Monday, December 26, 2011

Elite 3 Part 4

Game day

‘Good morning, Islander. I know its not often you see my face on the early morning edition, but this is Tim Curry, Senior Editor of ‘we bring you the news on time.’ This morning, I bring you grim news of a shootout and the death of a young journalist. We were advised of the lockdown at the Hospital from inside sources. And this is what we discovered. Play the clip, Ben. You can see the Decon Corridor being installed at the exits and then  every other exits are sealed with some wrappings. Doctors and nurses are running helter skelter with masks and protective aprons. Here is the catchword.
‘Nurse, what is happening?....Why are you here. There is possibility epidemic breakout..... Stop that man. He is not a patient here.  .... He runs away. That viewer is our journalist who later was found to have died from bullet wounds. So what is happening there, and we will be there to give you the exclusive. Tim Curry, Senior Editor of ‘we bring you the news on time.’
But only less than five percent of the people watched the news at that hour. But about twenty percent of the islander was talking about it by 0800hrs
The Governor’s office helpline was already ringing then, and the Governor was seen playing golf at the resort. He reputed all those claims and said he will investigate the rumor mongering.
But no one watches the commodities listing as the price of rare metals soar above market celiling prices. As one analyst said it; its worth killing for.

The doctor from the microbiology lab took a sip of his early morning coffee and sigh in dismay. It was supposed to be a quiet affair of doing the research here but now with the leakage, it's becoming a national disaster alert.
‘Doctor, do you think they will look for it  or just ignored it as a possible traveler crossing the border?’
‘I don;t know, Major. They may consider its Ebola and focus on the traveler being the carrier. But we cannot stop now  as we have an obligation to deliver the product soon. They did not specify who they are targeting but we are paid to re-produce six containers to be shipped soon. Make sure your men keep silence and clear up the mess in the others.’
‘Your suggestion?’ Silence prevail for a while as both men contemplate the next line of action.
‘Remove the body and the medical team, and all evidence found. That is your work area whilst mine is to tinker with the virus.’ The Doctor got up from his seat and walked towards the door to the swimming pool. He is removing his bathrobe to display a very young physical body structure.
The Major picked up his own portable from his shirt pocket and called the number in his memory chip. He waited for the phone to be picked up but the other side is not answering.
Looks like its to be his own decision now. He dialled another number and said; ‘called in the cleaning squad’. He hung up the line and looked at the pool where the Doctor is now doing his morning laps.
‘One day, Doctor; you will swim forever.’

She told us everything that happened, and more to it why Alicia was kidnapped. It was to lure Kingfisher out. The kidnappers wanted Kingfisher to do a job for them; prevent the killing of the Governor. They believed that there is a group out to remove the Governor in two days from today at 2000hrs at the public convention in the Fund raising Dinner at the Memorial Park. The Governor is scheduled to give a talk there in the Main Hall. So they are not sure how it's going to be done, but they want Kingfisher to prevent it, by removing the threat.
The person who knows about the link of the Kingfisher to Melanie is the Governor. So he buys his own insurance package. The question is who besides us will want to remove the Governor.
King Charles is dead.
So is Chiang Men is dead. The gangs are all disbanded and the Governor holds the biggest gang now.
It looks like I got my role well defined; police works as before to track the criminal or criminals. And the best place to start is the Police Station.
But I am supposed to be dead. I was said to have died during surgery during my last appearance here. Those two bullets did put me near to death on the surgical bed, and the surgeon almost lost me twice. But for some miracle he saved me, or barely did. While I was lying in the ICU, Marcel managed to convince the surgeon to certify me dead. Upon the certification, Marcel took a cadaver and had it replaced me on the morgue. Selvi then arranged for a fast crematorium to speed up the process of the burial before she left the island. During that time, I was moved to a remote location on the island to recover and later moved to the hideout. My post injuries infliction is the limp on my leg, and a weaker left shoulder, so sniping is out for now, unless I can lock the stock firm with a tripod. More it dead man don;t just come alive after six months.
Then it occurred to me of one person I could talk to.
Tim Curry.

