Friday, November 25, 2011

Elite No. 19

Day One
Early Night
2100 hrs
‘Humprey, next time I will select the holiday destination. You spoiled mine this year. And besides this stupid riot, all I did see was your eyes on those ladies in their bikini’s.’ I guess poor Humprey did not planed this to happened on their 35th Anniversary but at the age of seventy five, there are still something more to see besides a square cardboard sized fridge for a wife to be served on daily.
But he will sue  the travel agent for recommending him this sun and sunny ladies holiday package.
More to it, the typhoon Jimmie is dying in its torment of the islands as the depression seems to be receding. So the storm will be just a bad tropical storm soon but the rain will be there for at least six more hours.
Insurance brokers are putting their calculators away for the night.
But on the Capital, the Commisioner is getting worried about the communications lines to the island. He has requested for aerial surveillance but that was rejected due to bad weathers. He however has the approval of the Navy Admiral send over his detachement of marines who is on training on another island near Genoe to go over in the morning. The trip will take about two hours by the frigate there.
Sure tells you what old friends and a bottle of good rum can do for favors.
As for Jake, he is reading the old newspaper as there are no TV to watch and his wife is sleeping with the kids. Guess it will be a lonely night and even lobsters can’t do much to stirred her up.

2103 hrs.
The rookie looked over the wooden crates they stacked up in front of the Evidence Room. They are down to five of them alive and one of them is the vet who is also shot in the arm, which is hastily bandaged. The other earlier wounded one died from his wounds. The remaining policemen are armed with their M1911 except for the rookie who is now holding a AK47’s.
This is the second major attack in the last two hours. The first gang they managed to repel off with our firepower during the blackout. This other group arrived later and took over the attack. They are more organised and they soon fought them way into the warehouse area now. The remaining policemen can see the gang members from the small sporadic fires that has lit up the warehouse.
Its a stand off with them; twelve armed gang members with AK47’s and five of these policemen. The gangster’ has drove their SUV and trucks into the warehouse and formed a line of defensive wall. There now two SUV and two trucks there, of one which is a tow truck with a crane at the rear..
‘Hey, Krigs. You wanna the stuff here and we want to go home. What do you say we trade off?’ Rookie was calling for negotiations with the leader of the Krigs.
‘Pig, you come out and we talk, but no guns.’ The rookie can see the leader now. He’s been seen on the streets when rookie was doing his patrol rounds but they never met face to face.
Rookie put his M1911 into the back of his waist and covered it with his jacket. He gave his AK47 to the vet and walked out. If we were to see his forehead, he is sweating from fear and not heat. The Krig Leader came out too in his sleeveless shirt and jeans. He swagger over on his beach sandals.
‘Your name, pig?’
‘Does it matter, arsehole. We want a SUV on the left of the warehouse near the room, and you all go to the other side and wait. We board the SUV and drive, and you can get your stuff. We understand each other now.’
‘What makes you .....’
‘Cut the movie script and said yes or no.’ Rookie looked at the leader in the eyes, and hoped his psychology 101 learn at home paid off.
‘Okay.’ The leader walked back to his own barricades of cars and men.
A few minutes later, a black SUV with Krig logo’s was driven next to the Evidence Room. The wounded vet was the first to get in and he sat on the driver seat. He signalled okay for them to get in. All four of them got in and the SUV took off for the exposed entrance of the warehouse. The Krigs’ on seeing the policemen leaving, jumped in joy and went to the Evidence Room.
Once the SUV left the compund, the rookie removed the remote detonator from his jacket. He pulled the lever and the warehouse exploded into flame. He smiled as his pop used to teach him how to lay dynamites and set those detonators in the mines they once had.
‘Where to, rookie?’
‘How about Jake’s? They served good food there.’

2115 hrs
We were on the roof of the Tech Corner Bulding overlooking the Station, which is probably running its power from the genset at the basement.
I took account of my arsenal and was gave them out again. I passed two more clips for the Uzi to Melanie. She still has her SIG SAUER and the spare clips. I kept the last clip for the UZI I am having slung on my back now. The previous was discarded at the villa.
I have two extra clips for the MP5A3 and I passed one to Marius who is still holdng his. Marius’s Glock is missing so I passed him one SIG SAUER with an extra clips. I still have my Glock with a half load on it, plus one spare clip.
That was it unless you count his L96A1 with eight rounds left.
He told me he wants to even the odds for us.
It was my idea to check on the Station for more guns. And men if any is alive.
Here we are now on the rooftop, and our SUV parked at the back. I took Melanie and Alicia with me downstairs again and out into the back alley. I walked over to building next door and bokre the back door locks. It opened to Ben;s and told the ladies to cooked us some dinner. Ben won;t mind now if we used his stocks.
Meanwhile I ran across the rain in a half crouched manner until I was about 10 yards from the Station. I hit behind a patrol car which was parked in front of the station. The heavy rain pour helped me to cover my visibility.
Now I wait for the cue to go in.

2123 hrs
I had a simple canopy slung over my head and rifle so that the rain does not hamper my shooting. This is not a precision shot requirement, but a termination call. So no marks for placing of the bullet as long as it hits the target and stopped it. I counted three snipers and some missing mortar crew; probably in the shades or downstairs for their meal. The three snipers are spaced out across the roof facing different direction.
I aimed at the one facing the front entrance and also my counter opposite. He is not looking at his target area but cowering under his parka. And smoking a cigarette under it. This time I did not wait for the thunder, I took his face off the body with one shot. He fell backward onto the roof but by then, my aim was on the sniper to his left; the one facing the Governor’s Office. That sniper must had heard the shot, turned to look and could only see partial visibility.
He was next on his upper chest and he fell over the gutter onto the pavement.
The third sniper missed the first shot sound but heard the second shot. He turned to see his colleague across the roof and could not see the guy. So he stood up and to get a better view. It was his last thought and he was lying on the roof soon with a  chest shot.
Now I trained my shots into the front door and windows in random orders to prevent any from coming out while Marcel makes the last 10 yards.
My eight shots gone, I left the rifle there.

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