creature used it sharp beak to tear away the scaled skin off the dead reptile and eat at its flesh. As its eating the beaked creature looks with one of its eye on the surrounding. Its a unique feature of the creature to have independing sight of views as this is their self defence against other preys. It picked up the large carnivore with the large head with two long fangs on the front of the jaw. Its having a drink of water at the small stream near the kill area, but its ignoring the beak creature. It already had its earlier kill of a large curved twin horn bovine creature. The large carnivore is a fine specimen with a body mass of over five foot in height and eight foot in length not including its long tail. Its has on a shiny coat of golden colors that showed some bruises and healed cuts.
The golden carnivore did not see the bigger carnivore which rushed out of the trees and sink its sharp teeths into the neck of the golden one. This golden carnivore tried to swing it jaws onto the one’s whose jaws is already killing it. The length of the new carnivore jaw is about the length of the victim’s body and its next bite snapped the spine of the victim. It carried the catch in its jaws to its nearby nesting where three more baby sized of its same kind. But it did not reach the nesting as the metal tripod the size of its head came down on its back. The tripod leg is one of the seven on the base of the hexagon metal structure which is lowering down on its own landing thruster.
Homosapien or the name we commonly associated with has just landed on the New Pangaea. Its the first small step for mankind, but a major one for the survival of mankind in New Pangaea.

The base
BASE as we called it is more than a operation base; its a home away from our home. My name is Commander Scott Bent; a veteran of two wars of which the last one accelerated the demise of the planet we fondly know as Earth. I can show you the scars of my involvement in those wars. I am a survival and an extraordinaire one too. Since the ;last, I being pushed into a role as expert into exploration for new  colonies; the last one was a success and its thriving now with over a population of over fifty thousand of earth’s people. It was done in three years upon our successful stay there for over two years.
Now I am here to stake a claim on what may be the next colony for Earth survivals. Unlike the previous one, this planet has the same atmosphere and environment of the old Earth fifty years ago. I still remember being born to that environment when the air could still be breathe in and the forests still exist, but in the lifetime of mine, I saw it crumble to poisonous gases and the trees seemed to have dissapear by the miles to become acrid landscape.
We found this planet just like the others; from the hundreds of small probes sent out by our EDS vessels. We do not have the capability to scan the surface so we sent these little rovers ob wheels. They do the basic readings and tells the conditions. If its suitable, we will send a preliminary scout team of robots to explore, and take some samples. Once those are done, and we confirmed we can breathe and grow; the planet is filed for potential exploration. Thats’ where we come in; the Special Exploration Team consisting of military and gung-ho scientist willing to risk lives in the unknown world. We will be send in by the EDS to the planet, shuttled down in these crafts we cordially named as Shuttles. And then we began our works. Its simple and straightforward, considering of the few hundred planets we probed only a handful qualifies for our assessment. And of those whom we assess, only a handful become colonies.
New Pangaea is the next new one.
The base stands majestic on the valley, which we initially named the Garden of Eden. The structure is constructed of modulars hub which slides into places and sockets levels are used to locked in the hubs. Its modualr taht in case of a evacuation or damages, it can be removed and replaced with a new hub without having compromising the whole structure. Each hub is made from a metallic combination of ceramics and platinum for high durability and resillience to impact and taser charges. The newly added metallic hubbed hexagon base with its high wall of ninety foot and a thousand foot across in diameter represent the central structure of three levels with the three spokes corridor on the alternate sides of the hexagon to the outer ring of corridors that cover the base. The upper level of the base are the command centre and the armory next to communications room whereas the middle level is the laboratory and living quarters including the Officer’s Billet. The lowest level is the hanger and workshop. There are four ATV ( All Terrain Vehicles ) and eight LTV ( light Terrain Vehicles in the hanger. There is a ramp which allows the vehicles to be driven off the base level to the ground.
The three spokes corridors are twenty foot across and sixty foot in length are circular in design attached to the middle level of the main hexagon structure, in which half of its space are the additional living quarters and storage cubicles. The outer corridor which is similar in design to the spokes corridors housed the laboratories and other testing cubicles besides additional storage rooms. All the three levels are connected by sprial stairways or the metal chute for faster access, at the both sides of the levels. There are also escape hatches and these are to be used only in emergencies.
Under the main structure are the seven metallic tripods which holds the  base up from the ground at the height of twenty foot high, whereas there are similar tripods spaced out to support the corridors making a total of twenty four of them.
For our base defense, there is a canopy defence energy wall which surrounds the operational base on its sides of the outer corridors to top of the base in a circular half cocoon cover; up to a height of a hundred and fifty foot high. The defense energy wall is generated by the eighty thin columns that is embedded into the ground to a depth of ten foot. The base of the columns generates another field across the underground for any burrowing threat.
The whole base is manned by sixty personnels of which thirty are combatants or exploration’s experts. The rest are support staff in communications, medical and scientific research, but they are also trained in survival skills and combat.
