Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Elite 2 Part 7

The place looked grand with the deep driveway and the large houses there. All the five houses are not fenced at their borders but its compound the entire place is fenced and guarded with armed security guards. This is the elite class community area on the start of Beach Road and intersection with the start of 1st Street, named Island Elite,
The five large mansions here housed one ex-Governor house which is now under vacant and two new multi millionaires; the previous ones all left five years ago. The current Governor stayed at the newly build Governor’s Office compound in his own decent two levels goverment assigned house at the back.
In comparison with the President’s Palace of twenty five rooms over two three levels wing and four halls, plus two library connected to a administration block of twelve offices and one large pool with a oversized garden; this five mansion pale in comparison in size.
I am standing at the upstairs main bedroom of the ex-Governor’s house looking at the No.6 which is supposed to be leased out last month to a Mr Cavendish, but he dealt through his foreign lawyer office. Mr Cavendish is today our focus of attention as he is also known as General Milton. From my vantage point, I cannot see the General or his men in the house, maybe they are asleep.
I have changed to police issued dark pants, courtesy of a policewoman, and wearing the kelvar suit on my chest. I hoped it does not stain my Gucci’ shirt as I paid a lot for it. I have on my waits in the provided belt and holster is the SIG SAUER P226 and my PKK is in the pants pocket. Next to me is the sniper from the Special Crime Division and she is now adjusting his telescopic lens on the Steyr-Mannlicher SSG P IV sniper rifle ( short police version ) and a five magazine clip. I can see the M1911 on the holster of the sniper. Her name is Rebecca Short or ‘Dead-eye’ is her call sign.
Her other colleague is in the Living Hall equally armed but his name is Sargeant Dickson alongside with another sniper named Lazio. All four of us are the forward squad here while Marius is in the City Courts trying to get the Judge to sign a warrant to searched the place.
I saw the three black SUV stopped at No. 5 which is the neighbouring mansion. The cars drove into the porch and two guys came out to go to the house. Ten minutes later the garage doors were opened and the SUV drove in to parked there. It does parked three SUV in this houses design. The garage door closed when the cars are parked inside from the prying eyes of neighbours. It not strange to have people parked inside the garage, but not all three SUV at one time. I think I will call Marius but his phone is engaged.
‘Reb, does the Captain has another number I can call?’
‘Yup, the 911 number. Someone is bound to be able to trace him.’ I liked the coorperation I am getting.
That was when the shots rang out.
I picked up the binoculars to see the house. There are flashes and some loud noises from the house and then silence.

Major Tuan got out the SUV and walked to the connecting door to entered the living hall. Its a spacious unit with some expensive teak furnitures. There is also the household staff there sitting on the settee. The major walked past them to go out the adjoining door to the pool area. There he stopped to look at the wooden fence which separates this house from the other. His target is in the other house and he intends to complete his mission.
His second in command came over to asked him about the hostages. The major said they don’t have any so do as needed. The six household staff were retired earlier that day. The Cobra Strike Force is ready to complete their mision. They are all amred with M16A1 with M203 Grenade Launcher, and armed with M1911 except the Major; he only carries a M1911..
The major signaled three of his men to the back of the house and three to the front area. The remaining four will followed him to inside the house. The went to the fence and used their rifle butt to knock a few planks off. They crept through the broken down wall and came to face the next door house’ pool.
Across the pool was the lady in her scanty swimsuit, and she sat up from her reclining beach chair on seeing them. Instead of screaming, she reached for the Uzi in the beach bag next to her chair. She cocked it and fire it at the mercenaries. Then she rolled over to the floor and ran for the glass door to get inside the house.
The Uzi shots hit first of the mercenaries that came through in the chest and he dropped dead. The folowed up guy took up his M16A1 and shot at the glass door. The glass door shatttered on impact by the bullets. The third guy coming through was already on his crouched firing position and he oulled the trigger on the M203. The grenade launched into the hall and exploded with a flash.
The person in the house returned fire with her Uzi while the mercenaries rushed to the sides to spread out. The second mercenary again fired his grenade but this times its a fragment one. The blast blew out the glassdoor and the windows in the vicinity of the blast.
That was when the shots were heard in the front driveway.

