Friday, October 18, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act Two Scene One Sub Scene Two


Act Two

Scene One

Sub-Scene Two

Ness to Enobarbus, check.


Enobarbus sat in the vehicle watching the dockers walked back to their work areas. Those are Roman’s boys but their allegiance was to Genous Pompey, who at that moment was back in control at the wharf. Pompey was exiled there after Caesar defeated him. It was a brief war but the Romans settled their differences. Genius Pompey was given the wharf with monthly tributes to Rome, and he retained the influence of Rome.

It was fine since then.

Enobarbus was told to investigate the murder of Moses; who was his senior but Moses died at the place which Caesar had little control over.

In Rome, the Romans are huge in the numbers and with so many Consuls, and more lieutenants, the previous Triumvir split the empire into three sections, and with each member controlling there. When Julius Caesar defeated Crassus and Genous Pompey, he ruled all the territories.

“Boss, the Parthians are leaving.” Enobarbus was told then. He had arrived in three vehicles with eleven boys; all armed. He was not taking any risk there.

“Boss, Pompey’s boys coming over.” Enobarbus was told. He got out of the vehicle with the boys covering the scene. The one who was approaching was Rushie Loren or ‘Rusty Dog.’ He was part French and whoever his father was.

“Mr. Enobarbus, Sir.” Rusty greeted the lieutenant. There were seven dockers next to Rusty; greased hands on their belts where the daggers were holstered at.

‘Good day, Rusty. I am here to enquire on Moses.”

“He was fished out there at Dock Three.” Rusty motioned to the spot where another T-Ford was parked. “The coppers are here today.”

Enobarbus looked over and recognized Best. He reckoned the other guy must be the new agent in Rome. Ten previous one was killed by the Muddles.

“Tell me about Moses’ death.”

“Not much. The boys were all working and it was a busy night. The Tongs have some heavy shipments in for their upcoming festival.” Rusty said. “The only sighting reported was a truck that was there, close to the edge and then left.”

“Any idea where the ice came from?” Enobarbus was curious, Cement over the feet or cement shoes was one way of the northern east gangs. It was done at Rome but rarely. In Rome, they prefer to send you to the arena, most times outnumbered like three to one, and the dead body was fed to the sharks or the hogs. It was clean and does not leave any traces.

“I do not know. We have many ice factories here. The ice could had come from the fisherman’s wharf, but it was the ice who floated the body towards the anchor. It bobbed on the surface and was seen by the sailors.” Rusty smiled. “If it was cement, he will be dancing on the sea bed.”

The fisherman wharf was managed by Pompey but the ships and barges there were the mix of Irish, Mexicans and Tongs with the barges docked there by Egypt. The warehouses were moistly owned by the Tongs who does the trades.

“Could the Tongs be involved?” Enobarbus was probing the scene.

“They could be but unlikely. The Tongs are business minded; murder is not their expertise here. Not so with ice. If they do ‘ice’ anyone, it will be the butcher house where they will chop up the body and served the hogs.” Rusty smiled. “Cement shoes are not their modes.”

“The Visigoths?” Enobarbus was asking. “Or the Parthian?”

‘Nay, Sir. Either of those two, it will be buried in the woods, missing the head. They will use that to play kick ball.” Rusty shook his head.

“The coppers?” Enobarbus knew of some coppers that were bent and do hire their guns out.

“I would not know. Coppers would not touch us, Romans. They know the score there.” Dusty smiled. “Out of town, perhaps. I hardly know Moses, and his dealings there. If they wanted him dead, it could be done.” Rusty was not deciding there.

“Maybe the ones who listened to his sermons.” Enobarbus was grabbing straws.

“Perhaps they may be the ones. Their wives or parents may have told them of their sins, and God was not pleased. Maybe Moses overstepped his words, and someone decided to send him to Hell.” Rusty was an atheist and believed in reincarnation. “When I die, I will just get kicked out back here to be Rusty again.”

“Quiet there. The coppers are coming over.” Enobarbus saw the approach of the duo. He always said the coppers walked like sheriffs on the walk-in town; shoulders back and hands on their waist belts. For the hitman’s it was always the gunslinger walk and roving eyes for any sudden movements.

“Romans, I hail thee.” Best was at his dry humour. “I brought you my …… Boss, Mr. Ness. He is ……”

“Good days, guys, I am Elliot Ness, Federal Agent.” Elliot offered his right hand after overtaking Best.

“Rusty Dog” Rusty took the hand. “This here is my ……. Enobarbus.”

“Eno……” Elliot could not catch the name properly.

“Call me Ernie.” Enobarbus offered his nickname.

“Thank you. I am new here and was visiting the …….” Elliot placed on the smile. “Port?”

“We prefer to call it the wharf. I was just here to see Rusty on the warehouses.” Enobarbus said. “We must be going then.”

“Sir, was Moses overseeing the warehouses?” Elliot snapped it out.

“I do not know any Moses who manages the warehouse, Mr. Ness.: The only Moses I knew was one who spoke of the Ten Commandments.” Rusty replied.

“Thou shalt not stir one foot to seek a foe.” Enobarbus said in turn. (Romeo and Juliet Act One Scene One)

“Pardon me. What was that?” Elliot looked at Enobarbus.

“I am late. I best be going.” Enobarbus got into the T-Ford and his boy drove him. The other vehicles followed on. Rusty took that as his reason to leave the scene.

“What did he say?” Best asked. “Thou ….”

“"To move is to stir and to be valiant is to stand." (Romeo and Juliet Act One Scene One.) Elliot said of Enobarbus; he is angry and left. He may have much to tell on Moses and leave like the King from the board space when check by the opponent’s pieces.

“Mr. Ness, pardon me. I am not a learned man.” Best smiled. “Do you think we can……. us to have a break.” Best walked back to the vehicle without waiting for Elliot’s reply.

“Do you know where Moses hang out mostly?” Elliot asked.



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