Monday, November 21, 2011

Elite No 16

1828 hrs
I don’t know why I agreed on their idea to ask General Mahua.  That man is a monster in the army suit; with a knack of feeding people to his cocodiles. The general retired sometime back, with a hidden stash of money from other crimes payoffs. He muscled in with his own gang named the Mahua Gang; grabbing the protection of the established companies and mines. He had some ex-army and police working from him ,and they helped him to build his empire. Soon he was reputed to the biggest gangs, removing some of the smaller ones and absorbing them into his army. He soon pulled up his works into drugs and prostitution with the booming tourist market.
I did two jobs for him and he paid well. But we kept our distance, as he has his own killer in the name of Jones. His personal aide and ex-army Sargeant Major. The man is a brute as he is known to kill more than twenty people during the general’s buildup of fame.
None of his victims were found as some claimed that were eaten by the crocs or sometimes the sharks as the general villa is by the beach with his own jetty front.
The villa is a two storey construction with a singular large dome ( a hundred feet in diameter )in the centre to split the two wings of over two hundred feet long each. The front of the villa is a four round pillar to support it front long balcony of a hundred feet in length and fifty five feet in width. The back of the villa facing the sea is another structure of two storey of over a hundred feet to the back porch that fronts the sandy beach. The near similar sized olympic sized pool of eighty two feet in length and forty one feet in width is on the left side of this rear wing, with a small building next to it on the other side, which is a small bar and sauna room. The right side of the rear wing is the mini golf course of nine holes with various mini obstacles.
The zoo as termed by the General is to the right of the golf course; about two hundred feet away with its ten inhabitants of swamp crocodiles or better known as Cuban crocodiles. He had them brought in by boat. He likes to intimidate his guests with their presence nearby as they play golf. He does not like dogs as they tend to salivate and jumped on you, so he has live guards in the form of men. Normally he has twelve armed men in his villa guarding him and his crocodiles. He has no need of any women as he was incapacitated in a previous military engagement. He never speaks of it, and that record was known to me by close informers in the military records.
The perimater is fenced by a high wall of over eight feet with optical fiber intrusion detection systems. The system will alert all the guards on their wireless set on the location and time. Its used also at the mines area for intruders or thieves.
So its a fragging impossible place to get in and we are crazy to go there.
But not so for the detective next to me here.

1829 hrs.
They came in two SUV and a three tonne truck; all twenty of them youths armed with AK47 and an array of rifles to the Police Warehouse.
Inside there were the twelve policemen at their defensive positions. Three was behind the pickup at the entrance with their assorted rifles, plus one MP5A3. Rookie was asked to join them as he has the best fire power. The other two was holding the M16 and a pumpup shotguns each from the evidence room. Four others were at the right side of the entrance with some crates as protection from the youths, They could see the perimeter gate from their vantage view.
The other five are inside the warehouse with two on the left and the remaining on the right. They used topped over tables and chairs as ther defensive barrier. One policeman even turned the pallet stacker on its side to give him some solid backup. They are armed with the AK47’s and M16’s taken from the earlier group and some rifles from .308 to .22 hinting rifles. Plus the assorted handguns with various ammo boxes. Most of them have their M1911 Police issued but they only one clip of seven rounds each. They normally don’t carry their spare ammos on off duty.
The wounded policeman is at the Evidence Room with the M72 and a AK47. He also holds the detonator to the dynamites at the vault. He is the last defence; shoot the M72 and press the dynamite on the vault.
The rookie has rolled the barrel of fuel to the front of the warehouse which Ben has left at the vault. He had it stacked near the pickup.
‘Won;t it blow if someone shoots at it?’ asked the veteran of ten years in the force.
‘Nope, I seen it on Reality TV.’ But the vet was not convinced as he moved to the other end of the pickup.
‘The bastards coming in..’ was the call for action.
The rookies peek over his side of the pickup to see the SUV coming in as a defence barrier for the armed youths like the way they used the tanks for the infantry. But unlike a tank, this one has no driver as he feared for his own life, so he holds the steering wheel to direct the SUV from the opened car door while his friends pushed behind slowly.
The vet next to rookie took up his pumpgun and fired at the wheels of the SUV causing a flat but the car is still moving slowly.
As the first shot was fired, both sides started off their shooting at each others.
In that commotion, rookie turned over the half full barrel and rolled it out towards the SUV. He then lighted the lighter he had on him. Bless my luck, I do smoke and this come in handy now. The long line of spilled fuel was lit at the source here towards the barrel which is now stuck on the front of the SUV.
It was what they don’t de-myth on TV as the fuel burst out in an explosive manner, causing the youths to jump for safety. The few on the SUV jumped off the read end and ran for cover. Some of them got taken down before they can run for cover.
Thats when the power got shut off and the place was in semi darkness.
‘Anyone knows where the emergency lights are?’
‘Its in my car at the Station.’

