Friday, December 30, 2011

Elite 3 Part 5


‘Good Afternoon, Islander. This is Angela, Senior Correspondent. I am standing at the Hospital now outside gate looking for someone to speak to but there is no spokesman available to meet me...... wait there is a van coming in. I will question the driver as this is a unmarked van...... hello, hello.... there is no answer.... they are driving in but we know not who they are’.
The eight seater van drove into the basement of the hospital.
‘The Governor is making an announcement to deny any outbreak of epidemic as reported by us, but a serious disease infection by a recent patient. The hospital is implementing medical precaution to avert any outbreak, but the disease is not that serious as speculated. Its curable and controllable. Tim Curry, Senior Editor of ‘we bring you the news on time.’
There is only one hundred forty one medical personnel in the hospital, with eighty six patients, but the section which housed the infected patient is on the second level at the right wing. The entrance to the right wing is guarded by two armed guards and a DECON unit is installed there, manned by a medical doctor. Inside the wing, there are eight rooms but only one is occupied by the patient, which there are two nurses on duty with a medical doctor. The other rooms are converted into labs and testing rooms with two technicians and one doctor in each room. There are four more armed guards along the corridor with instructions to shoot anyone not supposed to be there. The exit at the rear of the corridor is sealed off with one armed guard on duty outside the door on the fire escape.
The Medical Chief of the Unit has just left for his lunch break. He is the only one given the privileged to walk out of the wing at any time.

The van pulled up at the basement carpark service lift. Six men waering blue overalls and caps exit from the van, carrying two medical kit bags. On the overall is printed the words; CDC Team. They proceeded to put on a face mask and clasp on their name tags to their chest pocket slot. The six men then proceeded to the lift and press the button for the lift.
They exit at the second level and walked up to the two guards at the entrance to the Right Wing. There was no one else in the lobby area as this is a restricted area. One of the guards walked up to the group of blue men, and he was the first to be shot in the chest with a M1911 attached with a suppresor. His colleague was next before the guy could withdrew his gun.
One of the blue guys then took position at the entrance as the other five dragging the two murdered guards in to the DECON unit. The Doctor manning the DECON was reading some magazine when the group of men walked in. The Doctor was shot dead before he could put down the magazine. Two of the blue guys walked down the corridor to confront the four armed guards standing near the water dispenser. The four guards turned to see the two blue men walked towards them with the guns shooting at them. The bullets hit the four guards before they can react. The two men continued walking to the end of the corridor and opened the fire exit door. The surprised guard was shot dead and dragged into the corridor.
Meanwhile the three other blue guys was going into the each room and disposing of the medical personnels. The last room they hit was the one with the patient. They shot all the occupants including the patient. Then one of them removed from his medical kit a detonator which he set the timer. He left both medical kits and exit from the room. The five blue guys walked out of the wing and left by the lift along wth their other blue colleague.
The exit at the basement and got into their van. The van drove out and went for the side gate, where they flashed their ID to allowed the guard there to unlock the side gate. They were out of the hospital by 1225hrs
The bombs exploded at precisely 1230hrs  just when the Medical Chief exit from the lift at the Second Level. The bomb blast threw the medical expert back into the lift and saved his life in a way.

I met them in the alley at the end of the block with the cafe. The couple is Ben and Annie Stricker; the brother and sister team up and their favourite is the garrote or the blades, or any sharp instrument. I used them a year ago for the murder of Manuela, which they used the sharp surgical pick instrument. But today, they are using guns with suppresor, or be exact Glock 17. They re holding in their hands now; the deadly team with Glock now.
‘Ben, I see both of you have upgraded your choice of weapon. What happened to the blades and picks?’
‘We moved on after you left. There was no more Kingfisher, so we took on your contracts, and we learned new tricks. And now we cannot afford you back here.’ Ben pulled his trigger but I had jumped aside. I had planned the place of meeting so I know my advantages and limitations. Next to where I was standing is a large refuge metal container. I hid behind it, as the bullets struck the side of the container.
‘Ben, you want to get rid of me now. Is it for the money or pride?’ More bullets ricochet off the side of the container. I grabbed the wooden crate next where I was standing, and threw it across the alley way. As anticipated, they shot at the crate. It was then I stepped out and shot at them with the P30; hitting Ben in the chest but I missed on Annie. She fired back at me and I had to step back.
It was about then, another shot rang off from behind me. The bullet took Annie down, and I turned to see my shooter. It was a guy in the sedan, and he is holding a  M1911. He motions to me to get into the car. I do not know him but I can tell that from the gun shots, I am expecting more than onlookers. I ran to the sedan and got in. The driver drove off from the alley into the street and made his way into the ongoing traffic.
‘Thanks, but who are you?’
‘The name is Captain D’Cruz; welcome back to the island, Kingfisher.’

There is a place called Jake’s and they served me a ‘lovely’ lobster thermidor with a nice bottle of white wine. But you have to booked it the day before. So I settled for a ‘shrimp Creole’ and its absolutely delicious. But nothing can match the beauty that walks in.
‘Sargeant Rebecca, I am glad you could make it.’ I looked at the sharpshooter who survived the shootout with Melanie that day, and even ran to get help for her. She has put on some extra or is it the M1911 in a fast draw holster on her waist belt amke her look wider. She is dressed in her uniform and had on her SWAT cap. Rebecca took my call an hour ago and it took me five minutes to convinced her I am not a crank caller. She also took my offer to meet here in this place. I had this place under surveillance since the call was made, and I see no one suspicious coming or going near here.
‘Captain...’ I hushed her up with my finger and invited her to order the shrimp but she declined. She said she is allergic to it, but she settled for a kidde meal; fish burger.
I gave her a brief rundown to where and why I was dead and brought her up todate on Melanie’s daughter. Women tends to be more attached in such matters and I expected her to do so.
Rebecca brief me on the new Captain and the Governor. She also told me of the rumors of the tussle for control by the new gang; the New Gang under the new leader, Ivanov but this was not proven as yet. She knows not of the Governor involvement but the new boss in the block is Pedri ‘Padre’. She offered her help and her team if any rescue is to be mounted.
I thanked her and watch her go out of the shop.
I also picked up my tail then.

