Sunday, November 27, 2011

Elite no.20

2130 hrs
I told Alicia to cooked her eggs and eat them, and yes she can have her coke or whatever is in the fridge. I grabbed the Uzi and left by the back door which we came in. I walked to the alley front to see where is Marcel. I saw him running towards the dustbin can near the Station door. I followed suit like him running in towards the nearest defensive barrier; a two feet high hedge that covers the front of the Station. There I peek over the top to see the Station door and windows.
I heard the three spaced out shots but in this rain condition, you are not sure where its coming from.
The door of the Station was opened and a soldier came out cradling a M16A1. Marcel got up and shot him with the MP5A3. He then ran for the entrance. I saw the soldier at the right window and he saw Marcel. I took up my Uzi and shot at the window.

2140 hrs
I hit the doorway and was greeted by the M240 shooting just above my head. I jumped in head on to the long high reception counter and took my first breather since I did the suicide run.
I looked to my right when I saw the shots there, and saw the solider there crouching down from the splinters of window glass. I took no chances and trained the MP5A3 on him. He went down in my single three shot burst. It was then I saw his M16A1 with the M203 grenade launcher. I grabbed the M16A1 towards me. I looked to my left and see no one coming at me although the M240 is still shooting. I raised the M16A1 backwards towards above me over the counter. I pulled the trigger on the M203 and fired the grenade onto the ceiling.
It worked, and the blast took down some plasters and fragments must had hit the M240 crew. I got up and shoot the MP5A3 sweeping it across the room. Then I crouched back again when the counter attack came in. It was then Melanie joined me with her Uzi. I told her to go right and I will take left on my count of three.
I took out the MP5A3 clip and replaced it. I am not going in with a possible empty clip. I jumped out and ran for the nearby staircase which will lead to the next level. I took aimed with the MP5A3 and shot two of them down. I can see the M240 is unmanned and probably the whole crew are dead. But there is another M240 further down to my side, but its unmanned. There are six of them shooting at me with their AK47’s in the central area.
That was when Marius came in with blazing with the MP5A3 from the reception counter. He is one suicidal chap now, with no regards for his own safety. His shots pinned down the six mercenaries and I helped hi with some cover too. Then I saw Melanie threw her grenade on the six mercenaries behind the desks.
‘Fire in the Hole.....’
I stood up to see Melanie now shooting with her SIG SAUER with both hands.
Where did she learn to shoot?

2146 hrs
I reached the doorway to see Marcel rushing to the left. By the time I reached the counter, he was pinned down by the soliders and Melanie was trying to get her Uzi to work. It must had jammed when she checked her ammo clip. I have no time to spare, so I jumped up over the top of he counter and shot with the MP5A3.
I hit one of them and pinned down the rest. Melanie also joined in after she got her Uzi working. Then she took out the grenade she had and lobbed it on the mercenaries. Both Melanie and myself jumped back for cover.
Later I saw her getting up and started on her SIG SAUER on the previous spot. I rushed over there and grabbed the M240 with the remaining 200 rounds on the belt and signaled Marcel to go up while I covered him.
Melanie had then picked up a M16A1 as replacement for her Uzi.
If I am not mistaken there should be the mortar crew upstairs. And they are here now. Three of them came firing with the M16A1 over the mezzanine balcony but the M240 is a deadly weapon in open range. As they were taken care of, Marcel has made it to the upper landings.
I dropped the M240 and had my right hand to hold my bleeding shoulder which is badly bleeding now due to the shooting recoils. I fell down to the floor and Melanie set me up against the nearest desk.
‘Medic kit in the back.’ I told her before I blacked out.

