Friday, December 2, 2011

Elite 2 Part 4

2311 hrs
I read the file on Chiang and I am in need of more beer.
Major Chiang Men; ex-army officer with over thirty years of army life, since he was enlisted at eighteen has left the serivce five years ago. He was a marksman in his days, and was involved in many divisions of the national army then, including espionage and political assasination. He was credited with nine confirmed political kills and was in the head of ‘reform movements’ in chao’s time.
Coincidentally, he came over to the island one month after the Governor’s incident, and bought up some nice buildings and businesses. Soon after one year he owns some major properties but no one knew of his source of funds. The eastern gang started appearing on the seond year he was here. Some believed they are ex-Mahua but they soon became more established and held their own against others.
The eastern gangs enforcers are from the eastern countries or homeland of Chiang Men, although its normal members are the locals. They are all have tattoo’s on their wrist as the mark of the gang. But Chiang Men hardly come out of his mansion of over twenty acres land on the hill just outside the city about fifteen miles along Beach Road. If he does come to the city centre, he travels in a three car convoy with ten guards.
There were news of his new enforcers; the ‘strike’ team but there is no reports to substantiate those claims of them in the island.
Surprisingly, the eastern gang has not clashed with the New Krigs or the Ex-Services in the last two years. There seemed to be a truce among them.
Colonel Sebastion Morin; ex Army services also came in about three years back. He bought over a villa that once belonged to Colonel Mahua, and instead of crocodiles, he reared an army of ex-army specialists. He made his intention known from the first week, with the takeover of Mahua’s gang, and he wrestle out the wannabe’s leaders. He made no qualm of his action with several killings and bombings but not linked direct to him at all. He was the man above the chaos.
So was Pedro ‘New Krig’ until his death, he was never linked to any crime committed by his gang nor was he near those places. He was with lots of alibi and in public eyes. His death was on the floor of the discotheque he owned; he died on the dance floor with a stilleto in his guts.
The only Prized to die was an enforcer for the gang leader, Manu; his name was Perier named after a drink. He was shot and dumped onto the front of the New Krig compound one early morning. Since then the Prized has not reacted at all. Even Manu has declined any comments.
The word on the streets is that the three other gangs are eyeing the Prized as prime contributor to the killings.  
And there will be retribution soon.
I always hope tomorrow will be a better day but I am wrong on most days.

But today, they saw new tracks of another tiger on the west river bank. Both tigers looked at each other and then the eastern tiger came over. Both the tigers searched the wester side of the island and tracked the rogue tiger.

The weekend

0600 hrs
The old man opened his door of the news agent shop on 7th Street as he always did for the last twenty five years. He only closes on his sick days and during the chaos five years ago. At this time of the morning, his is the first shop to be opened, and followed by the butcher two doors away. He opened the door and decided to take his first breath of air before the cars’ dirties it.
But its dirty today as five bodies are lying sprawled next to his shop on the vacant lot shop front. All the five seemed to lineup and shot at point blank against the boarded front. Each body must had been shot with at least five shots from an automatic rifle like a AK74, the new version of the original AK47. There are some spent casings on the floor near the sidewalks.
On the wall is written the grafitti; ‘New Krigs Rule’, and the ones dead are New Krigs members.
Just across the block on 9th Street is a body hung on the lam post somewhere in the middle of the street walks, with the placard; ‘Prized no more’.

0730 hrs
The office of the Eastern Trades and Imports At the Plaza Diamonde, had a fire in its unit and the fire gutted the whole ninth floor of the Plaza Diamonde.
So there was the early morning fire at the home of the Miguel Denri; enforcer for the Ex-Services.

0759 hrs
The first ferry boatload of the tourists and main island visitors has just arrived at the Main Jetty on Genoe island. Among the one hundred and twelve passengers is one ex-novice monk who carries a duffel bag on his back. He looks tired from the two days of travelling across the continent and this early morning start on the ferry at 0559 hrs
His name on the VISA is Glauco Santi, but his hidden passport sid otherwise. Here on this island, he is known by few as ‘rookie’..

