Monday, December 5, 2011

Elite 2 Part 5

The seventh car which is a dark red SUV pulled in from the T-junction and parked right in front of the house where Marcel used to live. The middle aged man who got out was dressed in his plumbing uniform, and he was nervous. He looked left and right down the street and then at the house. He knew about the key as Mildred told him before years ago. Since the last bombing incident, the house has been left empty except for the occassional cleaners who come over to clean it every Wednesday. Well, the owner must be rich to have someone cleaned it all this time for over five years and never did once appear to come home. The previous guy who stayed at the garage has not been seen since then; probably dead too. So Mildred and him decided to use the house for their indiscretions. After all, Alfred is back now from his overseas posting since last year.
Mildred will be over soon, once she dropped Alfred at his mum’s place for their Sunday mother son talks and after she leaved the kids at home with the pizza takeaway. He did wondered they are his or ‘his’. But that is not crucial now. The next two hours of personal moments matter most.
The plumber muster up his courage and walked to the door. He picked up the key and unlocked the door. He was in the house when four cars with their doors were opened by ten armed men.
‘Fragging Krigs!’ was what the Prized holler out and shot with his AK 47 at the car that was parked facing forward at about fifty feet on the opposite side of the road. The New Krig at the driver seat took the blast as he was the first to stepped out while his two gang member returned fire with their Uzi’s on the Prized catching the gunman in the chest. But the Prized was not alone, as there was another car further down the road with four of his gang members. They came out and shot the New Krigs with their AK47’s.
‘Surprise!’ was the call made by the Ex-Services in the dark van when the rear door of the cargo van opened to reveal two men with a FN Minimi; a light machine gun firing 5.56x45mm NATO from a 30 rounds magazine. The New Krig SUV parked ten feet behind the van was a bullet riddled metal box then. The two assailants removed the clip and put in a new one. They took the gun and staged it on the road next to the van facing the house about eighty feet to their left. From the side of the van, the door was opened to have three more of armed men with Uzi’s coming out. They were joined by the second machine gun guy who is now armed with a Uzi. The four men split into two pairs and ran across the street.
One pair was gunned down in the middle of the street by the three easterners with MP5A3 hiding in the SUV in front of Alfred’s house. One of the eastener then threw a fragment grenade at the guy holding the FN Minimi. It blew up just at the right side rear of the van killing the gunner too.
The three easterners now walked out in a spread manner towards the house. Three shots rang out from my end, and they were all lying on the road in front of my house. I immediately got up to see the van speeding away at my left neighbour house pavement. I should had paid attention to that but I did not. The years of inactivity has dampened my relfexes and instincts.
So there are three assassins at work here and they are not from the gangs.
But who are they?

I got out of the car and looked at the three dead easterners. They were shot at the back right hand side of their heads mean the shots came from the intersection. It was three quick shots fired almost at the same time, meaning three killers. Three killers with the skill of a deadly assassins.
Are they hired killers?
Or a new gang coming in to the island?
Or are they ‘death squads’ ?
I can hear the sirens and I know the questions will be answered not here but by locating Marcel.
That when I saw the plumber running out of the house. He was running to his SUV which has some bullets holes in the side. I did not want to stopped him as he looks more frightened than most people. Another SUV pulled up and out came a lady and her kids holding pizzas’.
‘I think its time to move neighbourhood, children.’
My next session at the Commissioner’s office was more relaxing.
‘Ian, you sat through a gang war and you now tells me you did not see the killers. So are you on our side or theirs? Anyway, my involvement has been taken off by the President Adviser. She is coming to take over personally.’
I knew we should not had given her the education in the finer aspects of law as she now stand before me in her business suit, and not addressing me as a family member.
‘Hello, Marius’.
‘Hello, Melanie.’

The call was made to the client and they got their needed confirmation for the next stage. The three assassin sat on the three settee seater and smiled at the person making the call. The fourth person is dressed in his hawaian shirt and beige pants with sandals on his feet. He picked up the coconut drink he made and top a sip while watching the beach.
‘We are on for Stage Two. The second transfer has got through on Stage One works. I was also advised on the arrival of the President’s Adviser, Melanie Silve; sister of our intended target.’
The man with the coconut drink smiled and thought of his previous stay here twenty five years ago and teaching a young man how to be a plumber. Then later taught the same man more skills in advanced plumbing which includes shooting and demolition. He created the Kingfisher Club, and there is always one master and one apprentice. When that apprentice dies, the new one is found and nutured. The last one was Marcel Silve.
But he left island eight years ago to start off a new club with new members in a new country. He also called them Kingfishers’ but he had three core members this time. These are the three he coached, and nurtured till today. His return to the island was by coincidence of a contract he took to setup the Kingfisher here. It was a hard decision but a very rewarding one. Ten million for each of the three stages is a very big amount to retired in comfort.
So the birds of the same feathers are in the same cage now. But the new arrival of the adviser adds in a new bonus of five million.

