Monday, December 26, 2011

New Pangaea 37-45

Week 8
Day 1
Its now close to two months and we still have ten more of this periods to go before we can complete our mission. Dr Leong came to see me on the idea of starting a farm for his specimens. And possibility to start a farm for rearing them as domestic feeds like the current study of Corythosaurus; a crested duck-billed which is a herbivore and a favourite of the predators. For some reason, the idea drew flaks from some quarters including my military personnels and they overloaded my messaging box.
In the end, I announced the project is only a study and not an implementation.
But we did secretly planned the study. I am picturing myself as the baron of dinosaur meat supplys.
We do have farming going on here at a piece of patch at Outpost Five where there is a nearby stream. We are planting some of the seedling taken from EDS Columbus, and its bearing results, although we could not eat them yet. So we decided to take a vote on the matter of creature breeding. I told them to re-consider options and will discussed at the end of the week.
And it caused trouble.
But we always had trouble.
This time its is the bout of influenza which started off with Recruit Reeds, and to his squad and later some of the scientist. Doctor Bashir has to quarantine them for he feared the virus could caused havoc here in New Pangaea. It may be a common flu to us but not to the inhabitants of these place. We saw our first undetermine cause when the research team in Outpost Five brought a small herbivore creature in.
Its a Iguanodon; but a small one, whose mother just saw the end of its life to a T-Rex. The small new born was taken by the away team to the base for more observation. It was during then, the creature became more weak and there were signs of an infection. The team send the lone orphan to BASE where the equipment are here to determine its cause. But it died two days later as the scientist was not sure waht to to cure it with. But the autopsy was conducted and samples taken. It was found in the dead orphan was the same virus as in influenza. The creature was believed to had died of respitracoty failure.
As a result of it, all the personnels were innoculated and prevent from leaving their base during the week. And anyone with the influenza signs was quarantine to their quarters.The trouble began then from a simple ‘I adopt a pet’ to a ‘can it be breed for farming’, and the camp split into three components; for and against, plus the fence sitters. Almost everyone forget about the influenza and concentrate on the farming controversy.
In the end I put it to a vote and the decision was made with the majority vote. But before I drew the ballots papers out, I gave them a short speech.
Before we mark those boxes on your LED, allow me give you this speech that what we will do affects us and those coming here in a year’s time.’
‘We all left a place which we existed for generations and due to our interpretation of rights, we abuse the core place of our accomodation with our selfish survival means. We ravaged the planet until there was little to live for on it. We tried to revive it but it was too late. Then we call ourselves to exit it for places which we can strive on it again. I hope that we will not repeat it here, but unfortunately we are indebted to this behaviour as its the mean of us called survival.’
‘We survived by destroying others to lengthen our stay in the place. It may be here one day we will be called to exit and and replant ourselves elsewhere.’
‘But while we are here in this New Pangaea, we are given a new start with a difference; old knowledge of what will happened if we repeat our act. We cannot however change the destiny but we can extend our stay by deferring it or maybe avoid it. But we must manage it from now. we can survive here by reaping on it but we should give it back what we reap in kind. It may not balance now but we will strive to do it better and one day it may balance. But we have to give it chance just we give ourselves the choice of surviving within our own needs. Do not judge but assist in helping them to adjust to the cause.’
I believe in survival as long its does not intrude on another’s survival.’
All of New Pangaea abstain from placing their vote on the LED. Survival won again in this battle for mankind. Just as they had their farms for greens, we got our farms for the feeding stock.
And I promise the layer of greens on my plate will equal the layer of my meat.
Thankfully, the spread of the influenza was contained and we found the virus did not spread as we feared. The little one did get infected after it was in our contact.