Captain D,Cruz parked the sedan at the side of the road facing the quiet beach and got out. He walked to the beach and stood there. The man named Kingfisher joined him and stood next to him; both men facing the shimmering water in the sea.
‘Captain, what makes you come to save me? You could ahd shot me back then.’ Kingfisher had his right hand hovering near his side in case he needs to retrieved the P30 from the back of the waist.
‘Kingfisher, I saved you because I need to talk to you. I left my guns in the car, so you can trust me in telling some facts. Like why you come back and does it had to do with the virus in the hospital? Or are you back to kill someone?’ D’Cruz stretched his large bulky body frame to the sunrays basking over his head. He is a man with a rigorous training schedule and vigiulant nature as its all part of his work to saty alive. He hopes to outrun or outjump gis opponent with his physique, but he knows when he gets shot, he also hope the physique helps him to stay alive longer.
‘I am back for a personal reason, and its nothing to do with any killing or virus. I gotta go now. Thanks, Captain.’ The man named Kingfisher walks back towards the road, turning his back on the Captain.
‘If we meet again, I may have to shoot you’, said the Captain.
‘Its mutual understanding, Captain.’ Kingfisher has reached the road and thumbride a passing scooter motorcyclist.
The Captain got the call on the hospital explosion when he got back in the sedan.

I saw the tail about five minutes ago, and I told the rider to dropped me at the nearest taxi stand. I got off and thank the rider there. I waited for no more than a minute and there was a taxi. The BMW sedan followed me about four cars length behind. It was a mistake to tagged me on this road as they are not many cars on it at this hour. I got off on 3rd Street and walked into a shopping mall. I went up the escallator to the next level while looking at my options. I turned left at the top and saw my tails’. It was actually two guys dressed in casual but they each had wide waistline, not from weight but a tucked in handgun.I walked along the shops,looking for an exit or place to surprise these two.
I found it.
I walked to the door which is marked “Exit’ and find myself in a T shsped long corridors’. In my front is the door to the carpark which is another fifty paces away, whereas to my left is to the toilets. On my right is a long short corridor and there is a staricase there. I took the right and walked down the staircase to the next level. I walked on without looking until I reached the lower basement, and I looked up., I can see the two men following me. I reached for the exit door and find it locked.
I proceeded onto the next lower level and it the lowerst level. The door to the carpark was open and I walked out. The whole basement is empty of cars escept for one old wrecked one parked in the middle of the carpack. I ran out for one of the columns in the carpark and stood behind it. I coud see the ramp to the next level and its about fifty yards away. I wanted to run but the bullets changed my mind. The shot ricochet on the side of the column and I leaned back on it again. It big enough to cover me and the other two guys are using suppressors.
I pulled out my P30 and checked my ammo. I am down to five shots and no spare clip. I peeked over and see one of them running to the right hiding behind each column. They are trying to move me into a pincer position and I will be caught in the crossfire. I looked back to his other mate who is holding position at the column near the door. The running guy fired one shot at me causing me to leaned back to my column. They are good and knows their tactics well.
But I got to even the odds or I am a dead man.
I leaned down and lent me ears to the sounds. The moment I hear the sounds of running, I stepped back from the column and shot at the running man. I did so that the column still blocks my view from the man at the door. It was a shot which I did on my old instinct’s and mt two gunshots hit the guy in the side of his waist.Then I stepped out of from the column’s protection and shot off a succession of three shots at the man in the doorway. As I expected, the man at the door reacted on seeing his accomplice shot, and I took the opportunity to shoot him. I walked up to the man at the doorway, and I can see my shots were on target. He is a dead man then. I picked up his M1911 and searched his body for more clips. I found one more in his pocket. I walked to the other guy and also picked his pockets for more clips, I found one more. I pocket the two guns and clips while walking back to the stairsway. I mounted the steps and exit at the ground floor at a secondary exit. I walked to the BMW from the rear and opened the door. The driver start the car but was shocked when he looked back at the rearwindow.
But he did drive and we had a short talk later at the secluded alley corner. At 1335hrs  I left him in the alley dead. But I have now my third handgun and two more extra clips. I also got information on who may be holding Alicia and where.
My would be killers are local police members.
I also heard news of the explosion at the hospital and fires are raging there, with rescue efforts to save the trapped patients and medical staff.
Its time to go for prayers.

Captain D’Cruz arrived at the scene of the bombing. The bottom part of the right wing of the building from the third to the fourth level has almost collapsed as ruins below with only some of the the basic columns holding the rest of the floors above intact. There were debris of concrete and glass all over the compound as rescuers and survivals tried to saved the wounded victims. On the left wing, fire ladders are extended up to the different levels to evacuate survivals. Everybody is working against time as they are not sure how long the building will hold up.
‘Chief, please advise on the building structure.’ The Fire Chief is an experienced firemen with over twenty years of experience and he is due to retire soon.
‘Captain, its not good but I think it will hold up if we clear the load on it. I think the blast blew out instead of up which saved the building. But we are doing the needed evacuation. We are still not sure of what caused the blast, but some said it just went ka-boom.’ The Chief was shouting above the confusion and chaotic situation prevailing here.
There are about ten fire engines at the disaster area and more than efive hundred firemen are at works here, alongside medical personnels and traumatized victims. There is a also an area where the dead are laid in rows which is ever growing. The captain counted more than thirty dead and not all of them are fire related. There on the far side fo the compound is the makeshift medical tent with several surgeries underway now. Nurses and Doctors are running between surgery beds to assist or to perform as needed.
The Police has done a good job to setup the wider perimeter but the media are there to get their stories. The captain turned his back on the media as he looked at the hospital damaged block. An ambulance whizzed past the Captain as he was looking at the building. It almost hit but its tyres did ran over his toes. He saw the Bomb Squad Leader walking over, in his heavily cladded Kelvar suit.
“Kevin, speak to me.’ I shouted to the Bomb Squad leader over the ongoing noise here.
‘Professional bomb with a timer. Enough to make nougat out of you and me. Sad souls are lost today.’
‘Any signature to the design? I need some informtation to give more to the officers.’ The Bomb Disposal Leader shook his head and said; ‘ I have none. Never seen the design before. Will advise once we collect the bomb fragments.’
‘Sargeant, I want to perimeter widen.....’ It was then the fifth level collapsed and followed up by the whole Right Wing.

