Saturday, December 17, 2011

Elite 2 Part 15

‘I hate dogs....’ I muttered to myself as we ran for the bottom of the slope trying to find a distance between us and the dogs. I was chased by a pair of terriers when I was age of twelve and since then I disliked them. I know Marcel likes them very much as he was the one who released the terriers on me. Those terriers belongs to our neighbours and they are noisy dogs.
I saw a rake leaning on the nearby tree and I grabbed it. Who cares what the world thinks of me but I hate dogs. I turned to look at the oncoming dogs and there are two of them. Bloody cannines are working in pairs and I am ready. The moment they came by the tree, I swung out with the staff end of the rake and hit one of them. The dog went yelping in pain and fell to the side. The other one stopped on seeing the mate fell and advance on me. But I had my rake ready, and for some reason, it turn to run. So did the injured dog.
I was relief until he shots came.
I ran up the slope between the trees, holding my knife.
I am coming for you, bastard.
I had enough.

I turned to look for Marus but he is not there. I stopped to look back but the Major pulled my sleeve. He signaled me to run for the walkway.
Damned! I can’t find him.
But the shots came this time from in front of us. I leapt for the nearest tree and so did the Majot to another tree. Major Tuan point to me to look ahead. I peek over the tree trunk to see the shooter at the walkway. He not more than a hundred feet away.
Too far to toss a knife.
I signaled to the Major to do a detour on the target. He understood my message and started running up the slope while I went the opposite way. The shooter got our idea and ran up the slope. He is trying to aovid being trapped in the middle. I had then reached the walkway. I could see the shooter looking for the Major which is nearer to him. As he was distracted, I ran across the walkway to hide in the other side of the orchard.
The shooter on seeing me flee across ran up the slope to joining with his mate at the shed. That was when the Major came leaping out of the hiding place.

Major Tuan rush onto the soldier that he trained, and stabbed the officer in the heart at the chest. As both mean fell on the walkway, the Major pulled his knife out and replunged it in again. Then he rolled off the dead man and grabbed the M16A1. He then got up and ran back into the orchard heading up to the shed.
The Major ran to the nearest tree trunk as bullets land near him and on the tree trunk. He waited his turn and then swing to shoot at the shooter at the shed. His aim was good and he manged to hit the man. He then ran up to the shed and hid behind it. He saw the M16A1 dropped by the man from the roof of the shed. He picked it up and looked across the walkway. He can see the Kingfisher running up. He tossed the rifle over to the other side.
Now we are armed.
That was when he saw the Captain running towards the shed.
‘What took you so long?’
‘I have less stamina than you guys. Anything I can use.’
‘Unless you can pulled the man down from the roof.’
Shots ran out on the shed and we have to move. The Major told the Captain to follow him to the mansion.

The major and myself started running among the orchard trees to the mansion. I can see the shooter at the edge of the orchard near the pool. He is either a bad shot or we are just lucky. When we were near the edge, the major raised the M16A1 to his shoulder and let off a short burst.
It did the the work. The shooter is down.
I ran up as fast as I could. I need the rifle to even things up. I reached the edge but the rifle is not reacheable as the shooter had dropped it behind him when he fell. When I tried to reach for it, gunshots can be heard and they are targeting the distance between me and the dead shooter.
The major came up next to me and saw the situation.
‘You give cover fire and I run to the house. I am fitter than you.’
Sure makes me embarrassed but that is a fact.
I took up the M16A1 and started shooting at the mansion windows where I last saw the shooters. Meanwhile the major got up and ran to the mansion hiding in any cover he can find. I keep on firing single shots at the windows I think the shooters will be. The major did his run and reached the wall next to the glass door leading inside the house. He has taken out his knife again.
And I am out of ammo now.
I saw the ammo clip on the dead man and also his M16A1. Its not a hesitation; I need it. I got up and ran for the body, stooped to oull the clip and dropped the rifle I was holding. I ran forward and grabbed the other M16A1 and ran for the mansion. That act was reckless but I got the job done. And no one was shooting me. I guess the shooters were concered on the major inside the mansion.
I pulled out the clip on the rifle; its half load and I got a spare clip.
Not bad except I got someone taking shots at me now. I rolled onto the pool paved flooring and stopped to shot at the shooter who was standing at the side of the pool. He must had come out of the house on seeing me reach the mansion wall. He is no match of mine when it comes to shooting. The bullets hit him in the chest and he fell.
I got up and ran into the mansion using the same glass door as the major but he is not there in the hall. Its the dining hall and there is no one there. I went up to the door and slowly opened it. It opens to a long hall which runs the whole length of this wing.
But still no Major.