Week 9
Day 1
Did someone turned off the sunlight or are we on the wrong side of the sun. The morning started off with downcast thick clouds and the humidity was high. I checked with the scientist and they tell me ‘its time build Noah’ Ark.’ I liked the joke but not the trouble it will bring. I called for an evacuation of Outpost Three and Five to BASE and stopped work on the ramp at Outpost Four. We had to brace for long wet days.
We never got around to describe the jungle here. Its typically similar to a rain forest of the period when the Earth can still sustain life in its soil. Seventy percent of the plants in the jungle are trees with straight trunks where the branches are high at 100 foot or more. The trees does not grows branches below it as the canopy of leaves permits very little sunlight. where there is little light. The trees are spaced wide apart, and with its spaced of leaves canopies that grow above the forest with its straight, smooth trunks supported buttresses that can spread out far due to its shallow roots. The canopy supports tree’s creatures like birds, insects and also branches hugging creatures. There is food available at this level that some of these creatures hardly need to go down to the forest floor. Leaves in the upper canopy are dark green, small and leathery to reduce water loss in the strong sunlight. Some trees will grow large leaves at the lower canopy level and small leaves in the upper canopy.
Below the canopy are the smaller trees which made up the second layer of the jungle alongside with shrubs and parasite plants that clings to the trunks of the trees. Due to the canopy and restricted air movement, the humidity is constantly high. Due to the forest floor being under the shade for the sporadic openings due to fallen leaves or tree that in some places its difficult to walk through but in some places it will have few bushes or thick ferns that marks the area. But one common characteristic is the moisture heavy enivronment premeates here at this level making anything you may touch to be clammy and wet. The dead leaves or plants that dropped on the flooring are broken down by organic creatures to become compose in the soil to feed the living plants.
The creatures that feeds on these diet depends on the blooming and fruiting of rainforest plants to supply them with a year-round source of food. Common characteristics found among creatures here are adaptations to a life in the trees, and other distinct characteristics like bright colors and sharp patterns, loud vocalizations, and diets heavy on fruits. Insects make up the largest proportion of the dwellers as they not pollinate the trees and plants, but offer a staple diet to many other smaller creatures, which in turn is devoured by larger predators in the law of survival.
But in the coming wet days, the soil of the ground will be one most affected its nutrients on the top soil will washed away alongside with its young saplings. This is a natural migration of the species to other low lying areas or flood water will carry it to other higher grounds.
As the saying that goes in the old days; when it rains, it pours heavily. In this case, we had three long days and nights of it. Everything was wet and gloomy outside and inside we were all cold and depressed as we could do nothing and see almost nothing too from the thick sheet of rains that fall on the viewers or vents. Communication reception was poor as we encountered electromagnetic inteference, but McKay managed to compensate for that.
I checked with the other outpost and the feeling was mutual. In the cavern, they had to make way to the Big Mouth as Big Boy was becoming a torrential river in there. Doctor Tanaki made a new discovery as he noticed the water seeping through some underground vents and out through the slope below Big Mouth. But we were not prepared for the migration of creatures which came up the unfinished ramp to seek shelter. If not for the defense wall, we would had been overrun by the creatures. There are clusters according to the types of creatures and that includes raptors. For some reason, the pack of carnivores kept their distance from the others and an uneasy peace was maintained, although there was some attacks but on stray creatures.  The scientist was very excited at this new development.
We came across out first view of the rodents families; the Oligokyphus is recognized by paleontologists as being an extremely mammal-like reptile with furs and rodent-like teeth and they also suckled their young like mammals do. They came out in the droves from the jungle and clamour up the structures for the higher grounds. We wished we had some feline creatures to removed them, but we put up with them in the outside structure.
Once the rain subsided, so did the creatures and the game of survival prevail but the sloshing rain accumulated waters washed the bloody scene away.

Day 4
I climbed out of the hatch on the rooftop and looked at the surrounding. I was joined by Major Shaw who is now the heads of Comms. We can feel the cold air as we bask in the first sunlight after three days.
‘Ever felt like this before, Major?’ I looked at the Major who is wearing a weather jacket on; a vest which will automatically adjust itself to make the wearer comfortable.
‘Yup, when my mother in law leaves my unit.’ She is making me feel bad for being a single.
‘I never knew you were married. Your records states none.’
‘It was before I joined. A short one at the days when your hormones distorts logic and reasoning. It was a long time before. Never felt the need to do so anymore.’ I beginning to feel this lady has a softer heart after all.
‘Well, I better released the personnels back to their outpost or they will evict me themselves.’ I got down to the Command Centre.
As we switched off the defense walls during the rain, all outpost reported mild damages to their places like broken branches or drifted small cluster of twigs and leaves. Outpost Five reported of creatures stranded on top of the structures and their green farms is totally wiped out. Zoologist team ofund more undiscovered insects which sought refuge at the outposts.
But things was back to normal. Or so I thought.
We have new visitors in the swollen streams that flows in the area. We found marine creatures like the turtle kind Psephoderma and some bad boys like mosasaur. I visited the cavern and was briefed by the enthusiatic Doctor Tanaki. He is like a young boy with his new toy. Unfortunately, the ramp needed some added repair partly due to the rain and also the trampling of the creatures.
The good news is from the Cheng’s who has come up with a harpoon gun from odds of equipment. The gun uses a propellant which is attached to the gun to expel the metal sharp rod. I asked the elder Cheng why he did that contraption. His answer was simple; fishing.