1905 hrs
It was my stupid idea to swim in instead of walking through the front gate. Its a villa by the beach so the only place not fenced up is the beach.
But Marius was smart to get a small boat off the nearby beach. Its a dinghy actually with two oars, and can sit four comfortably. So we were rowing from half a mile distance. We saw the lights in the city going dark and we reckon its the coming bad weather. Its makes good sense to turn off the power as previous storms like this has caused death by electrical surge and fires in some homes.
As for the weather, the sea is very choppy but we are in an inlet so we are are spared the big waves but they still come in big here. As the dinghy rolled to all sides, I held on to Alicia while Marius and Marcel cling onto the oars and rowed hard. We tried to keep mostly to the beach as a guiding mark in case we get swept out to the sea. In a way we are quite safe but its dark out here in the sea with the waves coming in every second. We hit the spot where we were to to get off and the guys rowed harder to get onshore. I can see the part of the mansion from the dinghy and then the I saw the fence. The sealine has reached higher than normal so part of the extended fence is in the water. Marius signaled that we leave the dinghy and wade into the water, with me holding on tight to my darling girl. Its freezing cold out here but once you are in the water, its a warm feeling.
I wanted to leave Alicia in the SUV but the uncles said no. So here she is with us now.
We passed the edge of the fence and is now onto the stretch of the General’s beach. We slowly waded in with the rain as our cover. I can see the palm trees being swept by the winds and it looks like the scarecrow bending over to the side. The guys used the fence as our directional finder to get from the beach and onto hard ground. Then we took out the guns from our waterproof sheets which we find near the dinghy. It was used to cover some crates and now we are not concerned on it.
Marcel asked us to hold on as he surveryed the grounds.
‘We are near the zoo so be careful.’
Zoo? What zoo?
Then I remembered the pets of the General. That scared me well, as I started imagining crocodiles swimming near me. I held on m y Uzi and Alicia hard. Marius took the lead with his bag and MP5A3 plus the courier box all wet by now. Marcel took the rear with his MP5A3 cocked and ready like any man I know. Shoot first and woo later.
We proceeded up carefully onto the zoo compound among the palm trees until Marius signalled for us to stop. We were then by some high fencing and I looked into the fence area to see a pair of dull eyes looking at me with a long nasty jaw. Its the crocodiles and they are floating on the water which has risen with the rain water to the rim of the concrete edges. I took a step back in fright and reached for my Uzi. I was tempted to shoot it but Marcel pushed my barrel down.
I took courage to look at the cage again, and I saw them all floating on the surface.
Or is it all of them? I was looking for broken fence opening but noticed nothing through the rain soaked sights of mine. Marcel pushed me to followed on as I did not noticed Marius moving in front. We took the trail from the zoo compund to the graden lawn. There in the front of us was the metal garden table set. Its those you normally see at the backyard with a rectangle wooden table and two bench and the umbrella slot in the middle of the table. They weigh a ton to move, but this one is also screwed to the ground on some cement flooring. I can see the mini golf course next to the garden set. It does looked ugly from my view with all its all the curves and small man made narrow grass circuit.
I pushed Alicia under the table to avoid the rain and its still freezing cold.