Mama Olien and myself sneaked out the backyard to her waiting car. Soon we arrived at the Krigs’ hideout. The Krigs or New Krigs went into limbo after the last war with the Prized. Soon their numbers dwindled and they only have a handful now but they are still around. Their current leader is Mama Olien as since Pedro died, no one wants to be the big boss. Now the Krigs as they renamed themselves run the bookie business and some smuggling of illegal stuff.
Mama Olien told Melanie of her findings, that the curent Governor is the uno numero now, but he is facing some stiff resistance from gangs like Krigs and some Prized, but generally the Governor holds the surpreme position. His sidekick ‘The Padre’ is a nobody and only acts on instruction.
On the Governor’s assassination, there been some vibes on it, but nothing had come out of it. Since Kingfisher went missing, there were a  couple of replacement killers but none was as good. There is some easterners staying over in the hotels but they hardly moved out of their hotel. They are suspected to be a mercenary group and this could be staging ground for their next target.
Mama Olien mentioned of the new Captain and many suspects he is linked to the Governor for carrying out executions works.
I asked of Alicia and do they know anything. The answer I got was nothing.

There is no way I can outrun my tail given my current health condition, but I called in for assistance. From the police.
I called Rebecca on her portable. I told her of the tail and she said she will take care of it. True to her words, a patrol car pulled up opposite Jake’s. The duo from the patrol car walked up to the man satnding at the corner and started questioning him. I took that opportunity to hail a taxi and got away from the scene. 
‘Captain, that man is ours. He was under orders to look for Kingfisher.’
So the police is in the role to find Kingfisher now.
And I am possibility the man behind the mask of the Kingfisher.
I got back to the house and find it empty. Melanie is not at there, but her PDW is still there. There are no signs of breakin or fights in the house. I walked towards the front window and saw the two men at the van parked on the opposite road. I seen that van before; its a standard unit for stakeout. I used to deploy those before. It usually has three men in each unit, with one of them doing audio monitoring.
How did they find the house? We must be getting complacent after so many years. I picked up the bags of guns and contemplate my next action. Then I saw the opportunity.
A teen just rode his motorbike over and parked it at the neighbour’s porch. The bike is a 250cc Kawasaki Scrambler. I used to own one like that, so I know its looks well. And the teen left his keys there. I opened the door and ran towards the bike. I got on it, and start the ignition. When the engine roared out, I stepped into gear and rode the bike off, passing the van and its occupants.
Before those guys can react, I am already half a mile down the roads, and picking up more speed. I zig zag through the light traffic and jumped off the roads onto the trails by the beaches. Just when I thought I was cleared, I picked up two patrol bikes riding parallel to me on the tarred road; they ride Honda CBX750 and its mean on the road too unlike mine.
I noticed my trial is running to a wall of moving carts ahead and I need to get back on the tarred road. I rev up and pushed the machine onto the road just ahead of the police bikes. They caught onto me now at their preferred track of riding. I move into the upper gears to distance myself from them but the CBX750 is designed for such pursuit. They caught up with me with each rider on either side of my bike; and I braked suddenly, and almost fell onto the tarred road. But I held on the bike handles to steady myself and then did a sharp turned with right foot on the ground. I dragged the bike front wheel around and rode off down the same way I can from. I built up some distance but they soon caught up. This time around, one of the police biker took our his truncheon to swing at me by holding onto the rope attached to it.
The truncheon hit me on the right shoulder, and I almost fell down again. I regain control of my bike and rev up to the front. I need to shake these guys off fast or I am one dead beaten meat on the road. At a tenth of a second decision, I did a sharp turn by lowering my center of gravity by dropping the body toward the inside of a turn and putting their knees down. I successfully did my U-Turn and was speeding down the road again in the opposite direction. The Police bikes being heavy needed to space to turned on their turning radius. But his time in front of my route is a blocked patrol car parked across the road.
I saw the Madza RX7 parked at the right handside of the road next to the patrol car. There is a slight kerb next to the Madza which may allowed me to ride onto the car bonnet. I pushed the bike to the right side and up onto the kerb and spead along it building up speed. I swerved onto the Madza bonnet and rode on top of the roof of the car, and jumped off it over the back onto the tarred road.
I never had such fun for a long time.
But my chase is not over as yet. The police bikes are getting their bite onto my exhaust fumes again, and they are are going to close up on me.
At the next turning, I did a reckless turn by pulling my body to the left of the bike and turning it sharply. I almost bumped into an oncoming car but I managed to straighten my bike for the straight road ahead again. That did not deter the police bikes but they did slowed on the last turn. It was then
I saw the open field on the right side which lead to the small hill about quater mile ahead.
I turned off the road and cut through the field, for the hill. The police bikers stopped their bikes at the roadside on seeing me raced across the field. One of them decided to join me on the uneven terrain which is not exactly their turf. The other biker went on ahead to cut me off on the other side of the hill. This ride over the hill will lead me to the previous Sebastian estate. From what I was told that place is abandoned but there is a mountain bike trail near it along the beach.
I rev up the slope of the hill and looked at my peer on his bike trying to manourver on the soft ground. I took off along the hill top instead of going down and finally came to the treeline which marked the Sebastian estate. I soared through the fence and landed on the soft gournd of the estate. There was no stopping me now as I rode on towrds the diplated mansion and cracked swimming pool. Its still there as from the previous visit I was here. But its not condusive for a swim now.
As I was crossing it, I saw a shadow in the window. I looked up and saw a familiar face. I braeked to see the image I just seen, but its not there. I wanted to dismount from my bike to see the inside of the house, but the I can hear the police sirens behind me. I moved my bike into gear and skidded across the unkempt garden to go into the trees again, before I found the biker’s trail. I took that on the opposite end of the police siren to exit at the nearby Beach Road.
There I discarded the bike by the trail and walked out to the reaod. I hailed down a taxi and sat back. A police patrol car was speeding down the road on the opposite lane with sirens blaring.

