Friday, December 30, 2011

Elite 3 Part 5


‘Good Afternoon, Islander. This is Angela, Senior Correspondent. I am standing at the Hospital now outside gate looking for someone to speak to but there is no spokesman available to meet me...... wait there is a van coming in. I will question the driver as this is a unmarked van...... hello, hello.... there is no answer.... they are driving in but we know not who they are’.
The eight seater van drove into the basement of the hospital.
‘The Governor is making an announcement to deny any outbreak of epidemic as reported by us, but a serious disease infection by a recent patient. The hospital is implementing medical precaution to avert any outbreak, but the disease is not that serious as speculated. Its curable and controllable. Tim Curry, Senior Editor of ‘we bring you the news on time.’
There is only one hundred forty one medical personnel in the hospital, with eighty six patients, but the section which housed the infected patient is on the second level at the right wing. The entrance to the right wing is guarded by two armed guards and a DECON unit is installed there, manned by a medical doctor. Inside the wing, there are eight rooms but only one is occupied by the patient, which there are two nurses on duty with a medical doctor. The other rooms are converted into labs and testing rooms with two technicians and one doctor in each room. There are four more armed guards along the corridor with instructions to shoot anyone not supposed to be there. The exit at the rear of the corridor is sealed off with one armed guard on duty outside the door on the fire escape.
The Medical Chief of the Unit has just left for his lunch break. He is the only one given the privileged to walk out of the wing at any time.

The van pulled up at the basement carpark service lift. Six men waering blue overalls and caps exit from the van, carrying two medical kit bags. On the overall is printed the words; CDC Team. They proceeded to put on a face mask and clasp on their name tags to their chest pocket slot. The six men then proceeded to the lift and press the button for the lift.
They exit at the second level and walked up to the two guards at the entrance to the Right Wing. There was no one else in the lobby area as this is a restricted area. One of the guards walked up to the group of blue men, and he was the first to be shot in the chest with a M1911 attached with a suppresor. His colleague was next before the guy could withdrew his gun.
One of the blue guys then took position at the entrance as the other five dragging the two murdered guards in to the DECON unit. The Doctor manning the DECON was reading some magazine when the group of men walked in. The Doctor was shot dead before he could put down the magazine. Two of the blue guys walked down the corridor to confront the four armed guards standing near the water dispenser. The four guards turned to see the two blue men walked towards them with the guns shooting at them. The bullets hit the four guards before they can react. The two men continued walking to the end of the corridor and opened the fire exit door. The surprised guard was shot dead and dragged into the corridor.
Meanwhile the three other blue guys was going into the each room and disposing of the medical personnels. The last room they hit was the one with the patient. They shot all the occupants including the patient. Then one of them removed from his medical kit a detonator which he set the timer. He left both medical kits and exit from the room. The five blue guys walked out of the wing and left by the lift along wth their other blue colleague.
The exit at the basement and got into their van. The van drove out and went for the side gate, where they flashed their ID to allowed the guard there to unlock the side gate. They were out of the hospital by 1225hrs
The bombs exploded at precisely 1230hrs  just when the Medical Chief exit from the lift at the Second Level. The bomb blast threw the medical expert back into the lift and saved his life in a way.

I met them in the alley at the end of the block with the cafe. The couple is Ben and Annie Stricker; the brother and sister team up and their favourite is the garrote or the blades, or any sharp instrument. I used them a year ago for the murder of Manuela, which they used the sharp surgical pick instrument. But today, they are using guns with suppresor, or be exact Glock 17. They re holding in their hands now; the deadly team with Glock now.
‘Ben, I see both of you have upgraded your choice of weapon. What happened to the blades and picks?’
‘We moved on after you left. There was no more Kingfisher, so we took on your contracts, and we learned new tricks. And now we cannot afford you back here.’ Ben pulled his trigger but I had jumped aside. I had planned the place of meeting so I know my advantages and limitations. Next to where I was standing is a large refuge metal container. I hid behind it, as the bullets struck the side of the container.
‘Ben, you want to get rid of me now. Is it for the money or pride?’ More bullets ricochet off the side of the container. I grabbed the wooden crate next where I was standing, and threw it across the alley way. As anticipated, they shot at the crate. It was then I stepped out and shot at them with the P30; hitting Ben in the chest but I missed on Annie. She fired back at me and I had to step back.
It was about then, another shot rang off from behind me. The bullet took Annie down, and I turned to see my shooter. It was a guy in the sedan, and he is holding a  M1911. He motions to me to get into the car. I do not know him but I can tell that from the gun shots, I am expecting more than onlookers. I ran to the sedan and got in. The driver drove off from the alley into the street and made his way into the ongoing traffic.
‘Thanks, but who are you?’
‘The name is Captain D’Cruz; welcome back to the island, Kingfisher.’

