Thursday, November 17, 2011


A preview of a new tale....

Be ready to take a sizeable BITE..... soon.

The Truth
Pangaea is hypothesized as a supercontinent that existed 250 million years ago. It is thought that all major continents at that time were assembled into one supercontinent named here. The supercontinent then fragmented and became the pieces of continents we know now. The theory of plate tectonics was the to explain how the movement of these plates split the supercontinent to those we know today.
Pangaea is believed to have been a C-shaped landmass that spread across the equator and from the North to the South. The body of water enclosed within the resulting crescent on the East side has been named the Tethys Sea. Pangaea's large mass of land, resulted in the inland regions to be very dry, due to its distance from the sea. The vast ocean that once surrounded the supercontinent of Pangaea has been named Panthalassa.
And this new world we going to was named after that supercontinent on a planet that resemble ours but based in remote galaxy.
The New Pangaea is about the same size but its oblong in shape and unlike the one on Earth, this one has a sea inside the supercontinen which flows out in three main rivers to the open sea. So unlike the named original Pangaea, this supercontinent has the same environment in almost all all its land mass, which is humid and wet tropical jungle or swamps area.
Due to its similarity to Earth and its abundant clean air, the expedition was mounted to go there and determined if its suitable for man’s colonisation to replace Earth as their home planet.
The year was 2311.

But to here, its probably before Christmas.

Cheers..... Ho! Ho! Ho!

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