0911 hrs
The scene of outside my temporary accomodiation was not your usual morning view; it faced the early morning wet market and the fish smells fresh from last night’s catch load. I did some calisthenics to loosen the muscles and also the get back in shape for my coming mission. The scene at the wet market draws you in with the sounds and activities going in there. The ambience it create is mind boggling with the sounds of shouting, haggling and also instructional to some. From my vantage point of view at the window, I can see the butcher making a whole ribs of the domestic hog to the cleaving of the captured mini shark.I also saw the eastern man sitting at the makeshift food stall at the side of the market, reading his newspaper. He would had been a better cover if he was reading the main pages than the employment pages. Nobody reads that in this particular newpaper; every local knows that well. This is the political paper of the opposition components. His second mistake was he is dressed like a local but he wears expensive trainers unlike them.
I stepped away from the window and went for my denim jacket on the bed. No time to waste, as I grabbed the Glock by the bed side. I have left my safe place with Peter’ place at 0211 hrs at the other doorway on the other street. I hail a cab and took it to an old place of mine. The house still stands but not the garage. I got out and walked towards it. The door of the house still remains locked but I know the key in the flower pot.
I was there for about half an hour when I came out again. I had hidden my bag from Peter in a secluded corner. I hailed another cab and took it to the wet market place where I got checked into the budget hotel at 0403hrs .
I looked down the stairways from my sixth landings, and I can see three of them rushing up. I looked at my landing and see to my right are two doors and one windows which opens to the front street. At my rear is my room door and a door to the emergency exit and stairs. I decided on that but my run was to the top level on another two more levels. I reached the eight level and proceeded up the last flight to the rooftop door. I opened the door and came out at the rooftop. Like many other rooftops, this one is no different; three rows of laundry poles and two TV antennas that reached out to the skies on the side of the building. There was two beach chairs near the door so I reached one to jammed against the door.
I ran to the side of the bulding to see the next one is three levels down or a twenty feet drop at least. I turned to see the door of the rooftop entrance being pushed. There is no time to waste so I grabbed the TV antenna and began to pull it wires down. I reckon I have about fifteen feet of the wire to the actual anteanna frame. I threw it ove the side and I rappel down by it. As I reached near the bottom I jumped off the end and land on the second building rooftop. It was then the bullet came down on me.
They missed me as I was running across the second rooftop by then.
I hit the other edge of the building and saw it was only a short drop of one landing. I took that without hesitation and ran along to the next building. I can hear shouting at my previous hotel building and they sounded foreign to me. But that was not my concern; its a wired fencing on this next building. Bloody nuisance but they must be bad neighbours.
I saw the rooftop door and its a metal door with hinges on it. Oh, man; talk of bad luck this has the worse. I ran alonmgt he building wall to see any opening and saw none. I could make out two of my assailants were coming towards me from the next building. Time for a stand off I guess.
I took out my Glock and took aimed with three shots. The first guy was jumping the wall between the two building when I shot him. He fell to the side holding his right shoulder. His friend followed suit to joined in assisting him.
It was then the metal door opened on my roof. It was a lady holding her morning washes. I ran over to her while shooting some five rounds off on my Glock. The lady was squatting down with her hands on her head and crying out aloud. I jumped over her spilled washing and ran into the staircase. I closed the metal door and pushed in the metal clasp. I then ran down the four flight of stairs and came out at the shop front. Its a cafe with a small seating of five tables and ran by a small family.
I ran out of the shop into the street. That was when the shots came in again near my head to land inside the shop. I looked across the street to see the gunman reloading his M1911. I raised my Glock with the balance five shots, and took it out on him. The five bullets hitting him threw back against the glass display window of the shop behind him. It was a boutique shop and now he is lying dead next to a mannequin. I raced across the street into the alley two shops next to it. It about a hundred and twenty feet run with the small lane in between. And in that run, you have no cover except your own body, and that was when the bullet hit me in the back on my right forearm.