There is a place called Jake’s and they served me a ‘lovely’ lobster thermidor with a nice bottle of white wine. But you have to booked it the day before. So I settled for a ‘shrimp Creole’ and its absolutely delicious. But nothing can match the beauty that walks in.
‘Sargeant Rebecca, I am glad you could make it.’ I looked at the sharpshooter who survived the shootout with Melanie that day, and even ran to get help for her. She has put on some extra or is it the M1911 in a fast draw holster on her waist belt amke her look wider. She is dressed in her uniform and had on her SWAT cap. Rebecca took my call an hour ago and it took me five minutes to convinced her I am not a crank caller. She also took my offer to meet here in this place. I had this place under surveillance since the call was made, and I see no one suspicious coming or going near here.
‘Captain...’ I hushed her up with my finger and invited her to order the shrimp but she declined. She said she is allergic to it, but she settled for a kidde meal; fish burger.
I gave her a brief rundown to where and why I was dead and brought her up todate on Melanie’s daughter. Women tends to be more attached in such matters and I expected her to do so.
Rebecca brief me on the new Captain and the Governor. She also told me of the rumors of the tussle for control by the new gang; the New Gang under the new leader, Ivanov but this was not proven as yet. She knows not of the Governor involvement but the new boss in the block is Pedri ‘Padre’. She offered her help and her team if any rescue is to be mounted.
I thanked her and watch her go out of the shop.
I also picked up my tail then.

Captain D,Cruz parked the sedan at the side of the road facing the quiet beach and got out. He walked to the beach and stood there. The man named Kingfisher joined him and stood next to him; both men facing the shimmering water in the sea.
‘Captain, what makes you come to save me? You could ahd shot me back then.’ Kingfisher had his right hand hovering near his side in case he needs to retrieved the P30 from the back of the waist.
‘Kingfisher, I saved you because I need to talk to you. I left my guns in the car, so you can trust me in telling some facts. Like why you come back and does it had to do with the virus in the hospital? Or are you back to kill someone?’ D’Cruz stretched his large bulky body frame to the sunrays basking over his head. He is a man with a rigorous training schedule and vigiulant nature as its all part of his work to saty alive. He hopes to outrun or outjump gis opponent with his physique, but he knows when he gets shot, he also hope the physique helps him to stay alive longer.
‘I am back for a personal reason, and its nothing to do with any killing or virus. I gotta go now. Thanks, Captain.’ The man named Kingfisher walks back towards the road, turning his back on the Captain.
‘If we meet again, I may have to shoot you’, said the Captain.
‘Its mutual understanding, Captain.’ Kingfisher has reached the road and thumbride a passing scooter motorcyclist.
The Captain got the call on the hospital explosion when he got back in the sedan.

I saw the tail about five minutes ago, and I told the rider to dropped me at the nearest taxi stand. I got off and thank the rider there. I waited for no more than a minute and there was a taxi. The BMW sedan followed me about four cars length behind. It was a mistake to tagged me on this road as they are not many cars on it at this hour. I got off on 3rd Street and walked into a shopping mall. I went up the escallator to the next level while looking at my options. I turned left at the top and saw my tails’. It was actually two guys dressed in casual but they each had wide waistline, not from weight but a tucked in handgun.I walked along the shops,looking for an exit or place to surprise these two.
I found it.
I walked to the door which is marked “Exit’ and find myself in a T shsped long corridors’. In my front is the door to the carpark which is another fifty paces away, whereas to my left is to the toilets. On my right is a long short corridor and there is a staricase there. I took the right and walked down the staircase to the next level. I walked on without looking until I reached the lower basement, and I looked up., I can see the two men following me. I reached for the exit door and find it locked.
I proceeded onto the next lower level and it the lowerst level. The door to the carpark was open and I walked out. The whole basement is empty of cars escept for one old wrecked one parked in the middle of the carpack. I ran out for one of the columns in the carpark and stood behind it. I coud see the ramp to the next level and its about fifty yards away. I wanted to run but the bullets changed my mind. The shot ricochet on the side of the column and I leaned back on it again. It big enough to cover me and the other two guys are using suppressors.
I pulled out my P30 and checked my ammo. I am down to five shots and no spare clip. I peeked over and see one of them running to the right hiding behind each column. They are trying to move me into a pincer position and I will be caught in the crossfire. I looked back to his other mate who is holding position at the column near the door. The running guy fired one shot at me causing me to leaned back to my column. They are good and knows their tactics well.
But I got to even the odds or I am a dead man.
I leaned down and lent me ears to the sounds. The moment I hear the sounds of running, I stepped back from the column and shot at the running man. I did so that the column still blocks my view from the man at the door. It was a shot which I did on my old instinct’s and mt two gunshots hit the guy in the side of his waist.Then I stepped out of from the column’s protection and shot off a succession of three shots at the man in the doorway. As I expected, the man at the door reacted on seeing his accomplice shot, and I took the opportunity to shoot him. I walked up to the man at the doorway, and I can see my shots were on target. He is a dead man then. I picked up his M1911 and searched his body for more clips. I found one more in his pocket. I walked to the other guy and also picked his pockets for more clips, I found one more. I pocket the two guns and clips while walking back to the stairsway. I mounted the steps and exit at the ground floor at a secondary exit. I walked to the BMW from the rear and opened the door. The driver start the car but was shocked when he looked back at the rearwindow.
But he did drive and we had a short talk later at the secluded alley corner. At 1335hrs  I left him in the alley dead. But I have now my third handgun and two more extra clips. I also got information on who may be holding Alicia and where.
My would be killers are local police members.
I also heard news of the explosion at the hospital and fires are raging there, with rescue efforts to save the trapped patients and medical staff.
Its time to go for prayers.

