Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tony and Cleop Act Four Scene Twelve Sub-Act Two

 Act Four

Scene Twelve

Sub-Scene Two

Bitches’ weeps


The Queen in her anger, had reached her chamber. She saw her maids preparing her next meal. Mardian was there to make sure the Queen was safe. It was aa time of turmoil and the Queen must be protected. He has yet to tell her that the fleet had returned, but the sailors were in the heat to do a mutiny. a mutiny. They are upset at their Queen for sending them to a battle in which they may not have returned.

“The swallows were a bad omen.” The sailors are brave men, but when they served the ship on the sea, the one other fear of theirs was to die there at sea.

“Neptune is kind to us and provides us with passage through his realm. If he is upset, he will raise the waves with the strong winds, and the sharks will come around. Even the crocodiles will emerge from the mud and watch with green eyes.”

“We worship Neptune, and he gives us the warnings. The birds carry his message far. The seagulls are his messengers, and if ignored, the other birds will take offense upon us and rain us with pelts on the heads.”

“The Queen had ignored the warnings.”

The captains had held back their anger with their words, but words are as good as the breeze. It may be felt, but it does not move their anger. They ditched their oars and sat on the decks.

“Help me, my maids! Oh, he is angrier than... the sun when it refuses to rise. at dawn.  He mouths profanities and more rage.” The Queen sat down on the seat. “How could he do that?”

“Defeat on the second occasion had derailed his mind.” Alexas said. “You must avoid him.”

“Go to your sacred tomb!” The Queen had designed a secured room for her to seek shelter in if the palace was ever invaded. It was built of steel and was only accessible from inside when locked. It held her personal gifts, and the supplies there were for a month. There was a secret passage to the river if she ever needed to get out.

“Lock yourself inside and send him a message that you are dead.” Alexas said.

“When a great man loses his greatness, he falls lower than anyone. “Iras said, and then looked at Mardian.

“His greatness goes farther from him than the soul goes from the body in death.” Mardian added. “Only the stronger ones may overtake that greatness and be the man he was.”

Wise words of a man who was unmade of that, but then he stood taller than most in his works.

“Yes, to the tomb I must go!” The Queen was in panic, and then she looked to Mardian.

“Mardian, go tell him I have killed myself. Tell him the last word I spoke was "Mickey," and please fill your voice with pity when you say it.”

“My Queen.” Mardian dropped to his knees.

“Get going, Mardian, and tell me how he reacts to the news of my death. I shall listen from the tomb.”






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