Friday, October 25, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Three Scene Two Sub Scene One


Act Three

Scene Two

Sub-Scene One

Mark’ gets his mark


Mark sat at the corner in the café, enjoying the hot, brewed coffee. He was back in Rome, and that was his first drink in the city. He traveled light as the single bodyguard, newly assigned to him when he returned to Rome, and was driving the T-Ford. The bodyguard named Pietro was a migrant from the bigger continent and a proven ring fighter with his huge biceps. The guard was standing outside by the vehicle.

“There are no clues to the murder of Roman’s lieutenant.” That was the headline in the newspaper. It was by an independent newspaper agency called Independence, operated by an ex-copper who retired to report the news in print. He had avoided the threats and bribes, going it alone with the small circulation. His prints were read by the selected but influenced the families, for they held no punches back.

“Boss, sorry. I was caught up with family affairs.” Enobarbus took the seat opposite Mark at the table. It was a bad position, for he would not be able to see the entrance and the kitchen door. In the lifetime of the hitman, his well-being depended on being careful. The café was well selected by Mark; it was not packed then, with the early afternoon patrons at work or having left after lunch. There was one other table occupied: two middle-aged ladies gossiping while doing their knitting, and a huge bag on the table.

“What did you find out about Moses’ death?” Mark asked without looking at the enobarbus. He was watching the happenings at the café. He heard of many deaths caused by the carelessness of not observing.

“Some buildup. I met Pompey and got news about Moses visiting Egypt. He was also friends with Lucas Perry, the dead agent. I am...”

“Egypt? Why is Moses going there? I never heard of Egypt till yesterday.” Mark looked toward the enobarbus. "What do the ladies from Egypt look like?”

“I would not know, Boss.”

It was then that Mark saw the ladies stand up and draw from their bags the sawn-off shotguns, barrel and stock held by both hands. He had seen those guns when he was with the Sicilians.

"Short, but when inserted up into you, it will leave you empty in the bowels.”

Mark reached under the papers for the concealed revolver of his with this right hand, while his left hand pulled Enobarbus by the right side of the head to duck down. He fired first at the ladies, and the first shot hit the lady in the right chest. The second shot went wide when the other lady replied with the shotgun. Enobarbus had dropped off the seat on instinct and got the shot nicked at his left arm. Mark fired the second shot, which impacted the lady’s face.

“What the…….” Pietro rushed in with his pistol drawn. His sudden appearance there and the drawn gun got him shot by Mark with the third shot in the chest. He went down dead.

Mark recovered on his reflexes, grabbed the Enobarbus, and fled by the front doorway. He took the vehicle parked there and drove with the Enobarbus.


“Stay there. You are shot. We are not out of danger.” Mark called out. He was watching the rear to check if any others were trailing him.

There was no one in pursuit.

Mark headed to the mansion, and once there, Enobarbus was treated for the wound. When he was going to see Caesar, he met Fulvia there.

“Why are you here?” Mark asked.

“I came to find you.” Fulvia replied. “You looked...”

“Someone tried to kill me. I barely escaped.” Mark told her. “Wait here. I will see Caesar, and then we can go home.”

Mark did not wait for the reply and took him to the library. He met Agrippa there, who was discussing it with Menas. He told them about the shooting.

“I will get the boys to find out who it was.” Menas took to calling the others. Agrippa looked at Mark,

“Do you recognize them?” Agrippa offered Mark a drink.

“No, I did not. They looked new in town but acted casually to be there. I was suspicious, but it happened so fast.”

“Who else knew you would be there?” Menas asked.

“I do not know. I used to go there, and this afternoon, I did mention... Pietro... No, he told me to go there. Said something about their coffee. I followed him there. I told him to leave a message for Enobarbus to meet me there.”

“Who sent the message?” Menas asked.

“I do not know. One of the messengers will know.” Messages were sent by a couple of assigned boys in the mansion. “It was... the way they knit. It was not right.”

Jeeves walked in then and whispered to Agripa.

“Pietro is dead. The coppers are there at the café too.” Agrippa sighed. “We will need to contain this incident. Caesar need not know.”

“Why was Fulvia here? Was she...” Mark asked.

“I would not ……” Menas shook his head.

“She met Caesar at the other library.” Jeeves spoke out. “I took her there.”

“Any idea what it was about?” Mark asked. His reply was silence. 







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