Saturday, November 19, 2011

Elite Part 15

1646 hrs
I shot through the glass door with my MP5A3 and caught the solider in the chest. It was also then when Melanie shot the other one hidden from my sight as he was near the wall next to the glass door. All this time, Alicia was screaming and crying out in tears. Her mother immediately dropped her Uzi and grabbed hold of her daughter.
We did not prepared for this and our carelessness almost cost us our lives.
There was no time to waste as we had to leave now. we ran for the staircase and saw the crowd of people leaving on the lower levels.
Then I remembered the fire escape system here. For the levels above the eight floor, there are vertical escape fire chutes; which is like a reinforced cloth with springs inside for the users to jump in and go down by applying pressure on the sides of the chute, There are four installed on each level for moments like these.
I told the rest to follow me up to the next level, and we came onto the room which the chutes are installed next to the windows. I opened up the lid of the chute cover and pulled out the chute. I pushed it over the window ledge and released the chute. I did the same for the four units.
‘Think of it like riding a water chute in the water parks. You will be okay when you reach the bottom. Go now.’
Marius was first and followed by Alicia, who went down screaming. Melanie followed suit and I threw the guns and bag down first and followed in the last chute. It was a zippy downwards feeling and soon I find myself on the ground floor. Marius has picked up my guns and bag. We are on the side of the building with one nasty truck parked inside the ground level.
And there was bullets ricocheting all around us.
We ran for  the SUV parked to the right side of the building.
And it was raining heavily now with strong winds like those tropical storms.

1710 hrs.
We could not wait anymore for Jones and Jensen so I told the driver to make it back to the City Commuter. I saw four armed persons with a kid running into a SUV and I prayed hard those are part of the hostages.
‘Sargeant Mick, thank you. Now we got a train to catch.’
‘Aye, sir. Drive us back, you poor excuse for a nephew of mine.’
Ian did it with gusto and won the approval of his uncle. So the platoon was back to its half strength or near half strength.
So was train and we left the place with the men, including me, Lieutenant Hansen.
‘Blow the explosives, Corporal Martin’
Twenty five Krigs died in the lift lobby that day while another fifteen was injured. They rushed in after the truck left, but someone sent all the lifts to the third level. So they had to press the switch to bring back the lifts. When the lifts reached the ground level, its door opened and so was the bombs set there in the lifts. It detonated on the signal from the Coporal.
One Prized member said it well that day; ‘Krigs brothers lived and died as one. Hail them them fellas to take the lift to heaven together.’
Poetic justice, I guess.

1720 hrs.
‘Tell Platoon B to hold position. We been offered overtime for it. Platoon A to regroup at Dock Yard. We shall continue to assist the Governor here. So tell me Governor where is the file?’
And where is Lieutenant Ziva and his reports.
And damned weather is getting bad.
I know of the typhoon in the area but it was supposed to blow at the capital and not here. That was why we staged ‘wildcat’ today; the navy will be grounded from sailing to aid the people here. But it looks like we are the ones being hit by the typhoon and we are cut off from the others.

1753 hrs
No one could had foreseen the weather to turn so bad, with waves rising above the normal levels.
Fishing trawlers are now all chained up in clusters or together to avoid then being swept inlands or out to sea. Homes on the beachfronts are bring boarded up and even Jake’s is closed for dinner.
Jake is however dining on his lobster thermidor with some white wine, while watching the sea waves through his boarded window. He declined reading to his son the story of the ‘Sea Serpent and the Sailor’ and got the wrath of his wife over it.
Sure is a bad day for Jake.
But the bad day has yet to call it over, as more street fights are happening. None as bad as what was to seen at the main city streets; bodies lying in blood and spent bullets casing but no policemen was seen at any scene.

1759 hrs
Three souls with one passion; to live peacefully now has the tool to fight back, but who are they fighting and when will it ends remain uncertain.

