Thursday, December 8, 2011

Elite 2 Part 8

‘Officials had no comments on the shootout at the Elite Garden Compound. The six exclusive mansions today came to the attention of the media as over ten casualtties were reported but the place is cordoned off. Are the residents there safe? We had no official words as yet. .... wait, here is the Captain... do you have any comments, sir?...... sorry, viewers. You saw that; he pushed me away and our camera..... we could sue him for public assault. We would keep you posted on the latest on Island News. This is Stephanie, Island News.’
The screen showed the semi bald anchor man, Jim Curry who spoke on the coming Presidential visit.
And then...
‘Breaking news! We have just received this footage taken by a tourist on Beach Road. Its showed an accident which was after some gunshots was heard. Wow! Look at that crash. And the drivers looks okay. But wait, the drivers are been taken out.... its a lady with kelvar.... and wait, we have confirmation. Its President Adviser, Melanie Selvi. She’s been driven away.... are they police or gangs? Stay close with us, for more update. Jim Curry, Island Exclusive.’
The news moved onto the coming Presidential vists and the cleaning up of the street. There is a video clip on the Governor holding the broom.

The press was there before I arrived but the police has cordoned the place off. I flashed my badge which is not really needed as everyone knows my face. I drove in the side to park and walked to the compound. That was when the camera came into my face and the microphone placed in front of me. I pushed it off as I have no comments now. I am only keen to see my sister if she is alive.
They could not find her body or she is missing. So was one of my officer who was with her.
Damned! I hate to solve puzzles like these.
The dead was identiifed as easterners beside the two police officers. I am sure Mr Chiang would like to make some comments to me.
The call then came through. Rebecca was rescued on the road by the police officers. One of them saw her running on the road towards the Station. He call out for help and three police cars went down the road towards her. Two of the cars did a turn and created a road block against oncoming cars while the remaining car picked her up to bring to the Station. She was muttering Melanie’s name according to the officers. She is now in ICU for shock and surgery on her wound.
Damned again.... now only Melanie is missing.
The news later conclued the puzzle for me. She has been kidnapped and I hope Marcel is watching the news.

I called and set up  the meeting with Marius at our place where we peddle the wares as Elites. Its an old house with a dark basement but we fixed it up well and now the basement is fully ligted and ventilated plus the rows of shelfs that used to store our wares. Now the place is empty of wares but the rest are still there, including the PC 486 which we used to update the stocks. I came in through one of the side windows and had Rookie watching the street. Marius came in much later through the front door.
‘You still keep this place? I thought you had dumped it by now.’
‘I bought the property and I still come here to look at it. We were great then, and the money was good.’
I showed him the food I bought for lunch, but he said he is not hungry. But he sat and we talked about Kingfisher and then Melanie.
‘I... I don;t think its Kingfisher. I think whoever hit the Easterners got her. They reckon she knows something as she was there when they came to trap Kingfisher.’
‘So who do we asked? Kingfisher or the Easterners?’
‘I would suggest both.’

‘You do not impressed on me, Captain. I have no part in the capture of Ms Melanie as I repeatly told you. And not all eastern looking man are mine nor do I have control on them. I may suggest you leave.’
I did leave the man and his mansion, but I think he knows who is involved. The only question is how much is he involved and who will he tell of my visit.
When I reached my car on the road outside the house, I slot in the car key and for some reason I decided to wait. It an old habit which I forgotten for some time. I sat there and looked at the dashboard. I knew something was wrong so I got out of the car. I peeked under the car and saw the bomb attached to the car. Its reads 00:04 and I have not much time.
The blast threw me further by a few more feet and gave me a bruised left knee. When I got up, I could see the guards of the mansion standing there behind the high iron gate. I got up from the road and looked at the burning car.
‘Tell your boss I will be back.’
I hailed the taxi which passed by and got a ride back to the Station.

I got the call then. Earlier I made the enquiries on some old network and this is the result.
‘Marcel, whoever killed my girl will pay. But we did not kidnap the Adviser. You have my word for it.’That was what he had to say. He may know who did it but he won’t tell. He will do his part to even things his way.
‘General, I want in. I am the best you trained and you are one short.’
’I will advise you.’ He hung up on me. But I know he will used me but not as his team but as another team. Maybe back up or I am the main man.
The parcel came at 1714hrs  with a message;’get it done tonight’. There are some building plans and photos to look at.
Its the Ex-General Mahua’s house.
I sent Rookie out with a shopping list.
‘Marcel. Marius, I need you. As Sniper One. Tonight. My old place at 2000hrs