New Pangaea 52-62

Day 2
The day was to start with more events that I have to understand. The Holding is up and now fully contained ninety nine inmates. The Warden had four watch towers build on the four corners of the walls facing the yard. He had on them the twin mounted metal projectile rapid load guns named Scout Rapid as supporting fire power. He also had a couple of these on the platform facing the Holding; guess he has faith they will try to escape.
Today, the Warden asked the penal inmates to joined in the building of roads, and they protested and had sitdown in the yard. I was not to be involved, but I happened to pass by.
‘Commander Bent’, I heard my name called, and I tried to ignored it, but the hollering became more intense with more of them shouting my name. I walked over the entrance of the Holding and was joined by Warden Tomas. He told me everything and I just smiled. It was then the instigator walked up to us.
‘Commander Bent, I would like you to explain our rights under the Convention that we cannot be forced to work in conditions which are dangerous. We do not feel safe out there with these guards. Please explain to the Warden.’ I looked at the man who is known as the leader.
‘Warden Tomas, there is a rule in the exploration manual that says everyone on the colony has to work for their survival and that includes meals. If they do not contribute in the joint efforr they may be banished or not allowed to share the produce of the colony. I expect to see your team do their worth in the works or we will forced to withhold supplies and rations. You may hunt if you want, but we do not provide the weapons or tools.’
The protest will not dispersed so we close the gate.
I rode over to the Village, and met the people there again. The place is ready but there is work to be done. The external wall is up and they are building the inner wall. They are putting priority so that the colonist can be safe. I see they have also plans for some watch towers to be manned by the military. And some of the folks has started the farm.
Maybe things will do well after all.
Or I am counting my eggs before they hatched.
‘Commander, you are needed at Outpost Five. We need you to see this.’ I was there in ten minutes on the bike. I met Sargeant Kabe at the entrance and he is pointing to the horizon. Its the Spinosaurus’ and they are back but they are not on good terms with each other. Both of them circled each other and then squared off with their shrieks. They swung the necks and stepped over the ground, but they did not pounce on each other as yet. But the unexpected happens, a T-Rex came on the scene. It probably wander in by mistake or on curiousity. The pairs of Spinosaurus saw the new arrival and took a change of course. They went for the T-Rex as its their rival in this world and its also meat.
‘Did you bring the wine, Sargeant? We got ringside view.’
But the fight was intense, and the Spinosaurus took turns to attack the T-Rex. The two Spinosaurus differs slightly as one is bigger and has scra streak on its front right leg. It was the one who attacked the T-Rex by lunging for it but the T-Rex evaded the move by moving sideways. The other Spinosaurus then took its turn to attack the tail fo the T-Rex causing it great pain. Teh T-rex tried to turn its back to faced the Spinosaurus but the predator held on to it firmly. The older Spinosaurus then lunge again and the T-Rex has feint off that attack with is own sizeable jaws.
In its rush to fight the scarred Spinosaurus, it managed to pull free its tail. It saw its oppotuniy and ran to the far side to nursed its bites. Its a game of unfair numbers bout, and soon the T-Rex weigh the odds and was smart to run for its live. It run with its tail and part of its left thigh bleeding but it managed to run away. The two Spinosaurus now looked at each other and for some reason, it also decided to leave in different directions.
‘Let me know if you get a re-run as I will be here in a jiffy.’ The Sargeant was too confused to reply, but he soon saw my exhaust as I rode off.
I was up the ramp into the Cavern when I got the call from Doctor Tanaki. He wanted to see me urgent in Big Boy. I walked over there and met him. He refer me to the screen he was looking. I told me that since the last flooding of the cavern, he has been doing tests and survey of the place. He found out why the water seeps out from the cave bottom to the side of the slope.
‘There are little tunnels in near the bottom side which drains the water.’
‘So they are or the water would had accumulated here. Tell me something my military mind cannot understand.’ I was to turn my back to him when he said his next line.
‘Its looks aritficial. Its probably made by man or machine. We are not the first here.’ That stopped me and I wondered if the day can get any more easier to be understood.
And more came on to my load.
‘Commander, we have a situation at the farm area. One settler may be bitten by a Pachyrhachis.’ I did not have to asked, as the good zoologist was kind to explain. ‘Its a form of ancient descendants of snakes that dwells in the rivers and this one took liking to the lower calf of the colonist. She will survive, and she asked for you. Her name is Susan Bent.’
I think I am going back to BASE to sleep the day over.
But the good zoologist was not over with his explanation. ‘ We think that the farm due to its proximity to the river may posed some issues on the colonists. It was an unexplored area before we initiated the farm, and now that we are clearing it; I think we have a better idea of the creatures that dwells here. I found what maybe signs of a Titanoboa or Sanajeh; big nasty snakes that can grow up to fifty feet in length and has a big appetite for meat. They bite hard and deep, and the former is known to feast on T-Rex, or claimed to be. I am suggesting we delay the farming until we survey the place throughly. It could be an archaeoloagist dream or a medical nightmare.’ I am sure the good doctor took his breathe now that he has complete the long explanation.
‘Okay, recall the colonist and get them to concentrate on the housing and perimeter. And get Doctor Leong, to provide them a BBQ feast to set their mind off. Get me Sargeant Kabe. I want a recon on the are up to the river upstream and downstream by five clicks. Give me the report on who’s who there. And be careful. I don’t need to lose more men.’
I wanted to go back to BASE but family committments called.

