Friday, November 4, 2011

Elite Part 8

Day One
Late Morning
1000 hrs
The news blare on the oncoming storm warning of Typhoon Jimmie which is now classified as Category 3 and will hit landfall by late afternoon or early evening. But the residents of this island did not hear of this,
except of some who has GPS connection in their communication system.
The fishermen coming in with their catch complains of poor catch and wobbly sea conditions. Some complained of missing school of fishes in their normal routes and called back on lack of weather news.
The local farmers were complaining of lack of rain and shop owners at the beach complained of a dead wind condition.  

1001 hrs
I unlocked my door to my place; if you consider a two car space garage as one. The house which the garage belongs to is empty of occupants since the mass murder of the family in there six years ago. It was a gang killing and it was not mine. But I did the aftermath clean up and then tracked down the killers; all six of them. I extract out my own form of justice and became the new Kingfisher; enforcer for the gangs.
I took over the house under a company registered to my friend and fixed myself a tenancy on the garage. I pushed in my scooter as my usual habit and lock the door which is actually a side door to the garage. Inside the garage is my pad for the single male with its own self designed studio concept. My bedroom is on the second garage space with a simple half partition to separate the space. Where I parked my scooter is the the improvised kitchen area and washing space. And work tools space.I walked to the bedroom which acts as my sleeping berth and also living area with the usual TV in the corner. I have no windows but a series of small eye slots for the outside views. 
And like any houses, I have my security system; its an alarm perimeter aorund the door and roofing. Plus a silent motion detector on the driveway for any unwanted late guests. But the bst deterrents are the strategic spots where I keep some weapons to used in emergencies like the PPK strapped under my bed or the Glock in the microwave.
But today, I am calling in on the arsenal contents.
I raised myself up to the ceiling and pull the flap down to lowered the ceiling in a drag down like a cover lid. On it stacked with secure bindings are my favorite choices. I pulled off the three MP5A3 with the attached infrared telescopic lens, my sawn off stock Remington Model 870 and shortened barrel, and three more Uzi’s, courtesy of a drug shipment that went bad. I pull the second flap to get another three Glocks 17, four SIG SAUER P226. Now I remember the other Glock is in the microwave.
I threw the guns into a large duffel bag and added in their ammo clips from underneath my bed. I then grabbed a box off my closet top, and it opened to show 24 M67 fragments grenades and 10 smoke grenades.
That was when I heard the car drove into the driveway.

1002 hrs
I did not see the bullet which hit the windscreen and landed on the back seat.
‘Damned! I forgot the Station. Hang on...’ That was Marius order then. The car was already hitting past 90 and he still wants to move it in slight swerving motions.
Thunk! Thunk!
The bullets landed on the side and bonnet of the car but we are still driving. He turned the car on the 15th Street and hit the pedal down. We are clear soon as we joined in the morning traffic.
That was when I felt the pain in my left thigh. The lower end of my pantsuit was wet with blood. The bullet which hit the bonnet just had passed through it to hit me.
All I could do was scream and scream in the car until I felt Marius pulled over and held me tight. When I had calmed down, he grabbed the medical kit in the back seat. He took out a roll of bandages and did a run around on my wound. He kept on seeing it will be okay but all I see is blood.
Then he left me alone to weep while he drives on.

1018 hrs.
The call was only made to the Colonel Mathew and he was upset. He looked up from his morning breakfast on the Governor’s dining table, towards the Governor sitting across him.
‘She got away. Are you sure she has the files?’
Colonel Mathew was not amused at mistakes as one mistake can be made and so will many more will come later. The Governor nodded his affirmative answer and that made the Colonel more upset. The nxt call was made by the Governor.
‘General Mahua, we have a pending issue which may need your help. ‘

1020 hrs
I stopped at the apartment of Melanie and I rushed upstairs. I knocked on her door and it was opened by ‘Mama’ Oleo. She had a SIG SAUER P226 in her right hand and it was pointing at my chest.
‘I think you should not leave your guns here when you come over. I can’t have Alicia endangering herself.’ She put forward her hand to me, and I gently took the P226 from her hand. It was cocked and ready to fire. I breathe in a sigh of relief and asked for Alicia. ‘Mama’ Oleo told me Alicia is over at the Ground Unit 1.01 with her friend Bernice.
I thanked the old lady and promised not to leave the guns around the place.
I grabbed Alicia at her friend’s unit near to the apartment and had her brought to the car. Now I have two crying ladies in my car.
I reached Marcel’s place soon, and I drove up the driveway. We all got out and knocked on the door of his garage cum apartment. He opened it and allowed us to go in.
‘Melanie’s hit. Have you got a medic kit I can used?’
Marcel brought out a small suitcase and when it opened to reveal a complete medical and dispensary items, I was relief. I unwrapped her bloodied bandages and cut away at the trousers leg. I looked at the wound and saw it was only a  flesh wound. The bullet only graze her flesh and left a nasty gash wound but not fatal. I grabbed a bottle of iodine and pour it on. Melanie’s hand shot up to grabbed my head and knee butt with her right leg.
Damned! That hurts bad as she landed her blow on my lower jaw.
‘Let me do it. She is not a rookie of your academy.’ I let Marcel take over as I nursed my bruised jaw. He gently picked up her injured leg and apply the bandages gently. He then taped it tight and helped her on her feet.
‘Do you feel okay now?’ Marcel was as gentle as the nurse who tended to my wounds then. Marcel then offered her a change of clothings that will be more appropriate if she is going to run from snipers. Both Marcel and myself excused to the bedroom to see the array of weapons. I told him we may need a new car and he said no problem.
By then Melanie was dressed in a slight oversized blue shirt and camouflage pants with side pockets with trainers. I walked up to her and handed her SIG P226 and said; ‘compliments of ‘Mama’ Oleo. She took it and tucked into her waistband. She then asked for her pantsuit belt to tighten her current set of clothes.

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