Thursday, December 1, 2011

Folk Tales No. 33

Sleep my beauties ....
Once upon a time in a far land far from any known land of the lands we know, we find a sad case of love.
So our story began.
As said above, in this land there lived a young princess, who was in love with a prince who lived some forests away. They do meet and talk, held each other eyes in theirs and on occassion, held each other’s hands. But you can’t do much when you have the evil caretaker who claims to be the Frogmother..... pardon me, I meant Godmother of the Princess. As Godmother she oversees to the Princess well being, and that she tagged along on the Princess date too.
But the humble and nice Prince ( don’t they all looked like that from a view on the balcony ) was so much in love with his Princess, that he cares not for the extra person near them. To be darned honest, they see nothing except themselves. So one day, the Prince and Princess with their twinkle and blinking of the eye lids, they knew what to be done. They took their walks as usual in the garden where lilacs grew in abundance, and they walked the paths by the signs set up the Godmother; so there are no dark corners or overhanging bushes over their heads. ( These coiffure takes time to set and you sure don;t want to ruffle them. ) But little she knows about the hidden dens on the path.
But this time on their 36th times of walking the same boring gravel path, the duo had their plans set. They passed the arch and down by the stream, and then it was off on the waiting boat. The rowers were there ( they are the best in their class ) and they rowed. The Godmother on seeing her darling being shuttle away by the dashing Prince; she holler out.
‘Bring her back or I will curse you for eternity.’
‘I am sorry, Godmother. I loved him too much to be without him. I will rather sleep and dream than to be away from him anymore’ pleaded the Princess. ( hey, she has been seeing him two hours a week for over thirty six weeks, so who wouldn;t get upset by the time spent waiting. )
‘So it should be, Your wish shall be granted.’ So the Godmother waved her evil crochet needle and the Princess fell onto the Prince arms. She is asleep and could not be waken at all, not even by the loving kiss of the Prince. The Prince held her in his arms and saw the evil Godmother running away with her crochet basket back up the garden path. His tears flowed down to his cheeks and he was at a loss to what can be done.
The Princess was brought to his castle and cared for, but the best of the best could not undo the damage. The Prince still attended to his daily works, but he sits by his Princess when he is not doing his duty, He sends for the furthest known healer and wizards, but there was nothing to be done. He spent his fortune on her, selling his kingdom by the length and width, displacing his subjects to other kingdom and yet no cure was found. He sought the evil Godmother, but she was missing. Some said she left for the fairy lands or jumped in the lake to be with the frogs. So the poor Prince sat by his love for those sleeping days.
That fateful night, the Prince sat down to retrace his day with the Princess. If he had not taken that route, she would be still smiling and talking to him. He can still recalled the look of the woman cursing him for taking her away. He can still recalled the witch taser shot that was fired from the wand. That taser was meant for him, but she stopped it. My Princess took the taser meant for me. Before she went unconsious, my little Princess told me to forgive her mother. She loved us both but she cannot bear to be without me. She jumped to protect me from her mother whose .
And for that she lies in coma today.
I was her lover and now father to our child. I spend my wealth to bring my Princess back, but the doctor said she is not going to pull through. I need to decide on her life. I wanted to locate her mother to tell her of this news among others but she is not to be found. Her mother still blames me for focusing on my selfish love instead of the family she had. I did cared for the family but how could you tolerate a woman who walks by you every five minutes. My wealth, my kingdom gone; I am used to coming back to a empty and quiet house, and I just wanted to see my Princess. Curses be for the Godmother has cursed not the mother but also the child.
Our new Princess lies quiet as she is like her mother. She hears not her mother's breathing nor my snores. Our Princess sleeps all time like her mother, unhearing and unknowing.  But this little girl has taken no sides yet she she lie there sleeping not knowing.
I signed the consent form to let both of them sleep on forever. Nor do I want her to wake up to take the same decision again on which side to take.
‘Sleep my Princess'. Sleep well for soon I may join you.’

( Its always a tragedy when we passed on the fault to the child who knows not of the fault that casues it. )

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