‘Hello Susan. How’;s your leg?’ I looked at her sitting on the medic bed at the medic unit in the Village. She looked gloomy and I managed to picked up some chocolates from the store. ‘I thought this will prep you up, Its good dark chocolate.’ I know its taste like crap as its chemical blended chocolate as we do not have any more fruit trees in Earth.
‘Hello Scott. I asked for you as I need you to take care of dad. He is too old to be prancing around the yard and yanking cables. Could you do it for once? I can’t move much in the next two weeks. And its not the first injury I had which made me bed ridden.’ I know she is thinking of the past and its her way of giving me the guilt on my lack of family attachments. I have my family’ its the military and I loved the life there. I agreed I did not see them as often but I did send messages and vids, but no one cares for it, except to see you breathing down their nexk or sharing a meal on the same table.
‘Okay, I will. You take care of yourself.’ I turned to walk away and she stopped me. ‘Not with your command to some junior to hold his hands. He wants yours and he ain’t got many years left. He is getting old and these last years he needs you.’
I looked at her and gave her my famous smile, which is a slight movement of my upper lips. ‘Okay, but he has to be alone at times as I need to do work. He can bunk in with me at BASE.’
‘No, Scott. You stayed over with him at the unit in the Village. Be a son for once.’

Day 3
I sat down on the table with my control console to review my work. Its not the same as in BASE where I can walk into the Command Centre, and I get my coffee served and report ready. Here I need to make my own coffee and called up the report by the console.
Current roster list as follows:
Outpost One / Tip’s Nest; Corporal Micheal and three specialist. Travel time half an hour.
Outpost Two / East Ends; Corporal Saidin and three specialists including recruits. Travel time ten minutes
Outpost Three / Wide Plains; Corporal Duffy and five specialist. Travel time thirty minutes.
Outpost Four / Cavern; Sargeant Keefe and nine specialist including recruits, with four at the ramp. Travel time ten minutes to the vertical cave.
Outpost Five / Southern Belles; Sargeant Kabe and seven specialist including recruits. Travel time is forty five minutes.
Village: Coporal Simone and four recruits. Travel time is one hour.
I have eleven of them including Major Feeley at BASE. I normally assigned three of them out on patrol to around the outposts. There are called the ‘three stooges’ as their jobs is fun. Just drive and watch, chased an occassional predator and then come home for supper. They are Specialist Melon, and the Jessie’s sister or Furies Trio.
I am always short of manpower.
‘Long report of things to do, huh?’ I looked up at the older man who now sits himself at the table. I offered him my coffee but he declined. He said he would drink his own drink later, which I know is a glass of alcohol added concoction. My dad is an alcoholic and he cannot do anything about it even with three sessions in rehab and one time ‘cold turkey’ treatment; he will still bounce back. But he is a genius in the field if he is not intoxicated. He started right after mum’s death and never looked back.
‘Nothing special. Usual stuffs I read daily.So what is your plans today?’ I looked at him for an answer although I already know the answer. He is due to teach the colonists on how to install in the air turbine to generate the water pump to raise water from the underground stream.  But he told me nevertheless including his chess game with the youngster’. He also told me to get back to work and leave the man alone. I did as I know if I stayed on we would had argued by now.
‘Sargeant Kabe, I am joining you on the survey patrol.’

During the trip up and down the river, in the LTV, we came across many more breeds like the Byronosaurus, a ET lookalike if not for the upright large body of almost five feet. This one did wished us to go home, but would had us for their dinner. We did see some vegans’ as in honor of Major Shaw request like the Agilisaurus and the Anatotitan. The former is a smaller breed which runs around the banks and the connifer tress, while the later also dwell there eating at the higher branches of the connifer trees as the Anatotitan as its name indicate is a big dinosaur in size to rival that of the T-Rex.
We saw the long gigantic Titanoboa as it grapples with the Agilisaurus. The snake like reptile can grow up to fifty feet and weighs a ton is matched against the Agilisaurus which is only four feet in average which is only four feet in average. Its an unmatched fight as the snake grabbed its foe by the left thigh and its fangs ahs sank into the flesh. The herbivore screeched out in pain, but the creature could not do much as it was dragged down and its body curled by the snake around it. Its an unmatched fight between the two creatures as the former is know to even attack bigger preys. Recruit Jimmy wanted to assist in the fight but I told him no. This is the way of survival here.
The next issue is how to do we protect the colonist from these intruders. We can’t be installing in defense walls everywhere they are present. I had no answers then.
We went further down river and then we came to a real surprise. A waterfall right in the front of us and its partially hidden by the trees and surrounding folliage. Its a deep drop of over fifty feet and its narrow at the start but wide when its falls down into the bottom to flow in three smaller streams. Its a scenic place and picturesque to an avid visual expert. Just as its covered by the jungle, its also teeming with creatures that seeks it shelter there. We saw some regular inhabitants creatures here but they do add spendour of colors to the place. I seen such falls before in the data files of sinkholes that became waterfalls.
It was then we came into our first look at another possible  civilisation here. They looked like ruins of a lost city in the jungle with overgrown undergrowth on the ruined structures. We hacked at the overgrown greens to get an image of the so called structure. As it was getting dark, I had the patrol returned to Outpost Five.
It's an indication that New Pangaea is permeated with an extensive system of fractures and faults. On Earth, we did find this type of fractured area; fractures from intersecting systems named as jointed craters. They do look square and some cases rectangle or grooves. They are possibily earlier impacts that took place a long time ago. We seen this on other planets in our explorations. But you could be right on the other option?’ That was the answer of our geologist who may be mocking me for my earlier alarm on the discovery.
It's a question that goes to the heart of this planet origin.Or earlier origin of other visitors.

