Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Male Tales 1.098

Issue 1.098:Families and friends ....
One you have to saved and the other you should save.
The family comes with the parents and them theirs and so on. So the link is in manner of speech ‘cementise’ by emotional bonds. Someone once said, you can;t choose your family members, and I disagreed. You cannot choose your immediate family members like your siblings, but you could choose the cousins and related to mum/dad’s generation. The rest you do not want to be in contact with, you ‘saved’ in the ‘who-is-it” archive, buried in the shelves and stored in the attic.
Or if you have a dungeon, its better.
But let me remind you its not an offence to do so as they already dunk you there in their archive.
Why do we resort to that action?
Simple, you do not want to see them.
It hurts? Truly, no. Why should we agonise over the need to meet, and then we do meet, we utter two words of ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye’. Isn’t that what we do to our neighbours now and we do not aghonise on meeting them; its just manners to say those words. No, we do not dislike our neighbours but due to the promity of having to stay a couple of feet away, we had to perform the cordial greetings.
But ye relations may be miles away or flight hours away, so your chance meeting is rare but you know its not needed unless requested by your parents.
So to me, if you decided not to meet, then don’t. Why drag your feet over there, vice versa they do the same.
So save the carbon credit and time, don;’t meet.
The same you did to your friends you do not want to meet, so why the hardship over relations.
Logic, right?
Unless they come bearing gifts. If not, watching reruns are better.

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