Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Pangaea 17-23

Week 3
Day 1
I took the VEFLIS ( Vertical Elevated Flight Light Shuttle ) or Bubble nicknamed by the Cheng’s. Its the maiden flight of mine over the plateau and the plains. Its a different sight here from the top, as I see vast layout of the green jungle from the air. I saw in the distance, the feared Pterosaurs which flew mostly near the high ranges but today I see one of them in the plains. The reptile do fly far and wide but this is unusual to see on near the plateau unless its looking for a place to nest. I cannot have that as it will result in more issues. I veered the Bubble on a collision course with it. I fired some shots off the cannons to deter its alleged intentions. The Pterosaurs has a larger mass compared to the Bubble where its wings spread is more than twenty foot span. The reptile took offence to the loud noises and reacted in shrieking out a piercing sound and swoop towards the Bubble.
I had to take evasive action so I veered back and zig zag my flight path. I called back to BASE for some cover fire, while the reptile is catching up on my tail. The cannons blasted off a series of shots which seems to scare the reptile off this time. I landed the Bubble and decided to take my exploration on land only with my foot firmly on the ground.
I stepped off the staircase to see Major Shaw waiting for me.
‘I never thank you for trying to save Doctor Emily’s life. Thank you.’ I accepted her thanks and apology although she did not mentioned it. ‘When can we sent out the next team for data sampling and collection? ’
This lady never let you off on the meat hook; she will also cut you up to leave you bleeding.
‘Soon, Major. But give me this week to setup my other outpost so we can provide better support to your team.’ The Major smiled and we proceeded to discuss on the outpost structure.
Outpost Two will be on the plateau on the east side of the plateau. It will comprise of a military base like the one at Tip’s Nest. But it will have an additional structure that will housed the scientific team on location. The materials came from our storage areas at the BASE. The Scientific Structure is the same size as the Military Unit, but it has no armaments on the roof.
The area around the outpost is surrounded by a similar defense wall that protects the other oupost.
A series of long tubular rods of about five foot in length and was set to cover the four sides of the Outpost Two. The number of personnel assigned to the Outpost are four military personnels. The outpost is under the command of Corporal Saidin; a religous man and demolition expert. Six scientific personnels immediately volunteered to be stationed there. I also left a LTV there for their transport. The time to travel here is about half an hour on the road which we cleared.
Outpost Three was proposed on the plains near a small lake further down the slope to the south of the plateau, about five miles from BASE. That will put it about three miles from the base of the plateau. As this was the furthest outpost, I had planned for a bigger base there.
There was to be two military structure complete with the automated revolving twin cannons, and three scientific structure. The personnels assigned to there is eight under the command of Sargeant Nick and Corporal Duffy. The Scientific team volunteers stands only at six personnels, but there will be visiting teams on occassion.
I assigned one ATV and two LTV there.
The BASE was getting to be more spacious with the materials utilised in the new Outposts. Both new outposts insist on their new names; East end and Wide Plains. I cleared the roads to the Outposts making accessibility easier. Its a bold move in less than a month, I have expanded my operational radius and bases.
Major Shaw was busy organising her team that she left me alone that week.
But things was soon to change.

