Saturday, December 10, 2011

Elite 2 Part 9

I stopped the SUV some distance from the Main Gate. I grabbed the bag and stepped out. Its a dark night and the breeze is coming in from the sea. I climbed up the SUV top and took up the dark painted alluminium extended ladder I had planned for this. I placed the ladder from the top of the SUV to across the on top of the wall. I made way across the ladder and landed in the compund of the house to the far right.
There are no dogs barking or any to be seen.
But I saw the two guards on the front driveway, one on the front balcony overlooking the driveway. And there is a fourth one on the newly built tower next to the search light. At the extreme right of the wing of the mansion is one more fifth guard patrolling down the gravel walkway. So I presumed there is one on the other wing. 
Rookie should be on his way in soon.
But its time for me to act.
I crawled to the wing I am facing. At about twenty yards, I stopped and peek at the guard. He is walking to the end of the wing, about two hundred feet away. I looked at the two guards on the driveway are still looking at the front gate. I left my bag there and followed suit with the patrolling guard until he stopped at the end of the wing. He must had paused to take a breather as that when I struck him.
I walked up to behind him and when he heard me, he turned around. Thats when I shot him.
Thud! Thud!
I dragged his body to the side and took up his MP5A3. I had mine slung on my back and walked like him back to the centre. I reached the porch area and can see the two guards are fifteen from me. I shuffled my feets and kicked at some gravel stones.
‘Hey Chico. You okay?’ My back was to them now and I keep on kicking the stones. I ahd lowered the borrowed MP5A3 so they cannot see me having two of it. The duo walked over and came under the balcony view. That’s when I turned to face them.
‘What the....’ I shot him first and then his partner; both in the head.
I dragged their bodies to the side; slumped aginst the wall.
I looked at my watch, and it said; 2222hrs
Eight minutes to zero hour.

My right arm is getting tired with all the slinging I been doing. I must had slung over six of these C4 with timers over the wall now.  I been doing it along the left wall area leding to the mansion. Now I am placing the biggie here on the wall. I intend to create my own entrance. I dropped the bag and removed the M240. I loved these man made toys especially if they carry some extra ammo belts.
I looked at my watch and the dial is moving ever slow. I hate these waiting but its called coordinated movements. Like in the monastery where I decided to become a novice for over a year, everything is cooridinated to the regime of time. Even our meals are time coordinated and our bath times. I am sur that the snoring are also coordinated in terms of space in between and time to do it.
The alarm beeped and the time to act is now.
My right thumb hit the button and the section of the wall went down with a gap of over seven feet and more bricks are crumbling.
That was when the bombs went off in succession of timing.
I grabbed the M240 and the bag of ammo to run into the compound. I laid down the gun and setup the tripod. The ammo belt is in and I am ready to lashed out.
Here they come.

I pulled the trigger on the first guard nearest to me.
Thunk! The bullet hit the guard on the head.
I pulled the bolt back and swivel the gun ever so slightly.
I pulled the trigger again.
Thunk! The bullet hit the other guard on his lower chest as he got up on seeing his partner getting shot.
I re-bolted and shot the guard. This time I hit square in the face.
He’s dead and the bombs were set off on the right hand side of the mansions near to the wall. It must be Marcel and his idea of a diversion. I threw aside the Steyr and took my position with the Barret M82. I need to pinned down the reinforcement.
I shot at the door and windows, making whoever inside to keep their heads down. I know there is only one doorway out and I keeping it close for now. The walls are thin so I am firing through them. One guard tried to jump out the upper level window, but I shot him down.
I finished my second clip and now onto my third clip.