Captain D’Cruz arrived at the scene of the bombing. The bottom part of the right wing of the building from the third to the fourth level has almost collapsed as ruins below with only some of the the basic columns holding the rest of the floors above intact. There were debris of concrete and glass all over the compound as rescuers and survivals tried to saved the wounded victims. On the left wing, fire ladders are extended up to the different levels to evacuate survivals. Everybody is working against time as they are not sure how long the building will hold up.
‘Chief, please advise on the building structure.’ The Fire Chief is an experienced firemen with over twenty years of experience and he is due to retire soon.
‘Captain, its not good but I think it will hold up if we clear the load on it. I think the blast blew out instead of up which saved the building. But we are doing the needed evacuation. We are still not sure of what caused the blast, but some said it just went ka-boom.’ The Chief was shouting above the confusion and chaotic situation prevailing here.
There are about ten fire engines at the disaster area and more than efive hundred firemen are at works here, alongside medical personnels and traumatized victims. There is a also an area where the dead are laid in rows which is ever growing. The captain counted more than thirty dead and not all of them are fire related. There on the far side fo the compound is the makeshift medical tent with several surgeries underway now. Nurses and Doctors are running between surgery beds to assist or to perform as needed.
The Police has done a good job to setup the wider perimeter but the media are there to get their stories. The captain turned his back on the media as he looked at the hospital damaged block. An ambulance whizzed past the Captain as he was looking at the building. It almost hit but its tyres did ran over his toes. He saw the Bomb Squad Leader walking over, in his heavily cladded Kelvar suit.
“Kevin, speak to me.’ I shouted to the Bomb Squad leader over the ongoing noise here.
‘Professional bomb with a timer. Enough to make nougat out of you and me. Sad souls are lost today.’
‘Any signature to the design? I need some informtation to give more to the officers.’ The Bomb Disposal Leader shook his head and said; ‘ I have none. Never seen the design before. Will advise once we collect the bomb fragments.’
‘Sargeant, I want to perimeter widen.....’ It was then the fifth level collapsed and followed up by the whole Right Wing.

Mama Olien and myself sneaked out the backyard to her waiting car. Soon we arrived at the Krigs’ hideout. The Krigs or New Krigs went into limbo after the last war with the Prized. Soon their numbers dwindled and they only have a handful now but they are still around. Their current leader is Mama Olien as since Pedro died, no one wants to be the big boss. Now the Krigs as they renamed themselves run the bookie business and some smuggling of illegal stuff.
Mama Olien told Melanie of her findings, that the curent Governor is the uno numero now, but he is facing some stiff resistance from gangs like Krigs and some Prized, but generally the Governor holds the surpreme position. His sidekick ‘The Padre’ is a nobody and only acts on instruction.
On the Governor’s assassination, there been some vibes on it, but nothing had come out of it. Since Kingfisher went missing, there were a  couple of replacement killers but none was as good. There is some easterners staying over in the hotels but they hardly moved out of their hotel. They are suspected to be a mercenary group and this could be staging ground for their next target.
Mama Olien mentioned of the new Captain and many suspects he is linked to the Governor for carrying out executions works.
I asked of Alicia and do they know anything. The answer I got was nothing.

