Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Elite Part 7

0830 hrs
Marius walked into my apartment as if he is being chased by a ghost. Now I have two distraught brothers with images of something bad has happened. And I got a schedule to keep at the Governor’s Office. I told told them to have a coffee and I will get dressed for work.

0840 hrs
I looked at the man siting across me at the same dining table we shared last night. He is my brother Marius; police officer now alleged death squad member. Death Squad has been rumoured to be in existent recently with the killing of some right wings leaders and followers. The Death Squad are believed to be reporting to the Governor which he solidly denied any involvement or knowledge of such activities. Now he tells me of some army personnels occupying the Station and he suspects there is abnormalities. I just killed another army personnel and knows there are no abnormalities for me as that is my work as an enforcer for the gangs.
Marius, I could killed you now, where you are sitting now. But I am not doing it. That to me is an abnomalities in my line of work. But I will hear him out first.
‘So you think the army is staging a coup or there is something major going on involving the army? I heard of those news report of such but it has been denied by the capital and also by the Governor. No one is upstaging the goverment; only internal strife between gangs for the control of the territory of the mines. Or maybe the army is coming in to get rid of the gangs and manning the Station was one option.’
‘Okay assuming you are right, Marcel. Your informers in the gangs can tell more if you asked them.’
‘Informers? Pardon me, Marius. I am sure you are mistaken me for a gang member. I am a janitor.’
‘Marcel, I know you well. More than my brotherly years with you. You are an enforcer with unproven killings by you or sanctioned by yourself. You work for the General or King and your nickname is Kingfisher.’
‘And to show you how much I know of you, nothing actually except you worked in the police. But you are right on the part of me being an enforcer. But I did not do most of the cases in your record. I saw that file before. Let me make some calls and see my so called informers. If we cannot call each other, meet me at my place at 1000 hrs
I left him there at 0855 hrs.

0915 hrs
I did not asked for the siren, but Marius felt it will helped to clear the traffic for me as I was late. We saw on the street the normal scene with traffic police on the streets. But he switched off the siren when we cruised past the Station, and onto Governor Road. I looked at the Station from my side of the car, and saw the rows of police car at the Station. Its unusual as most time at this hour, the carpark is empty.
We came up to the Governor’s Office and I saw the army sentries which is unusual. I told Marius to drive to the side entrance door. There the entrance was also guarded by army sentries. Marius insisted I sit in the car and watch what is happening first before I go in. But the action was initiated by others.
‘Move your vehicle or we will have you shot.’
I looked up at the army personnel talking to me through my window. He looks like a foreigner to me and there is no rank on his shoulder. More to it, he has a foreign accent and that is unusual here. We apologised for the treepassing, and Marius start the engine to move the car. It was then I remember the local army used H&K MP5A3 as a standard issue and these sentries were using M16A1.
I saw the other sentry at the gate talking to his headset, and he was getting estatic on something. He raised his M16A1 to his shoulder and poised to shoot at us.
‘I think its time to go now and fast.’

0920 hrs
Thunk!  Thunk! Thunk!
I can feel the bullets hitting the rear of the car as I swerved out of the kerb. I pressed the pedal to accelerate out and did a few swing on the steering to throw their aims off. These bastards are good as most of their shots hit my car body, but soon I was out of their sights onto Governor Road.
Then it hit me I am on the wrong end. I am driving towards the Station. I slammed on the brakes and turned the wheel to do a drift skid on a turn, and then pedalled down the accelerator to speed down the road back to the Governor. I reached for my Micro-Uzi with the 20 rounds full clip with my left hand under my seat putting it out my car window.
At 60 to 80 mph and the distance of 400 yards to the Main Gate of the Governor Office, it is a short time to reach the place. I held the steering wheel tight with my left hand and pulled the trigger on the sentries with my right hand.
I think I hit one sentry and made the other jumped to the side, while I sped away past the building.
Now its a game of survival. Time to get to Marcel’s place is 10 minutes, but I need to picked up Alicia.
The car clock saids 0950 hrs

0951 hrs.
The woman got away from the sentries, and last seen travelling down the Governor Road. I should had registered her in my head from the photograph given by the General. She is essential to his operation and she is on the loose. The General will not like this news but I have to tell him regardless.
But I will still get her at the Station. I made call when I was told she escaped the men. Now I wait.
‘Lieutenant Ziva, the snipers’ got her lined up on the road.’

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