‘Captain, meet Lieutenant Micheal and Sargeant Roke, from Special Crime, Main Island. They are here to conduct some investigation into Melanie’s dissapearance. You are to hand over all the files on the easterners and the other gangs to them. And provide all needed assistance. Understood?’
I looked at the Commissioner and gave him my nod.
The two man are dressed up in army fatigue and carries a large duffel bag each. They looked more like killers to me. I know them well as I was one of them before; the Death Squad Team. We worked in pairs and sometime alone. And we all carried large duffel bags on duty. I wondered who is leading this team.
The new Governor or someone from Main Island?
I introduced myself and invited the duo to have a seat while my staff gets the files.
‘I know Melanie for over a year now. She is special to me.’ I hear the Lieutenant speaks well of my sister. ‘Melanie never spoke of her family here and I wondered do you know any. You were with her in the last action  here five years ago, so maybe you know.’
‘Me, I don’t know her much. Then we just met and got mixed up in the action.’ The official records did not have anything on us as brother and sister. Only certain people know and they are mostly dead or in the criminal lines. My name used is Marius Bend and I dropped the Silve long time ago.
Soon the duo left and I slumped back in my chair. Now I know what Melanie has been doing besides working for the President. And she probably learned how to shoot and drive from this new guy. Like him, they are suicidal training.
‘Mary, can you please get me the Barrett "Light Fifty" M82A1 and the box of ammo clips. I am thinking of doing some shooting practice. And the new thermal telescopic lens. ’
I think I will drop by the Evidence Room for the M240 taken from the last raid on the Station and its probably not been used for over five years ago. The case is closed but evidence tends to stay too long in the room. I am sure there are some live ammo belts around.

‘Officials still had no comments. Please vote in our twitter on whether we should sue the Captain for his earlier behaviour. Stephanie, Island News. Back to Tim Curry on the Break News.
‘Yes sir, we have news for you. Two officers from the Main Island has just arrived by copter to the island. They are not known on their identity but our inside sources said they are police officers. So are we now looking at a new team on the job where the Captain has failed to deliver?
 Check out the Twitters for more update. c
But the word on the street is that there is a new Death Squad on the streets.

I let the dinghy ride in with the waves to the beach. Its the old Colonel Mahua’s mansion now owned by General Sebastian. I can see the single guard sitting at the beach chair by the new pool built next to the beach. There is no one at the back porch although the light is lighted. I can see another guard standing to the far right near the fence, smoking his cigarette. It was the fire of his lighter that drew me to his position.
My binoculars picked up the new two levels building structure on the left where the zoo used to stand. That must be the new accomodations for the guards with a four feet fence around it. There are two guards there sitting on the chairs at the fence entrance.
The main structure of the house is still retained with its T design, and I can see the two wings are now with extra windows. They removed the central dome and replaced it with a tower fitted with search lights. I can see no one facing my direction from there.
The plan is simple; I come in from the beach and covered the guards accomodations. Marcel will come in from where he is now and take the mansion.
And the General.
And maybe Melanie, if she is here.
I raised the Steyr-Mannlicher SSG P IV sniper rifle ( short police version with suppresor ) and aimed it at the guard on the beach chair. At this range of over five hundred yards, I can do it even though the dinghy is bopping on the waves.
I pulled the trigger.
Thunk! The guard is jolted for a second and then lay still.
I rowed in quietly and upon reaching the beach, I dropped the heavy stone with the rope attached. Its my improvised anchor. I half crouched and ran up the beach to the dead guard. I dropped my heavy bag on the ground. I unzipped it and took out the Barret M82 rifle. I set it up to faced the guards buildings. I took out some C4 small blocks with remote detonators.
I placed them in a perimeter around the back porch and towards the guards barracks. Its my getaway trick. Now I have another guard to take care of. I carried the Steyr-Mannlicher to the right and laid myself on the lawn. I can see the smoking guard at about 200 yards.
He fell down with my shot. I ran over to the dead body and dragged it to the dark corner of the bush of flowers.I paused to hear for any alarms or alerts, but none. I left a couple of C4 there and ran back to my shooting position. I retrieved the rifle and made it back to the main position.
I looked at the watch and it showed 2219hrs.
I got another eleven minutes to zero hour.
I grabbed the Steyr-Mannlicher and set it up in front of me. I point it at the guards building and I can see the two guards still sitting there. They are about six feet apart and both are sitting cradling their MP5A3. It a tricky shot to do both without raising an alarm. From my distance, I have a split second to swivel the rifle and pull the bolt to shoot again.
I have not done that for sometime now.

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