Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tony and Cleop Act Four Scene Twelve Sub-Act One


Act Four

Scene Twelve

Sub-Scene One

You bitch!


“But are they are still not fighting. I will go over to where that messenger stands.” Mark rushed to the observation point overlooking the sea. His fleet had engaged Caesar’s fleet, but the Queen’s ships were staying away from the battle.

“Where are the other ships?” Mark was upset. “The Queen told me her fleet would join us in attack.”

On the ships of Egypt, the crews were looking at the sails. The swallows that nestled there were in a frenzy, some of them attacking the nests there. The superstitious ones lament that it was a bad omen.

“The swallows fight among themselves. They are killing the other nestling.” The crews ran to their captains. captains. “It is a bad omen.”

On the flagship of the fleet, Captain Ojumbo was consulting the soothsayer on the ship.

“Maria, what does the sign say?’

“The birds rebelled and killed their young. It is aa sign that the parents were in a fight; the children suffered. We are the children here. We are to suffer. Let us withdraw for the children we are now; we; we need not get involved.”

It was then that the captain received a letter from the Queen. He then turned to the sailor who was manning the signal flags.

“We go home.”

On land, Mark was depressed. His fleet was shot and sunk in the sea.

“All is lost! That foul Queen of Egypt has betrayed me. My fleet has surrendered to the enemy, and down there, they throw their caps in the air and drink together like long-lost friends.” Mark was in a rage.

“That whore, who betrayed three men! Julius, me, and Octavius, poor young Caesar. It is you, Cleopatra, who has sold me out to this boy Caesar, and my anger is directed only at you.”

Scarface approached his boss.

“Tell all my forces to flee, for all I intend to do now is take revenge on this woman who bewitched me. Tell them all to flee. Get going!”

Scarface rushed off.

Mark looked at the setting sun. It was a splendid view but with the defeat of the fleet, it was a sign of his failure.

His new setting is Rome.

"Oh, Sun, I will never see you rise again. This is when I lose all my luck; at this very moment, I bid it goodbye.”

“How has it all come to this? Those ones whom I called my boys; fawned on me with all their hearts, whose wishes I granted, fall away from me and fawn now on Caesar with his growing good fortune, and I am destroyed even though I was once greater than all of them.”

“God, I am betrayed. Oh, this treacherous Queen of Egypt! This deadly enchantress, who decided when I went to war and when I brought my armies home, whose love was my main goal and greatest glory, has cheated me like a true gypsy and tricked me until I lost everything.” Mark once knew the agony of being defeated.

The Queen then appeared before him.

“Mickey.” Cleop called him his nickname

“Witch! Get away from here!”

“Why are you upset? Mickey, are you angry with our love?” Cleop asked.

“I am not Mickey. I am Mark Antony to you and to all who wish to speak to me.” The man was upset. He looked toward the Queen.

“Get away, or I will give you what you deserve and diminish the glory of Caesar's triumphal procession. His father did with the others: Madame, whores, and their daughters.”

“I am not a whore.” The Queen shouted.

“You act like one. Let him take you and display you in public in front of the screaming boys! Follow his vehicle as they lead the parade Yours will be the most disgraced woman that has ever lived. Be displayed like a spectacle for fools, for the common people to stare at, and let long-suffering Octavia scratch your face with the nails she has sharpened for you.”

“I bear the dungeon within me; within me is winter, ice, and despair; I have darkness in my soul.” The Queen quoted from the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

In The Hunchback of Notre Dame, people are primarily judged on their appearances rather than their internal characters. Victor Hugo argues, however, that appearances can be deceiving and that judging people based on how they look can often cause people to be treated unfairly and even ostracized by society. (https://brainly.ph/question/30532722#:~:text=Answer%3A,and%20even%20ostracized%20by%20society.).

“Do forth with yours. You do not belong here.” Mark shooed her off. The Queen in her anger, spat at the others and left. left. Mark Antony sighed in relief at watching the Queen leave. leave. His thoughts were towards her well-being.

“It is good that you are gone if you wish to remain alive, but it would have been better if you had fallen prey to my anger. Then your death and mine might have prevented the deaths of many others.”

Mark then called on Eros. “Where are you, Eros?” 

“I feel as if I were carrying the world on my shoulders, as Atlas had then. We are alike, cast away by our leader, and banished to hold the burden.” Mark Antony gave out his thoughts.

“Julius, my Caesar, Rome was created hugely by you in seven years, and yet you were taken of it with your life extinguished by those who stole from it. I pray that you will show me how to show my anger as you should.”

“If there are any more Brutus, let me destroy them, and with my own hands...... My bare knuckles that were bloodied from the flesh of the enemies, I once wielded the heaviest weapons——guns that killed many.”

“That Queen, she is indeed a witch... ... ...... Cleop will die. She sold me to that young Roman boy Caesar, and I am destroyed by her plot. She will die for it though I loved her so much. so much. Our deaths will be the end of our lives, but our love will carry on. Let Lucifer suffer alone; we will rejoice in suffering together.”

“Eros, hey there! Where are you?” Mark called but no one appeared.




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