Thursday, November 24, 2011

Male Tales 1.094

Issue 1.094: Men above 40’s...
Many has been said about men above 40’s ..... and they are depressing jokes.
Why is that so?
Is ‘40’ a magical number to state the decline of the man or is it his half way mark of his mortality and what been up will naturally go down. Dinna think so; ask my friend who takes the blue pill, he is ‘upper’ most time.
But he is not married so he is okay to enjoy that innovation. We have to get consent at our age.
So what is with the number 40? Take some samples of the views below;
·         The mug says Happy 40th Birthday, and it showed a car speeding downhill. Honestly at age of 40, I won;t speed down a sloping hill.  The mug creator should read what Edward Young ( poet and writer 1683-1765 ) quoted; “Be wise with speed; a fool at forty is a fool indeed.” It must be the horses then. If he seen the Ferrari today, he will requote his words to a ‘dead fool indeed’.

Care for me to repeat that last line .... you want me to..... okay. Must be true of the age old hearing issue.

·         The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune. ( English Proverbs ). I told that to my wife married to me for over 20 years, and her reply was a swat on the head with ‘live your age, old man’. I thanked thee for ye guidance on it.
But I guess Cora Harvey Armstrong sums it up well as quoted by her; ‘Inside every older person is a younger person - wondering what the hell happened’.
Trust me many of us reached this age without realizing it.
My daughter sums it well in her own view; ‘I still have two or three years more of education freedom, and then after it, its a lifelong slavery of works and responsibility, so spare me a moment to let me live as a kid for now’.
Yes, darling. Daddy hear ye. So rest now and when you are ready by the stroke of midnight on that year, we will sent you off the door with your luggage.
Truly, when I was her age, I wanted to be an adult so I can get a job and earn money, plus get into the theater which says ‘above 21 age only’. For the later, you only need is a broadband nowadays.
Okay, back to the age 40. So is it a magical number for all of men.
Pardon me, mate; the ladies do not age beyond the age of 35. They stay resilient at that age for the rest of their live. As one lady puts it, the wrinkles are an after effect of too many smiles. And not of skin muscles tension issue.
Honestly, I dunno as I live daily with my life with no regard to my age numbers. And I am above, though at times I feel like one above 40, but my mind is still below 25 at most hours.
So I writing this to tell an old friend who just turned 40, you are not old or downhill. You just hit another notched in the age number and be thankful you are alive. Some of our peer never hit that number before they went off.
So dinna worry about the numbers, just count your coming days of fun and joy as more things come unravel before your eyes.
Some tips for the older age group.
·         Worried about losing your job, create one new for yourself.
·         Why worried about kids, when its your kids who are doing the worries now.
·         She is leaving you. Put on your hat and buy her the flowers you forgotten for the last years. She will reconsider.
·         She is not leaving you. Be thankful there is a warm supper instead of a cold TV dinner.
·         Still missed Monica; give her a call. But bear her mind, when she asked what is a four letter word, and starts with a relationship; she meant ‘crosswords’ and not ’crossed limbs’.
·         With 40 years of history, you will never run short of topics to talk about, even though its repeated more than once.
So 40 and above is still okay.
As one lady set it right for me; it still there, but its may be falling more to the sideways if unsupported.
She was referring to the Pisa Tower.

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