Thursday, November 24, 2011

Folk Tales No.30

Fox and the Hound.....
If we could switch identities, we will all want to be with the best... but do we fit in is always the question.
So our story began.
‘Howard, come here. We got us a fox to catch.’ So Howard the Hound came running out on his four legs and flapping ears.
‘So where we are headed?’ asked the enthusiatic Hound.
‘We are going east up to the river bend move from there to Ben’s place’, said Farmer Todd. So the duo went on their hunting trail, with the Hound braking incessantly. Somewhere in the woods, was the fox named Holly; she is a foxy number and does the trot near the river bend this morning. She had her fill of the hen caught last night. Her ears pricked up as she heard the dog’s barking coming towards her. So Holly fled the scene for the other side of the woods.
Now when Farmer Todd arrived at the river bend, he found only the feathers of the hen, and no fox. He told Howard; get the fox, boy. So he did, circling around, and then jumping in joy he went with his tail wagging. And the Farmer followed suit with his shotgun ready to shoot the fox. But Howard led him to the pheasant nest and down went the population of the pheasants. That evening, while enjoying his dinner of the pheasant sauteed with chunks of potato, he forgotten about the dead hen. Unknown to him, Howard was at the creek lying next to his friend, Holly. Both Howard and holly has known each other since pup and cub; growing and playing together. When they were older, they find themselves attracted to each other, so they come to the creek to meet.
‘Howie, can we swap places? You be the fox for a while. I will take over your place as the Hound.’
‘You sure. I mean I may end up with some buckshots, and die’, they both laughed at the possibility and agreed to this foolish game. Isn’t being in love one too?
So Howie went back to the den in the ground and Holly took his place at the dog house. Now as the night dragged into the the early morning, Holly felt hungry so she just walked over to the hen’s house.
‘Called Howard! We have a fox here....’ screeched the hens.
‘Cut it low, ladies. Howard taken a vacation, and I am his replacement. So stay calm, and we will lose only one of you tonight.’
‘Talk about false security, and guess who gets to be the victim always’ said the same hen who sounded the alarm. As the saying goes, don;t open your big mouth too soon as Holly made her choice. Meanwhile Howard was also getting hungry and there is no food in the den. So he had to run around to sniff for food, and some poor mice never made it back to their litter.
This went on for some days, and the poor farmer kept on losing hens and he was upset. He told his wife, I am getting a new hound, as this one is sleeping on the job. Poor Holly heard him so she ran for the woods. She met Howie; looking thin and tired on her way back.
‘Howie, you need to go back. The farmer is thinking of replacing you with another hound.’ That shook the sleep out of Howard, and he ran back to the farm. He went up the farmer and waggle his tail but the farmer ignored him altogether. So he went back to his dog house and sulk. He then saw the congregation of hens who came to see him.
‘Howard, where were you when we needed you? How can you let a fox take over your job when you are on vacation. Do you know we lost cousin Denise, Sarah and also those loud mouthed Wayne sisters? ‘ Now Howard was shocked and he was upset. So he ran for the den and confronted Holly.
‘You took my place and destroyed the place. How can you do this?’
‘Howie, so did you. You thrashed my neighbourhood for food, and you leave me a messed up den. Even my own foxes ostracised me for being friendly with a hound. I think we ought to call it quits.’
So they did and until today, they will not meet at the creek and avoid each other. Although the farmer tried to get them to see eye to eye, so he can removed the other one, but they never did.
( sometimes to know another person better, we need to be in that person’s environment where the real personality can be appreciated. Then you have to decide. )

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