Friday, October 18, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Two Scene One Sub Scene Three


Act Two

Scene One

Sub-Scene Three

Pompey distrust


Enobarbus stepped into the office of Mr. Pompey. The latter was seated behind the huge desk carved from the oak tree. It was thick to stop a bullet anytime. Genous Pompey held a tall frame with the paunch in the belly, smoked Cuban cigars he was to get from the ships. He was dressed in the white suit with red tie. He was with three of his boys standing guard there on the corners. Pompey, Junior was there at the divan.

“Enobarbus, when was the last time we meet?” The ex-Triumvir smiled. Enobarbus approached the desk and stood there.

“Some months back, Sir.” Enobarbus did not addressed him as Boss, for previously they were enemies. He was with Caesar.

“Yes, we were on the opposite sides. Did I shoot at you?” Pompey asked.

“I do not recall, Sir.” Enobarbus lied. There was one instance, he was shot at by Pompey when they tried to ambush Caesar.

“May you be right. I am not a bad shot and if I had shot you, I would not have missed.” Pompey laughed. “so, why are you here?”

“Sir, I …...”

“Did my wharf suffered a leak? Or someone jumped over?” Pompey was into his sarcasm mood.

“Sir, I was in the area, and saw the coppers.” Enobarbus was trying to get out. It was a mistake to come to the wharf alone, but since he did, he had to pay his respect to the boss there.

“The coppers? They are always here. I have paid them to patrol here.” Pompey laughed.

“The new agent was there.” Enobarbus moved the reason to the agent. “I thought …….”

“Mr. Ness. I know. You are not to think. I will do the thinking.” Pompey snapped out. “The new agent or whatever his rank is, is of no significance here. He can burrow deep here, but my boys would not tell him naught on the wares.”

“Yes, Sir.” Enobarbus affirmed the loyalty of the boys.

“Do you have any idea why Moses got himself killed here?” Pompey popped the question. “Do you think Caesar had him killed here to put the blame on me?”

“No, Sir. No, Sir.” Enobarbus replied in haste.

“I say yes.” Pompey roared out. “I never liked Moses. He was righteous and with his sermons, he made my wife scared of looking at me.”

“Me? A monster? I am not. I am Genous Pompey the Great.”

“Yes, Sir. I was at the wharf and ……” Enobarbus tried to explain his way out.

“A coincidence. I wondered ……. No, I was to say where you the last weeks?” Pompey asked.

“I was away, Sir.” Enobarbus was to tell the other that he was away on a task for Caesar.

“Coincidence and when you returned, the agent arrived.” Pompey looked at Enobarbus. “Do you know the dead agent? What his name?”

“Lucas Perry.” Enobarbus bit his lips then. He was in haste to say it. He knew the previous agent when they clashed over the shipments. Lucas was on the payroll of the Romans, among the few he took from. He was killed by the Muddles because he was also doing their work there. It was a case of bad planning. The rumours claimed that it was the middle eastern family that sold him out. Due to that, he was given cement shoes.

Not iced shoes.

“Mr. Perry was playing hooky with the Muddles and got caught.” Pompey sighed. “I did tell him not to work for the Muddles. He would not listen.”

“I have been advising the new boys on this, but they do not listen hard enough. The …… Wait, you did me a favour when you sent the two boys away from the warehouse issue. Who were they?”

“Yes, Sir. I did. It was ……. Caesar’s warehouse at downtown.” Enobarbus recalled that incident. The two boys were shipping in remains of the animals for the Tongs. It was exotic animals to later made into medicine.

“Caesar’s warehouse? I did not know we have or rather he has his own. I must confer with the Consuls on this.”

“No, Sir. It was our …… these were the smaller warehouses in downtown. Mostly ……” Enobarbus found himself loss for words.

“Yes, I know that. The ones where Caesar keeps the guns and what else. He does not trust me here.” Pompey smiled. “We do not trust each other at all.”

“Why are you here, Enobarbus?” Pompey asked again.

“I was passing by, Sir. May I leave now?”

“Yes, please do. I must not keep Caesar’s lieutenant from his tasks.” Pompey smiled. “Just tell Caesar that Moses slipped and fell into the sea.”

“And also, do tell Caesar. Moses was alive when he fell in. God told me that. God is with me inside.”

“Amen, Sir.” Enobarbus took his leave. He passed by the tall dark gentleman with the naked chest that was heading towards Pompey’s office. He turned to look at the figure.

“He is from Egypt. He is here to see the Boss.” One of Pompey’s boys told Enobarbus; an old friend who had to take sides but remain friends. “I heard he brought his Boss to see my Boss.”

“You know ……” Enobarbus was to ask.

“I do not know much but that guy was around here before. He knew Lucas Perry and once I saw him with Moses.” The other said.

“And do tell the new Lieutenant ……  what his name Mark …… Antony. He needs to watch his steps.”

The unidentified friend then realized he spoke too much. “I best not be talking to you.”

Enobarbus saw the one who spoke to him walked off. He was curious as to who was with Egypt. He heard of them, being the new gang down south east, but never seen them there at Rome. He must report to Caesar on this.

“Where to, Boss?” Enobarbus heard the one driving.

“The Muddles.”



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