Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Elite No. 17

1951 hrs
I slowly walked up the stairs with my MP5A3 pointed upwards. I am not keen to shot at while going up. I reached the mid level and scan the top again. I took the next seven steps and was about to peek at the level flooring when I saw the guard walking carrying a tray in his hands. He dropped the tray on seeing me, and tried to reached for his AK47’s slung on his left shoulder.
The MP5A3 short burst took him down but it also woke up the rest of the other guards to my direction.  Three doors on the corridor at this level opened up to reveal men with AK47’s or a M1911. I did a series of three shots burst on those doors and crouched down when they returned fire.
I took out spent clip and put in the new one. I took out the grenade and unclipped it before tossing it. It was smoke grenade and it made good smoke screen in this enclosed are. I was up and running when I tossed the grenade to the one of the four large marble statue that lined along the corridor. The smoke did their works as the guards came rushing out with their guns blazing. When I saw one rushing past me still firing his AK47 at my previous location, I let him have it one on the back. Then rolled over another grenade which is a fragment one. I stayed close to the statue and kept my head down when it explode..
‘fire in the hole....’ someone holler and then ..... BOOM!
Both my ears felt like they been pierced with a needle but I got up woobly onto my feet and unslung the MP5A3. I walked up to the first dead body which is already dead. I peeked in at the nearest door and saw another body lying against the bed frame but he is alive. I gave him a single shot at the head to ease his pain.
The next body was sprawled on the floor at the opposite door and he was moving. I took care of that too.
Then I saw the shadow of someone shooting at me. The bullet would had not missed me by inches if I did not crouched down to look at the room which I just shot the man. I turned my body and swung the MP5A3 with my finger on the trigger.
The lone gunman was shot dead in the next second with his M911 in his left hand.

2004 hrs
It was hell waiting here when you can hear all the shooting and you are not part of it. I told Alicia to stay there and hold the bags. If someone comes in, just scream out loud unless its me or her uncles’. I can still hear the gunshots coming from everywhere and then setting off of the bombs.
I unslung my Uzi and set to full burst. I also grabbed the two grenades for myself. Just in case I need it.
I went to the door that will lead me out of this door. There was this guy standing in front of the door with his AK47. He turned to look at me, and I pulled my trigger on the Uzi.
Thats one down now. I peek out to see Marcel running towards me, with his MP5A3.
‘Are you hurt?’
I shook my head and followed behind.him. My thigh still hurts but I am managing with the pain. We came to the Central Wing Ground Level and was greeted by shots from both sides. Marcel pushed me against the right wall and he went the opposite one. He took out a grenade from his bag and unclipped it. He held onto the pin while deciding when to throw.
He finally did it to the left wing and fire his MP5A3 at the right wing. The blast from the grenade fell short as the the grenade hit the wall instead of going into the corridor. The grenade landed onto the central lobby. Luckily it was a smoke grenade.

2015 hrs
I took off my bag containing the grenades. I pulled the clip on one of the fragment one and zipped it back in the bag. I slung the bag across to the left corridor again and pressed myself to the wall.
It was a major explosion with the remaining grenades. Melanie was flung back a feet inwards to the corridor. I did not paused to check on her but grabbed my MP5A3 to shoot at the right corridor as I walked out. I reached the left corridor entrance and discarded the MP5A3 for the Uzi. I put the Uzi round the wall towards the corridor with my right hand and pulled the trigger for full burst. I threw that off too and took out my Glock 17. I held it in both my hands and walked carefully into the corridor.
Two of them was lying on the ground and the third was sitting against the wall trying to raised his AK47. I shot him at pointblank. I turned to the opposite corridor and saw no one standing there. I could see two bodies lying on the ground not moving.
I picked up my MP5A3 and removed the clip. I pushed in a new clip and walked back to Melanie. She was then sitting up gainst the wall with her hair in disarray and cupping her ears. Her Uzi is on her lap and I took it to check the clip. Its still half full and I pushed it back. I gave it to her for her use and motioned to her to sit there.
I walked out the corridor to the one on my right. By instinct, I swung my MP5A3 up to the next level landings and saw Marius looking at me through his MP5A3 gunsight. He is bleeding from some cuts on his face and left arm.

2025 hrs
I was running towards the Central Wing when I heard the first grenade exploded. It blew some debris into my body and I felt the cuts. I had then crouched down on the flooring trying to find my balance when I heard the second bigger boom. That really rattled the villa and even brought down the statues’ on my landing.
I slowly got up and crawled over to peeked over the landing. I saw Marcel running into the left corridor and started firing his guns. Then I saw him running back to the corridor below mine. That was when I got up and raised my M_5 to offer any cover fire if required.
Marcel walked out from the corridor and stood at the middle of the ground lobby. He then turned to raised his gun at me while I was looking at him.
I signalled him I am going to the right wing and he showed me as the left wing.
I slung MP5A3 on my back and took out the Glock 17 and held it in both hands as taught in the academy. I tread carefully to the corridor entrance and peeked over. The shot that came was from a AK47 which tore off the wooden panels.
These guys are trigger happy for sure.
I took up a piece of picture frame which came down from the earlier blasts. I threw the frame to the far side of the wall on the left and the shooters went there. It was then I step out and crouched down with my Glock firing. He was standing on the same side of the wall as me. The three shots I took hit him in the chest and he felled over to the back of his body.
I half crouched and half run into the corridor and stopped at the nearest door. It was open and there is no one inside the room. I moved to the next one and the door was closed. The man I shot was only five feet away from this door so he could be protecting someone here. I stood at the side of the door and tried the knob.
It was answered with a shotgun balst that tore a nasty hole in the wood. I immediately stepped back when the second shot came to where I was standing, blasting through the plaster and paint. I sidestepped in the previous position and took my shot through the new hole. I hit the man in his left shoulder causing him to drop the 12 gauge double barrel shotgun which he was loading.
He was dressed in his army uniform and it looked like general stars on the shoulder tab.
‘General Mahua, I presume’.

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