Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Folk Tales No. 32

Alice in Wander Land ....
At times we need to escape the real world and be in the places where we can do things the way we want it to be done. Alice was no different.
So our story began.
Far, far away out on the corner of 3rd East Corner and 7th Street North, there lived a guy named Hare. Now Hare is a nice chap; too nice actually because he is always smiling regardless of what happened. He has a rare disease; its make people smile. So one morning, Hare saw a young girl at his corner. He whistled to her. She came to see who was the one whistling.
‘Hello, girl. My name is Hare. You wanna see my world. Its in here. And only little girls can come in.’
‘Oh! I am Alice. And I am a little girl. Can I come in please?’
So Hare let Alice into his world, through the corner of 3rd East Corner and 7th Street North.
Now the world which Hare lives in is different from the one outside. Here everything is colourful and joyous. And today is no special day, but they hold tea party everyday. So Alice was invited to the tea party. It was a long table which can accomodate six people like Alice. There was Mr Hat, and the crazy Rabbit; they are cousin’s of, Hare. And the terrible Twins, named the Mumpties; always doubling their acts. There was a cricket wtih an umbrella but he left for some wooden doll. They did said he was queer, but who cares.
So Alice was invited to have tea. And the tea came in a teapot to be poured into the cup on the saucer. But there was no cup on the saucer in front of Alice. So she asked politely for a cup. The Rabbit sprang up and said, ‘who asked for the cup? And who took my cup?’ Now Alice was terrified by the springing Rabbit who was hopping mad around the table, until Mr Hat slapped his head and pulled his ears. Then he sat down and kept quiet.
‘Pardon the Rabbit. He is too energetic at times. We need to unwind him so he will keep quiet. But here is your cup now.’ And so a cup appeared on her saucer and the teapot poured tea into her cup on the cue. Lovely combination they have in this world.
But the serenity was discrupted by the sounds of the trumpet and drums.
‘Oh my! The Queen of Spades is here’ said Mr Hat. And there she arrived on a large spade pulled by thin looking guys dressed like Jacks. Sorry, they are the Jacks, and they do dressed like Jacks.
‘I was told a little girl is here. So where is she?’ The Queen demanded of her subjects. And little girl named Alice walked out of the nearby corner where she was hiding to come out. ‘Its me, your majesty. I am Alice. How do you do?’
‘Alice? How can you be called Alice when my name is Queen. Do you know if they do a censure, you get listed first. Removed her from my world. I will not tolerate anyone whose name is in front of me.’
So the Jacks came forth to hold the little girl. Now Alice is not to be pushed around by emancipated guys, so she gave them a fight and she won.
Now Alice walked up to the Queen and said; ‘Yo lady! I will take no more of this from you or anyone else. So git your spade and dig your own world. And bring these ‘Jerks’ with you.
And so the world which Alice now ruled became a Wonderland. And all live happily ever.....
‘Alice, wake up. The Queen is here.’ So poor Alice shook off her sleepy looks and put on her heavy rimmed specs to tabulate the figures again. That was when the Queen of the Department came in.  Her name is Monica, but they nickname her Monach hence the Queen. Monica walked up to the Alice’s table and commanded; ‘have you got Jack’s report ready? He is a jerk, but he is my Mr King’s nephew. And make sure you don’t double take those bills. We do not pay them twice. Or do I have to bury you in here tonight to finish the report?’
‘No, ma’am. It will be ready.’ Alice looked as her supervisor walked out the room. The rest of the department came to see her plight.
‘I guess you are not coming for the tea party, huh?’ asked the nice Mr Hut while Miss Ruby went prancing like the Queen and imitating her every move.
‘I guess not. Can someone saved some of Harry’s tea for me? I like them very much. I don’t fall asleep when I am drinking them.’ And Alice hands up her ‘Harry loves you’ cup to Mr Hut.
( we all need an outlet ‘sometime’ to expressed ourselves when we can’t do it in ‘realtime’. )

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