Saturday, December 17, 2011

Male Tales 1.099

Issue 1.099: Forbidden realm ....
One day I had a post work shock when I came home. After a long eight hours of hard work and splitting headaches, I was about to access my notebook to do my work ( I mean real work for after hours like writing for the blog ) and in come this fierce looking lass of mine.
‘Dad, can you TALK to your son?’
Wowee.... my son is her younger brother, and that means serious trouble. Its not like OK Corral, more like shootout at the finale of THE WILD BUNCH by Sam Peckinpah. So I swivel my chair to face her and asked her stay calm and tell me the situation.... is it a 911 or 9/11.
‘You should see what he watches on the notebook. Its dirty....’
Woo.... I say I will speak to him and I did.
So our conversation went along these lines..... unscripted of course... its man and man talk; we don;t script them, we walk the talk.
‘Son, can I asked what you been doing on your notebook lately?’
‘Watching movies and playing games plus Twitter and Facebook’
‘Behind locked doors.... that is unbecoming of you. I know privacy is needed, but we do knock and asked for your permission before we come in. So tell me more.’
‘Okay, I watching some porn. Is that bad? Or is it natural for guys my age to do watch? Is not like we are raging perv’s going to re-enact the scene on the passing opposite gender on the street or mall.’
‘Wooo.... there. Too many questions here. On the last, its a sure ‘no no’. One the secnd question,. Its natural at your age to be curious and its better to be curious in safer educational way. The first one depends on different perception or feedback. Most decent ones said its bad, but some will say its good. Read Sigmund Freud one day when you do read beyond graphical pictures. But by the way, is that where you spent your pocket money; buying such stuff or you borrowed them.’
‘I did not buy them, as they are available on the internet. And the next, I borrowed them from you.’
‘Me? Son, accusations can get your pocket money slashed...’
‘Actually, I found your stash in the top shelf. It must had been there long, as there was layers of dust on the covers. Seen the only other male besides you, me and Grandpa; the logical deduction is you. Grandpa’s era does not have any DVD. He probably has is wood extracted production materials reproduction on black and white.’
Now I know where that stash went after a lapse of five years or was it seven years. Gee, if he had not find it for another twenty years, we could had auction it as vintage collection.
‘Okay, now that is a ‘no no’ in the house., You do not take someone’s property without telling them. Watching porn is okay but not borrowing without asking.’
‘Well, I did considered asking you but Mum said its okay. I told her I found some DVD and can I watch it. She said ok, so I guess since ‘what’s yours is also her’s ‘ its considered approval given.’
‘Eh.... you did not tell her what DVD?’
‘Nope, Dad. I was more ‘careful’ with my words. So you want it back? I seen them all. Feeling the twitch huh? ’
‘Its not your twitters I am concerned on. But yes, I want them back. And the Twitters ban still stays for now. And thank you for the conversation.’
So I left the room and bang right into my daughter.
‘So you told him off?’
‘Yes, I did. All materials has been erased and removed. All is fine now. Excuse me, I have work to do.’
Later during supper, I ‘overheard’ this conversation.
‘First we have him locking his room door, and now Dad too.’
‘Darling, your Dad is probably working on his ‘Forbidden realm ....
( this is not a reproduction of a conversation. Its a set of rehearsed lines for the moment required of it. The last few lines in the para was not in the original script. )

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