Major Tuan entered the meeting hall next to the dining hall. There was one fo his men, Sargeant Minh; also his sparring partner in the arts. The Sargeant was holding a M16A1 and it was pointing at the Major who is armed with a knife. On seeing the Major, the Sargeant unslung his rifle and leaned it against the wall. He took off his ammo bandolier and also his holstered M1911. He removed the knife from the belt and faced the Major.
‘Sargeant, we fight the old way. No knives.’
The Major threw his knife across the room to the side wall. The Sargeant did the same with his knife. The then  moved the sofa settee set in the middle of the room to the side. An improvised fighting area was formed. Both men looked at each other and started feigning moves on each other to test the other’s reflexes.
It was then the door opened and the Captain peeked in. The Sargeant who was facing the door got distracted and the Major execute the ‘Kow Dhrong’ or front kick into the Sargeant lower chest. He then followed up with a ‘Kao Tud’ or swinging side kick. That blow staggered the Sargeant and the Major was not ready to let the advantage go. He followed up with the ‘Kao Loi’ or the jumping front kick.
The fight is over.
The Major picked up the bandolier and the other M16A1. He slung it to his back and picked up the holster belt with the M1911.
‘Here Captain, you take the handgun.’ He passed the belt with the M1911 to the Captain. ‘I am going to the barracks now’.

I ran down the walkway on realising that we are running out of time.
Its Melanie I am worried about..
I jumped for cover when the bullets came for me. The shooter is at the jetty behind some crates. In a long distance shootout its not the gun but the shooter that counts. I was lying prone on the walkway while the bullets were whizzzing near me and over me. I raised my M16A1 and rest it on the walkway floorinbg taking careful aim. I pulled the trigger and the burst of bullets took the target down just above the crate surface into his face. The dead man fell into the sea.
I got up and ran for the jetty watching the hill slope for any shooter, There was none, and I jumped onto the boat. I started the engine and sailed for the floating platform. It was then I saw the other boat coming towards me with guns blazing. I crouched down as bullets shot passed over me. I returned fire and the boat swerved off in a tight turn.
Its the other officer and he is coming for me again. This time he hit my motor outboard engine and stalled the boat. I had then took my rifle and aimed at him. I shot the burst into his boat and it got him. He fell back into his boat, but the boat is still moving towards Melanie’s platform.
It crashed into it and tore part of the platform off, causing it to sink.
I am about a hundred feet away from the platform. I shouted to Melanie to swim and I will picked her up.

‘Melanie! Jump!’
I heard him and I did as I was told. I dived into the water and swam for my life. As I was swimming, I can see the sharks near me. It was then I heard the shots and one of the sharks was shot. Its wound was trailing blood and the other sharks were going for it. I swam faster as I felt more shots coming into the water. Its creating a frenzy on the sea, and I could be the next participant.
It was then I felt the hand reached for me and pulled me out of the water.
‘We got to get out now. The platform will blow anytime.’
I looked at the platform which is half submerged now. Marcel is using his rifle as a paddle and rowing us to the beach. I helped with my hands and ever wary of any sharks.

