Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tony and Cleop Act Two Scene One Sub-Scene One

 Act Two

Scene One

Sub-Scene One



As the offspring of a hitman, Pompey Jr was into guns at an early age. He had lost his mother when he was three and has been raised by his father, Genous Pompey since. He used to clean the guns that his father carried. He fired his first shot at nine.

“Roaches, Dad.” Pompey Jr told his dad.

“Shot them well. Do not waste bullets.” Pompey Jr was told.

Soon, Pompey Jr joined the army and was given the task of running. He rose to prominence serving the general and resigned with the rank of sergeant. He returned to take part in the family business, earning him the nickname ‘Pompous Jr’ and later the hitman in the civil war between families. He was not a consul then, but he followed his father to the Senate. He served as a commander in the Sector War, the Third Wave, and various other military campaigns. Pompey Genous’ early success earned him the nickname “Pompous the Great." His son, Junior was with him then and his adversaries gave him the nickname ‘adulescentulus’ carnifex ("teenage butcher") for his ruthlessness.

Later, Pompey joined Crassus and Caesar in an alliance known as the First Triumvirate, cemented by Pompey's marriage to Caesar's daughter, Julia. After the deaths of Julia and Crassus, Pompey switched to the other political faction known as the Optimates, or conservative elders. Caesar and him led the New Civil War, but Pompey was defeated, and he sought refuge in the sea ports, where he reigns till his betrayal and was killed by Mark Antony.

“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me; (Jeremiah 29:13).” Pompey Jr was seated on the chair behind his desk. The desk was cluttered with papers and reports that he had yet to read. “If God says that, he will assist the actions of the most honest men. But we are not at all honest.”

Pompey Jr told his companion where they sat after lunch. It was a simple meal: grilled fresh fish and some chips with the white wine.

“You may be wrong on the honest part, worthy Pompey.” As Junior was then to inherit his father’s name. “That just because God is slow to do something does not mean he would not do it. In all honesty, I will say,” Menas, the lieutenant in the Roman’s gang, smiled. He is a loyal soldier, but his beliefs took precedent. That was not so with Pompey.

“While we spend time praying to Him like honest men for help, the thing we could pray for then loses its value.” Pompey Jr was sceptical.

“We do not know ourselves well enough; most of us do not. Well, most of us do pray for something more, so when we need God, it may be withheld for our own good. So, we are often better off when our prayers are not answered.” Menas smiled. Many times, he had put to rest the ones who pleaded for God to intervene. He told them they were too late to repent.

“Not for me. I will do well. The boys love me as they did with my father, and I have regained control of the ports. My might is increasing, and all my knowledge tells me that it will reach its full bloom soon. Is there a full bloom at all? I guess to me, it will always be blooming.” Pompey was always proud of his achievements.

“The Consul himself was still enjoying himself in Egypt, and he would not fight any battles except inside the Queen’s chamber. There is also the saying that Caesar loses the people's loyalty by taxing them to raise money. Lepidus flatters them both and is flattened by both, but he does not love either of them, and neither of them cares for him. He is there for his own protection.” Pompey summed up his opponents.

“I need to caution you there. Julius Caesar once has Mark Antony, and Lepidus on the battlefield. They massed the boys well. It is a powerful army.”  Menas had taken the liberty of the cigar there on the side table and seated himself by the fireplace. “They still do.”

“False! Where did you hear that? From some whores?”

“From Silvius, Boss.” Menas replied. “He is better than any whore. He is the pimp.”

“That pimp, as you called him, dreams it all. I know of Lepidus; he is looking for Mark Antony. But I hope lustful Cleop the vixen keeps that other there in Egypt.” Pompey laughed. “I met the lady once. She is not young anymore, but she could put any virgin to shame with her body, her charm, and... I wish Julius had told me how she was in bed. I was told that she may have used witchcraft besides her beauty, and may both arouse Antony's lust.”

“She could keep him occupied with feast after feast, keeping him from thinking clearly. I would if I were him.” Pompey laughed louder. “May decadent cooks increase his appetite with pleasing sauces so that sleeping and eating will make him forgetful, until he forgets his duties completely. Let Rome burn without him.”

Pompey’s laughter was interrupted by the arrival of another of his loyal aides.

“What is going on, Varrius?”

“Mark Antony is expected to arrive in Rome any minute now. Enough time has passed since he left Egypt that he could have travelled an even greater distance.” Varrius reported.

“I had wanted to hear better news, but it was not so. Menas, I did not think that lover boy would put on his helmet to join in such a minor war. He is a better soldier than the other two; he kills better and harder. Now we will have to increase our caution with what we have done with the return of Mark Antony. I had lewd thoughts that he would never be tired of the Queen, but I am wrong.” 

“I do not think that Lepidus and Antony will greet each other with appreciation. Fulvia, Mark Antony’s wife... Or rather, the late wife opposed the New Triumvirate, and Lucius, the brother, declared war on them as he did with Caesar before. They wage the war alone without Mark Antony, but they are still family. Lucius was pardoned by Caesar and sent overseas. He had since returned.”

“I would not know, Menas, whether our threat will outweigh their menial disagreements. Families have always conflicted over the years, and then it will all be calm with the bosses stepping in. Our rivalry might not be overlooked, for it is a big one... a mutiny, if I may say.”

“A hurtful selection of words...” Menas smiled.

“An egg is still an egg, although the ostrich may lay them bigger.” Pompey Jr laughed. “If it were not for us that we are opposing all of them, it is most unlikely that they would fight amongst themselves since they have enough reasons to draw their guns, but it is possible their fear of our forces will heal the breach between them and end their small disagreements. Let it be for God to decide.”

“If only God would listen to the honest ones.” Menas stood up. “I am to go to pray now, but if I may suggest, shall we meet with Mark Antony.”

“Getting into the arena with them? A threesome against whom? Lions and Bears?” Pompey was questioning.

“A bed, Boss. It may be satisfying to all.” Menas said.

“No, I will prefer Mark Antony to myself. One cannot be choosy at times.” Pompey sighed. “Get boys ready for battle.”




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