Monday, November 28, 2011

Elite 2 Part 1

Need I say more......
Read on...

2 Bullets

By Jimmy Loong

If I die a violent death, as some fear and a few are plotting, I know that the violence will be in the thought and the action of the assassins, not in my dying.

Day before weekend
1840 hrs
The place was starting to pack up with the early crowd looking for a nice place to sit in. There are exactly nineteen tables from two seatings to six seatings, but this one lonely man is not watching the seats. He is actually watching the crowd in the place. He ignores the waiters’ and waitresses, and the overweight manager who is busy seating the last remaining seats. There are still a few people on the seats outside who will have a late dinner or too heavy handed to hand over a tip to the manager for the fast service. And he is one of them on the waiting list and he asked for one seat only..
The other noticeable thing about him is his expensive silk shirt and matching dark pants. He also carries a black handsized pouch which he holds in his left hand.
He was told by the manager that his table will be ready in 10 minutes and please take a seat but he still preferred to stand. His eyes are fixed on the couple sitting by the corner. The couple is enjoying an early meal on their third anniversary and they are alone without their three bodyguards who are standing outside the place near the car. They just finished their main meal and now are waiting for their dessert.
That was when the silky man made his move by walking in past the manager. He ignored the manager’s protest to wait outside and he just walked towards the young couple’s table. On reaching it, his right hand reached for the Walther PKK and he took it out to point at the lady first. He shot her two shots in the face and then shot the man twice; once in the face and the other on the chest. He then walked to the kitchen door while the place was all in chaos with women screaming and men trying to get out the entrance. As he walked into the kitchen area, the silky man dropped a smoke grenade and a small namecard into the dining hall. The silky man keeps on walking towards the back door and opened the back door. He walked out and there was a rider on the scooter waiting for him there. He took the jacket offered to him and out it on while mounting the scooter. They both sped off down the alley and out into the street.
Two of the couple’s bodyguards made it to the back door to see the scooter going round the bend.
That was in the back alley on 3rd Street, with the exit to 13th Street.

2230 hrs
Music was loud and so was the night party goers; a mixed of locals and tourists with one thing in mind; blow their brains in the underground discotheque at 10th Street. This is the place to be seen by the socialites or better with them. Everyone with the money to spend was there too. The bouncers hired to take care of the front door knows the regular patron well, so it's not easy to get in. You may try to sneak in but there are well guarded too those entrances.
Tonight was no exception; the party is in early swing but the crowd was near to full capacity. If you do would to do a head count, you will notice the men are more than the ladies by two to one. So blame the crowd for their affinity or their preference.
If one would pay attention to a mezzanine landing, on the last cubicle, you would see four men and a lady in discussion. They are actually talking about the latest distribution rights of the city for the designer drug. But to the surprise of all, they agreed on their territory and the lady in the crowd asked to be excused to go to the ladies. If there was another lady there, she would have invited the other person to join her as its the norm to do so but these are all guys.
So lady from the group dressed in a maroon bare back mini dress got up and walked into the ladies room, brushing past some good looking men and ladies who like to hold out their body to be rubbed by anyone passing by. She stopped at the door and looked at the sign. She had walked into the wrong rooms before and she wanted to doubly sure this time.
She opened the door and walked into the brightly lit up the ladies' room. There is a couch for two inside the place next to the door. There is a also a nice five feet partition separating it from the wash sink and the four lined up cubicles. She noticed all the cubicles are empty and so was the whole room. She closed off the main door to reduce the noise level to one third, and selected the first cubicle.
She completed her call and opened the cubicle door to come out. Outside her cubicle door was a lady in a red pantsuit and matching highs. She also has a Walter PPK with a suppressor on it. The maroon lady was shot at point blank with three shots on her chest. She died sitting back on the seat.
The red pant suit lady took a namecard and dropped it by the maroon lady side. She removed the suppressor and pocket it along with her gun into her suit. She then walked to the toilet door and moved the couch back to it's original position. She exits out from the place and walked to the exit of the discotheque. As she stepped out on the street, her left thumb pressed on the remote detonator to explode the smoke bomb in the ladies room.
The scooter came to pick her up as the crowd was starting to scream inside the discotheque, and one lady came out of the door to catch a breath of fresh air.

2350 hrs
The man in black was wearing a gas mask and he walked up to the back door of the house through the back garden. He pick the door lock there and was in the dark kitchen in less than a minute. He made his way to the living room and up the main staircase to the upper landing. He walked up to the main room door on the front side of the house. He turned the knob and slowly go into the room where the couple is sleeping on the bed. He walked up to the bed and reached into his jacket side pocket for a spray can. He sprayed the couple with the contents to give them a long deep sleep forever.
He then left his namecard by the side table near the man’s spectacles.
He was out of the house through the back door and out by the side of the house to the street. He had then removed his gas mask and kept inside the knapsack he was holding. The rider in the scooter came and stopped by him. He mounts the rear seat and they both took off down the street.
As they round the corner, smoke can be seen coming out of the master bedroom of the couple’s house.

2359 hrs
On the island, there is a story of two tigers who once used to roam the jungle there. They split the island into two parts; east and west with the stream that acts as their border. Every break of dawn, they will drink at same spot exactly opposite each other.

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