Day 5
We were invaded that day by the insect armies like the beetles and wasps which came in by the swarm over the plains. Its an errie sight as you see black shadow flying over the horizon, and then its all buzzing around your ears. I called for another evacuation to BASE and had a lockdown initiated. BASE like all other military structure has a sealed tight environment builtin for emergencies like this. We were plagued by the insects for half a day but it was enough to drive you crazy.
The Entomologist team as having a field day with their testing. They even don atmosphere suits to gather specimen. I think they have enough materials to open a research library database.
But disaster struck.
Doctor Elfrin got caught during the gathering by a roving T-Rex who came up to him from behind. He did not forsee the predator to be around in these situation. I saw the T-Rex from my surveillance camera, and its swollen in its skin from those insects bites but its need for food override its pain.
We never got to bury Dr Elfrin but we did logged his name in.

Day 7
‘New Pangaea, this is Earth Ship EDS Persis on route to your place. We apologise for being late. Please acknowledge.’
Never too late for us. We always welcome the news from home planet, but this time its mean a different news for Major Shaw.
I met Captain Kerrin of the EDS Persis. In the absence of a senior officer, two ranking officers can decide in the court martial case. We review the case notes and made our decision.
‘Major Amanda Shaw, your negligence caused the loss of a good man, but your excellent record at New Pangaea adds credit to your contribution here. You are hereby sentenced to serve your punishment here until the Colony is formed, and you are demoted to Captain as of this day. Do you accept your verdict, Captain Shaw.’
She did. And I was relief, or she could be sent to the Penal Colony for her act.
But we got lots of stuff and some new ones too. We were given more PH900 Heavy Recoil Rifle as its effective here, plus the new PH925 Short Barrel Recoil Rifle, which fires the same type of bullet but at a slower velocity. Its effective at 200 yards and it can bring down a raptor with a single well placed shot. The ammo clip holds twenty rounds.
Plus we have a new weapon, an incendiary handheld rocket launcher which has load of six mini tubes that can load the incendiary rockets. Each rocket contain an incendiary agent that burns spontaneously at temperatures of 1200°C (2192°F) when exposed to air. The weapon is meant to be fired from the right shoulder, and can be fired from either a standing, crouching, or prone position. It has a trigger mode to fire one rocket at a time After firing, it can be reloaded with a clip housing the six rockets. They developed this for another earlier exploration in planet similar to New Pangaea.
Then the bad news came.
This is our last supply not for another three months as they are mounting more explorations elsewhere. Planet Earth is dying rapidly and they may need to bring up the schedule fast. And I have no replacement of personnels. But I got a load of M-Bots components and two more M-Bots.
And a case of wine; compliments of the Captain. I wondered if they do that as part of the giveaway goodies. The last one case is still unopened in my quarter.
Then came the worse news.
They are shipping in the first batch of colonists here in two weeks; about fifty families and a horde of inmates to work the land.
‘About a hundred of them; lucky bastards who got given a new life. They are sending over twenty penal guards too. Nasty bastards I was told.’

Week 10
Day 1
I felt like I was violated that previous evening, but its the same as in all cases when High Command changed their mind. My previous exploration was cut short with the arrival of the colonist also earlier than expected. We paid the price as half of them died before the next batch arrived, but I was not there to see it. I was in Planet Earth for my briefing on another assignment. I knew about it from the returning officer one year later. By then they had moved over a million people there. Its called rapid colonisation; as numbers appearing on the arrivals outnumbered the dead ones. Now they doing it here and I am sure everywhere they can lay the people.
I brief the team and they were all upset but that is the order of command they need to adhered to.
Now we got to built a settlement and a penal area.
I built settlement before but penal colony; that is a different type of settlement. I was told that this inmates are here to be absorbed into the colony on their release. They include men and women plus some children. But the first priority is my ramp and then the settlement. I guess escape in this place is the thing any convict will think of.
Sargeant Keefe said the ramp can be ready by the end of the week, and that settled on concern.
It was Major Shaw who came up with the idea of the penal settlement. This lady is a wonder to have in any team. She suggested a moat designed with high walls made from logs with sharp stakes. The idea is to prevent any intrusion on the settlement and not escape. Plus we saved on equipments.
And so it was agreed.
We will build the penal settlement in accordance to the idea of ancient fortress design from hundreds of years ago. It will have a deep moat and there will sharpend stakes on the inside of the moat to prevent any long jumpers. The moat will deep enough to sink in a T-Rex up to its upper body ie. twenty foot. And width of twenty foot. The inside wall will be higher by another ten foot and then the wooden logs wall of twelve foot. Its a long drop to the moat outside. Dr Leong suggested we put some raptors in for good measure. He is an embarassment to the profession. He defended it as a test site for his study. I think he meant he can sleep easier at night. He did offered to feed it daily.
The settlement camp will be quite similar except there is no moat but two sets of wall. One for the external which is a twelve foot wall with sharpened stakes on the top and the bottom facing outwards. The second wall will be a twenty foot wall inside at twenty feet distance with a rampart on top to mount the revolving twin cannons at strategic spacing. It will also allowed for military personnels to move along it.
Both the settlements will have housing units and administration blocks like medical and stores, plus the standard military structure similar to that in the outpost. The Penal Settlement will have four of these at each of the walls in the rectangle layout design, and the same for the Colony Settlement.
We decided to name the places as The Holding and Transit, as both of them served the same purpose; transit before becoming full settlers. The Holding will be placed on the east side of the plateau below the cavern for easy monitoring whereas the Transit will be built on the west side between Outpost Three and Five, for logistic and support ease.
It will be partially built before the colonists arrived.