Week 4
Day 1
I took the LTV out for a ride with Nixon, and we decided to visit the plains. Its our first exploration here on land. The Scientific team are working in the respective areas on the plateau under close watch of my personnels. We travelled west driving on any open trails which we can drive on. We drove over all kind of terrain incliuding shallow streams and muddy trails which our large rough tires made the driving easy. I do not think my body ever stayed in the seat for more than a few seconds. I saw many creatures large and small on the track. But nothing beats the scene I was to see; T-Rex fighting a Ankylosaurus.
We caught onto the Ankylosaurus which was feeding at some folliage on the trees lower branches. Its a beautiful creatures and a wonderful sight. Its built with the design of an amoured heavy vehicle in its creator’sn mind. On the top of the creature its entire top side is heavily protected from carnivores with thick, oval plates embedded in its thick leathery skin along side with two rows of spikes along its body with several large horns that projected from the back of the head. Its unique and deadly defense is its club-like tail which can be used to swing against predators. Its weakness is the underbelly of the creature which when exposed is easily penetrated by any claws or horns. Its not easy to flip over a giant which grows thirty foot long, six foot wide and four foot tall and weighs between four tons.
But it still has its predators like the T-Rex.
T-Rex's jaws are on average up to four foot in length and had fifty to sixty thick, conical, bone-crunching teeth that ranged in size from very small to large ones that is over nine inches long. The T-Rex could eat up to a large chunk of meat and bones in one bite size. The creature can grow up to forty foot length from law to tail, and has a height of twenty foot. But it has short arms that is about on average three foot long. Despite its size, it only weights about five to seven tons in weight. It has hollow bones which makes it lighter in weight and swift in speed of about twenty miles per hour.
The T-Rex rushed out of the tree lines and tried to snapped it jaw at the short exposed neck of the Ankylosaurus when it reached out for the foliage on the lower branch. The T-Rex was also relying on its speed to ram the other creature over its side to exposed the underbelly. The Ankylosaurus saw the incoming threat and move its body slightly yet slow due to its body structure to avoid the bite. The T-Rex jaws only managed to grab onto the thick scaled sides of the upper shoulder, and it momentum pushed both the creature forward. The wide spread base of the body of the Ankylosaurus saved it from falling over on its side. It long clublike tail swung in on the predator to knock the rear of the T-Rex. It hit the T-Rex hard on the upper rear legs and the pain was excruriating causing the T-Rex to back off.
The Ankylosaurus senses it danger and now stood on its side to face the T-Rex which is bleeding at the rear right thigh. It howls out its shrieking sound over the trees, and soon another T-Rex appeared. Its slightly smaller in size but its has the same nasty jaw. The second T-Rex stood some distance to the right of the one which was injured. Both the T-Rex now approached the Ankylosaurus together. The Ankylosaurus swung its clublike tail again  at the predators. It missed the smaller T-Rex but the T-Rex has got its jaw on the mid-section of the tail. Meanwhile its larger mate rushed forward and rammed the Ankylosaurus on the upper shoulder avoiding the horns on the head and back. The momentum of the force and its ensnared tail, cause dthe Ankylosaurus to lose its balance. It was slightly lifted on the side, and the larger T-rex pushed on with its power crsuhing pushes. The smaller T-Rex held onto the clublike tail while its trying to swing on the predators. It was the third push that finally topple the Ankylosaurus over on its side and it bay out a errie call for assistance. But the large T-Rex was sinking its jaw onto the lower neck of the Ankylosaurus. The battle royale is over, as the T-Rex’ made sure of their meal.
Its gruesome but this is the reality of New Pangaea.
We drove back in silence after witnessing the battle. I may be a soldier for over two decades, but this is beyond my years of experience to see it live. I may had shot creatures at point blank or lay a blade on a lving flesh of my enemy but I never stayed long enough to witness their last seconds or aftermath. I am still a human being inside me despite my violence profession.
‘BASE, this is Wide Plains. We need some assistance. Over’ I did not had to tell Nixon as he swerved the LTV to move towards the outpost. I reached behind and open the case to removed the PH900 Heavy Recoil Rifle; a mean weapon which fires off a metal projectile at the speed of four thousand foot per second, which on penetration of its target will explode inside. The recoil rifle carries a ten rounds clip on it. We sped over the now familair terrain as I communicated with the outpost.
Its been attacked by a large pack of Raptors’ and its defense wall is taking on a lot of pressure. Corporal Duffy feared it may not hold out for too long. The unit was not working at its optimum before this day. He also told me that BASE has send over a ATV and their ETA is one hour. I checked with Nixon and he said we can be there in fifteen clicks. I armed the rifle and rest it on the tripod at the front bonnet of the LTV.
We burst into the clearing outside the perimeter of the outpost and I saw a group of those creatures standing outside the defense wall. There was one of them who ran to the wall and crashed into it but it got bounced off from the wall. I can see the energy vibrations that streaks across the wall. That shows a sign of stress on the wall and its not good.
I took up my comms and spoke to Duffy; ‘open the wall on my command. I need to create a diversion first.’
I raised the rifle to my chin and looked at the creatures through my sniper lens. The Raptors seen us and is now approaching us in  a fanned out manner. Smart creatures trying to do a pincer move on us. I picked my target on the biggest one, and its about eight hundred foot away. I adjusted the rifle for a better and comfortable feel on my shoulder and rest my index finger on the trigger. I pulled it back when I released my breath, and watch the projectile travelled down my thirty three inch barrel to erupt out in a loud and deadly velocity towards its target. The projectile hit the raptor in its chest and explode inside. The remains of the raptor flew in the different directions, and some pieces of the flesh hit the other raptors. That caught the group of carnivore by surprise and I was aiming at the one on the next biggest one in the group. I pulled the trigger and blew its head off.
This time I got the raptors attention well; they looked at their dead compatriots and decided to retreat. It was then I counted the number of raptors; fifteen large ones and three small ones. Its a pack of families, and I could had killed big Daddy and Mama.
‘Duffy, open it.’
Nixon drove in and we shut back the wall. I had Duffy brief me and I met the Scientific team. One of the zoologist took an egg from their nests and that triggered the siege. She did not argue on the egg as we decided to return it immediately. I took the large egg which weighs heavy in my hand to the wall. On my command, the wall was shut down and I walked with the egg outside. I placed it in the clearing and walked back to  the outpost. I can feel the stares of the pack on my back as I walked back, but I know they will only come out once I am in the outpost.
They did come out, in singular or pairs to walk around the egg. Then one of the raptors stooped down to picked up the egg and ran off with it. The others followed suit and we saw the ATV came zooming on the right side of the clearing.  They are on time as per schedule but the show is over.
Major Shaw was one of the person who took that ride.