I heard out Marius plan and decided to take on my own lead of contacts; the criminal world. In my network as the Kingfisher is a few trusted informers who knows just about everything that is happening or going to happen. I intend to speak to them on who’s who in the island.
Marius took the SUV while I took my old faithful scooter. I gave him the Colt Cobra while I kept the P30.
My first stop was the school at 0802hrs.
It's actually an old school where the kids come to do their studies and today was no exception. The person I am looking for is the school janitor, and like all janitors, they are kept in the office at the remotest corners or in the basement if there is one. The one I am looking for is at the back of the school cafeteria, as he is also the school cafeteria owner. Or his wife owns the cafeteria and he sits in the back helping her like in peeling onions. He is a small frame man with a starving look in his face. But beneath that is a man with an uncanny ability to pick up info on a lot of illegal activities. In his spare time, he is a peddler of designer drugs for the alumni and the public. Its from both he knows of a lot of info, and which ones to pick for the next heist or ransom.
His name is not important but I called him Weasel.
‘Och, you come back huh? I thought they run you down deep or dead by now. Them vibes tells me you have not been seen in months.’
‘Who wants to dig on the Governor? He’s new here.’
‘I narry know. But I heard he is not the only newbie here. There was an Eastern white that came in just before he did. I heard he brings in his own boys and mean ones’ too. They have been some scraps between them and the locals, but its brief. The new Captain was quick to sit on the embers and smother it before a fire starts. The new Captain was from the Main Island and he doesn’t clean like the previous one; this one is linked.’
‘The new boss? Name pleases.’
‘Ivanov Muskow, short squat chap but walks with three giants at his side. Ex-Army Officer, held the rank of Major. He’s put up in the city on the top of Plaza Diamonde, after the tenants moved out. And one more thing, Kingfisher. There is a contract out on you which is still running. One million solid ones, either way of delivery. If successful, paid by the General Sebastion trustee.’
Next stop was the ‘Water Hole’ at 0900hrs.
I ordered breakfast with the newspaper on the side. It arrived with a note that says, ‘hell is too crowded; try the heaven steps, two doors to the right.’
The door open on my knock.
‘Hello, Kingfisher.’ The person facing me is holding a 12 gauge double barrel shotgun. The shotgun is loaded with buckshots, and when shot; the pellets will fan out in a wide arc.
‘Ginger, can you point that down?’
‘And spoil a good piece of meat; I think not. You got a nerve to come back after so many months without a call or message.’ She adjusted her barrel to my face and she will pull the trigger if I don’t have an answer for her.
‘I was attending to a long overdue vacation with a long lost relative and we got marooned on an island. That sums up the total excuse.’
‘I hope she is worth it.’ Ginger lowered the shotgun and smiled at me.
‘He was, but we got fed up with the coconuts and fish. So tell me how are you faring these days?’ I known Ginger since she was a teen street walker and now she runs her own agency. She supplies almost all the current demands of the elites and celebrities. She is also my network supplier of news.
‘Ivanov Muskow?’ I can see her frown on the face.
‘He is a non player yet, but his guest, Dr Mikhail is my regular now. He missed his vodka and ladies, so he comes every Friday evening. He pays well and I served well.’
‘Tell me more and any links to the Governor.’ My curiosity is now raised to know more. Doctors to me are bad news, as they normally come with knowledge besides preventive medicine. Ginger spends some time telling me about the Doctor Mikhail. As for the Governor, she knows nothing of them knowing each other yet. She suggested I speak to Gerry ‘Worm’ Frank, a local resident informer and cleaning specialist; he supplies household staff from the maids to the butler. To find the ‘Worm’, you need to go into the soil beneath the surface. Gerry hangs out at a bar which is in the basement of a hotel named the ‘Sub-original’.
I had him dragged into the storeroom for a brush up on his language syllables and then we sat down to talk/ He told some good information on Ivanov and the Governor, and of the latest in the island. But he now knows the Kingfisher is back in town.
It was 1147hrs. when I left Gerry.
I saw them across the street having their drinks under the canopy in front of the cafe. So the contract is still running and there are some who are willing to collect on it.