2200 hrs
I changed the bandage and did him a sling for his bad shoulder. He is unconscious which is a relief as the pain he is feeling could be intense. I took out the morphine injection and gave him one. Then I checked on the dead soldiers and found some more ammo for my M16A1 and some grenades. I collected them all and found a bag to carry them. I heard shots upstairs but I am not keen to fight anymore.
This stupid file has cost so many lives wasted on it. Bloody bastards only see their money and not the sacrifices here.
It was then I heard voices. I raised myself up over the desk to see two youth with their parka hoods down. They must had seen the fight and thought it will be cool to come and picked up some weapons.
‘Hey, sister. We only come to see how things are?’
I did not answer them but let the M16A1 did the works.
Die, you bastards!
Die for your masters!
The impact of the shots must had flung them out of the doorway. I was beyond caring then,

2201 hrs
I saw Melanie took the shots on those young gangsters. She is losing it, with Marius injured, and her daughter running scared with her. I think she had enough of this gory fights, and wants to see it end soon. I would like to but we are here and the fight is still here.
This upper landing was not much to cleared as the two soldiers I got was about to surrender. Like Melanie, I had enough of them fighting so I just shot them pont blank, Its not like I did not do it before, its just myself doing it without thinking.
We came here on the request of Marius to retrieve a file of his which can implicate the Governor. But he is out now so we will have some breather space.
I checked the roof and saw no one. I found the Barrett "Light Fifty" M82A1 with some spare ammo clips and took it down. Marius will love this unit for sure.
On the ground floor, I kicked at the candy bar machine to get some snacks, while Melanie ran over to fetch the SUV and Alicia. Then we all fed on whatever that the ladies has cooked up.

2230 hrs.
The Colonel can’t reached the General and the Governor is getting concerned on his file. It was then the call came through the comms set.
‘The Governor please.’
The Colonel passed to the Governor who took the headset from me. He answered the caller and listened very earnestly for a while. Then he put down the headset and said; ‘Melanie has the file and will see me at the Office at 11pm. She wants to exchanged for their lives.’
The Colonel called in his men to mount back on the truck and he left with the Governor in the official car. The Colonel also called the Liuetenant Hansen at the dockyard to get ready.
The bloody rain is still pouring and the roads are wet but at least its cleared of traffic.
They reached the Governor’s Office in 20 minutes, and the platoon was deployed out to assist the Lieutenant Ziden’s. The Lieutenant also just came back after a survey of the city limits. And the Governor’s Office was lit up with its own generators.
Now they wait.
The call came again at 2258 hrs nearly

2302 hrs
I told them there is no hostages in the Main Biulding in the Governor’s Office. If there are any, they are all dead like ones in the Station.
We had dismantle the mortar and brought it with us in SUV to a closer position.Then Marcel had it re-assembled at this open ground near the Office. He also opened up the crates to show me the projectile; there are twelve of them. He showed me how to operate and move the unit, and also how to load it.
He told me he will fire the first shot and then I can adjust it to my preference.
Marius has then recover his consciousness and is setting up the Barett M82 on the rooftop of the SUV. H reckon his distance is about 500 yards and these Raufoss MK211 will do a lot of damages. He also has a M240 setup some distance to the right of the SUV with a box of a thousand bullets on its belt.
Marcel is front of the SUV by about 50 yards with the other M240 and his assorted of M16A1 with M203. He plans to cover us from any forward attack, while little Alicia is my loader assistant.
We are ready now.

2201 hrs
I did my training on the mortar during a short stint with some paramilitary group but I gave up on their mission. I adjusted for the distance and trajectory course. Then I pulled the trigger to shoot the projectile. I think my ears drums went off and my eyes all watery from the initial shot. But I was off to my position to protect them.
I went down on my front body as the first projectile hit the roof of the mansion. I can hear Marius’s rifle strafing the ground level rooms
I went to work on my M240 on the doorways on the ground level.
Another round of mortar went up gain, and on the same spot. She is hitting a rabbit burrow soon at this rate.

2230 hrs.
Lieutenant Ziden was the first casualty as he was standing by the window looking at the rain. The bullet him on the chest and exploded into mini fragments injuring the Private walking by him at time. Then the machine guns rounds came in and all hell was seen. Men started jumping for cover.
The mortar round landed on the roof and created a big hole which the rain is now coming in by the dozen.
The Colonel and the Governor was in the Library when this happened.
‘What the .... ‘ was the last word said by the Colonel when the bullet from the Barret cut him off. He was dead on the floor with a large hole at the back of his head. The Governor crouched down for safety as bullets riddled his library. Immediiately he went to the metal trap door and unlocked it. He climbed down and close the hatch. There he met Coporal ‘Charlie’ Chen smiling at him.
‘Never get paid enough to die for the cause. So what do you say we negotiate now? I know the traps and I can lead you out alive.’

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