Day 4
We had a settlement on the penal inmates; eight nine decided to go to work while ten including the leader decided to continue their strike. The Warden marched them out for the road details, while he left three guards including Senior Guard Kim Toh to takeover the small resistance group in the Holding.
That was one hour ago.

Report from Penal Guard Officer O’Neal
Day 4 Week 12
I was on guard with Officer Sean and Senior Officer Kim Toh overseeing the ten penal inmates in the yard. It was then Convict 10207 complained of a stomach ailment that required some medication from medic aid. Senior Officer Kim Toh offered to escort him there and adminisiter the medication. Both Sean and myself were left to the guard duty. Suddenly we had PP10233 Mongol fighting with two other inmates, and a ring was formed. Officer Sean offered to break the fight with the use of his PDW and the truncheon. He pushed his way into the ring while I stood guard. As he was pushing himself in, he was mobbed by the group and I called for help. But he was overpowered and I find him held hostage by the group. At that time, Senior Officer Kim Toh came running towards us with PP10207. I saw Senior Officer Kim Toh and PP10207 carrying two heavy bags, and PP10207 was armed with a PDW.I turned to shoot at PP102007 but I was shot by someone in the group on the side of my left forearm and right ribs. I remember falling down and soon some inmates on my body kicking and removing my weapons. It was then I blacked out from the blows and injuries sustained.

Report from Recruit Jonah
Day 4 Week 12
I was on duty at the Ramp when I saw a group of inmates led by Senior Guard Kim Toh heading for the jungle. I tried to stop them but they fired at me with their PDW. Those men are all armed and they have just stepped into the jungle.
I ran down to the Holding and saw the guards lying on the yard. I radioed for assistance and tried to help the guards. One of them was dead but the other was unconscious and bleeding badly.

Guard Sean Meath was shot in the head and died immediately. His weapons are missing and so was Guard O’Neal. Senior Officer Kim Toh is believed to have engineered the escape with PP10207, and they also took weapons from the armory. The list compiled reported a loss of ten PH762 PDW and five PH350 in addition to some cases of ammo, and grenades, plus some medic aids and comms units. The above does not include the Guard’s personal weapons, which is two PDW and PH350.
The Warden declined a man hunt as he felt that the escapee will either die out there or returned soon. I was concerned on the colonist and my men. I got Command Centre to track their transceiver and they are said to about five miles from the camp. I lead an assault team of eight men including the three who just got in from patrol. We went off in one ATV and LTV.

We came to the location which the transceiver was transmitting.
I looked out from the ATV viewer and saw the place is actually a clearing in the thick jungle. I instruct the driver to drive on through the thich undergrowth and onto the clearing. The thick and wide tyres of the ATV crunched its way through the thick undergrowth and bushes. The vehicle went over the roots and bushes to land on the clearing. I shift the viewer to infra and scan the area. I could not see anything that resemble a group of armed men.
I instructed the opening of the back door and five personnels’ ran out and took firing cover. I joined them as the ATV scan the are again. I walked up to to the signal spot and noticed the bunch of transceivers on the grass clearing. The inmates has removed it by some crude blade and left.
I picked up the bloodied transceivers and got back into the ATV. I recalled the men and we left for BASE.
‘New orders from Commander Bent. All escaped inmates are deemed to be dangerous and will be shot on sight. Signed Commander Bent.’
That evening we buried another man’s remain in Boot’s Hill.

