Friday, October 18, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Two Scene One Sub Scene One


Act Two

Scene One

Sub-Scene One

I did not do nothing as there was nothing


Elliot seated at the assigned desk flipped through the reports on the murder of Moses. There were no details for him to read. Most of the reports held only the news clipping of it; who was shot and when. It was all the standard bullet issued by the cops. There was no eye witness that came forth. He flipped through the other shootings, when it involved the gangs, there was no reports of eye witnesses or even the medical report; if there was only, it was brief.

“Mr Ness, you would not find ….” Best was seated across Elliot twirling the pencil with his right-hand fingers.

“I am sure they were eye witnesses. Why are they not reported here?”

“No one said anything. Seen anyone, and if there was any, it was only blood.” Best replied. “Rome is a good city, and with it the citizens here are all …...quaint at moments like this.”

“So, tell me where can I get such …… quaint moments explained to me?”

“We could try ……” Best smiled. “I am trying to assist here. Please do not push me to lose my pension.”

Later, Elliot was at the bath house where Issac was last seen. He walked to the bath are where Issac was shot. The place was a huge square pool of heated water and on that day, it was packed with five patrons having their baths.

“Hello, boys. This is Elliot Ness; Agent Ness is you want to address him. He is from ……... new in the city.” Best stepped forth to introduce the agent. The five patrons were immersed waist below but the sight of the bulging towels at the pool side spoke of their insecurity.

“Agent Ness, these are the Romans of Rome. There is Philo, Demetrius and …… I cannot recall the other names.” Best smiled. “Must be new. They are always getting new recruits to replace ……”

“Hey, Mr. Best. Better to hold your tongue.” The one identified as Philo called out.

“No offence meant, Mr. Philo.” Best smiled. “Agent Ness is here …...”

“I am here to investigate the death of Issac Sicario.” Elliot looked at the group. “Please continue your bath. I will remain standing here.”

“Hey, Agent. Issac was my brother. He is a good man. You need not get involved. We will handle it.” The one identified as Demetrius looked at the agent.

“I am not …...” Elliot saw the other climbed out, nude from the bath. Demetrius ignored Elliot and walked to the dressing room. Elliot took that as a rejection and left the bath area. He walked past the other areas, and then met the lady in charge of the bath house.

“Does the guests register their …….” Elliot was asking when he saw Demerius approached the lady. She saw him and nodded.

“We do not register any guests. They come, take their bath, and pay when they leave.” The lady told Elliot. She then left him there to leave with Demetrius. Elliot took to the vehicle with Best.

“Demetrius is a junior lieutenant with the Romans. That lady you spoke to is his lady.” Best cranked up the engine of the T-Ford. “Where to, Mr. Ness?”

The drive to the wharf was nearby and Elliot stood by the side where Moses’ body was found. It was like any wharf where the large ships docked there. There were also the barges that took the loads off the ships off the wharf. The wharf was lined up with overheard cranes and the port’s staff namely the stevedores were everywhere. The other groups were the dockers; the ones who will do the secondary loading to the wagons that will be loaded before the coal engine trams dragged it to the warehouses.

It was organized chaos there; everyone was on their feet and yet the movements were coordinated. A crate or two will get dropped off the wagon and tempers will flare, but the seniors will diffuse the scene. During the flare up, daggers and hooks will be displayed as weapons.

“Put away the weapons. The coppers are here.” The head of the dockers intervened. He pointed to them the T-Fort parked at the wharf.

“We are not afraid of the coppers.’ The opposing gang challenged the dockers.

“Yea, I know you Parthians well but this is my wharf. When you are here, you follow my orders.” The head of the dockers cursed at the other gang. “In Mesopotamia, you can call the orders, but over here, I am the commander.”

“Put away the weapons, boys.” The head of the dockers told his boys. “What was issue here?”

“We for the clearance permits and your boy here said otherwise.” The Parthian leader handed the permit. The other read the permit and nodded.

“He is cleared. Let him have his wares.”

“Bloody chino.” That name calling by one of the dockers flared the dispute. The head stood in between to quell the mess.

“Let it reast, Tariq. I will discipline my boy” The head turned towards his own boys. “Tariq is no Chino. One more word from you, and I will have you fed to the sharks.”

The flare was turned off. The two gangs went their ways and all was silent in a manner of speech at the wharf.

“Do not stand too close to the side, Mr, Ness. You might fall in to the water.” Best called out soon after. “They would not pull you out.”

Elliot stood there finding himself close to the edge, He stepped back and then looked at the ships. The wharf was operational throughout the day and night. He reckoned it was impossible that no one saw Moses been pushed off there.

“When was Moses found?”

“I do not know. I did not read the report. However, I heard that ship anchor dragged him up. Apparently, his body was stuck there, and when the anchor……”

“I get the picture.” Elliot nodded. “Who is overseeing the wharf?” 

“Genous Pompey. He is …… Roman, and …….” Best was muttering.

“I would like to see him.” Elliot asked. “Where is he?”

“I would not know. I need to ask.” Best then saw the approaching three T-Fort vehicles. He could smell trouble from a mile away.

‘The Romans are here.”



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