Sunday, December 25, 2011

In the

A new supernatural tale.....

Tentative draft named "Seven Sins of Man'.


“Are you here to hurt me?” I asked her.
It was silent for a moment, but by the look on her face, I could tell she was upset. She turned her face away, and I could hear her sobbing. I couldn’t care less, so I stared at the doorway. In the hallway, it was carpeted walls and carpeted floors. As far as I could tell, it was a very narrow hallway. The walls were blue and the floor was red. It reminded me of a hotel. It’s quite fancy for that hallway to be placed next to a room with cemented floors.
She cried harder. I looked around the room itself; only cement, like I’d earlier observed. I could find no windows, no other doors, and no other people. I knew now though that in a place like this, I’m sure there was somebody else around. She cried, and she cried.
“He will never let you go,” she said at last. “And when the new girls come, you will want their clothes too.”

And with that, she left. When she left, she forgot to close the door.
My wrists started to bleed as I tried my hardest to get my hands through the rope. Eventually, I succeeded. I dashed to the door, naked, cold, tired, and dizzy. My fear was racing through my mind. I got to the hallway.
It was a very small hallway, and I had two clear ways to go. One door on each side of me, basically. I smelled sour cream and mouldy cheese. I had to decide which door to choose quickly, but I couldn’t do it. I figured, at the time, that one led to freedom and the other led to death. I tried not to cry, and went with the door on my left.
Wrong choice.
The door opened to a cold room filled with bodies on the hooks like in a butcher shop. There are about a dozen girls of my age;  all drained of fluid and hanging lifeless there.  They are about my age, my build and height. Could it be this maniac or whoever is it likes to collect girls like me.  Unlike the girl I met earlier, these girls all looked complete without any scars or disfigurement.  But they all looked dead; pale looking and hanging lifeless there on the hooks under their armpits.
Could it be a storage instead of a dead room?  
It was then my head buzzed, as I had recollections of seeing this room before. 
No, this can’t be too much of a coincidence. Its the same room like in my nightmare that I keep on having those dark nights. It has the  same look and the rows of bodies hanging there. The whole dream is unfolding before me.  But in my dream, I was one of the bodies hanging on the hook and looking down. But here I am on the flooring and not on the hook. 
I turned back to the doorway I came in but there is no door there but a solid cold wall now.  It can't be as I remember walking in through that door. I touched the cold wall and I hit my fists on the wall. It will not move or showed me any opening.  Here I am naked, hungry and helpless in a cold room full of corpse. I need to get out but how. The door I came in missing and there do not seems to be any exit anywhere.
That's my head buzz again as it showed me vivid images of dream again. I can see myself running and searching for the door.  I woke up from my slumber and I forced myself to walked along the wall trying to find the missing doorway again.  I used my hands to guide me as I feel every possible part of the surface as I walked. My body temperature is getting cold and I am starting to freeze now.  Its unnerving and everywhere I turned to I see the hanging girls. It’s a hopeless situation I am in. I am going to be like them; a body on the hook soon. I am getting tired and I need to sit down but the floor is too cold to sit on. I crouched down and held my knees closed to me for warmth.
This is all wrong. I was just outside on the street with the thoughts of an everyday girl’s mind, and now I am cowering in a cold room. Maybe its a dream and I will wake up in my own room. I closed my eyes shut and held tight. I told myself its a dream and I will wake up. But the cold feeling is not putting into any dreamy state.  I opened back my eyes and I am in the same room, and still helpless.
No, I must get out of here. If the bodies are kept here, then there must a way in. if there is a way in, there is a way out. Maybe I am doing it wrong. The door may not be on the side of the wall. Its above me or below me.  Maybe when I opened the door, I fell in here.
I got up slowly and looked for anything that can tell me how I got here.  Then I saw the trap door. That’s it but how do I get out. It may mean me climbing up but on what was my question. I looked at the bodies hanging on the hooks. I thought to myself that could be my ladder. But I shudder at the thought of touching these lifeless bodies. I reached out with my fingers to touch the nearest one. Its cold and clammy feeling to fingers.  It was also then I could feel the cold air here getting into my own body. If I don’t make it out soon, I will be dead soon. Its use them or I will be hanging up soon enough.
And it was then I find the whole room lighted up.
“Welcome back, Pride. You been a naughty lady to leave us for sometime now. Its seems in your excursion, you have not failed to use your training when the situation calls for it.”
Pride? That name sounds familiar to me. Where did I hear it before? I looked up from the bed I was laying on. Its like a hospital bed and there are needles and patch band attached to my body. I am not naked as I thought I was but wearing a night gown.
“Yes, your name is Pride. You are a member of this family here. We lost you some months ago when you were out there on a mission. You were assumed dead or missing in action. But we found you a few days ago and all contacts with you has shown you to be ignorant of your previous identity. You are not who you think you are. You are Pride, our youngest member, and most innovative one too. Welcome back to the Clan.”

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