Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Loyal Lieutenants Act One Scene One Sub Scene Two


Act One

Scene One

Sub-Scene Two

Mark Antony


“Mark Antony? A familiar name, and more so when we fought together.” Caesar asked. The man was introduced as Mark Antony approached Caesar and hugged him.

“Hello, cousin.” Mark smiled. He was related to Julius Caesar through his mother, Julia. Julia was a member of the Julii, specifically the Caesar family. Her father was Lucius Julius Caesar, and Gaius Julius Caesar was her cousin. This relationship made Antony and Caesar distant cousins, but their involvement in the battles with the Gaul’s made him admired by Caesar.

“Cousin?” Brutus was surprised. “I never knew.”

“Not many knew. I hardly expressed my lineage to many.” Julius smiled. “Mark here is a relative of my father. We battled the Gaul’s when he was just an enforcer. He fought well, and one day, he saved my life.”

“It was a moment of opportuneness to be there then.” Mark had seen the Gaul hitman who had flanked Julius. He did what was needed; he rushed over and shot the hitman in the back.

“Not my best shot.”

“Yes, Mark was not happy with the kill. He is a gentleman at the battles; no backstabbing or that rear shot. He wants to see his victim’s eyes when they are killed by him.” Julius laughed. “Not all of us here do that. We take the opportunity when there is one.”

“How are you, Mark? I did not get to see you after Gaul’s called for a truce.”

“I was away. The... Consul assigned me to handle the Sicilians up north.” Mark smiled. He wanted to say that it was Julius who send him but that will be embarrassed the other if said. “I …….”

“Was it mine to call? It may not be, but things have been piling up. Say it was my call and welcome back.” Caesar corrected the situation.

“It may be but for now, do have a seat here.” Julius offered Mark a seat at the round table. Brutus was ignored, but he took one of the available seats. There were eight seats, and on that day, with Mark Antony and Brutus, six seats were taken.

“I was discussing the killing of two of our lieutenants, Isaac, and Moses. We need to find out who is involved.” Julius looked at Brutus and then Agrippa.

“I suspect it was the Visigoths. They have been... " Brutus was intercepted.

“Alain of Visigoths would have told me of that. I will send a message to him.” Julius said. “I do not believe it can be him.”

“And Dino. I overheard the name mentioned.” Brutus smiled and then added. “Do you trust the Visigoths? May the gods hold you in their favour.".

“Alain and I go back some years. We had been rivals, but we have called a truce on it for some time. I …...”

“You shot his nephew, Daniel.” Brutus reminded Julius.

“And he shot my cousin.” Julius reminded Brutus: “Tom Casey was shot by the nephew, and I seek revenge.”

“Vengeance never ends. Soon, it was all over for us.” Brutus sighed. “How all occasions do inform against me,

And spur my dull revenge!” (Hamlet 4.4.35-6)

“Brutus, please ……” Agrippa cut in.

“Both were fools. They were fighting over some filly in Philly.” Julius recalled the conflict.

“It was the cause of the war then.” Julius looked at Mark. “We battled for over a month before we called it off to discuss a truce. Crassus was the mediator, and later found out to be the one that Casey was in the mess. The filly was Crassus dame.”

Mark nodded towards Julius. He was in the war, but he never knew why. He just did as his task required. It was the same when he asked to mediate with the Sicilian.

“Why are you here?” Julius asked Mark. “I meant back here.”

“I was to come here to tell you that the Sicilian agreed to the arrangement with Rome. We will not go above the agreed borders; the 38th parallel, and all will be fine.” Rome was on the alert for a war with the Sicilians over some territories. It was a year and six months dealing with Mark for Rome, and the other side was one named Sonny “Boy” Carlini. Mark was the emissary of the Consul, but he was more of a hostage there initially. He did his best and was rewarded by the agreement.

(The other rarely known 38th parallel structures, also known as the 38th parallel lineament, are a series of seven circular depressions or deformations stretching 700 kilometres (430 mi) across southern Illinois and Missouri and into eastern Kansas.)

“How is Fulvia?” Julius asked. “And Lucius? Did you visit them yet?”

The illicit relationship of Mark and Fulvia was hidden but Caesar knew all that was to know of his boys.

“I have not met them yet. I was chaperoned here by the Consul member to meet you.”

“I was told of Mark’s return and had him brought here. He …...” Brutus wanted to claim credit for the visit. “We battled once; I was his commanding boss’ foe but we are good now.”

“Mark needs to see his family now. The meeting is over.” Julius told everyone. “Lepidus sends in Enobarbus from the corridor.”

“Oh, Mark. I duly apologize, but could you stay behind? I may have a task for you.” Julius said.

“Before we end, Caesar, I want to report on the arrival of Agent Elliot Ness from Treasury. He just arrived.” Pedro Menas looked at the emperor. “We know little of him. He may be...”

“The Treasury agents are manageable. The last one was taken from us. We did not give him the cement shoes.” Agrippa cut in. The last agent was handled by the ‘Muddles’ when he renegaded on their dealings. He wanted to cap his hauls for the authorities and was dunked in the drum of cement legs. He was to feed the fish at sea off the coasts, while the authorities had him tagged as ‘dirty’ when they found a suitcase of money in his apartment. His disappearance was considered a close case thereafter.

“Elliot is paired with Best. You do recall him from...” Agrippa was cut off.

“I remember him. He had his best friend shot before his eyes. He ……. I will attend to the matter later. Get me, Enobarbus in.” Julius ended the meeting.


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The Loyal Lieutenants Act One Scene Two Sub Scene One

  Act One Scene Two Sub-Scene One Enobarbus   The figure walked in after the departure of the lieutenants and Consul. Enobarbus he...