Day 2
The fervour of works was there as the personnel now knows that their work schedule has changed. Outpost One and Two has reduced their military personnel to one and the additional personnel from Oupost Five was sent to work on the Transit Settlement. One of the goodies we had was a robotic excavator-dozer. Its triple the size of the ATV and its works on automated program through a console. The operator need to only program in its assigned work and it will do so. If its dig a trench, all you need to do is mark the trail and the depth/width. The machine will do the works on its own. If its to cleared the perimeter range of trees, its dozer mode will take over with its builtin multiple saws.
We were to named it Transformer Rex. But its one loud machine so some called it Heavy Metal, especially when its working through the night, watched by the Cheng’s. They are infatuated with the machine.
And then I got a domestic dispute.
It was the evening of the hard day’s work and Major Shaw came to me with her complaint.
‘Remember my statement of fratenizing sometime back; well, its just hit the headlines. Doctor Bashir just advised me of that member of my squad is involved; Specialist Decan from Comms. He is going to be a father soon with Specialist Melanie, who is now two months pregnant. Your call, Sir.’
Decan? I thought he was with Nixon, and now he is with Melanie. This is bad.
‘Decan? No, Sir, We broke up sometime back, after I spoke to you. I did not want to compromise on my duty, Sir................ Is that all, Sir ? ’ I accepted his explanation. I assigned him to Outpost Five to be extra safe.
‘Yes, Sir. I am responsible, Sir. It was unplanned but it happened, Sir....... Nixon? No,Sir. I can assured you that I am have no infactuation with Specialist Nixon. If there were any, it did not come from me, Sir....... I doubt that I will shoot Specialist Nixon for this untrue accusation, but i cannot promised that I would not sacrificed him in the jungle for the raptors, Sir........... I understand, Sir. I shall not resort to any emotional acts. I am not pregnant after all. She is.’ I dismissed Decan to a new post at BASE so he can be watched over. Two timing bastard.
‘I am sorry, Sir. It was not planned but we do love each other. I know its against protocol but this is an exceptional place and we were scared......<sob>. I wished I can turn back the clock, but I can’t. This is our baby...... Thank you. I shall do the needed. Thank you, Sir.’ I hate emotional moments, especially from ladies. I assigned her to work in BASE to watch over Decan.
‘No, Doctor Bashir. We will not built a nursery in this place. That is all I had to say.’
They arranged a wedding for the two on the end of this week. All are invited and attending except Nixon who did not accept the invitation. He cited family commitments for his excuse. Dr Leong suggested we hold a BBQ and he offered to get the meat.
I lost my driver. I guess its time to take a ride on the bike alone.

Day 5
The ramp was ready for inspection. Its a marvellous work expected of a caver. The tunnels boys sheared the side of the slopes well and placed the the extra rocks on the path to even things up and its goes down on two elevation in a ‘U’ design before descending into the final platform at the jungle flooring. The path is compressed in with the borrowed Heavy Metal that did a compact work on the gravel and rocks. They have also added in rocks fencing on the edge of the path in case of accidents.
The twelve foot high elevated raised platform sits at the end of the path on the jungle clearing. Its width and length is a hundred fifty feet and there is a ramp to the jungle flooring. According to Doctor Tanaki, this is the penal colony guards quarter area. It will faced the the Holding which will be on the left of the platform while on the right is the Guards Administration Structure.
There will be moat around the Holding outer wall; it will covered all four sides measuring three hundred feet across and length in  a square. The only thing missing is the wall and the housing units. And the inhabitants inside the moat to be filled with raptors like the one at the Village.  They also cleared a two hundred feet clearing between the jungle and the camp.
I did a detour to the Transit, and find the Heavy Metal clearing the land. It will measure one thousand feet in width and three thousand feet in length. Another similar patch is cleared on the west side of the camp to be the agricultured land. On the south of the camp is a clearing to house the administration and medical structure plus power station. The solar equipments are being assembled now and will power the camp.
But there been reports of predators in the lands as after the swarms attack, they been scouraging for food and some has been seen near the outposts. I issued an all out alert to the personnels to be on guard at all times outside the perimeter.
My warning did come to attention sooner than I thought.
A field research team call in to say they had landed in a ravine and the LTV is damaged. Their military personnel Nixon is injured and cannot move. There are two of them from the scientific team and the are worried about the condition they are in. They are north of Outpost Five and rescue is underway from there. It was 1800hr then and I set off in the bikes with Pedro for Oupost Five.

