Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Elite 2 Part 13

‘Is the city at the stranglehold of another gang war? Are we aware of it? The President is due tomorrow at noon. Does the Police not know their work? Tweet us and we will find out for you. Stephanie, Island News’
Stephanie who is the anchor for Island News lowered her microphone and muttered; ‘can someone take over my slot. I am dead tired’.It was then the Prized and New Krig decided to do a street showdown with twenty on each side armed with handguns on the busy 3rd Street traffic.
The shooting started as just the anchor woman set down by her news van. Her camera man was also packing the unit when the bullets came. Unfortunately, they were in the middle of the shootout. It would had done good footage but the cameraman was the first to be shot followed by Stephanie.
The only blessing was the camera when it dropped off the casing, it was turned on by accident by the cameraman. The unit feel on the side and was focus on the Prized members across the street shooting at the New Krig on this side. The recording was live and it was on the Station feed.
But no one moved to put it on as the crew were worried about their ground duo; with all calls on the mike not replied.
The Desk Editor said to send the back up team now. He began to write the obituary for the anchor woman and camera man.
The news must go on regardless.

Mr Chiang swiped his napkin on his lips after he finished the last of the dessert. He signaled Mr Yen to see him.
‘Is Major Tuan going for the meeting tonight?’
‘They just left and he took two of his men. Would you like to convene to the porch for your evening smoke.’
‘Smoke? You sure I can smoke, Mr. Yen. Well, since you insist, I will do so, even if it kills me.’ Mr Yen pushed the invalid man on his wheelchair to the garden porch. He light up the rolled up man made cigarette for Mr Chiang. Mr Chiang took one puff and then relaxed his body to greet the evening breeze. He took another puff and then the third one. The cigarette dropped from his fingers and he slumped forward.
‘Goodby, Mr Chiang. Its been great serving you. But my new master is coming tomorrow.’
Two men came from the Dining Hall and stopped at the invalid man’s chair. They pushed the deceased out back into the house and out through the front door. The wheelchair was rolled onto the special ramp into the SUV and the two men then drove the SUV out. Mr Yen then closed the front door once he seen the car leave the gate. He walked over to the phone and called an unlisted number.
‘Its done, sir.’
Mr Yen placed the handset down and sat himself at the Dining Hall. The servants brought out the food and wine for him.He took up the wine glass and cheered himself; ‘to you, Mr Chiang. Rest in peace.’

On the cue, the three SUV came in and ten Ex-Services members came out followed by their leader, General Sebastian. All the Ex-Services were wearing army fatigue and armed with MP5A3 and wearing holster with M1911 in it. I can see a couple of them has grenades on them.
One of them was armed with an extra L96A1 rifle. He must be the sniper of the team. I am sure Marius will be proud to see that.
The next cars to turned up was the Prized; two of them with a load of seven men and one lady. I can see from here’ she is Monica, the widow of Mano. I met her twice in some discussion  and I was surprised that she is leading the gang now. She does seem to be a nice housewife and mother to the two kids. From her background, I know she was the daughter of a retired crime lord who came here some ten years ago. I was at the funeral four years ago as a sign of respect for the old man who died of natural causes. Its rare in our kind to do so. As for the Prized, they are armed with AK47’s and AK74’s. Like typical gang members, they are all dressed up casual with torn off jeans..But beneath those clothes are cold blooded killers.
A few minutes late was the easterners with Major Tuan in the Humvee. I was surprised that he is only with two of his men and they are also wearing army fatigue although of a different camouflage setting. The Major is carrying his baton while the men are all carrying M16A1 with M203 Grenade Launcher. I can see Monica staring at the Major but he is not looking at her at all or ignoring her.
So far no New Krigs. I guessed they are not invited.
Or policemen which sometimes do show up late. Or not at all.
I can see now General Milton walking up to them with his cane and greeted all of them by name. I can hear every word he is saying. He is pointing at me as the grand prize for the highest bidder.

I hate this but I can see something is moving behind those crates, and it does not looked like a rat. It turned out to be a small rat and it came out sniffing at the air for familair scent. That was it doing  when the jaw of the snake grabbed it by the head. The part body of the snake then slittered back into the dark gaps between the crates.
Oh my God, they are here. I can hear the struggle going on the behind the crates. It sounds like a battle going in there and its not snake and rat but probably snakes.
I am taking any chances so I stood up and held the improvised shield of mine next to my improvised wooden sword. It was then I saw the dark form slittered out; the snake must had been big as it takes such a long time for it to come out. Its dark and slimy from where I was looking at it.
I backed up as it rears it head up to almost my height and the hood spread out. This must be the mother of all snakes to me. I prayed hard I can strike it before it does to bite me.
It hissed it tonque at me and I tried to backed up more but the wall is there at my back.
It was then I saw the head moved forward.