The base is also supported by ten mechanical-bots or M-Bots as we called them which are programmed to assist in perimeter defense. These mechanical-bots are remants of the previous war and now used for these explorations. They are huge units of over ten foot in height and three foot across in the chest and a depth of two foot; with mechanical hydraulic parts that resembles a human limb structure. The moving upper limbs are actually four portruding limbs out of its upper side of the chest box but the grasp units has a three finger grab capability compared to the human’s hand. Its chest structure is a rectangle boxlike structure with its processor inside. The mechanical-bot does not have a head like structure on top of it but it has a half oval shapped dome for its place. This is where the sensory and recognition processor is located. Its also housed the communication unit in which it can communicate with the human counterparts for instruction. 
Its lower hydraulic legs are two parts which allowed it to move are on mechanical tracks at the ground and the middle section allows it to bend or raise itself over higher terrain. As mentioned these units are also used for perimeter defense as their armaments are build into their three fingers structure. Each finger can emit an energy pulse that stun or altogether a taser like charge that can killed a reasonably large carnivore. It may also used its immense strength capabillty to incapacipate a foe by striking it. The unit only weakness is its rigidty in movement makes it slow moving on its roller track but it rotating body of 360 degree compensate for it. Each unit needs to be charged once its battery is low, which can last for a few days if used in combat or a week if no combat action. But considering these are remanants of the war, the units are battle scarred and sometimes unreliable in terms of durability and on occassions required repair maintenance. They are named MB for ‘Mechanical Bots’.
On the outer rings are the automated defense twin cannons which fires energy taser pulses that can stun or killed a large carnivore creature off its foot. They are about twenty of these self automated defense cannons on the ring, and three sets installed on the top of the Hexagon Base structure for aerial intrusion.
The ATV ( All Terrain Vehicles ) is a military personnel carrier on a eight wheels carriage with an   automated 360 degree revolving twin taser cannons on the top of the vehicle. It also has a single taser cannon mounted on the fore front of the vehicle just above the driver section. The vehicle can seat twelve including the driver.
The LTV ( light Terrain Vehicles ) is a non military vehicle used for scouting or fieldworks by the non-military personnels. It can sit four comfortably but its unarmed. Its normally used for short trips and is accompanied by an armed personnel.
Most travelling outside the perimeter is on the LTV or assisted with the ATV.
There is a single seater VEFLIS ( Vertical Elevated Flight Light Shuttle ) which resemble a bubble in flight but this one is powered by a small thruster in its back for vertical takeoff/landing and flight. It housed only one person and its used for survelliance. It has a mini twin taser cannon built into its left side and fires two mini missiles from its right side missile launcher pods. The mini missiles can blast a hole of twenty feet across and a depth of five feet. Its parked on the roof of the base.
I am the overall commander of the base which we cordially named BASE, and all military personnels reportes to me but the non military personnel report to my second de-aide Major Amanda Shaw; a brunette with a mean attitude and also a brilliant mind in science and medical. Major Amanda is also an athletic person who jogs daily and expert exponent of arts. I seen her take down two of my personnels with no hassle who are also exponents of art. I just called her ‘Major’ for her rank and respect her as my peer. This is also her second tour in colonisation.
My other second in command is Major Feeley; fine woman with some muscle tones from carrying too many burdens but she is one you would like to have in the field if she is not into high emotions. She is a good product of the highlands and sings well too with her barritone voice, if she is not kicking the boys around. He is also expert marksman and she gets all her man in one shot.
My medical team on the military is Lieutenant ‘Doctor’ Adul Bashir; a surgeon by training and exponents of the blade arts. Despite his training, he is a well rounded man but he is a mean streak when its comes to blade. He wields the blade for both his profession; one to save life and the other to remove life. You would not want to be faced him in the dark alley or in some fighting ring. He cuts mean and lean.
The maintenance on the Base are the twin brothers’ Cheng; one on each side of the group. The cranky elder one is with me servicing the vehicles and the M-Bots, while the younger sober one works for the Major Amanda on her equipments. Both are short in statute but broad shoulders and chest adds a lot to their structure and together, they can do wonders to a bolt and nut plus a good screw driver.
The other notable personnel on this base is my main scout, Coporal Pedro Mano; scout extraordinaire and likes to stay outside the perimeter. He is a dark skinned and wiry looks that makes his height of six feet looks taller. He is my man to check out any new terrain or predators. He has been on the medical surgery bed more times with his life near to death, but he seems to survived it all and continues to do so. He has got scars on his body that can be read like a terrain map. He is partially blind in his left eye due to some mission which is why he wears the sensory head gear so that he can see more clearly. But his disability is his strength as his other senses are heightened.
And today is our first week on New Pangarea.
We still got fifty one weeks to get New Pangarea ready for colonisation.
I did  asked for a nuke but the top brass declined my request. They prefer its done the way they like it. So its down to the brass and tacks for the job. I just completed my send off thanks to the mothership which brought us here.

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