Day 2
The night at the Outpost Three was quiet except for the occassional predators who came to test our defense wall. The controller box has been replaced and it will hold up to new intrusion. I was standing at the yard when Major Shaw joined me.
‘You are not joining us back this morning?’ I looked at her and smiled. I told her I am staying on with my LTV and doing more exploration.  Its been a long night but I feel refreshed. I did remind her to tell the personnels of the basic rules of exploration; do not invite unnessary trouble.
‘Doctor Irina has been cautioned and she will conduct herself more professionally in the future. I can assure you with the exception of this event, my people are professional in their work and expertise. Which comes to remind you that to advise you that your men are to keep their males hormones to their own peers instead of my doctors. I adhor cross relationship issues which may affect their work.’
She walked away before I could asked her more. Its true that we do not encourage fratenising between the personnels during missions or exploration but this is a close proximity environment and with such dangers faced daily, there are bound to be some emotional needs. I guess I need to speak to Major Feeley on this issue.
The ATV left that morning and I was on the LTV with Nixon on another offroad drive.
‘Commander, permission to speak.’ I was surprised that Nixon actually need to asked me for permission to speak. I held my personnel on military displine but interaction on non-official matters can be informal. I am not the typical academy ‘I salute you, sir’ commander.
‘Yes, Nixon. You may.’ I scanned the treelines for any activities that warrant my attention.
‘I overheard your conversation with Major Shaw. Can I make a confession, Sir?’ I disliked moments like these as they tells me this is moment I need to be the fatherly figure to my men. I need to speak more lower in my tone to avoid any overhearing in the future.
I nodded my consent and watched the trees; at least they give me more things to consider.
‘I am involved with one of the personnel on the BASE. Its just happening and I thought you ought to know.’ I can feel the burden released by the man sitting next to me as he just confessed his sin.
‘Nixon, I am your commander and you know the rules. But I can understand that in the perculair manner in which we function, we cannot involved relationships, but I will allowed it if its done discreetly. So who is she?’
‘Its a he, Sir. He is Specialist Decan of the Comms Squad.’ I think I missed the last scene on the trees, but I may be a prudent old man with prudent thoughts and although I am a widower, I find myself able to accept many things, including preference in relationship. I would prefer to say I am a good military officer and nothing else.
‘Good. But I will suggest you keep it under wraps for our protocols needs. But I will take it into consideration on posting of squad for the next outpost.’
‘Thank you, Sir. Does that mean you may post to the same Outpost together?’ I wished he had not asked me to commit an answer but its my motto to do so when asked.
‘Yes, subject to conditions. Did you see that?’  I was pointing to a Pterosaur which just grabbed a prey off the jungle. Its a way of life and we accept it as new beginnings to every event in life. We cannot stopped the new beginnings but we can learn to live with it. Thats why we have the thoughts in us named humanity.