There is no way I can outrun my tail given my current health condition, but I called in for assistance. From the police.
I called Rebecca on her portable. I told her of the tail and she said she will take care of it. True to her words, a patrol car pulled up opposite Jake’s. The duo from the patrol car walked up to the man satnding at the corner and started questioning him. I took that opportunity to hail a taxi and got away from the scene. 
‘Captain, that man is ours. He was under orders to look for Kingfisher.’
So the police is in the role to find Kingfisher now.
And I am possibility the man behind the mask of the Kingfisher.
I got back to the house and find it empty. Melanie is not at there, but her PDW is still there. There are no signs of breakin or fights in the house. I walked towards the front window and saw the two men at the van parked on the opposite road. I seen that van before; its a standard unit for stakeout. I used to deploy those before. It usually has three men in each unit, with one of them doing audio monitoring.
How did they find the house? We must be getting complacent after so many years. I picked up the bags of guns and contemplate my next action. Then I saw the opportunity.
A teen just rode his motorbike over and parked it at the neighbour’s porch. The bike is a 250cc Kawasaki Scrambler. I used to own one like that, so I know its looks well. And the teen left his keys there. I opened the door and ran towards the bike. I got on it, and start the ignition. When the engine roared out, I stepped into gear and rode the bike off, passing the van and its occupants.
Before those guys can react, I am already half a mile down the roads, and picking up more speed. I zig zag through the light traffic and jumped off the roads onto the trails by the beaches. Just when I thought I was cleared, I picked up two patrol bikes riding parallel to me on the tarred road; they ride Honda CBX750 and its mean on the road too unlike mine.
I noticed my trial is running to a wall of moving carts ahead and I need to get back on the tarred road. I rev up and pushed the machine onto the road just ahead of the police bikes. They caught onto me now at their preferred track of riding. I move into the upper gears to distance myself from them but the CBX750 is designed for such pursuit. They caught up with me with each rider on either side of my bike; and I braked suddenly, and almost fell onto the tarred road. But I held on the bike handles to steady myself and then did a sharp turned with right foot on the ground. I dragged the bike front wheel around and rode off down the same way I can from. I built up some distance but they soon caught up. This time around, one of the police biker took our his truncheon to swing at me by holding onto the rope attached to it.
The truncheon hit me on the right shoulder, and I almost fell down again. I regain control of my bike and rev up to the front. I need to shake these guys off fast or I am one dead beaten meat on the road. At a tenth of a second decision, I did a sharp turn by lowering my center of gravity by dropping the body toward the inside of a turn and putting their knees down. I successfully did my U-Turn and was speeding down the road again in the opposite direction. The Police bikes being heavy needed to space to turned on their turning radius. But his time in front of my route is a blocked patrol car parked across the road.
I saw the Madza RX7 parked at the right handside of the road next to the patrol car. There is a slight kerb next to the Madza which may allowed me to ride onto the car bonnet. I pushed the bike to the right side and up onto the kerb and spead along it building up speed. I swerved onto the Madza bonnet and rode on top of the roof of the car, and jumped off it over the back onto the tarred road.
I never had such fun for a long time.
But my chase is not over as yet. The police bikes are getting their bite onto my exhaust fumes again, and they are are going to close up on me.
At the next turning, I did a reckless turn by pulling my body to the left of the bike and turning it sharply. I almost bumped into an oncoming car but I managed to straighten my bike for the straight road ahead again. That did not deter the police bikes but they did slowed on the last turn. It was then
I saw the open field on the right side which lead to the small hill about quater mile ahead.
I turned off the road and cut through the field, for the hill. The police bikers stopped their bikes at the roadside on seeing me raced across the field. One of them decided to join me on the uneven terrain which is not exactly their turf. The other biker went on ahead to cut me off on the other side of the hill. This ride over the hill will lead me to the previous Sebastian estate. From what I was told that place is abandoned but there is a mountain bike trail near it along the beach.
I rev up the slope of the hill and looked at my peer on his bike trying to manourver on the soft ground. I took off along the hill top instead of going down and finally came to the treeline which marked the Sebastian estate. I soared through the fence and landed on the soft gournd of the estate. There was no stopping me now as I rode on towrds the diplated mansion and cracked swimming pool. Its still there as from the previous visit I was here. But its not condusive for a swim now.
As I was crossing it, I saw a shadow in the window. I looked up and saw a familiar face. I braeked to see the image I just seen, but its not there. I wanted to dismount from my bike to see the inside of the house, but the I can hear the police sirens behind me. I moved my bike into gear and skidded across the unkempt garden to go into the trees again, before I found the biker’s trail. I took that on the opposite end of the police siren to exit at the nearby Beach Road.
There I discarded the bike by the trail and walked out to the reaod. I hailed down a taxi and sat back. A police patrol car was speeding down the road on the opposite lane with sirens blaring.

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