Monday, November 28, 2011

Elite No 21 Finale

2302 hrs
I did not shift the damn thing but it moved on its own due to the recoil force. Heck, I am not going to break my back moving the plate, so I just reload and fire away. I did it with my fifth round and I can see the right side roof of the mansion is crumbling down.
Maybe its time to move it.
I got Alicia to helped me but its heavy, so I used my leg to kick at the barrel. Maybe that will move it better.
And now back to my projectiles. Here is number six away. And she lands at the back of the mansion near the pool. And I saw more fireworks.
I must had hit their stash of explosives as the end of the right side of the mansion was full blown off.

2256 hrs.
Corporal ‘Charlie’ Chen got a good deal and he led the Governor to the exit near the pool area, but he did not see the mortar coming and hitting the claymores. The impact was so great that its caused a cave in at the tunnel. Corporal ‘Charlie’ Chen had a wet mud burial but the Governor was stuck there in the tunnel. He can’t go forth so he went back to his library ladder. He climbed out and exit back into his library. It was a mess there. His collection of antiques books was all in tatters and so was his five feet high potrait of himself in his full Governor regalia.
That was when the mortar hit the upper landings above his library. The impact cost the floors to caved in and he was buried under a ceiling beam.

2201 hrs
I helped her to push the mortar back to its original space and traversed the barrel for her. Then I grabbed the bag of grenades and the M16A1. I ran across the road to the Governor’s Office to clean things up. I had to see if the Governor and the Colonel is dead.
I saw one soldier crawling out of the rubble from the right side of the mansion, and I shot him down. I can hear Marius M240 concentrating on the left side of the mansion. So was Melanis’ mortar rounds.
I walked into the front door which by now is a series of splinters wood. I rasied the M16A1 to my shoulder and scan the area. I can see some soldiers on floors with wounds from the gunshots or collapsed debris. I slowly walked in and look to the upper landing levels.
That was when I heard the major explosion, and I decided it was time to leave.

2309 hrs
She must had hit the kitchen as there was a major explosion there. It must be the gas pipes or something to that effect.
I guess it over. Nobody could had survived that destruction.
But we are also thankful the rain is stopping now.
I got up from my firing position and looked at Melanie. She is standing there grinning with Alicia. I think she thinks she has just gone for an adventurous journey today, and is the winner of that journey.
I saw Marcel walking back to the SUV with his M16A1 slung over his shoulder.
‘Is he dead? Did you see it?’
‘I did not but nothing can really survived that.’ I guess he is right and we have really won.
Marcel told me he had to do somethings personally, and I offered to help. But he declined my help saying its personal and more to it, I am injured. My wound has started to bleed again and I may need medical assistance soon. I told Marcel to take the SUV while Melanie and myself will get another transport to the hospital.
‘Don;t you do something stupid, Marcel?’
‘Nay, this is strictly personal. My own.’

2349 hrs
I parked the SUV and walked up to the door. I knocked on it and the butler opened it. He is dressed in his normal attire but today he carries a AK47. He never got to used it as I shot him with my Glock first. I walked in the door and turned for the Main Library. King Charles was standing at the shelf holding a thick book. He saw me and asked me to take a seat, which I declined.
‘Kingfisher, I am surprised to see you here. So you shot my butler before coming in here. So tell me why did you do that. Do you know it costs me a lot of money to get a good butler?’
I did not answer him.
‘So are you with Melanie Silve and Marius now? I thought you had more taste than that. What did they offered you to be with them? Money? Sex? Or plain loyalty to the President?’
I did not asnwer him. 
‘Come now, tell me please. I am your employer after all. I created Kingfisher to be what he is today. I created you, Marcel. What is your full name, Marcel?’
‘Marcel Darius Meli. Marius is my brother and Melanie is my sister. You should had checked more deeper that that.’
I shot him with my Glock from the hip. The bullet him in the chest and he dropped the thick book. The Walther PKK dropped out from between the pages of the book. I gave him that book two years ago as a present. It holds the gun in there with the pages cut out to the shape of the gun. The title of the book was ‘Gun in the Book’.
I stood over the dying man and said; ‘we don;t do family.’
The grandfather clock in the Library struck precisely at midnight and the start of a new day.

2256 hrs.
Rookie offered to pay the bill for the lobster at Jake’s. The five of them cleared off twelve lobster and two dozen beers, plus some salty crackers. Jake’s wife was all smiles and she is thinking of something for Jake after works, but Jake was happy somebody cleared his stocks of lobster as there was no power for the ice boxes.
‘Rookie, how can you afford the bill? We can go ‘ducth’ on it?’
‘Narry a worry, I got this from the Evidence Room.’ Rookie produced from inside his jacket, a full stack of hundred notes. ‘I got two more in the SUV, and we will banked in the balance to the policemen’s widow fund after tonite celebration.’
‘Jake, if we throw in a AK47 and one spare clip for you, can we get another two lobster for the final round before we call it night. After all, we don’t you firing blanks after tonight events.’
Jake was a happier man that night.

1200 hrs
Three souls with one passion; to live peacefully finally found the remedy for their ailment, and are now completing their treatment of it. They will live peacefully soon enough. It takes time to clear the system of those raging aldrenaline in the body.

Day Two
1234 hrs
The island was swamped with people who are clamouring for the latest news. The news network were all flying or sailing in to get the latest bits.
The one hundred marine detachement arrived at 0730 hrs  and was shock at the state of the city. And the frigate stopped two Coast Guards craft on the high sea after a short chase.
At 1004 hrs A fleet of helicopters landed at the island with another detachment of marines and police officers.
By 1231 hrs  the city was back to normal although there was a lot of cleaning up to do.
This was the official news of the President.
‘Today, we witnessed a major event on Genoe Island, where the weather has caused havoc on the island and our people. More to it, the criminal gangs has taken advantage of the situation to caused more discomfort. As the President of the country, I have send additional manpower to the island and given them executive orders to bring peace and stability to the island. We will take back the island back to its original splendour.’

1500 hrs
I walked out of the hospital entrance with my left arm in a sling and some bandages on my face. The Commissioner has just left the place half and hour ago with the ‘widcat’ file and one of my mine detailing all the workings of the Special Ops Squad under the control of the Governor.
I am officially on leave for ninety days with a new rank on my return to the office.
I was told that Melanie and Alicia are fine; they are on their way to a safe house where they will be well treated. I was also told a Presidential citation will be given to her.
But I can;t find Marcel. He has gone missing again like ten years ago.

1759 hrs
The trawler still rocks on this calm sea condition but its therapeutic to me now,a s my fishing rod lies over the edge. The GPS phone rang and I picked it up.
‘Kingfisher......... That will be my normal fees plus expenses...say about a million on completion...... good we have a deal..... you do that, and I will clean out the sludge.’ I clicked the phone off and holler out to my crew.
‘Rookie, get me Manola. I got a job for his skills. Tell him usual drop tomorrow at Jake’s.’

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