Day 5
The work detail went as scheduled but no inmates wants to escape. They need not try as the carelessness of the guards cause one of the inmates to be mauled by a raptor when he was working. Apparently the guards did not see the creature coming as they were having a break on the side. The raptor came out of the trees and pounced on PP10245 Richard when his back was turned. PP10245 survived the attack but he will be limping for a long time. I have no comment on the incident as emotions was high due to the latest events.
I saw my dad in the Village when I arrived. I did not come back the last two nights but I am here now. He told me he is fine and he understands that I am a busy man. Just like I am here for a reason. One of the colonist went out to the farm and did not come back. His name is Simon Bone, a farming engineer; and father of three. He went out this morning as we stopped the farming two days ago. He left at 0600hr and he is armed with PDW.
I got the Furies Trio with me on two LTV. We reached the farm at 0823hrs. I am looking at a large clearing with all the trees and undergrowth uprooted. There are the six W-Bots in the fields trampling and making trenches. I can see Heavy Metal parked there on the far end. Now I got to find my man in this clearing. I have the other LTW carrying the Jessie’s to take one section while I was on the other with Melon. We cleared the bumps and humps like a beach buggy drive as seen on the vids when there was beaches to do so. I could had missed him if not for the shot which hit the side of the LTV.
‘The treelines on your left.’ Melon turned the wheel without a thought of us dying under the weight of this thing on top of us if we crashed. She pulled on the handbrakes and stepped on the pedal while turning. We sprayed dirt onto a nearby W-Bot. She righted the LTV and we are moving towards the treelines. We hit the treelines just as Simon came running out with two raptors on his tail. I raised up my PH925 Short Barrel Recoil Rifle and gave him some safety distance as I brought down a raptor with a three shots burst.
‘Thanks, guys. I thought I was a goner there.’ I slammed him with the butt stock of the PH925 on his jaw. He was knocked cold and we drove back.
‘I was out there to collect some samples of seedlings I saw earlier. How was I know that I needed permission to be out there. I thought it only applied to farming. I did go out prepared or I would not had outrun those predators. So am I under any detention or free to go back now.’
I enlisted him for latrine works for three days. He can dig up all the soil there.
‘Commader, this Command. We got a trace on our escape inmates. We found one of them in the jungle and he is barely alive from the cuts and bruises. But we can’t move him.’
Its called a checkmate position. He is dead in either move in the trap. Thy have wired to him a grenade with the pin removed, but its held back his restraint ropes around his waist. Its only tighten enough if he does not move much or it will dropped off and explode. The man in that precarious situation is PP10267 Ben Oswald; trader in designer drugs to kids, he deserved to die but we live in a fair world. He is sitting by the trunk of the tree and its almost noon.
And they have shot one of my men who tried to approach the convict at the tree. Guard Stone was shot dead when he walked out there by someone in the jungle with the PDW.
‘PP10267, this is Commander Bent.....’
‘Get me free, please. I cannot hold on too long. Please.’ I can see the man fidgetting and if he moves anymore he will set the grenade off. I took out my K2 Blade and was to crawl out to him when I saw the T-Rex barging in. It went for PP10267 and bit the head off him. It was so fast that we did not react with our weapons. The deadly bite also caused the grenade to dropped off its restraint but the creature was taking its second bite. That when the grenade exploded and the T-Rex called out in pain and ran off with a  chunk of PP10267 in the jaws.
All of us was stunned and soon we cleared off Guard Stone’s body before we left the place. I turned back when we leaving on the ATV and I can see the scavengers came in by the droves to picked at the pieces of flesh on the clearing.
“Bastard,’ that was what someone muttered out and I can agreed.
That evening I sat down with the Warden and Major Feeley to discuss on our next plan of action. The escapee’s are still nearby and they may target some outpost soon for supplies. I am proposing a man hunt to capture, kill or to chase them out of this land.
We agreed that the land is to be free.
I will take a ten man manhunt team consisting of four from the Guards. I have Corporal Pedro as my scout, with Sargeant Kabe and Furies Trio. The guards will be under the command of Guard Stowe. We will take the ATV and two M-Bots and one LTV. We will take provisions for three days and it will be done.
Major Shaw offered to fly recon from the air on Bubble.

Day 6
The manhunt begins. We named it Mission Fugitive.
Nine penal inmates and defected Penal Senior Guard; ten desperate men with weapons.
Orders are shoot to kill, unless they surrendered. Three exceptions; PP10207, 10233 and the ex-Senior Guard; its shoot then verified status.
We went north from Outpost Five. I reckon they will always run for north first. We will cover north and then west to south. PP10267 was in the north of Outpost Five.
We set off at 0800hr and the atmosphere was tense. The cannons are programmed to shoot at anything above five feet in height and not wearing a transceiver. Maybe its our mood or the vibes we are emitting, but the carnivores are keeping their distance from us. Even the every inquisitive raptors are not seen that morning. We hit the terrain with our large wide wheel on the ATV while the LTV followed our rear. I was in the ATV but Pedro wants to sit in the LTV as its easier to get off than the ATV.
It was about an hour of driving that we got our first clue.
‘Looks like smoke in you sector, bearing north east 2 clicks. I am moving away east to avoid detection. Coordinates send via comms.’
Fire and smoke are the habits of us and not the local residents, so we could be on them. I signalled Pedro and he instruct the driver to veered to the west to run some distance off then run parallel with the ATV. My driver is Sargeant Kabe, and he gunned the ATV over the terrain like a crazed driver. He was the ‘Terrain Driving Champion’ in 2406 to 2408 before he retired by rules for being the champion thrice. Now he is getting his chance to show the skills here.
‘A bit rusty, Sir. But we will get there soon.’ I loved the man for his enthusiam in the field. Guard Stowe manned the guns, we may need to fire it. Stowe jumped into the seat next to the driver and took the gun stick for the forward guns. I signalled the rest to follow me.
We came close to the coordinates and stopped the ATV. The four of got off the ATV; me and three guards. I comms to Pedro and he confirmed that he is position over to the west with the ladies. Melon is holding the LTV for any runaways. Pedro and the sisters will take firing position in five.
I nestled the PDW close to my chest and reach back to feel the PH900 slung on my back. Its a secondary backup incase I need to shoot hard thick skins. I can hear the usual sounds of the jungle in the background; shrieks of predators and prey, plus the whispering of the trees to the bushes hymn of cries. The four of us spread out in a row and moved forward in stealth mode. Every pace is watched before we stepped on it. We do not want to attract any noise if we can. I saw a Diprotodon or told to me as the giant wombat by Doctor Leong; he cannot resist educating me with his knowledge of the creatures. I seen those in the jungle and also near the outpost. They are herbivours and  beside being a ‘big-assed’ bad boy on the road, they are bearable in the jungle. This one just walked past us and its dropping its feaces as it did. I wanted to say some profanities but I am on a mission here.
I saw them all; sitting huddled over the small fire and smoking a creature they must had caught. They have not learned how to eat raw meat like us in the military; its called survival. I can see that each one is carrying a PDW on their back, but the leader and his henchmens’ also wears PH350. Two of the fugitives as we called them now are standing guard at the perimeter. They seemed to be arguing on some matter, and the leader is getting agitated. I count again the numbers we are up against and came short of one; PP10233 has just slipped away.
‘Mongol. Where is he?’ I can hear the leader asking his fellows fugitives. I looked at where I last saw Mongol and he is not there. I comms the team to be on a lookout for Mongol; he could had seen us moving in.