I remain seated as the Commissioner tells me of the impact of another gang war in his city. If not he comfortable settee hat he has in his room, I would had cut short the meeting but I find the seat very comforting to my aching bones.
It was then he dropped the bombshell on me.
The President intend to come for a visit on Friday next week and I must make sure this is cleared up before the visit. Or I will be wearing uniform on the streets again. I loved those threats these chaps threw at me me like the movies scripts lines.
Heck! He wants the city cleaned, and that means getting to the Kingfisher case resolved. That I intend to do now.
‘Sargeant, the man wants the city cleaned. Tell the boys to do it the nicer way. Spread the words to the gangs, I want it cleared. Any turf fights will be mine to personally resolved. They know the consequences.’ I loved that line; must had been from some movies I watched.
I heard the mutterings of my cat which died sometime back under the wheels of a patrol car near my pad. But that was like six months ago, and I know who did it also. He was transferred to Evidence Room since he can;t drive properly, he should be able to do a decent maths job.
‘Captain, Kingfisher sighted in shootout at 4th Street end of 9th Street; budget hotel with no casualties count. But there is blood on the scene.’
Shucks! That means Marcel is back and they know of this. The question is where will he hide next?
‘I want a APB ( All Points Bulletin ) on Kingfisher. And I also want survelliance on the Ex-Services and Eastern. Pronto now.’

1018 hrs
‘Mr Chiang, Kingfisher is back. There was a shootout at the his hideout.’
I liked my tea hot in the morning with my toast and marmalade. I picked up the morning papers and looked at it.
‘Its not us who hunt him but someone else. They are eastern descents. We are check.....’
‘Mr Yen, just do it. I don;t like competitors in my turf. I want also Kingfisher found. And tell the servant to changed my tea. It has turned cold.’
Mr Yen is a large man for a eastern descent, with a height of over seven and five makes him a very tall man in this household. He also holds a degree in finance and has a knack for western bare fisted boxing. Once someone said he killed a man with a single blow to the nose but it was not proven at all in any readings. Today, he is dressed in his usual casual white shirt and dark pants with immaculate polished leather shoes.
‘I want the boys to search the city for our copycat’s and bring their heads here. And find Kingfisher.’
‘I guess my men can help you.’
‘Not yet, Major Tuan. I will tell you when the time is ready. Thank you for your offer.’ Yen looked down at the major who stands just below his armpit. The major is dressed in his army fatigue of grey black stripes, and carrying his army baton.
‘Anytime, Mr Yen.’ The Major walks away swinging his baton on his right hand, while Mr Yen stands there looking at the military man’s back. Yen’s righthand is fidgeting to reached for the Desert Eagle .50 calibre tucked into his waist at the back.
Not today, thought the tall man.

1111 hrs
The ‘doctor’ took care of my bullet and stiched up the wound. ‘Doc’ Pereira is a qualified doctor in our line of profession, although he does not practice in the medical faculties. ‘Doc’ Pereira was a army trained medic before he retired to do his own practice of doing liver removals. He was caught and served some time in the penal buildings; released on lack of evidence and since then has done only gumshots wounds for fees.
I knew him well as he taken out some bullets from me and my other associates. He’s done a good job as we are all still alive, and kicking asses.
‘Word out, you are wanted by all. Good bonus too.’ That was when the needle hit a nerve and I felt the pain. I told ‘Doc’ no drugs to sedate me as I need my senses alive and kicking. ‘Ok, done. I will have it wrapped and you changed it daily or when you remember. And no charges. Just kicked their asses. They been bad for me, no wounded only dead bodies.’
So the word is out for me. Good, I need the practice.
First thing I need to do.
‘Marius, I am back.’
‘I know. Can we meet? I am at your old pad. You been seen here before.’
‘No, I played this to my tune. You just backed off. This is my game now. They ruined my name and I intend to fight back.’
‘No, brother. This is not family; its personal.’
I clicked off and threw the disposable phone off. Its been sometime, since I called him brother. He knows I am serious about ending this, but how it will turned out worries him. But its my war, not like the previous one. I can see him in his new SUV opposite my house from my window. I am in the house at the T-junction to my street. My old pad is three houses in front of me, and there are six cars on my street which has ten houses. The occupants of the houses all parked their cars inside the garage or the driveway. So that means the five cars besides Marius are not occupants but visitors of mine.
When I came over this early morning, I went into the house and out by the backyard to run to this house. Here I stored my bag and ran back to the old pad. Unlike the previous unit, this one is more bare and does not have a garage to it. Its a single landing terrace house, but I improvised a lookout slot on the slanting rooftop.
Here they come now and it time for action. Guess what, I got the grand stand view of high noon on my old pad.

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