Day One
Early Evening
1801 hrs
No one could had foreseen the weather to turn so bad, with waves rising above the normal levels. If someone was listenting the weather news, they will know typhoon Jimmie is about 20 miles off the island shores, and is blowing mad like a woman scorned.
Fishing trawlers are now all chained up in clusters or together to avoid then being swept inlands or out to sea. Homes on the beachfronts are bring boarded up and even Jake’s is closed for dinner. Jake is however dining on his lobster thermidor with some white wine, while watching the sea waves through his boarded window. He declined reading to his son the story of the ‘Sea Serpent and the Sailor’ and got the wrath of his wife over it.
Sure is a bad day for Jake.
But the bad day has yet to call it over, as more street fights are happening. None as bad as what was to seen at the main city streets; bodies lying in blood and spent bullets casing but no policemen was seen at any scene.
What was worse if that the contract is out on Melanie Silvie Meli; Governor’s aide for five hundred thousand dollars dead or alive. And if a file can be found on named ‘Wildcat’, there is a bonus of five hundred thousand dollars. The contract was issued at 1800 hrs  to all who can bring it in; gangs or individuals.
For some reason, most of the gang’s members stopped their fight and now concentrate on the contract issued. Its money they want and killing one person is easier than twenty five in a group.
Even though the Island Central Bank Branch at the Beach Road was serverly damaged its glass partitions outside, no one is seen climbing into the bank to help themselves on the money that could be in the drawers or cupboards. Its alarm does not ring as the circuits are shorted by the rain water.
At the Main Electric Connection Exchange, Engineer Degrado is holding the main switch to cut off the mains so that the city does not get electrocuted by it. Its an executvie decison, but none can be contacted. He could lose his job and licence, but he could saved lives. He thought himself; this jobs sucks, the pay sucks and the bosses are worse.
He pulled the switch at 1830 hrs  

1803 hrs.
‘Leak it out to the members, that Melanie Silvie Meli is the sister of Lieutenant Marius Meli. They will know how to trace him down. Thanks, Jones. ‘

1804 hrs
I stopped the car at Marcel’s garage and saw the burnt structure and the damaged cars. I walked up to my car and looked at the back seat. Its still there, the courier box. I picked it up and bring it to the SUV.
‘Your girlfriends’ present or your farewell gift?’
‘Nope, its a factory reject and I want to test it more.’
‘Can I open it, Uncle Marius?’ I looked at the little girl and shook my head. Melanie was nice to say something nice to her as she showed me her tongue in cheek at me.
But we cannot agreed to our next action.
Melanie wants to find the Governor now to give him the files so that he will stop the killing and the fighting. Marcel wants to know who is playing up the street grangs. And I want to end the fighting on the street.
So we all agreed to the fighting issue but who do we see to clear the mess. We somehow suspect the thing is from the Governor or General Mahua. The former may be in the Governor’s Office and that is currently under siege.
We do not know about the condition of General Mahua. But he is the supremo in the gangs arena and to shut the gang war down is to shut down the supremo.

1806 hrs.
‘Lieutenant Ziva, we got a problem in front’.
I looked through the hard hitting rains on my truck window at the two cars which blocked the street ahead of us. They just overtook us earlier and now are parked in a diagonal manner to block our approach. I looked at the side mirror and noticed the rear is also blocked by another car.
There are ten of these yoths in front of us,armed with AK47’s and at the rear are six of them also armed. Some of them are wearing parka’s but the balance is just bared bodies with over sizes trousers leggings.
The lieutenant tapped the rear glass panel to speak to the Coporal ‘Charlie’ Chen at the back.
Squad Nine with five men was in the rear of the truck under the canopy and they have also borrowed a M240 from the ‘Heavies’. Its setup with a 500 rounds of ammo belt.on it for the kind of firepower Sargeant Mick would loved to have. But here in the truck, Private Golan is holding onto the trigger. The corporal instruct two of his squad to take each side of the truck and the remaining one to raise the flap of the canopy covering the back of the truck.
Then the Corpoal and the man who raised the flap took their position behind the M240. They both armed their M203 grenade launcher.
Meanwhile the Lieutenant had his M16A1 ready with the M203 also armed. The driver was removing his M1911 to place it between his laps.
‘Drive, soldier to the rear. Ram it.’
On the same cue, the two soldiers at the rear fired their M203 at the armed youths, while the while Private Golan’s M240 spews out its deadly rounds of 7.62mm bullets at about 800 rounds per minute. The twelve youths were cut down before even the grenades hit their cars. The grenade blast took care of any more opposition and the army truck came reversing into the parked car pushing it off the road to the side.
Meanwhile the Lieutenant fired off his M203 and followup by the M16A1. The ones in the front ran for cover when they saw the grenade launched by the Lieutenant dropped in front of them. Three of them were dead from the grenade blast before they can jumped and four more was wounded with the fragments.
But at that time, the army truck was away round the corner.
‘Corporal, move the M240 to the truck top. I want extra fire power now. And driver, take me to the Central Police  Station. I got a assault and battery report to file. I wished this rain will just stop.’

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