I shot it with the Glock 17 with the suppressor at the head of the snake. I picked up the Glock at Marcel’s place. The snake heads blew apart and the raised body fell down just when its head was shot. I can see Melanie sitting down with relief. She looked winded from the event and she needed help.
I reached for the cage gate on the side next to her, but its locked. Its a standard small lock and when forced can be open. But I had no time to find something to pry it, so I aimed the Glock on it and shot the lock off. It did made some noise but the distance from the group must ahd drowned out the sound. I opened the cage gate and pulled Melanie out.
She was at tears and I immediately grabbed her to settle her down again. I can’t afford the other two sniper guys to see us. I know one is on the Ferris Wheel but I can’ t find the other one. He was at the kiosks’ and then dissapeared.
I hoped Rookie is tracking him from the vertical lift top.
‘How ......’
‘I came this afternoon and we are setup for the meeting. We were laready surveyed the grounds and set up some surprises.’
‘You knew....’
‘I know about the two others but I lost one of them; the one planting the bombs. Now we are to get you out.’
‘No, not without Marcel. He is up there’.
I said I know but I looked at Melanie and she’s been to hell and back. She does not looked like she can walk but she is insistent on doing it.
That was when the shot rang out and almost hit Melanie. The bullet landed at the gate inches from her. It was the Ferris Wheel guy and he must had heard our conversation. Sounds travel far in the night.
But it was also the cue for the group to start a showdown with their firepower.

When I heard the shot, I grabbed my improvised rope and kicked the cubicle gate open. It swung out pulling the rope, and I swung out with it. I fell down and then went taut on the rope hanging down at about ten feet from the ground. I let go and dropped down on my feet. I rolled as I fell and got up in semi crouched position.
The bullets came near my feet and I ran fro the nearest cover which is the controller booth at the bottom of the Ferris wheel.
More bullets came from above me and around me, so I ran inside the Ferris wheel and out the other side. I ran zig zag until I hit the trailer packed at the back. I slide in at the bottom and rolled to the other side. I must had stirred up some rats who has build a nest there.
Thunk! Thunk!
More bullets hit the trailer side.
I reached for the trailer door which was on my side and opened it., I crawled in and did a quick search,. Whoever occupied the place also did a quick exit as there were unwashed dishes and broken furnitures all over the place.
Nothing I can use as a weapon.Not even a paper cup.

Monica and her men are behind their cars, while the Major has seek cover at the kiosks. The Ex-Services are spread out at the Ferris wheel and the Swinging Cups ride next to the Ferris wheel.
General Milton has gone back to the train car and holding up there while his man on the Ferris wheel is offering cover fire. Sam the other Kingfisher’s man has shown up now at the Roller Coaster behind the Bumper Car ride.
Everyone is pinned down somewhere.
That was when the five tonne truck came in from the front entrance and drove along the golden walkway. It stopped at the seond row and more of Major’s Tuan men came out. They are holding the advantage.
Mad the sniper turned his focus on the men at the five tonne truck; taking down two of them with his MP5A3.
Meanwhile The Prized has managed to run to the circus tent and hold up there but losing three men on the run. Ex-Services are still holding their current positions.

I cleared out of the trailer and came to the view of the another attacking team from the beach. Its also Majot Tuan’s men and they are three of them who came by the beach and waded across the outlying fence to come in.
One of them raised his M16A1 to shoot me but he was taken down by the sniper. It was Sam from the Roller Coaster.
The other teammate of the team saw me too and raised himself up to shoot me but he was shot down too by Sam. The last one was focusing on the back of the Ex-Services at the Ferris wheel and Swinging Cups rides.
I ran out to the dead soldiers avoiding some shots from the sniper. I grabbed the M16A1 and slide to the cover of some nearby bins. There I checked the clip and saw I have a half load. I raised the M16A1 to the side to faced the lone easterners who are still firing at the Ex-Services.
I shot him when he turned towards me. I peek over my bin to looked at the situation and was almost taken down by Sam at the roller coaster.
I am Sam’s target now. Time to move on or I lose my advantage. I cradle the M16A1 and ran the other way to the circus tent.

