Tuesday, November 22, 2011

New Pangaea

This is a trailer bit....or teaser if you want to call it ... grrrr......

The new beginning
The reptile that perced on the twig lashed out its tongue and caught the unwary beetle that flew by it. The tongue of the reptile curl in its length along with the bettle stuck on the tongue ends which is struggling in frantic movements to escape the sticky substance that is on its wings and shell. The tongue curled itself onto the bettle and was soon swallowed in whole by the reptile. The meal it has taken will last it for some time. The reptile keen sight from its two portruding antenna eyes scour the area for its prey, but it did not picked up the image of a open jaw with two large fangs taht swooped it off the twig. The reptile felt the fangs piercing its upper and lower back, which the secretions from it, imobolise the reptile. The reptile body was devoid of life within seconds as its long tail which was swinging in frenzy dropped to a standstill.
The size of the reptile is about the equivalent in a large house rat, but its foe is a long slimy amphibous scaled slittery reptile which feasts on other smaller reptiles or their own kind. Its length is almost two yards  but its no competition to the beaked winged two footed feather creature. Its right foot with its three claws held the slittering creature from moving away while its beak was pecking the skin of the creature at the back of its head, and pierced the brain in there, causing the other creature to die in cries of pain. The beak creature used it sharp beak to tear away the scaled skin off the dead reptile and eat at its flesh. As its eating the beaked creature looks with one of its eye on the surrounding. Its a unique feature of the creature to have independing sight of views as this is their self defence against other preys. It picked up the large carnivore with the large head with two long fangs on the front of the jaw. Its having a drink of water at the small stream near the kill area, but its ignoring the beak creature. It already had its earlier kill of a large curved twin horn bovine creature. The large carnivore is a fine specimen with a body mass of over five foot in height and eight foot in length not including its long tail. Its has on a shiny coat of golden colors that showed some bruises and healed cuts.
The golden carnivore did not see the bigger carnivore which rushed out of the trees and sink its sharp teeths into the neck of the golden one. This golden carnivore tried to swing it jaws onto the one’s whose jaws is already killing it. The length of the new carnivore jaw is about the length of the victim’s body and its next bite snapped the spine of the victim. It carried the catch in its jaws to its nearby nesting where three more baby sized of its same kind. But it did not reach the nesting as the metal tripod the size of its head came down on its back. The tripod leg is one of the seven on the base of the hexagon metal structure which is lowering down on its own landing thruster.
Homosapien or the name we commonly associated with has just landed on the New Pangaea. Its the first small step for mankind, but a major one for the survival of mankind in New Pangaea.

Oops, there goes the T-Rex with his tail between his legs....  yowl! yowl!

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