The front door opened to have three armed guards with MP5A3 running out. I shot them down with the MP5A3 and ran for the doorwary. I came in to the central lobby of the mansion. I have three corridors for choice. But this time I come prepared.
I took one string of grenades and pulled the pin on one of them, then I lob the whole string down the lobby in front of myself. I rushed over to the right corridor and leaned aginst the wall counting ;’missed me one, missed me....’
The blast really shook the mansion walls, and some framed pictures even fell down.
Two of them came running form my corriodr which I dispensed off with the MP5A3. I saw one comming from the other opposite corridor, and I also shot him. Now I am kicking down the doors to check on the occupants.
There are no one in the Library or the Dining Hall. I ran into the kitchen and its unoccupied. I ran up the back stairway which is used by the servants to go to the upper landing. I stopped midway to peek at the corridor. That was when I almost got shot.
Damned! There are two of them here.
I picked up a small cup on the stairs and lobbed it in. The two shouted ‘take cover’ and I took the opportunity to rushed up. I saw the nearest door and hit it hard with my shoulder. It sure sounds easy on those TV shows, but in reality it hurts. I scanned the room and saw there was no one except for a the bed and closet.I lened against the door to peeked at my two opponents. I can hear the shots outside and the M240 rattling away.
Thats’ good as it reduced my odds a lot. I saw one of them now try to inched his way to my room, by running between the the doors. Okay, time to wrapped up things. I grabbed the chair and threw it at him. He did what i expeceted him to do, shoot at the target. When he did that, I stepped out and shot him in the chest. I also shot at his partner who now ducked behind the room door. Without hesitation, I ran down the corridor and keep on shooting at the doorway.
The MP5A3 is out of bullets and I threw it aside. I grabbed my Glock from my sid holster and aimed at the door. The guard pop his head to take a shot at my but I was quicker. I shot him in the ribs and the neck with the Glock. I crouched down next to the dead man and dropped the Glock. I unslung my MP5A3 and watched both corridors end.
Still no one coming out. Sure makes my work hard.
I got up to run across the central wing and it was when I got hit on the head.

The shooting woke me up and I sat upright to see the guard smiling at me. He is holding a M911 and was watching the window towards outside.
‘Its seems you have some rescue party for you.’ He was grinning at me.
I am still dressed in my Gucci shirt although its got some stains of blood and dirt on it and my dark pants. They did hit me on the face and chest for some information on Kingfisher. Well, I must ahd blacked out as this was I know next.
Shots are fired and grenade blasts? Could it the guys as in my brothers? I sure hope so as I aim to kick ass soon.
‘So Chico, your brothers getting slaughter huh?’ I taunt the guard whose name I know of but Chico sounds like a good name to use.
‘Sister, you don;t know who is getting slaughtered out there? So keep quiet.’ He is obviously very nervous and he keep on looking out the window. It was then the big blast came and ‘Chico’ was thrown off balance. I rushed up from the bed, and landed him a kick to his groin and brought my hands down on the back of his neck. He fell but he is not out yet. So much for the training time with Micheal for the last six months. I am not going lose this fight; so I gave him my favourite kick in the face. I moved my hips and lower body to deliver the impact on his lower face. He fell over and was out.
I reached down and picked up his M1911, and checked the load. Its full and I intend to used it. I took one look at Chico and said; ‘ain’t my type’. I shot him in the head as I don;t want him hunting me later. I went to the door and hear more shooting. The room to my door opened and I sneak back into the single seater ther, hiding behind it. It was one of them guards and he is armed with the MP5A3. He could not see Chico as he is lying dead on the other side of the bed. I wanted to shoot him but I saw he is occupied with whoever is out there. So I waited my chance for later.
He reached out to shoot and was shot by the other shooter. He fell down at the doorway. I got out and walked to the door and hide at the side. I am not sure who is shooting who and it may be the gangs. I saw a shadow of a guy crouching at the door, and I swung down my gun on his neck.
He fell on top of the dead guard that was standin here. It was then I recognised Marcel.
‘Oh my god, I am so sorry.’
I reached for my brother who was in a daze now. I helped to drag him in and prop him against the bedside.

‘Where did you learn to do that? I could had been killed.’
But I was relived to see her alive. I got up slowly to my legs and walked to the window. I took out the flare gun and fired it into the air. Then I grabbed Melanie and said ‘lets go’.
There was no one in the corridor nor at the ground level. I led her out to the front door and we ran across the drive way to the Main Gate. There was no guards there so we let ourselves out. I told her where the van is and we ran for it.

I saw the flare and I grabbed the M82 and ran for the dinghy. I climbed in and pushed off with my oars. I could see some of the guards who came running out, but I had my surprises for them. I pressed the button on the small panel box, and the lawn was blowing in several places.
It was then I pulled the engine starter to start the 1HP engine.
Its all over.

General Sebastian was not impressed with the mess created. He was called away for a later discussion and came back to this. Some one has to pay and who I believed knows the costs.
So be it, I will hunt Kingfisher myself.
‘Pedro, recall the boys from the Main Island. They got more important things here.

The man saw the tigers and was cautious on them. He came to hunt for one and he has now two to contend with. But are both tigers are apart and they seemed to looking at each other movements besides mine.
Maybe they are keen on him alone. Or at each other.

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