I been aiming my MP5A3 at the Ferris wheel sniper for over ten minutes now. I can see him when he raised himself to shoot at the beach, but the target view is limited. It was when he turned to focus on the easterners at the kiosk, he rasied his body a little higher and I shot him in the left shoulder. I can see him dropping the MP5A3 and he fell back on the seat. The Ferris cubicle was swinging then and then it stopped.
Okay, he is down and my next targets is the General.
I can see the old man hiding behind the train car and shooting with his MP5A3. He’s good as he just shot one of Major Tuan’s men trying to run from one cover to the next. I decided to move my focus onto the men at the kiosks’ and shot at some of them.
I saw Melanie grabbed my Glock and ran to the beach side; maybe she is trying to help Marcel.

Rookie took his aim with the Remington 870 and shot the Ex-Services man in the head when he peek over the cup. Its his second tonight but now he’s been targetted by the other Kingfisher Sniper at the roller coaster. The guy is good as his shots are hitting inches from Rookie’s position.
Rookie decided that the position has been compromised so he swung over on the long rope he had, and rappel down. As he was going down, he fired the MP5A3 at the Ex-Services hiding position. Rookie landed on the ground and immediately ran for the bumper cars rink. He managed to jump for cover when Sam from the roller coaster shot at him. The roller coaster is next to the Bumper car rink.
Meanwhile across the amusement park in the circus tent, the six Prized members took their positions in the Circus Tent. The Tent is a "Bail Ring Tents" design at abuout 100 to 150 feet (30m x 45m) wide. Its covered in vinyl but parts of it ahs been torn on the top near the centre. The central pole is holding it well despite the years of neglect, and the bail ring shackles are still firmed in the ground. The circus tent has a vinvl screen around the sides to prevent anyone sneaking in.
The seating arrangement inside the tent is a four row of benches stacked high to faced the inner performance rink. The inner rink is a simple circular with a one feet high wooden border around it.
Two of the Prized members climbed up the seating bench and took positions at the tops on opposing sides. Two more went over the wooden border and laid prone behind it. They prop their AK47 on the wooden border to cover any incoing enemies. Monica and another member crept under the multi-tier wooden ringside seating and sat underneath it.
It was then one of Major Tuan’s men decided to lob over the grenade using his M203 at the Ferris wheel base where the Ex-Services men are holding. The grenade landed short but it did injured one of the Ex-Services.

I lifted the tent edge and crawled in frok underneath. As my upper body cleared the screen of vinyl, I came to face with the man who was hiding there with Monica. He raised his AK74 but I shot him from my MP5A3. I rolled my body as the shots came in from the guy on the top row of the opposite side of the rink. I raised my gun in between the gap in the rows and shot him. Then I got up and ran along the seatings to the other far end, with some fancy moves to avoid the oncoming shots.
It was then I got hit on the left forearm and I jumped down to lie prone on the ground. I can see Monica now running towards me with her M1911, and her other members on the inner rink are running towards me. I turned over and shot Monica as she was my bigger threat, and then rolled over to the edge of the flap .
There I got up and fire from my waist towards the two men coming at me in the rink. I got them too and now I am alone in the rink with one more member to contend with,
‘Hey, Kingfisher. Fight me like a man.’
I put down the MP5A3 and walked out from the stands. I made my way to the Inner Rink and see this lanky youth stepping down from the benches. He unslung his AK47 and stacked it against the lower bench. He reached for his sleeveless jacket and took it off, leaving it next to his rifle.
He walked into the inner rink and looked at me. His arms are resting on his sides and he stretched his neck as a pre-warmup exercise. Then he stood with his legs spread out and his fists came up.
‘Done this before, huh?’ His replied was a front kick on me and followed by a side kick to the abdomen. But I had seen it coming as I stepped back.,
‘Okay, you doneth it before.’ He lashed out his right leg in round kick and I blocked it with my elbow. I tokk two steps to the right and smiled at him.
‘Tae Kawn Do? Karate?’ He swivel his body and did a side kick with his right leg. I blocked that too. ‘I know too’. He did it again and this time I grabbed his right leg with my left arm and swing in with my right elbow onto his face. He staggered on my blow and I followed up with a low front kick on his groin and a downward chop on the back of his neck.
‘Mine is street fighting or survival fight’, and my opponent fell to the ground.
I walked over his body and went over to picked his AK47. I checked the load, and it almost empty. I took it out and walked to the bodies by the rinks. They had two spare clips and I load one while keeping the other in my waist. I picked up his sleeveless jacket and put it on.
‘Drop the weapon, Kingfisher.’

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