1940 hrs
The buildings lights are on, so that means there is a standby power house for this villa. We are on the side of the building and there are is a lighted porch. Above it are the rows of closed windows with their drapes drawn.
I saw the guard at the lighted porch next to the mini golf course having his smoke. He must be desperate for one to stand in this windy conditions. I looked up the bulding to the second levels and see no one, until I hit the upper attic window. There was one guard there leaning out from the half opened window. He is looking out at the sea and smoking too. I opened the courier box and took out the L96A1 rifle. I looked into the lens and see its has night optics. I chambered in the bullet and set it on the bench for leverage. I trained my sight on the guy here at the porch.
I waited for the right moment.
That was my cue from the lightning and I pulled the trigger it hit him just above his left eye brow. He was dead the next moment from my shot. I looked up at the attic window and see the smoker still enjoying his smoke. I motioned to Melanie and Marcel to move in now. While they were running in, I had my sight on the upper level guard. The guard did not see them as he looking out to the sea. I took up the rifle and joined them. Marcel had by then checked the long glass door to the house on his right.

1945 hrs
I find the door unlocked and it probably the guy we shot was the reason.
I went in and took up firing position with my MP5A3 and panned the room. There the other three followed me in and Marius closed the glass door.  We are in the reading room next to the Library if I recall it well. There is the rows of shelves with books and the rectangle oak wood table with a seating for six, plus the comfy sofa four seater recliner and a matching single seat adjacent to it. There is the grand piano on the right side of the room opposite the sofa set. There is a door to the left of the piano which opens to the Main Library or the General’s private room.
‘Stay here with Alicia. And we will be back.’ I motioned to Alicia to get under the piano and passed to Melanie two grenades and my spare Uzi.
‘Marius, you hit the top level and I will take the ground. Whoever gets the General hold him for questioning. Then we mopped the level of hostile. Expect at least tweny or so.’ Marius acknowledged his confirmation and we proceeded on. He took from his bag the MP5A3 and two clips plus two grenades. He left his sniper rifle with Melanie and also his remaining weapons in the bag.
I had my MP5A3 and three spare clips and my Uzi slung on my back plus my bags of remaining grenades. I  went to the door to the General’s room, and listened for sound., There is none so I opend it and walked in.
Like the previous room, it has got shelves of books and a sofa set but no grand piano. It however has a long personal desk that looks like the Resolute Desk in London. And two high end oak chair front it. I went to the desk and looked at the papers on the desk top.
I saw on the pad some interesting lines; ‘Melanie Silve Meli’,;’Marius’ , and ‘Contract $500K with bonus ‘wildcat’.
So he has issued a contract on her. I was not surprised.
I heard the gunshots and it sounded like MP5A3.
I rushed for the door to go outside the library, I bumped into two guards coming from the right wing down the corridor. I swung my MP5A3 and took them down in two bursts of three shots each. The shots came from the Central Wing and I ran along the corridor to the next door. I opened the door to peek in. Its the dining hall with its long rectangular table and there was two guys standing there.
They must had been having their meals when they heard the gunshots. But now they are armed with their M1911. I took them down with the MP5A3 before they can react. I stepped into the dining hall and walked to the far end door which will lead to the kitchen. I was about to reach it when the guy came barging in with gun blazing, He was aiming to pan the room with his AK47 before deciding who else was here. But I had crouched down on my knee when he jumped in. I shot at him on his mid level with my MP5A3. He was dead before he hit the floor. I took one of my grenade and pulled the clip before throwing it into the kitchen.
That was enough for me to go in, and looked at the place. Small fires were starting to come on as the blast could had shattered some gas pipes or ignited some burning materials but it also reduced the guards by one more person. The uy must had been waiting for me to come in.
I took the other kitchen exit to come out at the same corridor I was in. Just in front on my right was the staircase to the next level which I can hear Marius doing his share of works.
I am down the same corridor I was in earlier but this time I am focussing on the left rooms now. I kicked the nearest one open and saw it was the servants room. Its empty so I moved on. But some bullets hit near me at the wood panelling.
I jumped in the room and stood by the doorway. Whoever it was that shoot me was now covering the corridor.

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