I knew Tim from my days in the force, and he is a perfectionist, even to the time he takes his coffee break. His morning briefing finished on the dot at 0859hrs and he leaves regardless of what else to discuss. He will walk to his room and have his morning coffee; his second to be exact.
I was there at the office that morning; I came in right into his office when the secretary was going to the other office. I sneaked in and helped myself to the coffee there. It was then Tim walked in and he was startled on my presence. He then began to recogised my face and locked the closed door to his office.
‘Sit down, Captain Marius. I am surprised to see you alive and well. I did pay you a tribute to my show that week.’ He motioned to  the seat in front of his desk. I took his offer and sat down on the blue soothing colored chair. Tim took his usual seat behind the desk and realized someone took his coffee. That smirk on his face was a rare expression.
‘So tell me Captain Marius who died and now resurrected to sit in this office, what do I need to do to the exclusive’.
I told him all the details including my link to the Kingfisher. And I asked him about my concerns.
Tim told me all he knows including the Governor’s link to the crimelord, Pedri ‘The Padre’ but he knows not who else wants the man dead. Unless it’s us. But he did say of a new lord in town; an eastern European, who is muscling in, but no threat to the Governor.
But he told me one interesting news; the current President is investigating the previous one for corruption and organized crime. The newly setup Tribunal of Investigators saw him last week and they took all the materials on the Governor.
Before I left, Tim made me give him the exclusive and he also offered me his driver downstairs in the basement to drive me anywhere I want to go. .

The first Hydrofoil Passenger Ferry arrived from the Main Island, with a load of eighty sleepy passengers on the boat. The officers manning the entry point smiled at the disembarking passengers and wishing them a good stay here. Among these weary passengers were three Europeans with some luggage each. They are dressed casually and wearing dark shades.
From 0947hrs to 1115hrs a total of four more ferries arrived with half or partial loads. If the officer at the Entry point were more vigilant, he would have recorded down on arrival of another group of Middle East tourists alongh with a duo from the Southern Continent of America on those ferries.
Just like the desk clerks’ who handles reception desks in the hotels may have noticed the arrival of batches of such men, but they are more contended with the money in their vest courtesy of some tourist groups who reserved the needed rooms in the hotel to be within walking distance of the shopping mall or tourist attraction spots.
Across the city, at the Police Station, Captain D’Cruz have just parked his sedan into the allotted car park in the basement. He was about to alight from the sedan when the portable phone rang. He looked at the number and proceeded to close the car door back. He flipped the cover of the portable and answered the call. The conversation was one side with the other side talking but it was a strong message.
Captain D’Cruz hung up on the call and re-opened the car door. He got out and walked to the stairway to go up to the Ground Level. He paused midway and stood there transfixed in his own thoughts. He took out his portable and looked up a number to call. He found it and dialled the number.
‘Find me Kingfisher,’ he hung up and continued with his walking up the stairs.

It was not my best morning; sitting around and waiting for things to happen. I went to make my third coffee when the door bell rang. Nobody was supposed to know we are here, so whoever is at the door could be a salesman or an assassin.
I picked up the PDW from the bag near the kitchen door which Marcel brought back. He told me of the PDW in the bag was for me. I cocked the weapon and went to the door. I peek in the fish eye lookout to see a little girl standing there. I put the PDW back into its bag and went to open the door.
‘Oh, hello. What can I do for you, young lady?’ She looked like a ten year old and was dressed in her T-short and jeans. The young lady handed me a letter and smiled at me. I saw the letter was addressed to me and its handwritten by the Governor. I know his writing as I was his PA when he was President for some years. I opened the envelope and there was a note inside. It reads as ‘Kingfisher’.
I looked up from the note to see the young lady crossed the road to go back to her house opposite the road. I closed the front door and went back to the kitchen to finished my coffee. I began to weep as I am not sure how I am going to save my daughter. I don’ the boys knows where to start on the whereabouts, and we are running out of time. I need to find her myself, but where do I start.
I felt so helpless then.
‘You need only to asked, Melanie.’ I looked up and see the lady who spoke to me. She looked like someone I knew, but that person is dead. “Mama Oleo? It can’t be, you are dead.’
‘Mama Oleo died that day in your apartment, but she lived in us. I am her sister, Oline; twin to be exact. I do sometimes take over the duty from Oleo when she is too busy or not feeling well. Only Alicia knows about this, and it was our little secret.’ Mama Oline looks like Mama Oleo and they both smiled alike. But I am confused now.
‘How did you find me?’
‘We knew more about you than you know of us. Both Oleo and me; we were more than babysitters’.We are actually gang leader of the Krig’s and Mama Oleo was asked to monitored you. But she grew to liked Alicia well, she forgotten her obligation as Krig’s. So did I. Anyway, I am here,and I heard you are back. We had the jetty watched daily for activities. Your face turned up and I was advised. They had you followed here and this house monitored. I came by the backdoor.’
‘Who is monitoring me?’ I am getting worried as whoever is monitoring the house would had known about Marcel and Marius. They know Kingfisher is back.
‘The Governor.’

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