The three mercanaries appeared out of the side door by the house and half run along the drive ways separating the two houses. I told Rebecca to take the shot and she did as per instruction. The shot hit the front mercenary in the right ribs area to inside his lungs. He went over clutching the side of his body and dropped his M16A1.
Lazio must had heard my command took the second mercnary in the side of the head. The guy who got shot fell to the left against the garage door. The third one realised the shots being fired are from opposite, took up his M16A1 and started shooting at us. I ducked in time to see the windows getting shot but Rebecca took him down with her second shot.

Captain Norrin saw the shooting between the two houses as the SUV rounded the corner to drive into the Elite Garden. The two armed guards at the compound entrance are lying in the guard house with shots in their chests. He spoke into his comms for the second SUV to take the No.1 house while the rest joined him in the taking of the original target; No.6 house.
He told the driver to drive into the house and then all of four of them will jump out. Anything that moves are to be shot. SUV No.3 will cover the front for any uninvited guests. The SUV No. 1 did rammed into the front glass partition of the house and into the day room. There he saw the three mercenaries with one officer ranked major among them. The four of them was examining the scanty clad lady on the floor, who is now bleeding from several wound.
Captain Norrin climbed out of the SUV and raised his MP5A3 to shoot at the mercenaries. He was followed out by his men in the SUV. The four mercenaries were quick to jump to cover and started shooting back. They were then joined by three more mercenaries from the back porch.

The SUV stopped in front of the house and start shooting at us. Before I can find cover, I can hear the grenade blast downstairs and the followup shooting. I searched fro Rebecca but she is wounded in the right forearm. She is now standing by the side of the window and shooting with her M1911 at the SUV occupants.
I ran down the stairs to the lower level to find it in a mess. I can see Lazio on his left side with a blood on his back. He is not moving but I am. I lookeda around for Sargeant Dickson but he is missing. I picked up the M1911 from Lazio’s holster and ran to the open doorway.I peeked over the side to see the occupants of the SUV shooting at Rebecca. One of them decided to make a run for the house and I turned to shoot him in the chest. Him falling down caught the attention of another gunman who trained his MP5A3 on he door. The bullets shattered the timber frame and part of the plasters, before he ran out of bullets. I stepped out and held the M1911 with both my hands and aimed well. I pulled the trigger and let off the nine shots in a series of well placed shots. Both the gunman was taken down with two gunshots each in the heads.
‘Reb, we are leaving now.’ I ran out of the house to the SUV and grabbed the dead driver out. By that time Rebecca has leapt off the upper landing to land on the driveway. She grabbed her right forearm and jumped into the SUV. It was then I saw Sargeant Dickson, slumped against the outside wall next to rhe door. He must had ran out to confront the SUV and they shot him point blank.
I reversed the SUV and pushed back the gear to drive forward while stepping on the accelerator. I turned the wheel right to do a round turn and the left to keep it straight. I must had knocked the parked SUV in front of No.6 but who cares as these are not my cars.

Captain Norrin did not see the SUV turned into the parked SUV outside but he heard the crash. This is not going to work so he called for a retreat immediately. They climbed back into the SUV which is partially in the living hall. The others scrambled back into the SUV No.2 which was hit by the turning SUV. Both the SUV reversed and drove off in pursuit of the other SUV.
Major Tuan was very upset; he lost four men and his team is humiliated. More to it it was done by women.
‘Get the cars, we’re chasing them down’.
The major has his six men bundled into two SUV while the last one was set alight with petrol. The major caught up the tailgate of the other SUV and they followed it close. The traffic at this hour is hell and they were running up a mess along the sidewalks and major dents in other cars.

These guys don’t give up. I had run through five traffic lights and dented more than a dozen cars; they are still on my tail. I asked the lady police officer to call in backup but she said her comm is missing. I swung the wheel and turned right into Beach Road. It the last stretch to the Station and I intend to make it home.
Damned! They hit the rear tire, and I am losing speed and a destination that is getting further in terms of time to be taken.
I pulled the SUV over to the road side.and told Rebecca to get out immediately. She is to run for the Station. She did as I told her and I drove the SUV around to faced the oncoming cars.
I pressed down on the pedal and released the brakes. The oncoming SUV is about 200 yards now and doing at about 80mph, and I am climbing to it. I can hear the flat tire peeled off and the rim is in contact with the road but I ain’t stopping.
I rammed into the SUV and the safety bag bust open.
I also blacked out.

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