The staircase leads to the top and I came to see the long corridor. There is six doors to my left and the same to my right. I walked down the left and check on the first door. I opened it and there is no one in the bedroom. I tried the other three doors and had the same results.
It was the fifth door and I saw Rookie sitting there with the bombs strapped to his chests while he is tied down to the chair.
‘I knew you will come. Get this off me now. Its going to explode soon.’
I walked up to him and saw the bombs. Its rigged together and is strapped to the chest but there is no deadman’s switch. I took out my knife and cut loose the ropes which bounded the person to the chair. Rookies got up and removed the bombs vest from his body. He opened the window and tossed it out into the nearby pool.
‘Thanks’ was what he said.
‘Why did you joined them?’ I asked the young man.
‘Pardon me? Are you mad? I just being strapped down with bombs and you asked me that.’ Rookie went for the door but I stopped him.
‘Sit down, Rookie. You are not telling me what I want to know and I am going to shoot you.’
Rookie got my warning and turned back to walk towards the bed. He sat there and stared at me.
‘There was no bombs. You just planned it to look at that way. Who are you? And how long has you been working for them.’
‘You’re crazy. I did not joined them. I am with Kingfisher. They drugged me and brought me here. They set me up to trap all three of you. I am as involved with you.’
‘But the bombs were not rigged for explosions. You should know that. You were from the bomb squad. You joined then as a member of the bomb squad. You were trained to know such things and even set up the traps so you can unset the traps. You were called Rookie as you are the youngest in the bomb squad.’
‘Good thinking. Captain. I guess you found me out. I am the last recruit of Kingfisher. I was to replaced him but the change of events delayed my ascension. I played second fiddle on the instruction of the boss.’
‘Who is the boss? The President?’
‘You got it.....’ And I shot him.
Rookie was reaching for the Walther PPK under the pillow next to him. I saw glimpse of it when he sat down on the bed as the mattress moved then.
The bombs did explode in the pool. It was 1000hrs.

The platform exploded and so was the left wing of the mansion from my view. We had landed at the jetty. I ran with Melanie towards the garden, picking up the M16A1 left by the previous shooter. There was a scooter there, so I picked the starter and got the engine going. I told Melanie to hang on as we rode to the top of the hill.
Halfway up the hill we came across the two guards who started shooting at us. I sped the scooter into the garden and ran through the carnation flowers and petunia before crashing.
‘Are you hurt?’ I asked Melanie.
‘No, I am okay. Lets go.’
We ran among the bushes of flowers as the guards stood by on the road looking for us. I passed the knife to Melanie, and told her to tossed it when she can.  We split then with me going down slope and she went the opposite.
I raised my rifle and aimed at the guards. They are spaced out by about ten feet and looking for us in the garden. I could not get a good shot from my angle so I raised myself up to shoot at the guard. I got the one nearest to me on the chest.
In the next second I pulled on was a empty clip in my rifle.

I saw Marcel struggkling with the rifle so I tossed my knife at the remaining guard. The knife lodged into his right forearm when he was getting ready to shoot. It was then I came running and did my flying leapt to kick at him. He fell on the road clutching his forearm with his left arm and I followed up with a hand chopped on his right shoulder. Then I punched him in the face with my open palm.
He’s out for count. I picked up his rifle and saw Marcel running towards me.
‘Jump....’ was what I heard.
The bullet hit me on the back of my right shoulder and I fell forward. As I fell, I roll around with the M16A1 facing my shooter. I raised the rifle and pulled the trigger. I saw my shots were on target as the man who shot me flung back on my shots.
I blacked out then when my head hit the road.

Major Tuan walked to his room and saw it untouched and it was as he left it.
‘No one was in there, Sir.’
He turned to look at the veteran of ten years of combat experience and army life. His name is Corporal Thanh and he is standing in attention now with his M16A1 at his side.
‘Who are you reporting to, soldier?’ Major Tuan had his M16A1 raised now to point at the Corporal.
‘You, Sir. Earlier Sargeant Minh asked me to guard this place. I followed my order from my superior. Now you are my superior, so I will followed yours.’
‘At ease, soldier. You may rest your guard. The war is over for you now. Get me the SUV and parked it outside. Wait for me. Go now.’
The major went into his room and removed his personal articles.

I searched all the room and went downstairs again. I walked to the front porch and saw the SUV leaving. It is the major and his driver; and he is smiling at me. As the SUV made it past the Main Gate, I heard someone walking behind me.
I turned to face the person.
‘Captain Marius, I presumed. We never met but I seen your photo. My name is Mr Yen, and I am personal aide of the President. I been send here to work with Mr Chiang Men. And also to prepare him for his coming visit. I believed you met Lieutenant Micheal and Sargeant Roke. We are from the same team.’
Mr Yen is armed with a Desert Eagle and at this range I am a dead man at fifty paces.
‘I did not vote for the President and so we are not the same team.’ I jumped to the right and fired my M16A1, but his bullet got me in the left lower chest. But mine was lodged into his chest; all three of them in the short burst.
He did not fall and he took aimed at me again. I pulled the trigger on the rifle aiming at his head and this time he did fall down.
Dead and not moving any more,.

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