Sunday, November 6, 2011

Male Tales 1.090

Issue 1.090: Privacy required...
I don’t know about some of you out there, but there are some who values their privacy more than all the gold in the world. Or it was then at that age, when they viewed gold as a subject in fairies tales.
I am talking about the growing kids into their teens.
We as parents do not have any form of privacy as our children invade our bedrooms and bathrooms for the slightest line of question or moods. If we did locked the door for some discrete reasons, we get the ‘why do you do that’ look. Try reasoning to your daughter when she is in rage on her sudden re-appearance of the acne on her cheek. I am not beautician but I can be a good mind therapist to console her.
So let us talk about Privacy required...
Is there a need to talk about it? Everybody needs privacy, so close the subject, right?
Maybe so, but lets us evaluate or more from my view how does privacy should be maintained and when the need to un-maintained for reasons stated here. After all, we were teens before once in the lifetime we lived here. So we know what can and may not be in the category of privacy.
Did someone said shhhh.... I think its alright to tell them of some of our ‘private’ moments too. After all we are here to evaluate so we have to relate the truth of the events. Or should we....
Okay, clear the muddle and step on the puddle and be fuddled for now.
As teens  we were once before, we also decided a space for our privacy as the needs called for it then too. Its not easy when you are living in a shophouse which is opened to public scrutiny sixteen hours a day, and 80% of it is actually the shop floor or working area. Plus the fact we spend our free time working in the shop. So its only at the late night which we are given the time to delved into our private thoughts. The moment when you looked at the acne in the face and check the hair for stale cells. Or even look up your nostril for the incumbent stash. Or read your letters from friends ( if any ), re-read the personal columns for the latest life conflicts ( done those quick readings during the day but now is to savor the real dirts of it ) and maybe do some quick reference to yourself; you know like what is there and not there.  Eventually, we get to live in the enclosed cubicle called a room, and there are locks to the door, then the private moments become more intense. Especially if you have a participating roommate.
But I am not saying the above is not entitled to the privacy required moments.  Its by the acts of human needs, but the ones which we worried are when the events taking place is more than that. As our parents may had peeked in or crept in unnoticed, they shared the same concerns as we do.
We are concerned if your private moments behind locked doors or hidden corners involved illicit activities like drugs and god fearing activities. Okay, I may bend the rules on the smooching if you are of the age to know its above chin only. But there are some activities which concerns us as parents; as all parents do now. More because I was raised in a town area among the lower ends of society, I see the abuse with my own personal experiences with one indulgement becoming an obsession or addictive. That is what worries us when you said Privacy required...
So the next time you leave us out of your room, please quote this line; ‘Its not a Nuke I am making, so the shelter is not open yet’. We will understand and back off, but if you need the formula for the nuke, let me know. I got one good one from the underground society.
Till then, please be advised vice versa, we as parents also have the need for Privacy required...

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