I was not tailed from Peter’s place but sold out by the local community there. They recognised me and told the gangs. This and the arrival of Melanie was conveyed to me by an old friend; ‘Snoopy’ Dan from the walks of the streets. Nothing is not known by Snoopy within four hours of happening.  He also told me of the arrival of some mysterious people in the last month, and they went missing from the local scene after 24 hours of arriving. One of them is an older man with a notable limp in the right leg and carries a cane with a kingfisher bird design on it handle.
So its true that the master is back, after all these years, No wonder all the killings carries his trademark. And similar to mine. Well, mine is his to belong.
So I now know the master is back and he is either setting me up or doinbg his own spree in my absence. Its true I was away for two years and there was no kingfisher in these waters then. So he could be back to re-established his own domain.
I need to contact him.
And I know how to do that.
Where its safe and neither of us will destroy that sacred oath there.

The briefing was long and repetitive on the President’s visit and his intended places of meeting. Every detail was discussed and we finally finished. It was then I was picked at the car park by Marius in the SUV. The drive was short but the conversation to take place may take longer than the drive.
‘Marcel is Kingfisher and we are looking for him. He is credited with those kills but he did nothing of such. Its a setup by some other parties, and we don’t know who.’
‘I know of Marcel double life when I was appointed to the President’s adviser positon. I read his file and I am impressed for he did disliked guns before. But now or was a hired killer for ten years. And in that time you did not know or cared about his welfare. Marius, you left him on his own and he became you in the process; only he became the monster you are not. He is your opposite in the works of justice.’
‘I was at the edge and I did not know how to take care of him. We had you sent off to stay with them so you cannot see us doing our things on the streets. But I left that to be a policeman but he stayed on. Then he dissapeared until I woke up from my coma. How was I know he would become that?’
‘I brought him back to the family. But you were never there for us. You left me with them as you said it. They are your only family left and you cannot even called them by their name. Marius, you make me sad. You should had been dead that day in the hospital and we would never had to meet all three of us.’
‘But we did, and I am taking back my position as the family head. I want to save Marcel. Are you with me?’
‘Until we find Marcel. Then its over again.’
I left him at the cafe and walked back to my hotel. Its not a long walk but one which I needed to clear my mind. Soon I was in the lift to my room on the tenth floor at the hotel overlooking the sea. I reached my door and slot in the electronic key. I push down the door level and walked in.
There he was bending over my suitcase with most of my things thrown out. I just packed that last night with Alicia and I hate untidy unpacking like these. He saw me and raised himself upright while reaching for the M1911 tucked into his waist but I fired first. When I saw him over my suitcase, I had reached for my Walther PKK in my handbag. I fired all three shots into his chest and he fell over on the carpet floor.
I looked around the room and moved to the bathroom. I peeked over the edge in case of any more unwanted guests. There is none so I walked over to the room phone. I picked it up and called the desk.
‘I want a room change and send the security up.’
I checked on the slim briefcase behind the 42inch LCD screen and its still there. So the dead man did not touched that. I looked down at the body of the dead man. He is Simon; the driver who drove me from the airport to the Commisioners’ office. I felt he was coming on too strong even in the car itself.
This time the Melanie Silve you are dealing with trains twice a week at the shooting range and is a exponent of martial arts; well mid range in qualifications but I kicked high with my legs. And hard.

I posted the ads in the daily papers, and took my dinner in the takeaway bag. The taxi dropped me at just past 1845hrs three house away. Its begining to get dark and the kids are all going home, while I walked with my hunchback stance towards my place. I see some of the neighbours packing up their gardening tools or removing the last of the leaves in the porches.
I went to my house door and slot in the house key. I unlocked it and went in the house. I looked at the mini screen pad on the wall at the side of the door. It showed nothing was tripped during my absence and I can walked in confidently.
The assalant lashed out with his right leg in roundhouse swing towards my face. I raised my right forearm to block it and punched out with my left arm to the right of my body while twisting my upper body for the extra momentum. But the assailant has blocked my punch with a downward out swing block of his right arm.The assailant has then stepped back to take on his fighting stance. Its a young man with a bandana tied like a scaft on his forehead. He is dressed in the usual gang drabs; jeans and t-shirt.
‘Yup, its me. I just got in an hour ago. You sure stirred up the hornet’s nest here.So how are you?’
‘I am good, and how did you find me?’
‘You told me of your old pad and the safe house here. And this morning incident was all over the papers. So I am here to help. Isolation in the tower is not my real career so here I am.’
‘Thanks, but this is personal. And your skills are deplorable. How can you kick like that?’
Nevertheless we spent over the next four hours talking and planning our next moves. Rookie is my younger version when I first joined the Kingfisher Club.  The previous one died and the master sought me out. From then, it was a series of training and killing to perfect my skills. Soon I was the Kingfisher and has been since then.
Rookie also took from my bag, the MP5A3 and Glock 17 with spare ammo’s.
Now we are ready for the coming week.

