Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Three Scene One Sub Scene Two


Act Three

Scene One

Sub-Scene Two

Elliot and Lucas


The Muddles were isle based with the recruits from the immigrants off the boats. They came to the new land with lots of promises, and fantasies but found nothing more than the same hardship of their ancestry homes. They landed mostly in the northern coasts but made their way down and into the interior. It was still the promising country but the longing to be with their own, prompted them to find their kins.

“Do not be the ‘Gowl’ (Annoying person).” The group had gathered at the tavern; it was more of a liquor shop but the local boys called it the tavern. The sign outside says it all; the John Silver’s Tavern; the spot to drink and get drunk and if you can afford it, Ol’Martha will share her bedding for a dollar or more. She is no ‘Feek’(Gorgeous Girl) but she could blushed the freckles off your cheeks.

“I am no Gowl.” The one accused of threw back his own. “Nor a ‘muppet’ (For a fool) but ‘yoke’ (The reference of thing), Luke was not my friend.”

“Lucas was his name. And he is not a ‘sham’ (friend) of ours.” The one who was leading the talk spoke. “I threw the dead rabbit and he left without a word. So, he is no ‘sham’ of mine.” (The Dead Rabbits were so named after a dead rabbit was thrown into the centre of the room during a gang meeting, prompting some members to treat this as an omen, withdraw, and form an independent gang.)

It was then Best walked into the so named tavern. He was followed on by Elliot. It was Best’s idea to let him take point.

“Hush, the ‘copar’ (Copper) is here.” One of the gathered whispered out.

“It is Frankie “Best.” I can vouch for him.” The leader of the gathered called out. His nickname given was Centre Forward. “Hey, Frankie. You here for the Saturday’s game?”

“Nay, Liam. I brought me a ‘copar.’ He is from upstate and …… new to Rome.” Best motioned to Elliot. “Elliot Ness his name.”

“Elliot, is he? From the highlands I will say. I knew an Elliot from there; the Elliot River over at Angus.” Liam looked at Elliot. “He got killed in the War of Independence. Fought for the wrong side. Got himself a third eye.”

“I am Norwegian.” Elliot stepped up, and offered his right hand to greet.

“Lochlann. I never met one of your kind before. Not since my grand paddy told me the Vikings came from there and invaded us on the isle.” Liam took the hand. “That was ages ago. Now we are …… all migrants here.”

“I …. I was born here. My parents ……” Elliot defended his birth place.

“Ever a Lachlann, always a Lachlann. Just as I am of the Isle and to die, I will be as one.”  Liam roared out. He then turned towards Best. “Liam Neeson.”

“Why did you come? The game we beat you all; the goals and the fistful of punches thereafter.” Liam placed on the smile towards Best. “Copar does not drink hard as we do.”

“He wants to meet the ……. Muddles.” Best looked away to the others. “I ……”

“Never think, mate. Thinking makes you a stranger here. We best work with our fists or out drink the other. That is not thinking but thinning the resistance.” Liam hissed at Best. “You are getting dafty up there.”

“I am here to ask on Lucas Perry.” Elliot stepped in.

“Do not know the name.” Liam looked at Best. “Are you Gobshite? (Stupid or incompetent person. Gobshite is chiefly Irish slang.)

“He is no ‘gimp’ (Idiot). I asked of him to take me to see the Muddles.” Elliot cut in. “All I wanted to know …....”

“Copar, we did not ‘meil’ (waste) him. He was acting the maggot there, and someone did us the favour.
 Liam smiled.

“The words where it was the …….” Elliot was cut off.

“He heard it was the Muddles.” Best said. “And ….”

“Muddles, we are but we did not harm the gowl. He was done by some others and left here on our turf.” Liam looked upset. “Some of the others think we are their prey, but the Muddles will take on anyone at any place. Including the Romans.”

“Liam, the Romans are …...” Best stood in for the Romans.

“If you see Caesar, tell that to him. We are not afraid of him.” Liam was to prove his bravado. “The lads will stand with me.”

“Who remove Lucas Perry?” Elliot pressed on his luck.

“Try the eunuch. Check on the report. He may be left without his balls.”

Later in the safety of the T-Ford, Elliot was given the rubdown by Best of how best not to behave with the gangs.

“I do not know what they teach you at the Academy, but here in Rome, we do not preach to the gangs. We ask them politely.”

“Some ways you hold here.” Elliot scoffs at Best.

“Mr. Ness. When in Rome, do as the ……”

“As the Romans. But Rome is part of the big country of ours. And I am from the big country.”

“Mr. Ness. Here in ……. Smaller country of Rome, we do not give a cent to the Big Country. You either behave or I will put in a transfer request.” Best threatened Elliot. “I am not far off my years towards pension.”

The mentioned of pension stopped Elliot from replying. He then thought of his own career and of his mortality. He had seen friends of his who died in the Great War. He met the families and shared their griefs. He wondered when will they do to his. He was to do the works of Treasury and that involved a team of officers to assist.

Elliot will write to the Commissioner on a transfer too.




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