Report from Specialist Pedro
Day 6 Week 12
I saw the large man moving into the jungle.I recognised him as the one they named Mongol. He was headed for the Commander, so I rushed over to intercept. I caught up with him mid way to his objective. He was armed with a crude pick made from a raptor claw on the end, and his PH350. He may had discarded his PDW for the fight. He saw me standing on his right and he looked over. I still this guy has an uncanny sense or its killing instinct helps him He gave me the look that says ‘lets do it right’. And I like just that. I unslung my PH900 and dropped my gun belt while he does the same with the pick and PH350. We circled each other with our focus on the point to hit. It was then we heard the shots and I was distracted by it. He took the opportunity to lunge at me with his spread out hands, going for a bear hug.He got me in his arms and raised me up. I could feel the pressure of his large forearms around my waist. I raised both my hands and clapped them with my fingers against his pressure point behind his ears where there is a hollow point. My training in the arts helped me with the strength to hurt him. I felt his arms released the holds and I stepped back to do a low kick into his groin with my shoe toe cap.
That got him to reach back in pain, and I was out of his holding lock. I stepped back and did high front kick into his lower jaw and almost knocked him back. It was then I rushed forth and did the Kao Loi move or jumping knee technique from Muay Thai on his jaw again. The power of the kick is generated with the velocity of the jump. The Kao Loi can catch the fighter off guard and end the fight quickly. But not this one; Mongol staggered back further and hit the tree trunk with his back. He is swinging his head to clear his pain but he is not down as expected.
I moved in with a sidekick on his solar plexus or lower body but he still stands. I did a round house kick with my right leg but he managed to block it this time. He is still in pain but he is lashing out now in anger. His wild swings with his punches is not getting me but its also preventing me from getting near him to end the fight. It was during one of his swings that he caught my left wrist and he swung me across to hit the tree. I got up to see him still half crouched and nursing his pains. It was then I heard the whistle sound and Mongol paused on his next move. Mongol got up and turned around to pick up his weapons. He then ran into the jungle while I struggled to get up. The last blow of his hit some wounds of mine on the chest and its acting up now.
I got slowly and picked up my weapons to rejoined the others.

It was the Guard on my left who shot the first shot. Darned idiot took the surprise away, and the fugitives soon returned fire onto us. The others folowed suit and we brought down two of them fugitives. For a while, it was a stand off between us and them until the leader gave out a shrill whistle sound and his men starts to withdraw into the jungle. I wanted to chase but I decided to let them run so we can chase them off. They did leave their meal behind and I went to confront the guy who first shot the PDW.
But he is dead, from a shot in the head, probably one of the random shots fired by those fugitive. We load up the body onto the LTV and left the BBQ for the scavengers. I send the LTV back and arranged for it to join us later. Coporal Pedro had then joined me and we proceeded on foot to track our fugitives with one M-Bot named MB5. The ATV will wait for the LTV and then catch up with us later.
We followed their trail until nightfall and we decided to camp by ourselves. The ATV and LTV are about two miles away but we will camp separately. Pedro improvises a wooden shelter and we took our covers there with MB5 on duty.

Day 7
A day of rest for some, but we are out here on a manhunt. Or so we thought.
‘Commander Bent, good morning. This is PP10207 Mathew Burns. I want to say thank you for following us in the dreadful planet. Its sad that we; the discard of society are now sent to served our sentences here. Not only as penal inmates, but as colonist later. Its a form of banishment for us from our rightful place in the place we choose to call home. We did not come here by choice; we were selected by machines. Made by people like you, Commander. You picking all this.’ He was calling me on the comms units, and its awfully early in the morning.
‘Mathew, you just spoiled my morning coffee. So cut the crap. We are here to hunt you like the way we hunt the creatures. So stay off my comms and let me make a new cup of coffee.’ I never did like my morning coffee from those ration packs.
The shots went off around the shelter. It shattered some of the branches that Pedro took to make the side. But we were cleared of any shots. The M-Bots got the most of it; its metal shell was dented and one of its arms is hanging loose. Its revolving its upper body but it cannot detect the threat.
‘We got you surrounded and we got this little gadget that plays wonder on your guard. It blocks their scanner from working. Your other men will need more than ten minutes to get here. So we can talk for now.’ I heard of such gadgets that used by us in some rogue M-Bots situation. How did he get that is not an issue now but how do we get out the trap. I been blind to these inmates who are resourseful as well as devious. Pedro had grabbed his PH900 and is lying prone on the ground scanning the area. He has on one of his thermal googles and he is looking for them. I grabbed my PDW and watched the rear of the shelter. A few more shots came and the M-Bot is dead as in malfunctioned. They knew where to shoot and its circuit is fried.
‘Mathew, give it up or move out. I am giving you an option. Move north and out of our land. There is a river about one week walk from here. Get there and cross it. Walk for another week and we will call it square. Thats your land and we will not harass you unless you come back.’ I don’t know why I offered him that but I want them out of the colonist’s way.
There was silence.
And there was total silence if you ignored the sounds of the jungle and its creatures.
Until the ATV came barging in along  with the LTV.
Both Pedro and myself walked out of the shelter. We know the inmates are gone. Sargeant Kabe came out of the ATV and walked towards us.
‘Permission to hunt them, Sir.’
‘Negative, Sargeant. They have their home now. If they come back, we will hunt them, even to the end of the New Pangaea. Its a truce for now. Lets go home. Bring that scrap back for the Cheng’s.’
Once a writer wrote in his book these lines; "Where is it I've read that someone condemned to death says or think, an hour before his death, that if he had to live on some high rock, on such a narrow ledge that he'd only room to stand, and the ocean, everlasting darkness, everlasting solitude, everlasting tempest around him, if he had to remain standing on a square yard of space all his life, a thousand years, eternity, it were better to live so than to die at once! Only to live, to live and live! Life, whatever it may be!"
- Fyodor Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment, Ch. 13.
Those are condemned man in the eyes of the society. But they deserved also their high rock if they can find it. Just as man has confined himself to the high structure they called home in the planet called Earth. Now they await our call for them to move onto a new rock soon.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...