The dinner was excellent and so was the four piece musicians, and I was served my evening drink. I ahd with the company of Major Tuan who was fidgetting to tell me something. I did stopped him during the serving and that put him off the delicious meal, but i enjoyed mine.
‘So Major, you have a plan for me.’ The scotch served well with the breeze coming in the sea onto his hillside mansion of his.
‘Yes, Mr Chiang. I would like to lead my men to find Kingfisher. Your efforts todate has not reaped any rewards. They are also getting restless.’
‘Major Tuan, I can assured you that the plan is working as planned. No one is worthless in my plan, even though they died in the act. Mr Yen will give an address later and you may do as needed on those occupants. Do succeed, Major as failure does not pay.’
The Major walked out of the dining area and back to his barracks.

I stepped out of the hotel room after they have removed the body of the burglar. Melanie has been given another room on the upper level for her inconvenience. In addition to that, the Commisioner has posted two guards outside her room, two more in the lobby at the entrance.
I did not see her that night and was back on the street to my favourite drinking spot. As I was leaving my car in the carpark, another car pulled up with the headlights shinning on my eyes. I reached for my Colt Python, but the voice from the car was assuring.
‘Captain, I just wana talk to you.’ The burly sized man stepped out of the rear of the car, and walked over. He is dressed in a dark shirt and matching pants.
‘You buying me a drink, Mano or just to say hello to me.’
‘No, Captain. If I walked into that place, I would had to be dragged leg out first before midnight. That is New Krig’s joint. I am Prized Boss, and we don;t associate.’
‘You holding me from my drink, Mano. So tell me your news and I will have my drink.’
He spent five minutes telling me he has nothing to do with Kingfisher killing or attempts. It was some over zealous boys of his to kill New Krigs’. But he may have info on some new thing in the city, and will let me know soon. He said he will mailed me the stuff.
Then he left, but I declined his hundred dollar for the drink. It smelled of Prized blood and the bartender does not like that smell.

The car carrying Mano arrived at his double level detached unit at the beach. His bodyguard opened the door and let him step out with ease. He walked to the front door and it should be opened by the time he reached it. It did not open then and someone took down the bodyguard and the driver with well placed shots. Mano ran for the house by instinct and found the main door to be unlocked. He rushed in and close the door to hear two bullets striking the wall next to the door.
He holler out for his two guards in the house but no one responded.
My family?
He reached for the M1911 tucked into his waist and ran down the hall and up to the rooms. He saw his family huddled together in the bathroom. He told them to keep quiet and he went back to his bedroom. He reached for the top of the closet to remove a rectangle box. Inside is the Uzi and two spare clip, plus one more M1911 with a spare clip. He took it all down and armed the guns. He put the spare clips into his pants pocket and walked out the room.
‘Mano, please come down to the main hall.’
Bastard is using his inhouse speakers to hail him. He walked to the stairs and made his way down. There was three men in the hall; the older one was sitting on the single seater while the two was standing behind him with their AK74M rifles.with the butt stock folded.
‘Please come down, Mr Mano. Please don’t seat as I have need of you to be standing. And your guns please; they are dangerous to leave loaded and cocked.’
‘Spare my family. Take what you need from me. Take the gang if you want that too’, pleaded Mano on his new situation. He can see the two more guards outside the house near the pool. These guys looked like easterners.
‘My name is Major Tuan and I would like to have a bout with you. If you win, we all leave, If you lose, you die tonight. Your family will be spared regardless of the result. Agreed?’
Mano put down his guns and took off his shirt to show his well toned body from years of learning to fight on the street.  He is also an exponent of Muay Thai which he picked up some months back.Mano saw the older man with his back to him removed his shirt too. On his back is the tattoo of the striking cobra.
Both men took their lead stance in the cleared living hall space for their fight. Both men had their forearm uo to protect the face from any attack. The old man feigned some front and knee kicks which Mano has reacted casually. Then the fight really starts with mano moving in for a cinch on the older man. Mano physique is larger and out reached the older man, but the opponent is a master of Muay Thai. They locked limbs in the cinch and the older man threw his elbows and knees to work. He delivered his ‘kow dhrong’ and elbow blows on the larger man. Mano used his strength to push the older man while blocking the attacks, but he is also winning on his attacks. He did a ‘Sok Glub Koo’ or double elbow blow to slowed the older man, but the opponet is getting agitated now. The older man stepped back and went in with the ‘Kao Tud’ or side knee kick on the large man’s ribs. He must had hit something bad as the larger man crouched down in pain. That was the cue to perform the ‘Kao Loi’ or jumoing knee on the jaw of the man who has lowered his defences.
Mano staggered back on the attack and was followed up by the older man with a Khao Yieb or step-up knee strike which involves the older man taking advantage of weakend opponent to step onto the opponents thigh and driving a devastating knee in the upper chest. It ended the fight with Mano’s upper ribs being broken and the arteries of his heart was bleeding. One of the broken ribs piece has also pierced his heart.
The older man walked back to the seat and picked up his shirt. He motioned to one of his guard to put Mano of misery.

I got the call at about then. It was agreed and we will meet tomorrow.

Both tigers saw their new adversary; its another tiger and they recognised the scent. Its not one of their own but a man in the tiger skin cloak. The man is also armed with a gun.

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