Report from Doctor Liam Lumley, Bio-chemist / Zoologist
Day 5 Week 10
There are three of us in the ravine with the wrecked LTV. We must had dropped like a hundred feet down here among the thick folliage and Specialist Nixon, our driver is injured with possibly a broken left leg and fractured ribs. He is also bleeding from cuts and bruises sufffered from the fall. Both Doctor Silvie and myself are unhurt except for some minor cuts as we were sitting in the back of the LTV. According to Specialist Nixon, he tired to evade a mid sized creature which pass by us on the trail. As a result of it, he lost control and the LTV dropped off the ridge to here. I had administer medical aid for Specialist Nixon but he refused to take the pain killer. He claims it will dull his reflexes and he needed that for us to stay alive here.

Report from Specialist Nixon
Day 5 Week 10
The trail we took was a new one and it was still covered with a lot of undergrowths but we can managed through. I saw a satright stretch and I stepped on the pedal, but without notice a mid size herbivore came out fo the jungle on our left side and jumped on the path. I swerved the wheel to avoid it hitting it but the LTv was thrown off the path into the ravine. I remember hitting my head and chest several times before landing at the bottom of the ravine. An equipment case dropped from the back of the LTV onto my left shin and caused me intense pain.
I unbuckle my belt and looked to my companions noting that the other two was alright except for some bruises and minor cuts. I reached for the medic aid and was assisted by Doctor Liam. He examined me and dreessed my wounds. He thinks I may had broken my lower leg but I don;t think so. Anyway, he insist that I satyed seated while he called for help. I took up the PDW and watched the jungle. I can hear the rustling and movement of the folliage but bithing came out to attack us.
I declined the pain killer as it will slowed my reflexes. Doctor Liam say next to me with his PH350 and Doctor Melon was in the back seat with her PH350. Doctor Melon was whimpering and we consoled her that help was on the way.
I think I saw what may be a raptor, so I let off some shots to deter its intentions. We did shoot for a few times at waht can be predators, but we did not really encountered any at all.
It was not soon that we saw the rescue team arriving. I blacked out after that moment.

I was able to find the field research team when I heard the shots. It became more apparent then that they could be in trouble. I directed the driver to hurry up and got the team to be ready to deploy on my command. It was getting dark and under these canopies, it gets very dark by 1700hr. We came to the ridge and saw the dead creature on the path. We then saw the broken bushes where the LTV veered off into the ravine. I leaned over and saw the LTV down there. I holler for the rescue wire rope be dis-engaged from the front of the ATV and had Specialist Pedro lowered down first. Recruit Medic Linus followed suit with the medic aid. I had the two recruits who followed us to watch the trees for any activities. I got onto the ATV and grabbed the power lamp to shine at the trees below. It lighted up the ravine and made the work of the rescuers’ easier. We haul up Doctor Liam and then Doctor Silvie.  As for Specialist Nixon, we lowered an extraction bench to strap him in. He was hauled up eventually and so was the rescuers. We left the location at 2015hr.
As we were leaving, a lone raptor did showed up on the path, and we blew it to pieces.
Nasty bird, it was. .
Specialist Nixon suffered bruised ribs and a fractured shin, but he will recover soon. He may missed the wedding as he is bed ridden for now. Doctor Melon was at his bedside during the next day, but I was too distracted to tell her to drop any idea of having any positive reaction from Nixon.

Day 7
True to his word, Doctor Leong contributed a large herbivore for the BBQ but he refused to disclose the species. But there were speculations among the personnels, but all agreed its a herbivore and safe to consume.
We had our first nuptial vows exchanged and I let the Major Feeley do the honor of marrying the two off, as she did walked down the aisle twice before. She knew the correct words to say than me.
However, we had an uninvited guests; a T-Rex showed up when we were toasting the meat. It was the one chasing me on the bike. We did passed on the scraps and bones.

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