Thursday, December 1, 2011

Elite 2 Part 3

1201 hrs
They been sifting through the ashes for an hour now since they landed. There are four of them; all wearing army camouflage and armed with automatics. I can see from my position high up in the tree areas; they have three MP5A3 and one of them is armed with M16A1 with a telescopic lens. That one must be the sniper in the group. They also have on their belts some handguns most probably M1911.
And the plane sits out on the sea just a short distance from the beach, The four landed on a rubber inflatable dinghy which is now on the beach.
So I have soldiers on my island and they looked more like mercenaries.
Are the old mercenaries back to haunt me? The last time we clashed, we took nearly forty of them for trial on numerous charges including treason and invasion. They got five to ten years jail sentences. I guess the first batch must be out by now.
Well, five years is not a long time to forgive and forget someone.
I picked up my Glock 17 and rechecked the ammo clip. Its full and I got two more of them in the side flaps of my pants. Now all I need is a diversion.
A diversion for them to chase me. So I took a shot at them.
That caught their attention. They are on to me. The bullet from the M16A1 sprayed the spot I was in, and I am on the run.
In my jungle where I am King.
I leapt over a fallen log across a trail and waited. Soon they came into my view at about 50 yards, watching their steps carefully and the guy with the M16A1 is has thermal goggles. It helped him in a manner of work.
I took the rear one armed with the MP5A3 with two successive placed shots to the chest. He is dead, and I am sliding out of my hiding place at the roots of the fallen log to the nearby stream by the hillside. The log is riddled now with bullets.
Nearby at the stream the three remaining mercenaries walked carefully treading along the small bank of the stream. They were looking for me on both sides of the stream but there is little you can see in these thick undergrowth. I swung over them in my overgrown tree vine like Tarzan but instead of a bow I had is a Glock. The M16A1 took two shots in the chest and the guy behind him was wounded in the right shoulder. By then I had swung across the stream into the large tree and was on my way to the next area of my choosing.
I guess the exploration and cross terrain running helped me a lot now, besides toning the muscles.
This is it the final showdown.
The two of them saw me standing there by the edge of the outcrop. My Glock is in my left hand and my newly acquired MP5A3 in the right hand. The MP5A3 is from the days when I needed one close to me, and it has been well kept in an oil bag near the outcrop for sometime. Thanks to better technology it still works.
‘How’s the view of the island so far? You should have told me you were coming.’
They looked different from the mercenaries I encountered before. These are eastern descent and they looked grim despite familiar climate to their homes. The wounded man had his right shoulder sling wrapped and his left hand held the MP5A3 pointing at me. The other guy had retrieved the M16A1 and it pointed at me too.
‘Guess no talking today, huh?’ I jumped off the ledge over the outcrop. The two of them ran forward and peeked over the edge. By then I had the time to run to the right of them along the narrow ledge below  the outcrop. I came out to the their right and shot them both with my MP5A3.
I checked their bodies for any identification and found none except a tattoo on their right wrist. It's a sign of a star with a circle over it.