Day 4
We had an important discovery today. One of the expedition found a vertical cave that leads down to a large cavern. Due to the dangers involved, I was advised to handle the exploration. I met the achaelogist/geotechnologist cum professional caver; Doctor Tanaki at the site. Its about a half of mile from Outpost Two, and its a small entrance which made me more curious how did this Doctor find the blinking place.
‘We were investigating the sub-surface tests determining physical properties of the soils and rocks when we came to this location. I thought at first it was a just animal burrow but on further examining the.....’ I had to interupt the doctor before he go into too many technical details. So he cut short his findings and told us beneath this five foot diameter entrance is a vertical cave leading down to a large cavern of two hundred foot in diameter. To make things interesting, he believes the cavern opens up to the side of the plateau, which equates in his term a panaromic view platform for the scientific research. But to me is a shelter base for my men.
I okay the mission and selected Sargeant Keefe; mountaineer and caving experiences plus recon exprts, and Specialist Nixon as his ‘partner’ Comms Specialist Decan is going. Both of them has climbing skills and I am not a prude here. The Scientific team is led by Doctor Tanaki and his assistant, Doctor Bell; blond nordic descent. I called the team; Tunnel Boys as they are all men. We got them equip for their caving experiences with the needed tools including high tensile ropes, energiser picks and bolts, plus the essential navigation kits and lighting.

Report from Sargeant Keefe
Day 5 Week 4
Tunnel Boys
The five man descended down the vertical cave to the base of it. We have installed in a support stand across the entrance for our sling seat to descend down. Its a laborious work as we lowered down the crates of equipment down. Specialist Nixon followed me down first to clear the area for the rest. When I shone my LED light on the floor of the cave, it was murky and dark as the water accumulate there as a shallow pond. I took measurement of the depth of the pool and find its only three inches of water to one foot beneath the surface I scanned the surrounding area which is actually the start of the tunnel to the cavern. The walls of the cave is coated with grime and mucous inhabitants while the water below my boots looks like small insects which floats above the water. I lowered a soft plastic tubing of six inches in diameter to beneath the water surface and signaled for them to begin the process.
It sucked up the water and anything that inside the pool into a enclosed tank placed at the entrance. It will be send to the Outpost for further investigation. Now we have cleared the pool, I can see the bottom of it which is solid rock formation. I unclasp my harness and got off the sling. I scanned the surrouning walls for any more offensive creatures and signaled the clearance.
I walked down the tunnel for a short distance to determine its depth, and find its about ten foot to the cavern on a low descending gradient.By then Nixon has joined me and we are both looking at a dark cavern with natural formation seen in most caverns. There is a small pool in the middle of the cavern and its looks errie from here. Its about fifty foot in diameter and its murky too. I took out the small silver box from my backpack and placed it on the cavern floor. I stepped back to the tunnel and activated the silver box by remote. The silver box opened up to show a potruding mini scanner unit which will read the dimension of the cavern. Its will then processed the data to produce three dimensional image of the cavern.
The image we got was a oblong sized cavern with a maximum length of two thousand foot and width between twenty to tthree hundred foot across with a height of two hundred foot. The pool is five foot at its deepest end. Doctor Tanaki has joined me then and he was excited to be seeing the cavern again. I waited for the full team before we assembled the first base camp. Unlike the earlier pool, this larger pool we just did some more scanning for any carnivore creatures of certain sizes, buit we found none. Doctor Tanaki then took his needed samples and send them off for testing. Meanwhile I left the team to setup the base and took my own exploration. The cavern is now lighted up with the lamps which we bought, and Decan is reporting in our current status.
I noticed there is another tunnel across to the left of the cavern, and there seems to be some light at the end. I signaled Nixon that I am exploring and he is to cover my tracks. I carried the needed caving tools including additional lights units to placed on the tunnel as I walked in. I activated my scanner to read the distance ahead which is dark except for the light shadows. The tunnel has a length of a hundred foot and height of eight foot to twelve foot at it highest. At the end of the tunnel was another cavern and it does have a big cave mouth that opens to the plains on the east side. Like in the earlier cavern, here we can find lava stalactites and stalagmites and flow marks can be seen on the walls and floor of the cave. I did the usual tests and find our cavern is slightly more flat than the previous one. The image we got was another oblong sized cavern with a maximum length of two hundred foot and width of over one thousand foot across with a height of a hundred foot. The cave mouth is two hundred across and the height is the same at a hundred foot. Its as Doctor Tanaki said; ‘offered a panaromic view.’ But here we have some creatures to contend with, and they come in large slittery forms.
‘Time to retreat, Nixon.’ We ran back to the inner cavern and advised the rest of the team. Now its time to do housekeeping.
The time logged in was 1200hr.

Now the work starts for Outpost Four, or better known as the Cavern.

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