1630 hrs
Mr Chiang took his afternoon English tea from his learned culture of his school days on another island. He took a sip of the hot milky drink and reached for a scone which his chef was good at baking. The phone in the tea room rang and his faithful assistant, Mr Yen picks up the call before the second ring ends. Mr Yen spoke for a while in his usual adaptation of the language which he is not familiar in. He set the handset down and walked towards the master of the house.
‘Kingfisher won the fight, and is seen leaving the island by boat.’
Mr Yen is a man of few words and these are all he needs to tell his boss of the conversation. He will later advise the Finance Section of the loss of five men including the pilot and one sea plane. Its a calculated loss in view of springing the trap on the Kingfisher. Now the assassin will hunt down the assassins of their kins.
‘Mr Yen, please tell the Tuan’s ( pronounced as Tun ) men to get ready for action. It's time they earned their pay in my employment.’
These are the ten eastern mercenaries of the Indochinese descents, similar to the one which was sent over to kill Kingfisher. They are led by an army major who fought in some border wars before and now is a freelance mercenary for the best that money can buy. They are all specially trained by the army for special ops and their nickname is ‘Strikeforce’ and on their back is the tattoo of the striking cobra with its hood opened up.
Across the house structure on the opposite of the two levels old colonial mansion is the single row of barrack designed structure. In there are the twenty men of ‘Strike force’. In the middle of the barrack is a large rectangle mat of about twenty feet across the diagonal. Two men are in about what is commonly termed as ‘Muay Thai’. The two men are dressed in different running shorts and their hands are wrapped. The bout is with an older man and a younger opponent, where at that moment the older one has delivered the ‘Sok Thud’ or horizontal elbow is an elbow thrust that comes across the body used to strike the face of the opponent. The young man reeled away and the old man leapt up to ‘Sok Poong’ or forward elbow thrust by swinging the elbow diagonally downward, normally in a 45 degree angle at the point of contact.
The young opponent stagger back and went into a semi crouch position in pain, while the older man did the deadly ‘Kow Dhrong’ or straight knee strike that goes straight into the opponent’s body. It's the equivalent of a front kick or knee strike that drive it into the opponent's body. This is done by extending the knee through the hip and bending the upper body away from the opponent.
That was the blow to clear the young opponent to the outside the mat area, and he lay unconscious from the blow. The small group of spectators cheered the older man in his victory. His name is Major Tuan; ex army officer and now hired killers of the elites.

2201 hrs
The boat landed on the secluded end of the jetty and I tied the trawler boat to the mooring there. I walked up to the road nearby and hail a passing taxi. The trip took me less than half an hour to drop me in front of a shophouse. The signs say; ‘Odds and Evens’ and the front of the shop is a two panel half glass entrance on the right side, and the display window takes up the most of the left side. If one were to look at the display there, you will see some old desk clocks and few books on the display shelves there. Its a pathetic looking display but there is an influx of customers on a daily basis.
The interior of the shop will tell you why, with its assorted products that is on the wall shelves of the shop front. There are numerous oddities products like hunting knives, camping gears and also survival kits. The shop is run by two brothers who stayed at the next upper landing. Their names are Peter and Peters for that is how their name is given. Both are a year round adventurer with their excursions shown on the pictures they put on the wall there.
I knew the Peter’s brothers during my good days. And they are the best in supply. More to it, they don’t talk to others of your preference.
I walked up to the door and knocked on it. It took me only three knocks to hear the door clock clicked open. The door is linked to a vibration sensor that triggers off the console at the upper landing. The brothers’ can peek at your face through the remote camera on the door and another one across the street facing the shop. They owned the upper level of that shop too. That camera will show the brothers’ the number of guests who are waiting.
I opened the door and went into the dark shop front. The door closed automatically, the lights came on in the shop front. I know then the brothers’ is watching me now through another camera in the shop. I raised my face up to the camera and said; ‘kingfisher’.
The voice from the recorder came on; ‘ walk to the back and out to the alley. We will be there.’
The shop front lights went off as I took the door to the back and out into the alley. There was Peters signaling me to walk over to the two door’s away to the right on the opposite side. I walked up there and Peters told me to get in fast.
He closed the iron plated door and locked it. I find myself in a small compartment with another metal door in front. That metal door opened when Peters locked the earlier external door.  I followed in with Peters leading the way. Its a another room with a large electronic console and ten screens in front of it. I can see one of the screen was on the shop front and there was one on the street outside the shop. There was also Peter sitting there at the console.
‘Kingfisher, long time no see. Your name is getting popular and we were wondering when will you turned up. Take a seat please.’
Peter or Peters are both twins and they are similar in looks; tall and lanky boys with a healthy diet of  good food. They are also the island’s gun dealer for the best of the best.
‘I need ...’ but the list was given to me.
‘Its all in the bag and we added in a bonus; a P226 in case she is around.’
On my list is three MP5A3 with extra ammo, two Mini Uzi with spare ammo’s, a Remington 870 with Zeiss Lens and spare ammo, and two Glock 17 and spare ammo’s. They seemed to know my taste well. And there is the P226 with one spare ammo.
‘Thanks. I will wired over soon the money.’
‘Kingfisher, just do us the favor of completing the job. We owe you as with them, business has been bad. We had no supply of the normal stuff but our specialities are sufffering. We need you back as these bastards are not taking our supply.’
‘Tell me what you know..’
It was one long night of listening and taking

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